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How to manage wardrobe?

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8 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I use all the default folders

My Mesh bodies and mesh heads and Skins and eyes and addons and so on go in the Body parts sectuion each body having their own directory for their things..

For clothes and accessories I use the Clothing folder..

   I do it the same way, but a little differently. I also only use Maitreya on my alts (Orwar's wardrobe is too tiny to bother about, and out of that tiny wardrobe only a handful of things come rigged for Geralt, so, meh), so I haven't had to make a separate wardrobe for any others.

   For clothing I've got a 6 top folders; tops, bottoms, dresses & suits, accessories, footwear, underwear & swimwear. Then each folder is further just divided into however many sections I need, for bottoms for example I've got trousers, shorts, and skirts, whilst in dresses & suits I've got dresses (which is further divided into long and short), suits, and overalls and dungarees. Footwear divides into flats, heels, boots, socks, and sandals. It also has an accessories folder which only has a set of riding spurs in it.  

   I also keep my BOM apparel in their own folders, in tops for example I've got a separate one for my T-shirts and tanks to wear under other things.

   Every folder is sorted by BRAND - PRODUCT - COLOUR so that it looks nice and uniform. 

   Whilst I did buy CTS for both my alts I never bothered setting them up as it's always been interjected by 'well, I'll set that up once I've finished sorting all the stuff I have'. But then I buy more stuff before anything gets sorted, then I sort a little bit and buy more, soooo. But I have thought of just doing a local folder with reference pictures to browse in lieu of CTS, it also feels as if it'd be easier to manage when I want to add or remove stuff from my wardrobes. 

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There are somethings to keep in mind. The big one is to limit how many items you have in any single folder. Depending on how good your computer and Internet connection to the SL servers are (which is different then your overall Internet connection), you can have problems when folders have >=5,000 items. So, stay below that limit. As the Internet improves that limit will be less restrictive... if you consider 5,000 items restrictive... You could have 4,000 folders in a single SHOES folder in clothes, each with 4,000 pairs of shoes or 16,000,000 pairs of shoes... which some of us might consider restrictive...

Most people pick up on the idea of keeping things together, pants, dresses, SHOES, makeup, and so on. I put all that stuff in their respective folders in the System Folder Clothes. I also put boxes in the system OBJECTS folder. When I open then and file the contents of the box I put the item in folders named ~~Opened Boxes 2023 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The ~~ forces the folder to sort to the bottom of the list of folders. Incoming boxes sort to the top of the list of items when sorted on age. So the items and folders are close together saving on scrolling.

After a few years in SL I started to run into problems figuring out which shoes went with which body and what was old and didn't take into account what used which new SL features. Like which was material enabled and what wasn't. Was it mesh, sculpty, or prim or system..

Now I categorize by date as well. So, Clothes->Shoes _/| ->2023->[Slink O or Slink H or whatever body they fit - and some meaningful to me description]. I do the same with dresses. tops, pants, etc.

I make Outfits and name them to sort together. So... !Dress Micro - 2023-01 ROJE* - Tan White 85k I find that is enough to get me close when looking for a specific type of outfit. The ! at the beginning forces things to sort out ahead of Library stuff. I use !!Nude... for my starting outfits. The !! forces these to sort to the top of the list. This naming also allows me to search on !Dress Micro, collapse all the folders and see just my micro dresses for those days when I want to wear my legs.

Learning to use the sort order of the alphanumeric characters gives you lots of added control for organizing and helps with searches. The ! ~ { } * are handy for controlling the sort.

Then there are the things you wear that are less a part of your look and more for how you play in SL. So, your Amazon River gear for RP there or your Nanite gear for that RP. These can go into Outfits that you Add or Remove from other Outfits providing mix and match capability I've not seen in the wardrobe systems. I name those !!}!Add/Remove [whatever] and either select Add to Current or Remove from current. These are tricky to make but once you get the idea they are easy to make and save A LOT OF EFFORT.

I prefer using the Inventory and Outfits panels because I find it free, less work, I can mess it up and easily correct (change a folder name or move to a new folder), the SL system is designed to be used this way... and I have found that I change over time and decide there are better ways then what I started with. I suspect you will to. Starting off with a rigid system while you are SL young and inexperienced will lead to later pain.

And remember. SL is an inventory game.

Take your time. Have fun, avoid making it work.

*Redux Original w/Jen head w/eyes

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

That's scary organized.  I've actually given up.completely and am way less stressed

As long as I unpack and put away after I'm done shopping, it's not stressful.. It's when I let it go..

I just make sure not to let it go anymore.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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50 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   I do it the same way, but a little differently. I also only use Maitreya on my alts (Orwar's wardrobe is too tiny to bother about, and out of that tiny wardrobe only a handful of things come rigged for Geralt, so, meh), so I haven't had to make a separate wardrobe for any others.

   For clothing I've got a 6 top folders; tops, bottoms, dresses & suits, accessories, footwear, underwear & swimwear. Then each folder is further just divided into however many sections I need, for bottoms for example I've got trousers, shorts, and skirts, whilst in dresses & suits I've got dresses (which is further divided into long and short), suits, and overalls and dungarees. Footwear divides into flats, heels, boots, socks, and sandals. It also has an accessories folder which only has a set of riding spurs in it.  

   I also keep my BOM apparel in their own folders, in tops for example I've got a separate one for my T-shirts and tanks to wear under other things.

   Every folder is sorted by BRAND - PRODUCT - COLOUR so that it looks nice and uniform. 

   Whilst I did buy CTS for both my alts I never bothered setting them up as it's always been interjected by 'well, I'll set that up once I've finished sorting all the stuff I have'. But then I buy more stuff before anything gets sorted, then I sort a little bit and buy more, soooo. But I have thought of just doing a local folder with reference pictures to browse in lieu of CTS, it also feels as if it'd be easier to manage when I want to add or remove stuff from my wardrobes. 

I bought some RLV wardrobe years ago. I don't know if it was CTS or a different one..  It was about the same for me, never getting around to using it..

Now it would be a lot to set all my things up for something like that.. I can zip right to what I want now.. I know where everything is and can get there in a few clicks and have an outfit put together..

My outfit folders are more for  times when I need to run out the door to get something mostly or for everyday things.. I'll put the changing huds in those  so I don't have to be stuck with the same color or have to go hunt them down in folder..

It was a real pain getting it where I want it, but I'm glad I did it.. hehehehe

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38 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

My outfit folders are more for  times when I need to run out the door to get something mostly or for everyday things.. I'll put the changing huds in those  so I don't have to be stuck with the same color or have to go hunt them down in folder..

   Yeah, I've got my base avi set up with an outfit as a quick way to clear all stuff off, then a few outfits that I'll wear often and a few ones just put together for specific things, like my mermaid getup and such. I'd go crazy by the high increase in inventory elements with all the links needed to make multiple ready-to-go outfits so I stick to just the basics - and because I know my wardrobe well enough it's not difficult getting dressed when I know where everything is at, hehe.

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59 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

As long as I unpack and put away after I'm done shopping, it's not stressful.. It's when I let it go..

I just make sure not to let it go anymore.. hehehe

This really is the key for me, too. As soon as you unpack it, file it. My top level inventory is really sparse. Even demos go to a Demo directory with subdirs for whatever thing I'm working on, or whatever event I'm grabbing them from.

What's really killing me right now is cosmetics. I don't even buy that much but I have a ton of stuff I've picked up as gifts. Eye makeup and lips would be an easy distinction, except often times you get them together, and then sometimes they're appliers and sometimes they're BoM, and sometimes they include both which is great (seriously, thank you!) but I think I'm going to have to basically make a link farm to keep track of them all. So it all goes into Cosmetics for now, ugh what a mess.

Hair is also difficult. How do I subcategorize this? Updoes, long, short? Lots of gray areas with that. Again, I don't even buy that much but I have a hard time passing up gifts. Another wrinkle with this is that I need to copy the ones I use to my #RLV/.Core (nostrip) folder because no you are not taking that off me, and since they're not mod you can't change the name. So I have multiple copies of the same hair in that folder, since I prefer to delete scripts on them after I get the color/style I want with the HUD and I always want a crazy color and a natural brown.

But yeah, Ceka is absolutely right, the key is organizing it as soon as you unpack. Inventory chaos is always lurking in the shadows, watching.

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For me it is just getting increasingly about needing a picture of my different Inventory items as I have too much to remember it all or what each looks like. It has become increasingly frustrating having to wade through and rezz multiple hairs trying to find the one I want regardless of how well I have it ordered. After purchasing Caspers redelivery hud and seeing  how many clothes I have I don't even remember buying and realizing that it was only a portion of what I actually have, I realized I needed to do something to get my Inventory into some sort of pictorial form and since the Lab will never do it, CTS it is.

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4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

For me it is just getting increasingly about needing a picture of my different Inventory items as I have too much to remember it all or what each looks like.

This is 100% true and I wish I had the patience to sit and take a pictures of everything but I just don't. When FAGA gave all their group gift hair packs to subscribers, I was absolutely thrilled to find that most of them included an image of the ad for that hair, so I could just open that and see what it was without putting it on.

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1 hour ago, Ezbeharra said:

This really is the key for me, too. As soon as you unpack it, file it. My top level inventory is really sparse. Even demos go to a Demo directory with subdirs for whatever thing I'm working on, or whatever event I'm grabbing them from.

What's really killing me right now is cosmetics. I don't even buy that much but I have a ton of stuff I've picked up as gifts. Eye makeup and lips would be an easy distinction, except often times you get them together, and then sometimes they're appliers and sometimes they're BoM, and sometimes they include both which is great (seriously, thank you!) but I think I'm going to have to basically make a link farm to keep track of them all. So it all goes into Cosmetics for now, ugh what a mess.

Hair is also difficult. How do I subcategorize this? Updoes, long, short? Lots of gray areas with that. Again, I don't even buy that much but I have a hard time passing up gifts. Another wrinkle with this is that I need to copy the ones I use to my #RLV/.Core (nostrip) folder because no you are not taking that off me, and since they're not mod you can't change the name. So I have multiple copies of the same hair in that folder, since I prefer to delete scripts on them after I get the color/style I want with the HUD and I always want a crazy color and a natural brown.

But yeah, Ceka is absolutely right, the key is organizing it as soon as you unpack. Inventory chaos is always lurking in the shadows, watching.

Since the main default directories don't have an accessory folder I created one in the clothing folder.. In the accessories directory I'll have directories for hiar and makeup and jewelry and tattoo's and  so on..

For hair, I put everything by brand in the brand i'll do the styles.. That's about as far as I really need to go with it for those..

Makeup, I really don't worry about separating the bom from the appliers because I'm using my body hud so much all the time that it just makes more sense for me to keep it out.. plus I have it setup with a button in a hud to rez if I ever take it off anyways.. So clearing appliers is  not a problem for me..

Combo packs, it's rare that I get those because I liked both the lipstick and the eye shadow.. 9 times out of 10 I got the combo because of the lipstick..

so what usually ends up happening with those is, I have a lipstick folder in my makeup directory and an eye shadow-liner-lashes folder.. If the lipstick is the reason I got that combo pack, then it goes in the lip stick folder, if it was the eye shadow, then it goes in the eye shadow-lashed-liner folder..

The way I look at it is, all I have to do is get into the general vicinity of what I'm looking for and before I'm there I already know where it is.. Really now that  I'm organized, I know where it is before I even start clicking..

Really the main reason I wanted to get my inventory sorted wasn't really because I couldn't find something, but  mainly because there was so much stuff over the years that I had forgotten that I had, because it was buried under so much stuff..

It was more to clean house and know just what I have..  I didn't want to go too deep with sub directories, because that can become a mess itself.. I just needed a path to remember something, then it kind of gets locked in to where  it becomes second nature pretty quick on where things are.



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8 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Combo packs, it's rare that I get those because I liked both the lipstick and the eye shadow.. 9 times out of 10 I got the combo because of the lipstick..

This is true, I mean come on creators, most of the eye shadow/liner is freaking nutso. I want a little bit, maybe.

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17 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

There are somethings to keep in mind. The big one is to limit how many items you have in any single folder. Depending on how good your computer and Internet connection to the SL servers are (which is different then your overall Internet connection), you can have problems when folders have >=5,000 items. So, stay below that limit. As the Internet improves that limit will be less restrictive... if you consider 5,000 items restrictive... You could have 4,000 folders in a single SHOES folder in clothes, each with 4,000 pairs of shoes or 16,000,000 pairs of shoes... which some of us might consider restrictive...

Most people pick up on the idea of keeping things together, pants, dresses, SHOES, makeup, and so on. I put all that stuff in their respective folders in the System Folder Clothes. I also put boxes in the system OBJECTS folder. When I open then and file the contents of the box I put the item in folders named ~~Opened Boxes 2023 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The ~~ forces the folder to sort to the bottom of the list of folders. Incoming boxes sort to the top of the list of items when sorted on age. So the items and folders are close together saving on scrolling.

After a few years in SL I started to run into problems figuring out which shoes went with which body and what was old and didn't take into account what used which new SL features. Like which was material enabled and what wasn't. Was it mesh, sculpty, or prim or system..

Now I categorize by date as well. So, Clothes->Shoes _/| ->2023->[Slink O or Slink H or whatever body they fit - and some meaningful to me description]. I do the same with dresses. tops, pants, etc.

I make Outfits and name them to sort together. So... !Dress Micro - 2023-01 ROJE* - Tan White 85k I find that is enough to get me close when looking for a specific type of outfit. The ! at the beginning forces things to sort out ahead of Library stuff. I use !!Nude... for my starting outfits. The !! forces these to sort to the top of the list. This naming also allows me to search on !Dress Micro, collapse all the folders and see just my micro dresses for those days when I want to wear my legs.

Learning to use the sort order of the alphanumeric characters gives you lots of added control for organizing and helps with searches. The ! ~ { } * are handy for controlling the sort.

Then there are the things you wear that are less a part of your look and more for how you play in SL. So, your Amazon River gear for RP there or your Nanite gear for that RP. These can go into Outfits that you Add or Remove from other Outfits providing mix and match capability I've not seen in the wardrobe systems. I name those !!}!Add/Remove [whatever] and either select Add to Current or Remove from current. These are tricky to make but once you get the idea they are easy to make and save A LOT OF EFFORT.

I prefer using the Inventory and Outfits panels because I find it free, less work, I can mess it up and easily correct (change a folder name or move to a new folder), the SL system is designed to be used this way... and I have found that I change over time and decide there are better ways then what I started with. I suspect you will to. Starting off with a rigid system while you are SL young and inexperienced will lead to later pain.

And remember. SL is an inventory game.

Take your time. Have fun, avoid making it work.

*Redux Original w/Jen head w/eyes

I love the idea of the objects folder.. I have no idea why it never occurred to me to use that for  my boxes.. I just had a directory below all my other things called boxes, which are pretty much just put in under brands.. I can just transfer that directory right into there I guess..

I'm curious about the 5,000 items in a folder.. Now does that count under the default directory folders also, or is it if we make a directory of it's own and  have 5,000 or more in it.. because I have everything under the default system folders..

I also heard that having more sub directories in there helps out..

Do they mean 5,000 in a single folder or is that counting the sub directories  that are under one folder?

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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2 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I love the idea of the objects folder.. I have no idea why it never occurred to me to use that for  my boxes.. I just had a directory below all my other things called boxes, which are pretty much just put in under brands.. I can just transfer that directory right into there I guess..

I'm curious about the 5,000 items in a folder.. Now does that count under the default directory folders also, or is it if we make a directory of it's own and  have 5,000 or more in it.. because I have everything under the default system folders..

The problem is a "TIME-OUT" issue. Any folder can time out. From the root to the most deeply buried subfolder. But it is a per folder, any folder, time thing. It seems the code iterates through each folder taking each folder as a separate download. It has been a long time since I looked at the actual code. As I recall I think it was a recursive process. If any one of them fails, times out, then the whole inventory load fails and subsequently the login.

The root folders are Inventory & Library. I have 53 items in the Inventory folder.


However, Firestorm shows it as 66k and  8k in the root... in all other folders the 8k number is the number of folders within the folder. So apparently the root is a special folder. The 66k number for all other folders is the number of items within the folder and sub-folders. So it is difficult to figure out how many "items" one has in a folder as the downloader sees it.

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8 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

The problem is a "TIME-OUT" issue. Any folder can time out. From the root to the most deeply buried subfolder. But it is a per folder, any folder, time thing. It seems the code iterates through each folder taking each folder as a separate download. It has been a long time since I looked at the actual code. As I recall I think it was a recursive process. If any one of them fails, times out, then the whole inventory load fails and subsequently the login.

The root folders are Inventory & Library. I have 53 items in the Inventory folder.


However, Firestorm shows it as 66k and  8k in the root... in all other folders the 8k number is the number of folders within the folder. So apparently the root is a special folder. The 66k number for all other folders is the number of items within the folder and sub-folders. So it is difficult to figure out how many "items" one has in a folder as the downloader sees it.

ok so my clothing folder which is my root folder, is the one with the most directories and sub directories.

Mine is showing  19,296/2780 

So that's 19,292 items in 2780 folders..  So each folder is seen as it's own folder?  So the more  folders with less things in them, the less chance of the system having a hard time to download that folder and time out? So the sooner it gets to the next one the better?

in other words if I have a bunch of folders that have like 200 items in each one and  then stick folder with like 5500 items in it, the 5500 item filled folder has a much better chance of timing out..

So if everything was just in one folder that would be considered flat and really good chance of timing out..

I think I'm understanding it..

Now I'm remembering why I decided to start to get my inventory sorted in the early spring.. it was because of LL saying something about the flat inventories..

I was just hoping I was doing it right.. I just remember something about making sure you have sub directories, so I sub directoried the hell out of this beast.. hehehehe


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14 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

ok so my clothing folder which is my root folder, is the one with the most directories and sub directories.

Mine is showing  19,296/2780 

So that's 19,292 items in 2780 folders..  So each folder is seen as it's own folder?  Yes So the more  folders with less things in them, the less chance of the system having a hard time to download that folder and time out? So the sooner it gets to the next one the better? Yes

in other words if I have a bunch of folders that have like 200 items in each one and  then stick folder with like 5500 items in it, the 5500 item filled folder has a much better chance of timing out.. Yes

So if everything was just in one folder that would be considered flat and really good chance of timing out..

I think I'm understanding it..

Now I'm remembering why I decided to start to get my inventory sorted in the early spring.. it was because of LL saying something about the flat inventories..

I was just hoping I was doing it right.. I just remember something about making sure you have sub directories, so I sub directoried the hell out of this beast.. hehehehe


I think you pretty much have it.

I was referring to the 'root folder' as being top folder in the inventory panel. Everything of ours is in that folder. I thin your root is more your main folder... but however you refer to it, I think you have the overall idea right.

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There is a lot of good information in this thread. I, like many others, organize my clothes into folders and subfolders within the system Clothing folder. I think that whatever classification system makes sense to the user is fine.

My problem is that I have always been behind, and I shop faster than I sort. During the early part of my SL, I grabbed every freebie I could, and I was afraid to delete anything, so my inventory became a mess, and I have struggled with it ever since. That said, when I unpack a new purchase, I delete any items for bodies other than the one I use, make one or more outfits, move the unpacked folder to an appropriate subfolder in Clothing, and move the box to a folder where I keep all of my boxes as backups. If I ever caught up, things would be fine, I think.

I have owned CTS Wardrobe for years, but have never convinced myself that I could use it to manage my clothing without devoting a huge amount of time and energy to the project.

I am a heavy user of outfits, and I normally get dressed by picking one of them. I have over 700. I have a set of abbreviations that I use in their names that cause them to sort in a logical order to help me find one that suits an occasion. For example, I might have one named "(=Drs-F-Lace-Red-Slit." Over time, I have evolved abbreviations to use in these names because their length is limited by the system. In this example, "(=" begins all outfit names except for a few special ones such as nudes, ones that are meant only to be used as additions to other outfits, etc. "Drs" means dress; "F" means formal; the rest of the name is descriptive.

One thing that I have not seen mentioned here is the Outfit Gallery that Firestorm and perhaps other viewers have. It lets me browse pictures of outfits. I find it useful, and it requires no setup and does not depend on an external server. The main disadvantage is that the pictures of the outfits are limited to 256x256, which isn't enough resolution to see a lot of detail. I am hoping that in the future the size limit for the textures will increase. The cost of uploading the texture might also be an issue for some.

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On 1/26/2023 at 1:32 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

THROW away what you don't use.

 Speaking of which... I've recently switched mesh bodies and if there was any way to mass delete after searching & highlighting clothes by *name of previous mesh body* which does not involved CNTRL clicking on hundreds of objects one at a time in my inventory- well that would make my near future less tedious. Ideas?

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11 hours ago, KatHeartsong Kaos said:

if there was any way to mass delete after searching & highlighting clothes by *name of previous mesh body* which does not involved CNTRL clicking

Once you have entered that keyword(s) and hit Search, your inventory window should show only those items that you want to delete. Click to highlight the first one; scroll to the bottom of the window, hold SHIFT and click the last one. Now they are all selected and can be deleted by a single click.

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24 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Once you have entered that keyword(s) and hit Search, your inventory window should show only those items that you want to delete. Click to highlight the first one; scroll to the bottom of the window, hold SHIFT and click the last one. Now they are all selected and can be deleted by a single click.

I did try that first, with only objects & created by others selected: unfortunately, at least in Firestorm that produces a weird behavior wherein the last folder with Maitreya items has the Maitreya objects highlighted... and then a couple of folders above that are highlighted, but not the objects in them...and nothing else above that is highlighted at all.

  I think I'll go d/l the Second Life Viewer or Catznip & see if they have similar behavior.


  Yep same behavior in SL Viewer:



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On 1/27/2023 at 8:14 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

Jennifer, are you sure we aren't twins separated at birth? I have EXACTLY your problems AND your solutions.

If we are, I am very honored.

On 1/27/2023 at 10:14 PM, KatHeartsong Kaos said:

 Speaking of which... I've recently switched mesh bodies and if there was any way to mass delete after searching & highlighting clothes by *name of previous mesh body* which does not involved CNTRL clicking on hundreds of objects one at a time in my inventory- well that would make my near future less tedious. Ideas?

Why not drag them to a storage prim, just in case? It takes the same effort, and one never knows what the future will bring. We got mesh bodies, I deleted a lot of system clothing. The we got BOM, and I wished I hadn't.

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On 1/27/2023 at 4:08 PM, Jennifer Boyle said:

My problem is that I have always been behind, and I shop faster than I sort

I had the same problem so a few years I made some guidelines about places that give out good free stuff, like Shop and Hop.

1. Whenever possible, try and find out what the thing is and NOT take it if it is not to your liking.

2. After a "regions worth of shopping" (you decide how much), go home and open every box and discard packaging. Rez the thing and make a keep or delete decision.

3. For keepers, either photograph it and move the photo and item to the appropriate folder (i keep photos on my hard drive) OR move item to a "to be cataloged" folder.

4. When convenient, process the "to be cataloged" folder.

I find that when I develop a  backlog of unopened  boxes, I tend to never open them.

When I pay money for something,  I try to process it immediately.

Edited by diamond Marchant
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58 minutes ago, Jennifer Boyle said:


Why not drag them to a storage prim, just in case? It takes the same effort, and one never knows what the future will bring. We got mesh bodies, I deleted a lot of system clothing. The we got BOM, and I wished I hadn't.

I do tend to drag the original unpacked boxes into a searchable storage prim (Artizan)  for backup.  So I'm just tidying up since I gathered up my nerve to finally jump from Maitreya.

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I just got back to SL after like a 9 year break, so I consider myself a born again noob. In nearly 2 months my Inventory is at 9,000 Items. I've started sorting things into folders and managed to categorize all clothing and avatar body related items. What I'm really struggling to categorize is my objects folder. How do people organize all of their objects ? So far I have vehicles / weapons / animals folders/ zooby /Holdables ...  but since I started getting decor items I'm lost. How do people have their objects folder categorized ? Also I purchased a CTS wardrobe which seems like a brilliant idea in theory but will probably be a real labor of love to set up. Does anyone have a up and running CTS wardrobe ? 


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