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Peeve: If I click to go to page 1004, I get this page. If I click to go to page 1005, I get this same page.


Edit: it might be fixed now, but I'm scared to try and see.

Edit again: It's fixed.

New Peeve: Wasting a whole peeve on that.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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9 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Peeve: If I click to go to page 1004, I get this page. If I click to go to page 1005, I get this same page.


Edit: it might be fixed now, but I'm scared to try and see.

Edit again: It's fixed.

New Peeve: Wasting a whole peeve on that.

Well, your post got the topic to page 1,006, so you fixed it. :) 

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1 minute ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Well, your post got the topic to page 1,006, so you fixed it. :) 

Just doing my job, fixing things by stumbling around~!


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16 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I assumed that was about the debate. 🫣

Which I purposefully avoided, but did catch the synopsis on Twitter, which was more or less . . .

. . . the US is ****ed.

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41 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Which I purposefully avoided, but did catch the synopsis on Twitter, which was more or less . . .

. . . the US is ****ed.

Nah, they got me! I can fix things just by stumbling around!

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Peeve 1: Only one working mirror at a time!

So, I have an idea (actually, a few ideas) involving mirrors, so I played around with them today. I want to do a shot with three different mirrors (all mounted on a vanity, at slightly different angles, as mirrors on vanities frequently are). It's mildly annoying that one can only have one working mirror at a time, but it's workable using multiple shots. It's just annoying.

Peeve 2: I undressed one of my male alts to add a . . . a thing. And realized his shape is off. Ugh. More work.

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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I definitely remember seeing something about an option to make "all surfaces mirrors" or similar..not what you want?

I'm not sure what that means? All what surfaces? Do you remember where you saw this?

I've got three mirrors atop this vanity, at three slightly different angles, so I need three (and just three) mirrors. Again, I can do it with multiple shots, but it's mildly annoying.

Mind you, who knows how much lag three mirrors would create?

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've got three mirrors atop this vanity, at three slightly different angles, so I need three (and just three) mirrors. Again, I can do it with multiple shots, but it's mildly annoying.

I remember someone saying that they had multiple mirrors set up with a single probe, but I suspect all of them were at the same angle.  Since, with mirror probes, the mirror and probe have to be aligned correctly you may find that having the 3 mirrors at different angles means you'd need 3 probes.  The issue you might face is that since the 3 mirrors are so close together adding a probe for each may cause them to intersect and give weird results?

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Just now, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

I remember someone saying that they had multiple mirrors set up with a single probe, but I suspect all of them were at the same angle.  Since, with mirror probes, the mirror and probe have to be aligned correctly you may find that having the 3 mirrors at different angles means you'd need 3 probes.  The issue you might face is that since the 3 mirrors are so close together adding a probe for each may cause them to intersect and give weird results?

I didn't actually TRY three mirrors. I should see what happens!

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I didn't actually TRY three mirrors. I should see what happens!

I may be recalling it wrong but I vaguely remember it being said that we can only have a single "mirror probe" so I'm guessing if you can't get all 3 working from 1 probe then you may be out of luck :( 

Trying with 3 mirrors and a single probe will probably work but if the mirrors are at different angles it may give some weird results in the ones not perfectly aligned with the probe.

ETA: Even if something shouldn't work in SL it's always worth trying it anyway, SL is so quirky that sometimes the stuff that definitely shouldn't work inadvertently gives unexpectedly cool results! 

Edited by Fluffy Sharkfin
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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm not sure what that means? All what surfaces? Do you remember where you saw this?

I've got three mirrors atop this vanity, at three slightly different angles, so I need three (and just three) mirrors. Again, I can do it with multiple shots, but it's mildly annoying.

Mind you, who knows how much lag three mirrors would create?

If you get the angled set of mirrors thing working, I want one so my avatar can practice sleight of hand close-up magic. IRL I always had to use the bathroom mirror, myself (coins are loud when you drop them in the sink!), so it'd be something to add to my bucket list for SL.

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6 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

I may be recalling it wrong but I vaguely remember it being said that we can only have a single "mirror probe" so I'm guessing if you can't get all 3 working from 1 probe then you may be out of luck :( 

Trying with 3 mirrors and a single probe will probably work but if the mirrors are at different angles it may give some weird results in the ones not perfectly aligned with the probe.

That makes sense, but it's worth a look.

TBH, I wasn't even sure I was going to use actual SL mirrors for this shot. I was going to use them as "cheats" to make it easier to calculate what the reflections should look like, and then take those manually and add them as reflections post-production. (Calculating the angle for reflections manually has been the worst part of doing reflections before.) But I was reasonably impressed by the quality of the reflection at 2048 resolution, so I am going to try using the native mirrors.

If worse comes to worst, and I have to do three different shots, one for each mirror, it's not much extra work.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Peeve: I need this man's wardrobe. In RL AND in SL. Need it. All of it. ALLA IT.

@Scylla Rhiadra Scyllaaaaaaaaaa, Wisdom's up to his stylish shenanigans agaaaain! It's funny - I found this in an article on a graphic design blog. Never know where he's gonna show up.



Edit: Additional Peeve - TikTok embeds are wonky. Posted the link instead.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
Fiddling with linkz
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23 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Peeve: I need this man's wardrobe

I could see a case for what he called "Times New Roman" but the rest of his "fonts" remind me of things made by 17 yr olds the first time you let them use word processing software.


You know, CV's  with coloured borders, and 8 different font faces in the same document, just because they can, "Because there's a button for fonts right? So, like you have to use all of them Bro!".

The rest of his wardrobe, I wouldn't want to be seen dead, next to anyone who dressed like that.

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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I definitely remember seeing something about an option to make "all surfaces mirrors" or similar..not what you want?

I'm not sure what that means? All what surfaces? Do you remember where you saw this?

"Every surface" within some predefined boundary would be a mirror.  I hadn't seen it recently so thought I'd mention it.

First I saw it in some announcement, then I saw one of our Forumites try it in a similar scenario to a "hall of mirrors". Not sure if it was @Istelathis (who seems to stay ahead of the curve on lots of things). I can search if I have to lol!

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32 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

"Every surface" within some predefined boundary would be a mirror.  I hadn't seen it recently so thought I'd mention it.

First I saw it in some announcement, then I saw one of our Forumites try it in a similar scenario to a "hall of mirrors". Not sure if it was @Istelathis (who seems to stay ahead of the curve on lots of things). I can search if I have to lol!

They are so much fun :D


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Peeve: I couldn't find the "make everything a mirror" reference / example, but I did find a video where someone showed using a Blinn-Phong material for a mirror, the point they were making: they made a nice mirror using no PBR materials (which shouldn't be news, it was just a nice example video). 

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4 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Peeve: I need this man's wardrobe. In RL AND in SL. Need it. All of it. ALLA IT.

@Scylla Rhiadra Scyllaaaaaaaaaa, Wisdom's up to his stylish shenanigans agaaaain! It's funny - I found this in an article on a graphic design blog. Never know where he's gonna show up.



Edit: Additional Peeve - TikTok embeds are wonky. Posted the link instead.

Cute idea! And yeah, he's got some looks there, hardly surprising. Only he could make Papyrus and Courier look good. (Comic Sans was hilarious!)

I have a friend in-world who needs this TikTok! Thanks!

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Awww, thanks Stella and Love! I appreciate the efforts!

Honestly, I'll probably not worry about it, and just stick with the one mirror. It's not precisely "trivial," but certainly not difficult, to make a static shot work by blending three pics (I've done some pics that blended over two dozen).

Maybe later today I'll do a test run and post the results!

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