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32 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

It might be more interesting to see what would happen if the GD forum was removed all together.  Since everything has to be SL related there really is no need for it. All the GD would fit into other areas of the forum.

And unfortunately this is the insidious way this sometimes works. It's an old tactic: change something enough that it breaks, note that it is now "broken," and so use that as a justification for just dumping or completely replacing it with something you'd prefer.

Change forum rules --> Gosh! People aren't using the GD as much --> The GD is hardly used. Is it necessary, really? --> Kill the GD forum

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
11 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

I thought using "adulting" and verbing other nouns is a thing millennials of all genders do. 

My kids have been laughing at me since they were young because I verb nouns all the time. Doing so pretty much always got their attention though, since they would often do a double take trying to figure out what I actually meant.

In school, they taught us these were called "gerunds"! 

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And unfortunately this is the insidious way this sometimes works. It's an old tactic: change something enough that it breaks, note that it is now "broken," and so use that as a justification for just dumping or completely replacing it with something you'd prefer.

Change forum rules --> Gosh! People aren't using the GD as much --> The GD is hardly used. Is it necessary, really? --> Kill the GD forum

I guess they won't need to pay as many Forum Moderators.

More money saved --> LL stays in business longer --> Second Life continues longer!


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9 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

My kids have been laughing at me since they were young because I verb nouns all the time. Doing so pretty much always got their attention though, since they would often do a double take trying to figure out what I actually meant.

You've got problems?

I have fielded three four phone calls in the last 20 minutes from a niece who is confused about the difference between "strong" and "weak" nominal forms in Old English.

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

There are days when I feel old enough to have spoken Old English when it was the thing. There problem is that I'm too old to remember it. 

Like they say, 'Twas brillig! - Lewis Carroll

Oh wait, that's not it.

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." - Chaucer

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:
3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Second Life. Without it, there's no Forum.


You're creating a false dilemma. The survival of SL doesn't rest on whether they pay moderators here. Nor would the loss of GD mean that they no longer needed moderators.

No no no no no lol!

I'm responding to the apparent greater importance of the Forum over Second Life itself.

That's all! 

No need to call in the "Logic Elves"! While I love their pointy ears, their yammering and incantations give me a headache.

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9 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Great word, I had forgotten it! * puts on a bowler hat with ear-slots *

It is a great word, to be sure. But it's misspelled. The correct spelling is "bowdlerized". It is sometimes capitalized, because it is named after English physician Thomas Bowdler. In 1818 he published a censored version of William Shakespeare, expurgating “those words and expressions [] which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family.”

It has, perhaps, always had a somewhat negative connotation. I mean, censoring the Bard? Come ON!

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Just now, Lindal Kidd said:

Well, I for one probably spend more time here than in world, and I'm pretty sure most of the other regulars do too. So, arguably Love's right about the relative importance!

I don't think that's true of me. For one thing, when I'm in-world, I'm focused entirely on it (except for excursions into Photoshop). Whereas I just pop into the forums on occasion: I rarely have it open in front of me for longer than a few minutes at a time.

And . . . I wouldn't be here at all were I not going in-world. My participation in the forums is contingent on my use of the platform.

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4 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Minor peeve: finding out that the software you've kept updated for 30 years, while hardly ever actually using it (I'll get to it someday!) has been sold to another company and hasn't had any development work done on it for at least two years.

I had a related thing happen, long term.

Original company sold their software to Company B. Price went to $60K for what we needed. 

Company B sold to Company C. Price went to $120K.

Company C sold to Adobe. Price went to $360K.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck using the software version from 1994-1997!

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55 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Like they say, 'Twas brillig! - Lewis Carroll

Oh wait, that's not it.

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." - Chaucer

Chaucer is Middle English. Old English is something like Beowulf or The Dream of the Rood. It's very different. It helps enormously if you've learned Latin.

Peeve: I never learned Latin.

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