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Avatar Complexity - how much is too much?


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You would not even render for me.  When in clubs I will not render anyone over 150K.  I don't mind seeing gray people lol.  Sometimes I will take a peek at an avatar just out of curiosity.  I always render my friends, but like me they are conscious of their render weight.  The highest complexity outfit I have is 100K, and mainly because of a blouse that I absolutely love.  I average under 60K 95% of the time.  I want my graphics card to last.  

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I'm rarely over 60K, using between 25-50K and even though I know it's rather a useless metric.  It's not so much a conscious effort except when I encounter an item that adds something like 40K in the demo for a top for example.  No, it's more of a product of the fact newer items I find are much lower ARC these days for the most part.  So either they are being made better (yeah right) or that vendors are gaming the metric better.

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4 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

On Firestorm: World > Improve Graphics Speed

This is a new tool which gives a much (much) more accurate indicator of whose avatar is actually too complex, and which of your attachments are taking the longest to render. You can also derender the avatars that are actually causing lag in your viewer by using it.

How very interesting!!!   Thank you :)      I went to a busy place to try this out.  The highest complexity avatar was someone who's body continuously  moved - as if under water or something.  A bit odd/not as cool as it may sound.

Inspection revealed an unbelievable list of attachments.  Also noticed,  the person just seemed to be standing there - not shopping.    :(   

I aim to keep my avatar under 100k or lower.   I don't wear my animals to go shopping or to big events.  If I go to a club and everyone has their pets out;  I do whip out my doggie.  What the heck, right?  


OP - good luck to you!!  That is a cool avatar.   Hope they offer an update to reduce the complexity [it was certainly a bit on the expensive side]  or hope you find something less complex that you like just as much!  Good of you to be complexity conscious.  =D


Edited by Cali Souther
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4 hours ago, Cougar Sangria said:

I want my graphics card to last. 

Some alpha blended grass/shrubs/trees (and that's just one example of such content) will push your GPU much more, especially if there's a lot of that stuff around. Download GPU-Z sometime and check how bad it is if you want to. I didn't test recently with performance viewer updates, though. But before a few batches of such grass if looked up closely would up 3070's utilization by good 30%. And slower/older, but still decent for SL cards (like 1070/1650) would just peak at 99% and stay there until you'd zoom out enough.

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First of all, not a dumb question at all. More should ask that.

I usually hover at around 40-50 000  on a daily basis with just jeans, boots and a leather jacket or maybe a tee or a shirt. Max 80-100 000 if I go all out in a suit and stuff plus maybe with some accessories.

I actually have more patience for androids and such than I do for some (I wanna stress that... *some*) humans of the female persuasion who just overload and overload on complex jewelry, makeup, complex fingernails, elaborate rings and what not and complain when I say I can't see them... :) (Ducks for incoming)

Yes, yes, I normally render them to see that fantastic art on their fingernails and what not, I'm not a barbarian. But no way that will be my default rendering, I like my SL to actually work.

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26 minutes ago, Stephanie Lovely said:

Mine is usually under 60k, unless I wear the Legacy mesh body, then it gets pushed up to more like 100k, grrr.

Full regular legacy F body with hands/feet has around 14k complexity. Reborn is 2.4k, which is much less (not that those numbers are any relevant, though). Initial 1.4 Legacy update had issue with high complexity (new 1.69.4 Reborn actually had the same issue, but was hotfixed right away), so check you don't use that one if you care about those numbers.

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I think my highest is like 160+K, but that's like when I'm in something like this.. To get into the 160k with this outfit, I have to add these really big archangel wings..

That's using old school hair that brings it up  and that feather isn't so light either, but that's been with me since forever and a day and not coming off by request.. hehehe

So this one isn't even 160k in the picture.  But the 160+K I think is the highest that I can remember ever being these days so far..


Most of the time I'm  in the 50k to 70k's  sometimes if I get really into an outfit I might get close to 100k..

Half the time I'm in a bikini and at the beach so it's not so bad most of the time and that's when I'm usually in the 50k range.

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I'm currently at 24k. I usually set viewing avatar complexity to the lowest 20k and nearly everyone turns to a jelly doll. Most people with system avatars have low complexity and always show. The highest setting is 'no limit' but the next highest setting is 350k. Sometimes when I want to see people, I slowly turn up the complexity slider and it's funny how some people don't show until I go up to the no limit. 

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I try to keep under 100k as a limit, I do find it quite easy to breach this limit particularly with jewellery. Nothing extravagant but earrings, necklace and bracelets often push me over the limit and I often have to try and find a compromise to stay under.

I don't limit avatar complexity on my end at all though, if people want to use more than me then go ahead. Many use a lot more. I'm not convinced it's entirely accurate as a metric anyway but yes, some people are very heavy... just some though, most people are 100k or under, if it even matters much.

I do frequently run out of attachments though so I'm one of those people who is wearing a lot of stuff at pretty much all times.


edit: damnit, necro thread

Edited by AmeliaJ08
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I have my viewer set to jelly anyone over 80,115 (why the 115, because the darn setting is a slider and it never wants to settle on a round number so it's always 80,000 + rando wiggly fingers).

I'm rarely above 40k myself but that's no longer from intent it just seems to end up that way.

That said despite repeated attempts by Linden Lab to make a formula for this that correctly evaluates someone as "that jerk messing things up for the rest of us" - the complexity formula isn't actually that useful for measuring anything other than drama. Some low complexity stuff now and then can be graphically rough and some high stuff can be 'meh, no problem'. The complexity formula is still just a guess.

Another issue can be not just how good your GPU is, but what brand of stuff you have - I've had things that would flat out power cycle an expensive top end GPU MacBook pro have absolutely no impact on a cheap HP laptop that didn't even have a real GPU. That said, nVidia seems to handle things better more often than Radeon for GPUs, but I get better results on an AMD CPU than on an Intel one. But all of that also has to take into account the age of those machines.

So... Complexity is really mostly a drama score.

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45 minutes ago, Missy Starchild said:

This is what I wonder. Since complexity is basically made up, how do I tell if my avatar is too complex and making others' experience worse? What should I be looking at?

Personally, I look at triangle count just as people do with household items.  People check that before making a purchase but rarely look at items for their avatar.   Here are 2 pics.  The first is with a hair from Tram.  The second is from Truth.  While the complexity of the first is higher, the triangles on the second are way too high, IMO.  

The 3rd pic is without any hair at all so you can see what each hair adds.




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