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Second Life New Year's Resolutions for 2023

Love Zhaoying

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I'd like to keep on organizing my inventory this year, hopefully with some promises LL made it will make my life so much easier! 

And my other goal is to try and hang out more again. Build new friendships, find new communities :) Here is hoping I succeed :D

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On 12/29/2022 at 3:56 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

Organize my inventory for which I bit the bullet and bought the CTS visual inventory system and am starting the process of cataloging it.



So want to do this....even bought the system but haven't had the discipline to sit down and just do it!  Hope it goes well for you!  

Someone should start an inventory sorting/organizing meetup or hangout for folks to have company while sorting!

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On 12/30/2022 at 12:50 AM, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

1. To become more social again in the communities I'm part of inworld. It has become extremely difficult to do this because of debilitating anxiety even in SL.

2. To be open to new friendships. Recent years have found me completely closed off to even consider this, but trying to work through that at the moment.

3. To learn even more about SL photography which is always an ongoing goal.

4. To simply be happier!


Besides getting my inventory in sort of semblance of order, I totally love this list - mine are so similar:

1.  Be social - after a several year break, I came back and got immediately hurt, which pretty much discouraged me from trying to build connections.  It's hard when you have social anxiety, even more tricky when you don't want to get hurt...again.  This year I want to rebuild connections, find friends, a family, all of which remind me of why I was attracted to SL in the first place.

2.  Be open - after COVID and all of the political drama in the US, I have become more aware of the wide spectrum of ideologies out there and it's just harder to like people if you learn more about what they really stand for.  Ideally, SL could transcend that - here's hoping! :)

3.  Get back to taking pictures - SL is so pretty now!  Can't wait to get back on that horse and taking snaps again.


For those of you looking for new friends or connections, hit me up!  I'm in world several days a week, and usually in the US evenings and weekends.  

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Hmm, that's a good question.

1) Get better at texturing

2) Enjoy myself as much as I can. Have more varied activities I can do with others and when solo.

3) Ruthlessly avoid drama at all costs. Only add people to my friend list whose company I genuinely enjoy, rather than simply out of feeling like I have to be polite. This one is going to take a lot of work.

4) Actually get around to making more gestures, I only have one I like at the moment. 😛

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I did not dare to post the resolution to only have as much land as I use.

But yesterday I left a big parcel I rented, cleaned it and left the group. It was hurtful, because I decorated it just how I wanted. But I had another parcel that was cheaper. And it had a better location too.

So it was difficult, but I feel good now that I did it. I do not have enough time in SL to use more than one place. The others is just a money drain, even if they look gorgeous. I left a smaller parcel in November too.

I love to set up a new house, create the garden, put in furniture and decor. But land in SL is so damned expensive. 

Now that prices for living increase all over the world, I predict that land rentals and ownership in SL will go down. A few lindens can buy all sorts of things in the weekend sales. Reducing the land I hold with 1500 L weekly, will go a long way to keep on shopping, and buy fewer L. 

Dark times.


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I don't do resolutions, but if I did it would be...

To sort out all the freebies from an event within two weeks of getting them, or I have to delete what I haven't sorted. I've just started working on my "to sort" folders and there's stuff in there going back over ten years that's never been opened. Over 10,000 items!

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I have a lot of free group slots, so trying to get out of the habit of being frugal with group joining. I've joined a bunch for shops where I have their stuff (I joined in time to get a festive giftcard from one, so it's going well so far). Outside of that, just hoping my health improvements hold this year so I can do more stuff.

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On 1/5/2023 at 1:44 AM, Rick Daylight said:

I don't do resolutions, but if I did it would be...

To sort out all the freebies from an event within two weeks of getting them, or I have to delete what I haven't sorted. I've just started working on my "to sort" folders and there's stuff in there going back over ten years that's never been opened. Over 10,000 items!

Oh God, I have freebie folders... 😭 I think I must close my eyes and delete them. 

I don't like the videos where they show freebies and gifts. They take too long time to watch! Where did the bloggers that took pictures go? I could glance over the page and see what I want in 2 minutes. I know some post pictures, but they post only a few things from the event.

So I take all the freebies... damnit. I must delete them. It is probably only recolored items and coffee mugs to hold.

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8 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I don't like the videos where they show freebies and gifts. They take too long time to watch! Where did the bloggers that took pictures go?

With you all the way on that one! It's not just SL freebies either... it seems whatever I need info on these days, the top hits are always videos. Monetisation on YT I guess.

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I don't really do resolutions but for sake of adding to the discussion, here are a small handful that come to mind:

  1. Keep being honest in Kat's profile about my RL sex. Yes, it means I spend hours alone at the formal dance places because, eww, cooties, but rather that than dishonest.
  2. Along with point 1 ... keep resisting the urge to create an attractive alt just to get dance dates because I'm too flirty and y'all know where that often leads. Dramaville.
  3. Create some new styles of art work for my gallery.
  4. Open a small sailing rezz spot on Blake and public island for visitors and cats. (Just need to be sold one last 1024 parcel to finish my 1/4 sim and this goal.)
  5. Stop over-buying on lovely outfits when I already have a few that are in that style I already don't wear much.
  6. Keep trying to get any of the really popular events interested in limited edition (event-only) art. Think Fameshed, Cosmo, Uber, etc. Keep applying even after a year's worth of rejections and silence. They feature furniture, decor, buildings etc, why not art?

I think that's it. Ask me in six months how that all went.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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On 12/29/2022 at 4:56 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

Organize my inventory for which I bit the bullet and bought the CTS visual inventory system and am starting the process of cataloging it.


I love the wardrobe. And I use it for more than just my clothes. It took me a bit to get it done but I have furnishings, landscape items, etc in it also. It is really useful.

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I'm going to try to keep it simple, something that I might be able to achieve in SL.  Perhaps something as simple as world domination?  First I need an army, I think, so I might focus on that this year and go for world domination in 2024.  Who wants to make my resolution a reality?

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I only have 2 RL resolutions for 2023, by design - so it’s fun to make an SL list and see how I will do with it. 

2022 SL Resolutions:

  1. Take & post more photos
  2. Stream & record more audio, think about trying some video (but pondering what niche of video?)
  3. Attend more musical and theatrical events
  4. Placeholder for a creative goal
  5. Explore more places, play more games
  6. Secret Goal - will reveal only if/when fulfilled *hint 100 something something…
  7. Cull my inventory some (can I get it under 50k items, nicely nested, start using my CTS Wardrobe?)
  8. Play Game of Homes a few times and challenge myself to decorate mostly from my inventory
  9. Make a photo alt with a completely new look & style 
  10. Have more fun (Just in general!)

Ok if we are being honest, also shop less

Edited by Fauve Aeon
Because reasons
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On 1/3/2023 at 4:32 PM, Dakota Chenaux said:

Someone should start an inventory sorting/organizing meetup or hangout for folks to have company while sorting!

There used to be a group that met to do this, I’ll look it up. I think the only reason I didn’t join them was due to a personal timing conflict of some kind, I can’t remember…


I really like seeing the photography 📸 and FUN posted repeatedly in people’s resolutions. 🎉

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22 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

So I take all the freebies... damnit. I must delete them. It is probably only recolored items and coffee mugs to hold.

But, but... coffee mugs to hold are the most important objects in the world!  In any world, even SL.
Just saying.


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On 1/6/2023 at 1:55 PM, Marianne Little said:

Oh God, I have freebie folders... 😭 I think I must close my eyes and delete them. 

I don't like the videos where they show freebies and gifts. They take too long time to watch! Where did the bloggers that took pictures go? I could glance over the page and see what I want in 2 minutes. I know some post pictures, but they post only a few things from the event.

So I take all the freebies... damnit. I must delete them. It is probably only recolored items and coffee mugs to hold.

Be brave, Marianne! You can do it! 🏅

I've lost track of the number of freebie items and group gifts I've thrown out over the last few years, it was a lot! Second Life Birthdays are the worst, there's a whole room full of free items — one place to avoid this summer. :( And add Second Pride, Pride At Home, and BURN2 to that list, plus large swathes of Sci-Fi Con, Sci-Fi Expo, Fantasy Faire and most RFL/ACS charity events... so many temptations!

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I had the habit to save every box that I had to unpack, just as a backup for you know....security reasons.
Never used that backup once in all these years.  I just threw them all out and flushed the trash. I hope I will not regret it somewhere in the future. 🙈

I still have copies of all the junk that I ever made in and for SL..... I guess most of it can go too by now as well.
But I have to be a bit more careful with that I guess.
Maybe something for the new year resolutions 2024 or 25, 26ish.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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Ooh, and bonus -  I’m wanting do some of these color prompts, probably out of order and untimely though. For the record, this is the 3rd time this challenge has been done (to my knowledge), originated by Luna Jubilee on Flickr (and maybe in her blog?), then in 2021 here in the Challenges section of this forum by Chic Aeon, but it being now, well many of us are just all over the place with it - so it’s good here in the photo threads, in a couple of unofficial Discords, on Flickr, on Instagram, etc., etc. 



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