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37 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My understanding is, places where Tornados are the most common have - or at least used to have - actual sirens that go off (vs. Cellphone and Broadcast Alerts).  Kind of like the tsunami warning sirens (mostly intended for tsunamis) that didn't go off in Hawaii recently during the fires.

Yep, our town has those but you usually only get a very short window to get to your safe place.  Not all places have them, though or not enough of them so everyone can hear them.  They also do text alerts but I didn't get one of those the other night, just the siren which I had a hard time hearing because it was already raining very hard.


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: LOUD Hurricane warning for "life-endangering flooding" shocked the heck out of me.

Luckily, I'm in a "non-flood zone".

(I usually only worry about winds.)


It woke me up, now I am trying (and failing) to go back to sleep.  I'm also in a non-flood zone, so it was not necessary.  Now I want to go to the store, and see if people are fighting over toilet paper, can't ever have enough of it when there is a hurricane, or virus, I guess.  I'm glad we bought a bidet, one of the first things I insisted on when I started seeing people going a bit nutty over toilet paper when covid hit.  

Another year, another Hurricane, another TP shortage for a few days 🤣

Edited by Istelathis
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15 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

It just seems so pointless. Following a single person around just to grief them with goofy signs. Whatever floats their boat, I suppose.

Personally, I'd use the excuse to put up even more stuff. I'd enjoy viewing it and making the land look pretty for myself and others and they can continue to flail about it. I understand if you'd rather ignore it, though. 

Oh, it is pointless! Totally!

The homophobia is just this week's theme; we're not actually an LGBTQ+ group (although we are of course pro-LGBTQ+). More usually, the griefing is political in nature because the group is politically progressive. So, I get "Communists are boring," or whatever. (We aren't communists, we're democratic socialists, but to these people anyone to the left of Rand Paul is a Stalinist.)

I DO take some solace in the fact that I'm clearly irritating these jerks. They deserve to be irritated.

29 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I can't help it. There are some quips that just need to be made, and here is another one within 24 hours of the last. Le sigh.

I've posted this image before, but it is just that good. Re: Canadian Activists As Clear And Present Danger Threats:


/me looks mildly agitated.

I don't know that that's very nice, Seicher. Please don't make me raise an eyebrow harshly at you.

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@Rowan Amore and @Love Zhaoying, I'm glad you are both reporting you're basically out of harm's way and I hope it stays that way.

I've lived in so many regions of the USA, that I've been through earthquakes (most notably the Loma Prieta one, omg), tornadoes in various places that have wiped out 1/2 of the small towns (and always the trailer parks), hurricanes, but mostly the inshore flooding as opposed to the shoreline full force. Here in Montshire (area along the CT River) we have been having a lot of rain. I live next to a beautiful, granite bolder strewn, small river and it has been quite dramatic. If it isn't killing you or the ones you love, or destroying valuable property, extreme weather can be gorgeous. 

Jeebus. I'm sounding absolutely Pollyanna-ish. Yay Global Warming?


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Peeve: That I always underestimate the length of time a job is actually going to take. 

Got a new rug today, to go underneath my computer table and to cover up a threadbare patch of carpet. I thought it would take ten minutes to replace the old rug, but of course I had to shift everything off the table, then dust the table, move the table, vacuum around the back of the table, shift the old rug, put the new rug in place, put the table back, put the computer and accessories back. An hour it took! An hour to do a ten minute job.

Pet delight though: I have a new rug and it looks pretty nice. 

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, I get "Communists are boring," or whatever.

Lol. Insightful analysis. 😂 I'm almost peeved that's all they could come up with.


1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

(We aren't communists, we're democratic socialists, but to these people anyone to the left of Rand Paul is a Stalinist.)

Oh, I know the feel. I'm on the same team. The Bernie Lean is not just a dance in my book, though it is a rather fun one.



1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I DO take some solace in the fact that I'm clearly irritating these jerks. They deserve to be irritated.

Yeah, I wouldn't even pay them any attention beyond dressing up your plot on occasion for funsies. Gaydiation is kind of a fun word, though. I'd yoink it and put that on signs of your own. 😄 

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's a double pet-peeve today:  mesh snobbery and art snobbery.

Some think any mesh costing less than $50K has to be involved in monkey business or *gasp*, copybotted, but ok. 🙄

I don't have anything to say about art other than it being subjective.

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13 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not a terrible idea, actually. Maybe on a tee shirt?

Ooo yes, tees! Gaydiation Station. 

For the record, I'm having a blast putting that slogan into a meme generator. You gotta play with that. 😂

Peeve: How did we not come up with this silliness first?! 

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5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:
37 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not a terrible idea, actually. Maybe on a tee shirt?

Ooo yes, tees! Gaydiation Station. 

For the record, I'm having a blast putting that slogan into a meme generator. You gotta play with that. 😂

Peeve: How did we not come up with this silliness first?! 

"Radioactive", by The Firm:


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6 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

We had the LOUD tornado warning here Thursday/Friday morning around 12:15 am followed by flood warnings.   It's bad enough during the day but nighttime tornados are even worse since you can't see the sky.  At least hurricanes are predictable much further in advance.  

I hate the night time ones.. At the start of the year in early spring, we were in warnings like every weekend it seemed and always seemed to be at night.. I think I was posting up  things in this thread or the , what are you watching thread at the time..

The states below us like Arkansas ,Mississippi and Alabama  had such devastation.. We got it too , but not anywhere as bad as them.. Some towns got hit twice in early spring.. We had two big ones just  at the edge of town during that period.. It was so out of character for that time of year too.. 

If you want some good  meteorologists to watch.. these two guys are always right on top of things..

They are so good at predicting too.. I watch them all the time, especially if bad weather is coming our way.. They teach you while you're watching  to look for certain things that  can possibly be one about to start up too..




Edited by Ceka Cianci
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9 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: LOUD Hurricane warning for "life-endangering flooding" shocked the heck out of me.

Luckily, I'm in a "non-flood zone".

(I usually only worry about winds.)

8 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

We had the LOUD tornado warning here Thursday/Friday morning around 12:15 am followed by flood warnings.   It's bad enough during the day but nighttime tornados are even worse since you can't see the sky.  At least hurricanes are predictable much further in advance.  

I hope you both stay safe and if you're electricity goes off, it won't be for very long.

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3 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I was supposed to have a meeting today at 9 a.m., but the other person didn't show up. Then because I don't usually go out on Mondays, I kept subconsciously thinking it was Tuesday and going to places that are closed on Monday, thinking "Why is this place not open?"

I know that feeling was supposed to meet up with a so-called friend years ago. She doesn't meet up with me, and I look like an idiot standing around waiting there. It's really annoying. 

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18 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Maybe Oz wasn't overly happy about it, or maybe that was just an assumption based on imagination during a chat. Either way it doesn't matter because (1) Oz was just an LL employee and not LL, and (2) LL's intention was to allow people to develope the viewer in various ways, and that's still their intention or they wouldn't release the code. They never had to release it, and they still don't have to release it, but they did and they do.

I think you are minimizing the amount of impact Oz had on the direction of viewer development over the years. As far as allowing continued development, I'd say we will have to wait and see whether their cross platform mobile viewer code will be open sourced. Oz did mention before he retired that though he didn't know yet what the final decision would be, he suspected not. Could well be a peeve in the making.


There is no competition. There may be competition between the various TPVs, but none between TPVs and the official viewer. You have jumped to a wrong conclusion, just as someone else here jumped to the ridiculous imagined conclusion that the reason why TPVs lag behind official viewer releases is because TPVs spend time fixing mistakes in the new LL release.

Maybe I've jumped to the wrong conclusion but my viewpoint is based on substantially more than the straw grasping that I have seen coming from you or Silent on this and as much as it might pain me to agree with @Zalificent Corvinus, her pointing out that TPV's lag behind official viewer releases because TPV devs spend time fixing mistakes in new LL releases is right on the money. That has been proven over and over again at the different TPV meetings where they came and pointed out problems to Lindens that needed fixing before they could merge it into their beta or release viewers. It was just recently yet that a FS dev mentioned they were not going to merge in the new inventory preview code until the Lab fixed and released it on their end so they wouldn't merge and then have to take it back out.

Lastly, my comment on the viewer wars was only a sub context comment to the issue of an inability to create new folders under the My-Outfits folder, which is broken or a new "feature" as Scylla pointed out here . I'd much rather see @Beq Janus or @Whirly Fizzle tell us whether that will be the new norm or not. Henri of Cool viewer pointed out in a post that the ability still exists in his viewer so it begs the question why Firestorm broke it in theirs.



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4 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Maybe I've jumped to the wrong conclusion but my viewpoint is based on substantially more than the straw grasping that I have seen coming from you or Silent on this

You certainly jumped to the wrong conclusion. You're right about that, but you are definitely wrong about why it takes some time for TPVs to release their catch-up viewers. It simply can't be done until they've blended their modifications and the new code together. It's rather obvious.

Incidentally, I use the official viewer (and another one) and new releases of it work just fine. Nothing needs fixing. It could be that the LL developers omitted to clear a variable or two so the viewer uses a tiny bit more memory than in necessary, but looking for such things isn't needed, and isn't the reason for the time it takes to release the catch-up TPVs. You only need to think about it to realise it.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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Two Peeve Morning:
While others are having scary, real weather warnings going off, this morning I find my phone hijacked by "important weather warnings." We've been having flooding here off/on, so I thought "uh oh" because I live near a river. Um. "Patches of heavy fog." Like FOG is now worthy of the equivalent of a tornado siren going off? Along the river, which tends to be more foggy than elsewhere, it was a misty foggy haze. "Warning, Will Robinson! Warning!" Gimme my phone back... grumble.

(And yes, yes, I know fog can be dangerous, and I have several driving/mountain/omg stories as examples. I'm just grumbling because... see below.)

Sneezing my damn head off this morning! Not the off/on of the occasional sneeze, thankyouverymuch golden rod. No, the serial sneezing that is one after another after another for the past hour. Try drinking coffee while that is happening! This explains the grumpiness about fog. My BRAIN is fogged and I can't get the defogger into my system due to sneezing. WTF is blooming out there?

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