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6 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

We are a ways off from a smart phone being an actual Desktop replacement - streaming/remote services do not count in that either.

People really need to stop pretending we are farther along than we are.

Right? Gaming aside, the thought of doing music production, audio/sound design & engineering, web dev, video editing, graphic design, animation, illustration, writing, etc. on a phone makes me itch.

I know mobile apps exist for most of that but...no thank you. I'm good. Phones are just too tiny and fiddly for all of that.

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26 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Not for me - apart from other considerations I can't see well enough to do that.


13 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Most phones nowadays have the ability to be casted or mirrored to larger screens whether monitors or digital TV's through either wireless or wired connections, thereby allowing their use as either a mobile device or a docked desktop replacement with added bluetooth mice and keyboards.

As other people have just said, the cost of one of the phones you suggest can be higher than that of a desktop, and actually I am no longer in a position to replace my desktop entirely.   I can only afford to have it upgraded bit by bit as my friendly local tech shop advise me. 

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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Right? Gaming aside, the thought of doing music production, audio/sound design & engineering, web dev, video editing, graphic design, animation, illustration, writing, etc. on a phone makes me itch.

I know mobile apps exist for most of that but...no thank you. I'm good. Phones are just too tiny and fiddly for all of that.

Closest thing we have honestly is the Steam Deck.

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5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Gaming aside, the thought of doing music production, audio/sound design & engineering, web dev, video editing, graphic design, animation, illustration, writing, etc. on a phone makes me itch.

I know mobile apps exist for most of that but...no thank you. I'm good. Phones are just too tiny and fiddly for all of that.

One day our "smart phone" will be like eyeglasses, and our keyboard will be inside the game, providing full functionality.

I already use the inworld keyboards in some VR games, activated by the game controllers.

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Just now, Solar Legion said:

Closest thing we have honestly is the Steam Deck.

Even that screen is too small for me. Hell, I rage over full-sized tablets. 🤣

Can Steam Deck really do all that stuff, though? That's pretty awesome, though real talk - my desktop PC wasn't too much more expensive than that, so I can't really see the value in it for myself personally UNLESS I reallllllly need to do a lot of traveling.

I do think mobile devices are great for people who are constantly on the go, but that's not my lifestyle at the moment.

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20 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

We are a ways off from a smart phone being an actual Desktop replacement - streaming/remote services do not count in that either.

People really need to stop pretending we are farther along than we are.

Ya, that's the truth.. The younger generation isn't limiting itself to just phones..

If anything they have more stuff than ever before.. consoles ,desktops, phones and smart cars and anything else that people can think of  in that list..

Pc and console games sure haven't seemed to slow down that much.. if anything there is a crap load more nowadays than ever before.. hehehe

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

One day our "smart phone" will be like eyeglasses, and our keyboard will be inside the game, providing full functionality.

I already use the inworld keyboards in some VR games, activated by the game controllers.

Yeah, but not the same feel as typing on a physical keyboard. Especially a mechanical. 

I did a ton of writing, legal transcription, and data entry in my life. I type well over 100+wpm - on-screen/touch keyboards make me rage so hard. 🤣

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"According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, desktops are most popular with older users. Younger users are more likely to own laptops and are the first generation to prefer mobile options to their stationary counterparts. Some industry experts aren’t prepared to say that desktop PCs are obsolete, but that time may be coming".

But I don't care!  I like my desktop!!!!

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1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:
6 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

One day our "smart phone" will be like eyeglasses, and our keyboard will be inside the game, providing full functionality.

I already use the inworld keyboards in some VR games, activated by the game controllers.

Yeah, but not the same feel as typing on a physical keyboard. Especially a mechanical. 

I did a ton of writing, legal transcription, and data entry in my life. I type well over 100+wpm - on-screen/touch keyboards make me rage so hard. 🤣

If I remember right, in some instances you can also use your actual physical keyboard to activate/simulate the inworld (inside VR) keyboard as well. so it would be the same.

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9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

One day our "smart phone" will be like eyeglasses, and our keyboard will be inside the game, providing full functionality.

I already use the inworld keyboards in some VR games, activated by the game controllers.

Or contact lenses..

I can see the name already.. The EYEphone..


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All I know is my 23 year old son, who does own the latest iPhone, just bought a gaming desktop.  He sold his gaming laptop to a friend so they could, ya know, game and stuff.  The mobile SL viewer, in my opinion, will serve the purpose of allowing more people, who should be working at their jobs in RL, to log into SL and waste their employer's time.  Awesome!

I do see it being helpful for creators or landlords who need to be in contact with customers.  I certainly have no need for a mobile viewer.


Edited by Rowan Amore
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14 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Yeah, but not the same feel as typing on a physical keyboard. Especially a mechanical. 

I did a ton of writing, legal transcription, and data entry in my life. I type well over 100+wpm - on-screen/touch keyboards make me rage so hard. 🤣

I'm always accidentally hovering over something on my phone and opening something..

I don't know how many times a day I say out loud, STUPID SMART PHONE, I didn't even touch you!! \o/


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19 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Even that screen is too small for me. Hell, I rage over full-sized tablets. 🤣

Can Steam Deck really do all that stuff, though? That's pretty awesome, though real talk - my desktop PC wasn't too much more expensive than that, so I can't really see the value in it for myself personally UNLESS I reallllllly need to do a lot of traveling.

I do think mobile devices are great for people who are constantly on the go, but that's not my lifestyle at the moment.

It can and there is also a dock (official and several third party ones) that allows you to connect it to a TV or monitor and other peripherals.

But yep - this idea that mobile devices (phones) are anywhere near that level is absolutely ridiculous. Such devices are great for travel or budget users.

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10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

One day our "smart phone" will be like eyeglasses, and our keyboard will be inside the game, providing full functionality.

I already use the inworld keyboards in some VR games, activated by the game controllers.

I will likely still be trying to host everything locally, rather than pay subscription fees for a variety of services such as AI generated art, bots, tts, servers and so on, but it is something that will be pretty cool,  when I am to be able to use my phone to access these things and use AR without wearing a huge set of goggles.  One thing I have been considering as of late is multiple virtual screens, considering my own lack of space for a decent computer setup.

Sure, I will look goofy but who cares?  It will be done in my home,  not in public.  I'm very much looking forward to the continued development of AR, it is fun stuff to think about.  For a while, before my cheapo VR goggles died I was having a blast watching movies in huge screen cinemas, and playing on my computer from within a virtual room on a virtual monitor - absolutely pointless, but just a surreal experience that I very much enjoyed.

As far as replacing the need of a larger rig, it may be a while off.  It is definitely doable but comes at the price of a subscription, your privacy, and so on.  

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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I'm always accidentally hovering over something on my phone and opening something..

I don't know how many times a day I say out loud, STUPID SMART PHONE, I didn't even touch you!! \o/


Mine's never even charged. I think I'm on my...3rd or 4th phone number since buying this dumb thing because I have to keep reactivating it. Pay-as-you-go is a blessing and a curse and I always forget to add a plan before it gets dropped out of service entirely. 😂 Peeve, since I can never keep a number long enough to even memorize it, lol.

I'm just not a smartphone/app person whatsoever. I grew up with PCs and consoles, everyone I know uses PCs, all my communities are PC-based, I work remotely on PC. Phones are "well if there's a danger of car trouble, I'd love to be able to call for a tow" device. If I'm not traveling, off it stays.

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3 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Mine's never even charged. I think I'm on my...3rd or 4th phone number since buying this dumb thing because I have to keep reactivating it. Pay-as-you-go is a blessing and a curse and I always forget to add a plan before it gets dropped out of service entirely. 😂 Peeve, since I can never keep a number long enough to even memorize it, lol.

I'm just not a smartphone/app person whatsoever. I grew up with PCs and consoles, everyone I know uses PCs, all my communities are PC-based, I work remotely on PC. Phones are "well if there's a danger of car trouble, I'd love to be able to call for a tow" device. If I'm not traveling, off it stays.

Ya, my phone is really just a phone.. I couldn't tell you where it is in the house at this moment..Probably in my purse or jacket  pocket or maybe the kitchen counter.. It could even be in the Jeep..

It's just a phone for me for the most part.. I'm not even really that good at apping or whatever the term is.. lol

I remember samsung was sendign me all kinds of emails about making sure I download all my data because they were changing something with their system or something..

I went to see what I had and they said, you have no data.. I was soooo Happy!! \o/


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8 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

It can and there is also a dock (official and several third party ones) that allows you to connect it to a TV or monitor and other peripherals.

But yep - this idea that mobile devices (phones) are anywhere near that level is absolutely ridiculous. Such devices are great for travel or budget users.

That's pretty cool! SteamDeck is definitely the way forward for big travelers. There's absolutely a market for it, too, as I constantly see game devs pressured to get their games "SteamDeck verified" even before official release.

What's funny to me are the people who travel WITH their crazy PC setups. Like what was that big gaming/esports conference that happened fairly recently in Sweden - DreamHack? Something like that. I can't even imagine trying to lug a whole streaming/gaming system around (especially with international flights), but ya know - gamers gonna game. 🤣 

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41 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Mine's never even charged. I think I'm on my...3rd or 4th phone number since buying this dumb thing because I have to keep reactivating it. Pay-as-you-go is a blessing and a curse and I always forget to add a plan before it gets dropped out of service entirely. 😂 Peeve, since I can never keep a number long enough to even memorize it, lol.

I'm just not a smartphone/app person whatsoever. I grew up with PCs and consoles, everyone I know uses PCs, all my communities are PC-based, I work remotely on PC. Phones are "well if there's a danger of car trouble, I'd love to be able to call for a tow" device. If I'm not traveling, off it stays.

My husband and I have always used pay as you go phones/plans.  We've never been big phone people anyway so spending $100 for a phone plus a years worth of service is a no brainer for us.  I've had to add texts in a year as that's mostly what I use it for anyway.  An extra $5 for 1000 texts?  Sure beats a monthly bill of any kind.


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4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

"According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, desktops are most popular with older users. Younger users are more likely to own laptops and are the first generation to prefer mobile options to their stationary counterparts. Some industry experts aren’t prepared to say that desktop PCs are obsolete, but that time may be coming".

But I don't care!  I like my desktop!!!!

I'm not sure I'd qualify as young but we'll say under 40, haven't owned a desktop PC since 2004. I'm a geeky sort and keep up to date as far as tech but I just find laptops are more than enough for me for a long time now. Expensive - especially since I like laptops with a high spec - but so much more convenient, I haven't sat down at a PC (at home) for a long time and don't intend to really.

I think for most home users a laptop is probably sufficient and I wouldn't be surprised if they outnumber desktop PCs in the home by a significant factor these days, they can also be dirt cheap.

I certainly don't prefer mobile devices though, I find Android and IOS to be painful experiences and entirely too locked down for me. Fine as phones and for occasional web browsing but not as computers.



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The current youngsters grow up with their phones.
We had photo's or it did not happen. They have on the phone or it did not happen.

Laptops are for the use in those technically outdated schools.
For the rest: phone, phone and a play station.

I use my smartphone basically for 5 things:
1. as a phone.
2. to check the glucose levels in my blood
3. As navigator with google maps during my road trips
4. Agenda.

5. Camera.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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27 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

The current youngsters grow up with their phones.

They're also pretty dang good at building custom PCs from scratch. Ask a teen is my usual motto, though some older long-time gamers over 30/40/50 definitely know their stuff, too.

Much of this subreddit falls into the "I need a bangin' gaming PC with a gabillion dollar budget help me out here's the exact list of games I need it for" category, but the overall build advice can be pretty good.



Peeve: I actually didn't take this route when I upgraded a few years ago as I have no patience to build from the ground up (which is a huge peeve as that's usually how you save the most cash), and instead got help from the much smaller sister subreddit (well, technically its Discord channel) /r/SuggestAPC. Still managed to snag a really stellar Black Friday deal on a budget with the help of some tech-savvy whippersnappers and older folks who knew exactly what to look out for when buying pre-built for today's games.

But yeah - ask a teenager ain't a bad motto for this kind of thing. A lot are pretty tech-savvy all around - not just with phones.

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22 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Apparently you might now be permitted to stream Second Life on Twitch. So long as you rate and label it as "Adults-Only."

I'm guessing no, mostly because of the section in the updated TOS that references games that feature custom gameplay and player-made content on the adult side (like mods and such) being a big ole no-no.

The content guidelines update was mostly to help out legitimate visual artists who were previously getting slapped - streamers who are actually doing fine art painting and drawing/sketching (and sculpting?) on the platform. Vtubers and more adult-content-focused artists are playing around and currently falling into "finding out" territory with that new rule, so I'd be totally shocked if SL got a pass. 

The list of banned games is absolutely worth a peeve, though. Some of those are fine and just general adult, but others...big yikes.

Edit: LOL I just noticed BMX XXX is on that list. That's an ooooold game (and a great one with a killer soundtrack). Hell, I had that on what...PS2 or whatever? Now I'm peeved.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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54 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

The current youngsters grow up with their phones.
We had photo's or it did not happen. They have on the phone or it did not happen.

Laptops are for the use in those technically outdated schools.
For the rest: phone, phone and a play station.

I use my smartphone basically for 5 things:
1. as a phone.
2. to check my glucose levels in my blood
3. As navigator with google maps during my road trips
4. Agenda.

5. Camera.

Not only that, but 5 or so years back, even though I sometimes tool pictures with my phone, I still thought of the phone and camera as being two different things. I was in the back yard taking some pictures of our new landscaping -- taking the pictures with my phone camera.  Yet, when I stepped into a hole and fractured my ankle, it never dawned on me to use that phone camera as a phone.  Instead, I hobbled to the back door and yelled for my husband.  


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