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Do You Use an Email Client?

Lindal Kidd

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I do. I have always had some email application or other on my PC, and mail from all 3 of my email accounts goes there.

But now my app's developer has launched a new version of their app, and want to charge me to upgrade to it. This caused me to wonder if I need an app on my local PC at all. I could just go online and check my Gmail and my AOL mail at the sites.

What do y'all do?

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I use a mail app on the PC, primarily because I keep emails FOREVER and have an extensive filing system.  Most online email systems had size limits way back when (don't know if that is still true), but I'm now used to it this way, so I see no need to change.  If the PC app suddenly wanted to charge me, I'd probably just try to find a replacement PC app.  I use Thunderbird and have 3 different email accounts set up on it.


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I have various email accounts, play and work. I use Outlook and now that sort of has to be Outlook 365. But it includes the MS Office pack too. So the US$6/mo is not that bad.

Gmail is super well integrated with a ton of apps and services. But it gives Google way too much insight into a person's life.

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I just check mine every day online and if there is anything I need, I make copies and then delete my mail.. Anything really important I make a paper copy and file it in my filing cabinet, plus may keep a copy on my system.. It just depends really..

If I can get away without using an email and have things sent to me, I really prefer that with a lot of things.. I really hate having a lot of things online or sitting in an email until i get to them.

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I have 3 email accounts.  I never check my 2 personal ones unless I have to "verify my email address."  I have to check my work one, but only when I am physically at work.

I go to each emails home page (google/yahoo), login in, verify what I need to or use the search bar to find something specific and log out quickly.  I don't maintain the accounts in any way and no one that knows me would try to contact me that way.  If either company has capped my email storage and started deleting stuff, I would never know.  New emails still arrive.  I have no email apps on my phone at all.  Email is not for communication.  It only exists because I have to enter one on forms.

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I only use gmail for spammy, unimportant stuff that I don't really care about google indexing. Like general shops and forum registrations. I'm not into reading email on a web page at all.

I've tried various PC email clients over the years, from free to expensive, but found MS Outlook to be the most reliable and versatile overall with numerous email accounts and types. That bugs me (being MS), but so be it. I also now use Mailbird, just for gmail, since they changed their authentication to prevent my version of Outlook loggin in.

My accounts are a catch-all email account that I pay for at an ISP and have used since the Internet's very early days, and several on my own domains.

Edited by Rick Daylight
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Mozilla Thunderbird FTW! Yup. It's not as full featured as some current clients but I'll take it over Windows Mail. For me, It Just Works (TM).

For some reason I can't get Windows Mail to work with the AOL address I use for SL... Thunderbird set it up right away with little fuss. Of course, I'm in Linux most of the time on my own PC's and I'll admit there are better choices in penguin land (like Gnome's Evolution), but again... It Just Works (TM).

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Yep, and it's a lifesaver lol for my job alone ... everybody there has 3 email addresses, one for outside, one for colleagues, one for the patients and I also have one for my students/interns. Keeps things sorted you think? It's still messy like hell but saves a lot of time x3 here everyone at work uses one, otherwise we would just be sorting emails instead of working 😂

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I used to utilize Thunderbird for many years, as it was just easier to manage multiple e-mail accounts this way, but after switching to Gmail and setting up proper two-way message forwarding I don't really need it anymore. A pinned tab in Firefox with a single Gmail Inbox / Google Calendar is just as good as a separate application, especially that Firefox is something that I almost never shut down, plus generates a smaller memory footprint at the end.

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Y'all know I'm horrible to anything Wonkydoos (The Microsoft product tine), and run Archlinux on my desktop.  So you won't be surprised that my email all goes to my end-to-end encrypted Protonmail account (that runs in Switzerland away from prying GCHQ, CIA, СВР РФ, et al.)  I use an anonymous re-mailer for most organisations than need an email address, so that they don't even get my 'real' email.  But since joining SL predates my paranoia with misgovernment evil (amazingly, coincident with the election of certain ex-authorities, now planning their return), my account email with SL is still the 'real' one.  I tend to use Protonmail's web interface, since it's the same on all the devices I use, I have tried Thunderbird, and it's good, but I just find the web works well on my secure-browser.

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I simply check the sites on a daily basis.
If the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) wasn't already invented, I would most likely have done that by now.

If someone wants to contact me straight away, there is the phone. Yes, I still know the art of vocal communication.
Contact within minutes/hour (during the daytime hours that is): WhatsApp.
If one expects a well thought through answer in the next few days: e-mail

Edited by Sid Nagy
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I have a bunch of Gmail accounts that only rarely get email, but when they do I kinda need to pay attention, and somehow I long ago settled on Mozilla Thunderbird for that. Occasionally when I need to search ancient records I use the corresponding web Gmail client—but just as often I forget which account got whatever I'm looking for, and then Thunderbird can span them all with a single search.

My dependence on search started when I joined the early Gmail beta and completely stopped sorting email into folders, ever, whereas before I'd used elaborate filters to help with all that sorting.

I don't tag messages either, so they're either "unread" or "read" and that's it, so I sometimes use the native Gmail interface to "snooze" messages so they'll pop up unread again tomorrow or in a week. That's especially true of the two accounts that I also set up on my phone and iPad where I use the native Gmail clients.

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I use an email app on my Mac, and a paid one at that (Mailmate), partly out of habit — I've been using email one way or another for over 30(!) years now — and partly because it has helped me cull the detritus and file away the important stuff so I can find it. I was a Thunderbird user for a very long time, and am glad that it is still being developed. I've nothing against web-mail, I had a Gmail account from the early days in 2003 until 2015, but the downsides of those are that they can occasionally go down (yes even Google has done at times) and the UI gets tinkered with more often and not always in good ways.

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