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Creators who name their products and product folders starting with special characters so they sort higher in the item list. Is it really so hard to start with the first letter of your store name so I can FIND what iI paid for instead of getting angry at you for being a dumb a$$?

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21 minutes ago, Thecla said:

Creators who name their products and product folders starting with special characters so they sort higher in the item list. Is it really so hard to start with the first letter of your store name so I can FIND what iI paid for instead of getting angry at you for being a dumb a$$?

This ^^^

In the old days when phone books existed, merchants used to use that same annoying trick.  We'd go looking for the number for  ACME Glass Co and find that it was buried behind AAAAcme Glass, AAAcme Glass and AAcme Glass. Major peeve.

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Thecla said:

Creators who name their products and product folders starting with special characters so they sort higher in the item list. Is it really so hard to start with the first letter of your store name so I can FIND what iI paid for instead of getting angry at you for being a dumb a$$?

Peeve: People who should invest a bit more in sorting the inventory every now and then?
It is possible to rename folders and place them somewhere logical...

A merchant can't jump trough every possible hoop a customer holds up. There are too many different hoops for that.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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28 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: People who should invest a bit more in sorting the inventory every now and then?
It is possible to rename folders and place them somewhere logical...

A merchant can't jump trough every possible hoop a customer holds up. There are too many different hoops for that.


##~~~~~~itemName*******@@@ is not a hoop, it is annoying.

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36 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

A merchant can't jump trough every possible hoop a customer holds up. There are too many different hoops for that.

That sounds like something a Creator or store owner would say.. oh wait 😉

An easy solution would be to make it modify so the name can be changed to something relevant. It would make sorting inventory so much easier. 

If mod permission is not feasible, creators could put in a feature request to make the name modifiable and leave the rest of the object no modify.

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12 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Peeve: When 99% of what you're looking for on the MP are resale gachas that are no mod.

I get why gachas are/were transfer and no copy, but WHY no mod????


I could fill a whole thread with peeves about MP. I know a lot people use it and like it, so probably I am just doing it wrong, but I consider it useless for general searches. The only times I really find it useful is to find something for which I already have a specific search criterion, such as a vendor name or item name. Even then, when searching on something with multiple options I have to sort through every single individual option to find the one I want, instead of it being like pretty much everything else I order online where that the general item is pulled up, and then you select options from within that page. I cannot see any improvement in searching MP since it was first introduced.

Search in SL still sucks pretty badly too, but often between the new 'internet' type search and the old-school search I can find some things I search for, though again, works far, far better if I have a very specific search term such as the name of a vendor.

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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Mum always told me, "You'll think you can change the bull. But you never can."

*groans softly and painfully*

"Chocolate is a band-aid and no matter what they say
Shoes don't stretch and men don't change"

Amy Dalley - Men Don't Change

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: People who should invest a bit more in sorting the inventory every now and then?
It is possible to rename folders and place them somewhere logical...

A merchant can't jump trough every possible hoop a customer holds up. There are too many different hoops for that.


Yeah, I do a *lot* of inventory organization. However, what I run into is not being able to rename no-mod items, which makes things a pain in the ass. The worst is copy hairs for which I make different colors but cannot add the color to the names, so I can't tell which is which. In the end I decided it was easier to just Add the HUD and pick the color I want for that particular outfit.

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27 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

That sounds like something a Creator or store owner would say.. oh wait 😉

An easy solution would be to make it modify so the name can be changed to something relevant. It would make sorting inventory so much easier. 

If mod permission is not feasible, creators could put in a feature request to make the name modifiable and leave the rest of the object no modify.

Being able to change the name is a big deal for me. If the item itself is no-mod, fine, but at least let me change the name to something more descriptive.

Another Inventory peeve: I may just be unaware of it (nothing new there) but the only way I know of to rearrange Inventory items in a folder is to (if copy) copy and paste the items in the order I want them and them delete the original. I don't think things even sort alphabetically but may remember that wrong (not currently in SL).

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58 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

An easy solution would be to make it modify so the name can be changed to something relevant. It would make sorting inventory so much easier. 

The name of the folder is always modify, no matter of the permissions of the objects in it.

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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

Yeah, I do a *lot* of inventory organization. However, what I run into is not being able to rename no-mod items, which makes things a pain in the ass. The worst is copy hairs for which I make different colors but cannot add the color to the names, so I can't tell which is which. In the end I decided it was easier to just Add the HUD and pick the color I want for that particular outfit.

I'm all for modify permissions on items.
But there are reasons thinkable to sell stuff no mod too I guess.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Small text improvements.
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2 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I'm all for modify oermissions on items.
But there are reasons thinkable to sell stuff no mod too I guess.

I am not even complaining about making items no mod, I understand why creators would do that. I just wish I could change the name, not modify the item beyond the methods that are included by the creator (resizing hair, changing hair or shoe color, things like that). I kind of take from what someone said above that the problem is that having no-mod items but mod names is not possible in SL. Typical LL stuff.

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I’m peeved at myself this evening for falling into the trap of grumbling about something rather than spending my energy seeking a more creative (and actually effective) solution to it sooner. 

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Posted (edited)

ETA:Just to add..  I'm sorry, this wasn't meant to be so long..It's another one of my just waking up posts that I sometimes do that can sometimes get long.hehehe

Peeved at myself about my prior peeve: After having a decent nights rest and much calmer head the next morning I took a different approach than I planned on the night before..

I was gonna in my version of dragging this guy by the ear, tell him, we're going to the office right now, lets go!

Instead, I still felt I had to just make sure before I really made such a serious move that could impact someones livelihood. Because, I wasn't going another minute without some clarity.. It was living too rent free in my head.. 

So yesterday morning, I went to my other boss that is higher up than the one I was having a problem with.. Me and her are really close and sort of have ties with her daughter living with one of my cousins.. hehehe

So I asked her, in so many words, if there were any others complaining about this guy.

Where I work, there is like 100 people that work there..It's not a huge staff..

There is 93% Hispanic, then 4% Caucasian, then is 2% African American, then there is 1% me, which is Aboriginal Southwest American..

Anyways, The boss I was having the problem with is in the 93%..

Aaaanyways, there was a situation about a month ago where I think I kind of gave off the wrong signals and he got kind of flirty and he asked me out.. As gently as I could I told him that, I'm very flattered , but I'm happily married and I don't in so many words, ever stray from my husband. He was fine and still nice as ever for a couple of days after that..

But, not long after that He changed into this other person, where I couldn't make the smallest mistake without him all of a sudden popping up around ever corner.. I felt very singled out from everyone else. I mean it was every single day for the past month, it was like he had to just catch me at some sort of mistake, like it was some sort of goal of his..

It was impacting my sleep at night.. I would wake up at 1:00 AM and not be able to go back to sleep because of this problem with him being so much on my mind that I would be like wired like I just drank a bunch of tea.

Finally the other day he did this right before we were about to end the day.. So I got loud about it, because I was tired of bringing this home with me at the end of the day.. I thought I was gonna get out of one day of no interactions with him. Nope, he got it in right before we left..

Aaanyways, I talked with my other boss and she said, Not you too!!.. hehehe

She said, It's that damn Texas Crate order.. She said, I'm gonna have to start handling that one myself because he just becomes unbearable from the stress of it..

Then it all made sense and it felt like a boulder was taken off my shoulders.. I was even hearing others telling me yesterday how they didn't like him anymore, many that were in the 93%, with this really stressed out look in their expressions..

So I'm just really glad it was job stress and not being singled out because of what I am and also turning him down..

The Texas crate order was finished yesterday and he was like a whole other person.. Just nice as hell like he used to be.

I can understand job stress, and I'm really glad I didn't jump the gun.. Because I really didn't want to hate this guy.. Plus I should have confronted him myself sooner.. But being there only a year so far, I was kind of holding myself back from it.. Which really is kind of out of character for me.. I just really love working there..

I'm just really so glad that it wasn't discrimination.. I mean really really glad.. I slept so good last night, like a baby.. hehehe

Sorry for such a long peeve.. But I feel like I shouldn't just get mad at the world and throw it on here and then leave it like that.. Especially when it turns out to be something else entirely..

I'm just also really glad that I found the root to the problem and that I took the route that I did, rather than shooting from the hip.

My universe has balance again.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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10 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

ETA:Just to add..  I'm sorry, this wasn't meant to be so long..It's another one of my just waking up posts that I sometimes do that can sometimes get long.hehehe

Peeved at myself about my prior peeve: After having a decent nights rest and much calmer head the next morning I took a different approach than I planned on the night before..

I was gonna in my version of dragging this guy by the ear, tell him, we're going to the office right now, lets go!

Instead, I still felt I had to just make sure before I really made such a serious move that could impact someones livelihood. Because, I wasn't going another minute without some clarity.. It was living too rent free in my head.. 

So yesterday morning, I went to my other boss that is higher up than the one I was having a problem with.. Me and her are really close and sort of have ties with her daughter living with one of my cousins.. hehehe

So I asked her, in so many words, if there were any others complaining about this guy.

Where I work, there is like 100 people that work there..It's not a huge staff..

There is 93% Hispanic, then 4% Caucasian, then is 2% African American, then there is 1% me, which is Aboriginal Southwest American..

Anyways, The boss I was having the problem with is in the 93%..

Aaaanyways, there was a situation about a month ago where I think I kind of gave off the wrong signals and he got kind of flirty and he asked me out.. As gently as I could I told him that, I'm very flattered , but I'm happily married and I don't in so many words, ever stray from my husband. He was fine and still nice as ever for a couple of days after that..

But, not long after that He changed into this other person, where I couldn't make the smallest mistake without him all of a sudden popping up around ever corner.. I felt very singled out from everyone else. I mean it was every single day for the past month, it was like he had to just catch me at some sort of mistake, like it was some sort of goal of his..

It was impacting my sleep at night.. I would wake up at 1:00 AM and not be able to go back to sleep because of this problem with him being so much on my mind that I would be like wired like I just drank a bunch of tea.

Finally the other day he did this right before we were about to end the day.. So I got loud about it, because I was tired of bringing this home with me at the end of the day.. I thought I was gonna get out of one day of no interactions with him. Nope, he got it in right before we left..

Aaanyways, I talked with my other boss and she said, Not you too!!.. hehehe

She said, It's that damn Texas Crate order.. She said, I'm gonna have to start handling that one myself because he just becomes unbearable from the stress of it..

Then it all made sense and it felt like a boulder was taken off my shoulders.. I was even hearing others telling me yesterday how they didn't like him anymore, many that were in the 93%, with this really stressed out look in their expressions..

So I'm just really glad it was job stress and not being singled out because of what I am and also turning him down..

The Texas crate order was finished yesterday and he was like a whole other person.. Just nice as hell like he used to be.

I can understand job stress, and I'm really glad I didn't jump the gun.. Because I really didn't want to hate this guy.. Plus I should have confronted him myself sooner.. But being there only a year so far, I was kind of holding myself back from it.. Which really is kind of out of character for me.. I just really love working there..

I'm just really so glad that it wasn't discrimination.. I mean really really glad.. I slept so good last night, like a baby.. hehehe

Sorry for such a long peeve.. But I feel like I shouldn't just get mad at the world and throw it on here and then leave it like that.. Especially when it turns out to be something else entirely..

I'm just also really glad that I found the root to the problem and that I took the route that I did, rather than shooting from the hip.

My universe has balance again.. hehehe

Peeve: What does 93% refer to?

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: What does 93% refer to?

The majority of people that work there..

I only really even gave that part in my post, because I thought it was one of the two forms of discrimination that was happening..But it wasn't.

The reason for feeling it was part of that was, Because I seen them getting away with the biggest of mistakes, where I couldn't make one..

But it ends up, even they were having problems with him..

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Minor peeve: advertising pictures for clothing at in-world events that either make it an exercise to try and find while bodies they're rigged for, or don't put the info on the picture at all.

Major peeve: it's 2024 and some creators don't bother with demos. Still.

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29 minutes ago, Spiffy Voxel said:

Minor peeve: advertising pictures for clothing at in-world events that either make it an exercise to try and find while bodies they're rigged for, or don't put the info on the picture at all.

Major peeve: it's 2024 and some creators don't bother with demos. Still.

That's a big one of mine, especially since they are using the web sites for their adds..

It used to be that you could look at an add and see the logo for the head or body.. Now many make that important information, the fine print of the adds or don't even add it at all..

So, I just scroll on passed them now, no matter how much I think the product looks good.. I'm tired of makiing useless trips to find out it's not for my body or head.

Maybe not rig for so many bodies that you can't even fit them in the add.. hehehe

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19 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Mmm, nothing like strawmen, paranoia, false equivalences and ever shifting goal posts ...

Yes! The metallic taste of excess bile! Unfortunately, I think it's way too bitter.


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21 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
41 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Mmm, nothing like strawmen, paranoia, false equivalences and ever shifting goal posts ...

Yes! The metallic taste of excess bile! Unfortunately, I think it's way too bitter.

Relax.  The weekend is just around the corner. Things are always saner on the weekend.  🙃

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:
25 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
45 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Mmm, nothing like strawmen, paranoia, false equivalences and ever shifting goal posts ...

Yes! The metallic taste of excess bile! Unfortunately, I think it's way too bitter.

Relax.  The weekend is just around the corner. Things are always saner on the weekend.  🙃

Yes! I already started "being bad" and working on some LSL instead of RL job. 🙂

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22 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Peeve: People who should invest a bit more in sorting the inventory every now and then?
It is possible to rename folders and place them somewhere logical...

A merchant can't jump trough every possible hoop a customer holds up. There are too many different hoops for that.


New pet peeve! Store owners who don't include the name of their store in their product name...like your name is "Sid Bell's Shop" but all your products are named "LH"...wtf is up with that? Who the hell is "LH"? lol.

And...in-world shop not in search...and...LH is too short to search on, if that is your private secret name for your shop.

Never ceases to amaze me how store owners in SL shoot themselves in the foot over and over, such as:

- You see something you like, you inspect it, you go to the MP, it's not there, fine, go to the in-world store, it's not there, you see a wall of event logos of events that they participate in...but nothing showing what you have at any current event. I ain't visiting 15 events looking for it, sorry.

- Sellers who DO have posters showing products they have at events...but the event is over. :|

- Sellers who don't understand how useful "area search" is to their customers. Name your vendors by product pleeeeaaase.

- Sellers who mis-label their vendors because they copied one from an old product and left the old name on it.

- Stores for cosmetic, hair, etc. where the EEP makes you look like you're standing in a dark closet. Great for demos, your stuff really shines that way when I try it on...

And...singling them out. AMITOMO, where you literally need to read an instruction guide on how to purchase their products. It's worth it, because they are amazing clothes...but I don't know a single person who shops there who has not accidentally bought the wrong thing at least once lol.

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