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better blocking please

Jinx Lavarock

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So currently you can ignore users which hides their stuff from you, but it's currently one sided and they can still see/post in your threads. Perhaps this is common in these spaces, but some users like to start trouble and it would be much better, and safer in many cases, if they couldn't interact with you at all. Thanks.

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If a region has 40 people on it and a troll blocks 39 people the 40th person is a new user, totally clueless of virtual street smarts, and the troll starts just talking crazy in local chat to drive away new people would that be be worth enabling? 

I try not to block anyone because, if I do I can't see them but they can see me and troll my avatar, maybe put adult stuff on it and report me for adult content in a G region. I'm pretty sure there are ways of users to know if they have been blocked, I don't go there. 

I've learned to ignore, it's more powerful than any block button. 


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1 hour ago, Jinx Lavarock said:

So currently you can ignore users which hides their stuff from you, but it's currently one sided and they can still see/post in your threads. Perhaps this is common in these spaces, but some users like to start trouble and it would be much better, and safer in many cases, if they couldn't interact with you at all. Thanks.

We are all responsible for our own actions and cannot control what others do.  Therefore, it is in our best interest to learn to ignore others when need be rather than relying on some system to possibly shield us.

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2 hours ago, Jinx Lavarock said:

So currently you can ignore users which hides their stuff from you, but it's currently one sided and they can still see/post in your threads. Perhaps this is common in these spaces, but some users like to start trouble and it would be much better, and safer in many cases, if they couldn't interact with you at all. Thanks.

You can control what you see, not what others see-same inworld.

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I've got just a couple people on my block list, but I do not agree that I should have control of what they see and do. 

Turn this around - if someone (or a whole group of people) block you then start a bunch of threads that exclude you from commenting on them, is that fair to you?  You can't see it or respond to it, but people take screen shots or tell you what is happening in there in the thread that you can't see.  Is it still fair?

Say you like posting pics of your avatar in one of the 2000-page vanity photo threads, but the person who started the thread decides they just don't like you.  They block you, now you can't post your photos or look at the other photos that have nothing to do with you.  Still fair?

There are so many ways that excluding others would not be right and could actually be used to troll others including you.  The best tool we have is the "ignore" one.  It won't matter if they respond to you because you won't see it (unless they are quoted by an unblocked person.)  You have power to control your forum experience, just not the power to control what others see and do.  That is as fair as you can make it.

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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9 hours ago, Jinx Lavarock said:

it would be much better, and safer in many cases, if they couldn't interact with you at all.

Nope that wouldn't be right, that actually would be very authoritarian. You can be a mature adult and avoid/ignore what bothers you.

I can understand that they can still post stuff in relation to you, read your posts etc but that is their right to do so.

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This being in the Forums Feedback area, and being about the Ignore feature on the forums, I fail to see what relevance anything inworld has in relation to this topic. Be that as it may though, I'm pretty sure when you block someone inworld and make them disappear, they do, in fact, stop seeing you, even if you can see their dot. I've stood around talking to people and suddenly had them say something to a person I couldn't see, who turned out to be the person on the sim who had blocked me because he couldn't be in the same room with someone who had embarrassed him in front of a girl for being a d-bag.

I don't think anyone has to worry about people they've erased from their SL doing terrible things to them like ninja bogeymen with all the power of a team of trolls and the ability to see people who don't want any further interaction with them, at least not on an account that has been blocked.

The hysterical levels of paranoia in our community make me wonder what people are up to that they fear entire groups of strangers ostracizing them for no apparent reason, or being attacked with TOS-violating measures by invisible agents, etc. I'm officially diagnosed as paranoiac, and even I'm not that paranoid, even on a bad day. I also have real enemies, and still, I'm not that worried. Like, if you're going to be AFK for more than a minute or so, you can always just log off, and then nobody can put on their JonBenet  or Honey Boo-Boo avatar and jump on that tacky slex trampoline (or whatever you guys are using these days) with you to get you banned when they show LL the 12-hour video they made of you together.

My only issue with the current Ignore function on the forums is that when someone I have on ignore quotes me in a thread and reacts to my posts, it annoys me, because it's like being touched by someone I can't stand. If Ignoring someone kept them from seeing my posts, that'd be great. Not going to happen though, so the best anyone in my situation can do is ask to be left alone if they keep trying to interact after being Ignored. In my experience, asking to be left alone is probably the best thing to do, because when people go back and review what happened, all they'll see is you asking repeatedly to be left alone, and the other user not doing so. Pretty straightforward case to put before them, and not much room for confusion.

As for inworld, I'm pretty sure blocking doesn't leave you visible to people you've blocked at all, or people wouldn't have rules on sims about blocking staff. The only reason (that I can think of right now, anyway) that a person would have for blocking sim staff would be so they can avoid being seen by those who might ban them for their behavior. The person who had blocked me inworld became aware of my knowledge of his having blocked me, and whaddya know, suddenly I could see his dot again. He'd never gone anywhere, just made himself invisible to me and probably just avoided my greyed-out dot when around others, so nobody could blow his cover by greeting him in local chat in front of me.

If anything, there's more of a chance of being nefariously fiddle-diddled without knowing it by someone who has YOU blocked than by someone you yourself have blocked. If anyone really wants to test any of this (I'm too lazy right now to bother), all they really have to do is block their own alt, and then see what it looks like from their alt's perspective to be on the same sim with them. That'd probably be the best way to find out the facts, or at least would be more effective than speculating and getting all excited and frightened and hysterical.

But then that would involve an alt, and we know how paranoid people get about those.


EDIT & P.S. : In fact, probably the best solution to most fears and paranoiac hysteria in SL would be to lighten up and focus on having fun. Acting paranoid and scared just makes you a target for poopy people, anyway. Bullies are cowards, and who would cowards prefer to mess with, people who brush them off and laugh, or people who act like helpless, frightened prey?

Edited by PheebyKatz
1000 edits could have been avoided with 1 cup of coffee.
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49 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I'm pretty sure when you block someone inworld and make them disappear, they do, in fact, stop seeing you, even if you can see their dot...

...As for inworld, I'm pretty sure blocking doesn't leave you visible to people you've blocked at all, or people wouldn't have rules on sims about blocking staff.

They see you and read you same as before.

There's is a way to make your "Local Chat" messages not appear to them and that's by using a personal chat relay (with blacklist), which will send your message to everyone else except them.

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2 hours ago, Nick0678 said:

They see you and read you same as before.

There's is a way to make your "Local Chat" messages not appear to them and that's by using a personal chat relay (with blacklist), which will send your message to everyone else except them.

EDIT: Overhauled my entire post, based on inworld testing. And yup, you're actually absolutely right. Thanks for pointing this out, now I can simply unblock everyone and not worry about it. I guess all those times I set them on fire and danced around them whooping like I was on the warpath they actually saw me do it. Now I'm slightly embarrassed. I guess they all heard me making fun of them, also. Oh well, no regerts. I wouldn't say anything behind someone's back that I wouldn't say to their face, anyway.

Way to go, SL, this is probably why so many trolls are so vehement. They aren't trying to ruin people's SL, they're just trying to get everyone to block them. It's probably the only way they can think of to get any privacy. Get someone to derender you and you can squat in their house without them even knowing it. Awesome, huh?

I guess people just block sim staff because they like to offend people who try to greet them, without having to hear any of it.

Oh well, live and learn. Thank you Nick, you really opened my eyes this morning. Talk about virtual reality. Even what we know through experience can keep us from seeing things sometimes.

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27 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

It's bad enough people I can't stand on the forums can tag my posts to forcibly get my attention against my wishes.

When you add someone to the "ignored users" page on this forum (found in the top-right menu, under Settings), you can select what you'd like to ignore, and then you won't get a notification from them:


  • Posts mean regular posts like this one (including replies).
  • Mentions mean these: @Wulfie Reanimator
  • Either "posts" or "mentions" includes reactions too, I just don't know which.
  • Messages mean private messages on the forum.
  • Signatures are included at the end of every post, and are off by default.

Blocked posts in a thread will show up as collapsed items which you could click to open and read, or hide completely with browser extensions like an ad-blocker.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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Still ignoring people on the forum, though. Not having to actually see my posts quoted in theirs is nice, especially after asking them multiple times to leave me alone. And having them refuse me the basic decency of doing so.

If you know someone's allergic to strawberries, and every time you see them you try to stick a strawberry in their mouth, it doesn't matter if you mean well, you're showing how little you care about another human being and disregarding their well-being.

I don't just blindly choose to exclude people from my online pastimes. I do it when they go out of their way to show me how little they care about myself and my feelings, and my actual well-being. Picking on the autistic kid is mean, no matter how you pretend around it. And refusing them a decency they've practically begged for makes one no better than a troll.

I wish them the best. And I wish they'd Ignore me back.

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To me, the best ignore device is the scroll wheel on the mouse.
If I'm fed up with someones posts, I just scroll past them for the time being.

Most people that turn out to be a pain in the *** in one thread, can have great contributions in another one, or a few days later in the same thread.
I would miss those, if I were to put people on ignore.

And further, I'm very picky on which threads I read and which I don't. If I'm not really interested I stay out of the discussion, most of the time don't even bother to read it.
Also I try to avoid back and forth discussions. When a thread reaches page 6 most arguments are already on the table and further discussion is usually more hair splitting than anything else.

IMHO, if one wants a good forum experience (and that is the case in any forum IMHO) one has to be the active one avoiding "clashes" and don't expect software to do that for you.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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On 11/18/2022 at 4:35 AM, PheebyKatz said:

This being in the Forums Feedback area, and being about the Ignore feature on the forums, I fail to see what relevance anything inworld has in relation to this topic. Be that as it may though, I'm pretty sure when you block someone inworld and make them disappear, they do, in fact, stop seeing you, even if you can see their dot. I've stood around talking to people and suddenly had them say something to a person I couldn't see, who turned out to be the person on the sim who had blocked me because he couldn't be in the same room with someone who had embarrassed him in front of a girl for being a d-bag.

I don't think anyone has to worry about people they've erased from their SL doing terrible things to them like ninja bogeymen with all the power of a team of trolls and the ability to see people who don't want any further interaction with them, at least not on an account that has been blocked.

The hysterical levels of paranoia in our community make me wonder what people are up to that they fear entire groups of strangers ostracizing them for no apparent reason, or being attacked with TOS-violating measures by invisible agents, etc. I'm officially diagnosed as paranoiac, and even I'm not that paranoid, even on a bad day. I also have real enemies, and still, I'm not that worried. Like, if you're going to be AFK for more than a minute or so, you can always just log off, and then nobody can put on their JonBenet  or Honey Boo-Boo avatar and jump on that tacky slex trampoline (or whatever you guys are using these days) with you to get you banned when they show LL the 12-hour video they made of you together.

My only issue with the current Ignore function on the forums is that when someone I have on ignore quotes me in a thread and reacts to my posts, it annoys me, because it's like being touched by someone I can't stand. If Ignoring someone kept them from seeing my posts, that'd be great. Not going to happen though, so the best anyone in my situation can do is ask to be left alone if they keep trying to interact after being Ignored. In my experience, asking to be left alone is probably the best thing to do, because when people go back and review what happened, all they'll see is you asking repeatedly to be left alone, and the other user not doing so. Pretty straightforward case to put before them, and not much room for confusion.

As for inworld, I'm pretty sure blocking doesn't leave you visible to people you've blocked at all, or people wouldn't have rules on sims about blocking staff. The only reason (that I can think of right now, anyway) that a person would have for blocking sim staff would be so they can avoid being seen by those who might ban them for their behavior. The person who had blocked me inworld became aware of my knowledge of his having blocked me, and whaddya know, suddenly I could see his dot again. He'd never gone anywhere, just made himself invisible to me and probably just avoided my greyed-out dot when around others, so nobody could blow his cover by greeting him in local chat in front of me.

If anything, there's more of a chance of being nefariously fiddle-diddled without knowing it by someone who has YOU blocked than by someone you yourself have blocked. If anyone really wants to test any of this (I'm too lazy right now to bother), all they really have to do is block their own alt, and then see what it looks like from their alt's perspective to be on the same sim with them. That'd probably be the best way to find out the facts, or at least would be more effective than speculating and getting all excited and frightened and hysterical.

But then that would involve an alt, and we know how paranoid people get about those.


EDIT & P.S. : In fact, probably the best solution to most fears and paranoiac hysteria in SL would be to lighten up and focus on having fun. Acting paranoid and scared just makes you a target for poopy people, anyway. Bullies are cowards, and who would cowards prefer to mess with, people who brush them off and laugh, or people who act like helpless, frightened prey?

I tried to apologize to you in IM in here but I couldn't. It seems you have it off? I don't know how to find you inworld to say I'm sorry. I'm not as smart as you.

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