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Humans complaining about heights

Denny Farlight

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18 hours ago, Denny Farlight said:

aka the human community says "everyone needs to be 2meter tall to be seen as adult" and they try to force that upon EVERYONE!!!

Never been anywhere with that rule. I've been all over sl, all kinds of places with different rating, not once have I seen that rule. The rule I have seen is you cannot be too short, and you cannot look too child-like, but 2m is not the height required anywhere I know of. They don't want you small and looking like a child, in furry or human form probably doesn't matter. It's not a difficult request and they are not forcing you to be on their plot of land, either. You can leave it any time you want. No one is forced to be on any land. If you don't like their rule, go somewhere that has rules you do like. You don't have to like their rules or agree with them. You do have to follow them to be there, though. 

I stopped by a beach not too long ago that I didn't know was nude only. Most of these places are bathing suits or nude, but not fully decked out. I wrongly assumed this beach was the same. I didn't see the sign with the rule fast enough or maybe just didn't look well enough. I got a message, politely telling me to read the sign and change. I read it, decided I didn't want to go full nude, apologized for not reading and moved on. I didn't question their rule. That's where you go wrong. It doesn't matter if you don't argue with them all, you shouldn't question any of their rules at any time. It's their land, not your land. 

As I said before, I'm shorter than you, and I don't run into the problems you do. Lots of people are shorter than you and even me, they don't have them either. It's not your height and it's not the people who own the land that are the problem.

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5 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

All "accurate" measurements in SL is based on LL's own prims. How certain can you be of that 0.5m cube being actually 0.5meters when LL has messed up so many things-- as you say. People are measuring avatar heights with the same broken code LL used to build this uviverse. How you trust the cube to be exactly 0.5m like in RL, but trash everything else is beyond me.

If 0.5 meters isn't 0.5 meters, how big is it?

A Second Life "meter" is self-defining; either it is what it is or, since everything in Second Life is a mathematical calculation and nothing has a real-world dimension, the whole question is meaningless.

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5 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

My ava is 1.67m by SL measurements, by firestorm it is 1.84m. In inches that is 6.7inches of difference. Shoe bases add about that much.

Despite that height my arms ARE long enough to wipe myself and I got 30 more points in the slider to make'em even longer...! 😝

I think the point for the arms was, after you reach a certain height on the sliders the arms will not be able to go long enough to be in proportion with the rest of the body. they loose more freedom in the sliders

The shoe base will only change the hover height and won't impact actual proportion height..

At 1.84m you should have plenty of room to toy with arm length because it puts you more in the middle of the slider on body height..

5 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

Firestorm is not. It is an overhyped viewer.

I think the main reason people like it is because it has much more quality of life features than the official viewer, plus at one point did perform better.. I think the performance thing might have changed recently though with LL's newer updates in performance..

As far as FS being closer to the prim height it's still off a little, but closer to the actual measurement of the avatar itself.

LL viewer is measuring agent height and going by the target box around the middle of the head..  FS viewer is closer to the top of the head..


5 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

All "accurate" measurements in SL is based on LL's own prims. How certain can you be of that 0.5m cube being actually 0.5meters when LL has messed up so many things-- as you say. People are measuring avatar heights with the same broken code LL used to build this uviverse. How you trust the cube to be exactly 0.5m like in RL, but trash everything else is beyond me.

With prims, the reason we can be sure about them being the right size is how they measure to the world they are contained in.. A sim is a certain size and a prim is a certain size..a 256x256 region is the same size as a 256x256 prim.  So using a prim to measure to the world, is more accurate for actual avatar height, than either of the viewers..

5 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

My avatar is perfectly fine and normal looking. ;)

I think your avatar looks beautiful and well proportioned..:)

Not that my opinion means anything, it's just my opinion.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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3 hours ago, Anna Nova said:

Right!  That's it!  Now we got to 8 pages of this daft thread.  Anyone over 1.50m entering my land is banned.  I am also banning anyone wearing purple, can't think how to script that yet though...

*Wears opposite color of purple baggies and bends at the knees walking passed the measuring tape.*

It's much harder pretending to be shorter than it is taller and just putting on heels..:D

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8 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:

All "accurate" measurements in SL is based on LL's own prims. How certain can you be of that 0.5m cube being actually 0.5meters when LL has messed up so many things-- as you say. People are measuring avatar heights with the same broken code LL used to build this uviverse. How you trust the cube to be exactly 0.5m like in RL, but trash everything else is beyond me.

I agree with your sentiment, but your logic's faulty. There is no way for a prim, or anything else in SL to exactly correspond to anything in real life...because everything in SL is virtual. They're only pixels on a screen, they HAVE no "real dimensions."

Everything in SL is relative to everything else in SL, and that's the only measurement we can take. But we have to have some standard for comparison, so we quite arbitrarily say that a particular cube is 0.5m on a side, and then use that scale to "measure" other things in SL.

The cube is 0.5m because LL says it is. When we use LL's tools to expand it to 1.0m, we can see that it is indeed twice as large in all dimensions, so we can say LL's scaling function works as advertised.

We scale it up to 2.0m, and then use it as a ruler to measure our avatar. Oops, the top of our head sticks out. So we know that we are taller than 2.0m (not a "real" 2.0m, but 2.0m as measured by a prim in SL. It's an arbitrary scale, but we've all agreed to use it). But the height shown for the avatar in the Appearance menu says 2.0m. So we know that the prim and the appearance menu don't agree, and since we have agreed that prims scaled to 2.0m will be our measure of what is "really" 2.0m, we can then say the Appearance menu measurement is off.

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8 hours ago, Caeruleiae said:

Never been anywhere with that rule. I've been all over sl, all kinds of places with different rating, not once have I seen that rule. The rule I have seen is you cannot be too short, and you cannot look too child-like, but 2m is not the height required anywhere I know of. They don't want you small and looking like a child, in furry or human form probably doesn't matter. It's not a difficult request and they are not forcing you to be on their plot of land, either. You can leave it any time you want. No one is forced to be on any land. If you don't like their rule, go somewhere that has rules you do like. You don't have to like their rules or agree with them. You do have to follow them to be there, though. 

I stopped by a beach not too long ago that I didn't know was nude only. Most of these places are bathing suits or nude, but not fully decked out. I wrongly assumed this beach was the same. I didn't see the sign with the rule fast enough or maybe just didn't look well enough. I got a message, politely telling me to read the sign and change. I read it, decided I didn't want to go full nude, apologized for not reading and moved on. I didn't question their rule. That's where you go wrong. It doesn't matter if you don't argue with them all, you shouldn't question any of their rules at any time. It's their land, not your land. 

As I said before, I'm shorter than you, and I don't run into the problems you do. Lots of people are shorter than you and even me, they don't have them either. It's not your height and it's not the people who own the land that are the problem.


This story is not about height, but about gaslighting.

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7 hours ago, Juan Marques said:

perhaps a more practical example ... i'm on the left, heigt around 1.80, 182 to be precise,   no third arm but the difference is quite clear ..
adult male beach area. But my look is adult. No problems with others or owners to be this size.


Why did you blur out an avatar’s face? Not showing the account name would’ve been enough to conceal his identity. 

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15 minutes ago, PookieTM said:

Why did you blur out an avatar’s face? Not showing the account name would’ve been enough to conceal his identity. 

No one wants to see the default Niramyth head anymore if that's what it was!  🤣


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52 minutes ago, PookieTM said:

Why did you blur out an avatar’s face? Not showing the account name would’ve been enough to conceal his identity. 

yes and no  :)

the visitors at specific themed places might prefer, perhaps, to have a little more privacy .. "dad what were you doing thére?"  ...

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46 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I agree with your sentiment, but your logic's faulty.

   An inch, in Swedish, translates to a thumb. Just like Imperial measurements have hand and foot, we've used measurements like hand, aln (elbow to longfinger) and feet (but not the same as the Imperial foot) and suchlike - my thumb isn't precisely an inch wide, but my palm is wider than 4", and don't I expect the distance from my elbow to the point of my long finger to be exactly 593.784 mm (and I have no idea how they arrived on a three-digit decimal millimetre when they standardised it, or if Norwegians' underarms are 32mm longer on average - or if they have freakishly long fingers). 

   The fault is in basing measurements on people's anatomy rather than measuring people by a constant. Now, we may not be able to measure how far a light particle would travel across the grid in a second, but we don't have to because we know that a region is 256 metres along its edges and that putting 256 1-metre cubes along a region's border would be a perfect fit - so claiming that 1 metre in SL isn't 'actually' a metre is bollocks. 

   I'm precisely 1 Orwar tall and y'all got your heights wrong!

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On 12/30/2022 at 8:32 PM, Dresden Ceriano said:

You are so condescending.  There's nothing wrong with people who choose to display themselves at an actual human height in SL.

This my fellow humans is how you read someones comment, pull your brain out of your ear, fold it in two, re insert it and then respond to a series of points I didn't even make. I never once stated that there was anything wrong with it, in fact, I quite clearly stated that I didn't care about a persons height.

On 12/30/2022 at 8:32 PM, Dresden Ceriano said:

 Just because most people in SL decided, on their own, to make themselves taller than that which is naturally possible for a human being, doesn't mean that people who wish to represent themselves as tall as they are IRL... are... pedos?  Give me a brake

Again, responding to absolutely NO points that I actually made. Please do try to read my comments properly in future before you once again befuddle yourself with a response.

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8 pages now! Wow! 

I skimmed from my last post, which was on page 4, to here and the only sensible comment that I spotted was that when in Rome, do as Rome does.

There has been a phenominal amount of argument about scale, and therein lies the real problem. SL's scale is pretty weird and cannot be relied upon for accurate representation of Real Life dimensions. It is therefore vitally important that you match your avatar, not to some obscure scale, but to what your surroundings require.

By all means doggedly insist on being "realistically sized". You are perfectly allowed to do that, but if that alone makes you look childlike in an Adult environment, you will inevitably be skating on thin ice, as we say. If you are then stupid enough to add other child-like features, like big round eyes and kiddy clothes, you will not have to seek out the weakest spots in the ice; you will fall through into the freezing water straight away.

"When in Rome, do as Rome does".

Translation: When in Second Life, do as Second Life does.

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It's pretty simple really. If like me, you're a child avatar then don't be surprised if people ask you to leave their Adult or even Moderate sims. Don't argue, just politely apoligise if you didn't realise the rule was No Child Avatars allowed (some places advertise as PG but don't allow kids) and then leave. 

Similarly, if you're an adult avatar, don't be surprised if you got to PG sims and get asked to wear more approprioate clothing or take off certain objects. 

There is a time and place for everything and adult and kid activties don't mix. 

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10 hours ago, Orwar said:

 I'm precisely 1 Orwar tall

But if you go and fiddle with your Height slider, the definition of 1 Orwar changes!

This is the same problem inherent in all body-based measurements like the hand, foot, and aln (cubit!).

I'm sticking with my prim ruler, although telling my friends that I'm 0.8 Orwars tall does give me a nice warm glow.

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well, i found something on twitter o.o the horrible plattform where everyone does drama stuff and it fits the human community PRETTY well. tho, to be fair, it involves this "i am 999 years old" stuff which i dont like much either but ... overall fits it very well expecially the part "adults are not allowed to be cute" etc. xD

so have fun with that. cause i am literarly done with this topic. humans/normies should chill in SL and not throwing at everything small they see "imma report you" and then even going so far to stalk them or sometimes even more worse, forming entire groups to false report their target etc. 

i post this meme aswell cause some peoples literarly judged in here about me or accused me of things or assumed things which i havent done at all (except for 1 but like i wrote, that owner deserved to be questioned xD.) 

fact is: you are 1. not allowed to be small in SL (i mean 170cm and more isnt really small but for normies is it small, so imma call it small) 2. you are not allowed to be cute OR ELSE!!!!!!!!1111elf. 3. if you dont use certain bodys in SL are you deemed as kid (for example, if you use the kemono body and head does it for normies not matter YOU ARE A KID FOR THEM!!!! i tested it because i got imed in sl and the person said "go with a kemono to human sims ... and oh god it was even worse i usually go only witzh my jake or maitreya body to human places tho XD). and 4. you need to wear too big breasts, hips and thighs, otherwise get you probably deemed as "teen"

anyways have fun with the meme SL humans/normies. it punches you ppls right in the face where it hurts. am out from here n stuff have a great time continuing to judge me, accuse me of stuff or assuming stuff etc.

my fazit after reading the comments is "the human/normie community is still the worst in SL".


Edited by Dyna Mole
cartoon redacted
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Equating not liking lolis and shotas with some weird, borderline bigoted, not-understanding-how actual-living-peoples-identities-work "biology is the only part that matters" take really isn't huge own you think it is.

Chronically online.

Edited by cariboustag
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I spent a few years as a moderator / Admin in Roleplay sims and had to Moderate height issues

The “Height Race” has been a thing for years, be it “alpha” male avatars competing to the “tallest in the room” or creeping height up to be taller than a partner who is wearing Heels.

This became a moderation issue when a Giant (relatively) avatar asked us to “size” every door in the sim to allow people of his height.


The admin response was that  the sim was built using Linden Lab “new rezz” avatars as scale and rebuilding the City would disrupt ongoing RP, be expensive and take a long time……so “no”.

I support “Your World/Your Imagination” completely, but if someone decides to go at an extreme - they should be aware that now everyone CAN accommodate their choice. Not out of meanness but simply due to limited resources.

My partner and I solved any size issues by being size-appropriate with each other, so I never have to figure out how to dance while looking at someone’s belly button 🙂

I don’t need everyone to be “my” height, but it helps if my dance partner and close enough for someone’s feet not to be off the ground…..




Edited by Amanda Crisp
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Clearly adopting the same nomenclature as the RL metric system is a source of confusion for many due to the discrepancies between the scale of SL and RL.

I propose LL solve this problem by immediately renaming the unit of measurement in SL to more appropriate terms like SLeters, SLentiSLeters and SLiloSLeters, that should clear up any misunderstandings (although we'll probably just end up with threads complaining about mispronunciations instead)! 

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2 hours ago, Denny Farlight said:

well, i found something on twitter o.o the horrible plattform where everyone does drama stuff and it fits the human community PRETTY well. tho, to be fair, it involves this "i am 999 years old" stuff which i dont like much either but ... overall fits it very well expecially the part "adults are not allowed to be cute" etc. xD

so have fun with that. cause i am literarly done with this topic. humans/normies should chill in SL and not throwing at everything small they see "imma report you" and then even going so far to stalk them or sometimes even more worse, forming entire groups to false report their target etc. 

i post this meme aswell cause some peoples literarly judged in here about me or accused me of things or assumed things which i havent done at all (except for 1 but like i wrote, that owner deserved to be questioned xD.) 

fact is: you are 1. not allowed to be small in SL (i mean 170cm and more isnt really small but for normies is it small, so imma call it small) 2. you are not allowed to be cute OR ELSE!!!!!!!!1111elf. 3. if you dont use certain bodys in SL are you deemed as kid (for example, if you use the kemono body and head does it for normies not matter YOU ARE A KID FOR THEM!!!! i tested it because i got imed in sl and the person said "go with a kemono to human sims ... and oh god it was even worse i usually go only witzh my jake or maitreya body to human places tho XD). and 4. you need to wear too big breasts, hips and thighs, otherwise get you probably deemed as "teen"

anyways have fun with the meme SL humans/normies. it punches you ppls right in the face where it hurts. am out from here n stuff have a great time continuing to judge me, accuse me of stuff or assuming stuff etc.

my fazit after reading the comments is "the human/normie community is still the worst in SL".


What in the 4chan horse *****. . .?

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2 hours ago, Denny Farlight said:

fact is: you are 1. not allowed to be small in SL (i mean 170cm and more isnt really small but for normies is it small, so imma call it small) 2. you are not allowed to be cute OR ELSE!

Neither of those are facts. My avatar is both shorter and cuter than you, and I get no issues at all. People keep trying to tell you that it's not your height, but you that's causing all your problems. If you don't even want to consider their experiences, even if they disprove your pretend facts, than it only proves they're right and it's a you problem, not a short people problem. 

2 hours ago, Denny Farlight said:

and 4. you need to wear too big breasts, hips and thighs, otherwise get you probably deemed as "teen"

Also not true, I have never been called a teen, not even once. How could you even know this if you don't play a female avatar anyway? If you use the word of someone else, why don't you use the words of people here who say this isn't their experience? 

Only judgmental one I see here is you for calling everyone normies. You can't get out of your own head and think you should be able to go wherever and do whatever in sl without any judgment from others. But you dish out a lot of judgment to and on others. That's not how anywhere in life works. 

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