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4 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Yup, Luna, 6" of snow here and a wind chill the other morning about -12C. Fun? No.

Peeve. Snow. I can take cold, but snow? No.

Now see -- I'd rather have the snow, but have warmer temps.  I hate the frigid cold.  Give me a Colorado 30-40 degree day with snow any time.

ETA:  Note that here in CO the snow seldom stays on the ground for very long.  We get upset if it is still there 4 days after it snowed. I do hate snow that hangs around because it gets dirty and  no longer looks pretty.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I never thought of such a possibility that one could be banned from an MP store or worse yet that there are circulated lists of of residents for the sake of banning potential bad reviewers among them. I sort of doubt that that is actually common knowledge to a point it has an effect on the lack of actual reviews.

Seems that would be a risky response from a creator considering the possibility of doing that to one who decides there are other ways they could get the product and maybe distribute it to one and all.

Maybe. I suspect that a far more important consideration is, as someone has mentioned, laziness.

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5 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Yah but for Torontonians, a foot of snow is a mild inconvenience, not a week long holiday and pulling out the National Guard to clear it up. 

Our idiot mayor some decades ago did famously panic over a very heavy snowfall once, and called in the army.

25 or so years later and Toronto is still living down the ridicule of the rest of the country.

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6 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Yup, Luna, 6" of snow here and a wind chill the other morning about -12C. Fun? No.

Peeve. Snow. I can take cold, but snow? No.

Just flurries here so far. Nice to see the heavier fall travelling away down the 401.

It WAS cold as hell though. Today is better. I'm actually with @LittleMe Jewell on this one: I'll take snow over frigid temperatures any day. (It may help that I'm not the one on the household who does the bulk of the shoveling.)

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Sadly, yes.

I've always maintained that Toronto is a great place to live, but I wouldn't want to visit here.

Toronto is a city like most cities.
Rome is a tourist attraction park, just like Venice, Amsterdam, Vegas.
I would not like to live in any of that category. City centers trampled by tourists day after day.
I like to go to Amsterdam every now and then, great shopping and museums, but in the end the best thing about that city is the outbound train back home. It is too crowded with tourists.
I've been to Venice a few times. Beautiful, but living there? No thanks. They have the same problem.
Rome is still on my bucket list somewhere. But when I see the pictures of the crowds everywhere..... I don't know if I will ever go there, although it must be  beautiful to see a few of the highlights there.

Edited by Sid Nagy
English in the mornign is somehow harder than later on in the day.
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20 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

OMFG, what a load of losses!!  My sympathies and my appreciation of your great attitude!  Celebrate those silver linings and those old photos and goodies!  🤗

My more childish half just wants to replace everything when it's my things.

When the computer went down, He was like, I'll just build you a new one. I was like, Ooooh no you won't!

We're not doing that again until this one dies for good or doesn't work if the power supply doesn't fix it. It still works really good.

Then He wanted to get a new vehicle after my jeep battery died.

I was like, I'm not getting another jeep, the  new ones aren't even as good as mine. I love my jeep.

Then the router went down and I  called the provider and they told me we needed a new router.

I told him, they said the router is bad , so they're sending us a new one.  

After arguing over the other two things, I couldn't help but say. You should be happy, we're getting something new..

He just gave me the finger a laughed.. lol

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20 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:
20 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Yeah where the hell is my parcel from Amazon (dark chocolate).  It's late!

Oh, I got it here about an hour ago.  Was it yours?

I hope you are enjoying MY chocolate, Rolig.

Double Grrrrrrr

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Winter ❄️ peeve: When the rubbish bins freeze and you can't open them, and or you find a note from your kind rubbish bin people that tells you that unfortunately they couldn't empty the bins in your area due to lids frozen stuck and bid you farewell until in a fortnight. The latter happened only once in my life, but it's really inconvenient 😅


Funnily, I don't like dark 🍫...unless it's really dark chocolate, i.e. 100%, which I love. It was hard to get, but now, there are a few local shops who have some, so I don't need to order, and also one with a café, where you can choose your hot chocolate with 60-100% cocoa, and the 100% tastes awesome. Hot chocolate, from pure cocoa and without sugar but with chili and cinnamon, definitely is one of my winter highlights... But I got OT, sorry, this should be in delights, not peeves :)

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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9 minutes ago, InnerCity Elf said:

Winter ❄️ peeve: When the rubbish bins freeze and you can't open them, and or you find a note from your kind rubbish bin people that tells you that unfortunately they couldn't empty the bins in your area due to lids frozen stuck and bid you farewell until in a fortnight. The latter happened only once in my life, but it's really inconvenient 😅

At least the garbage won't stink while it is frozen!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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I'm trying to 'get with' winter, but I'll admit I'm having trouble with it, and this is a pet peeve.

I remember thinking of winter as cozily sitting in front of my PC designing something, a cup of hot tea in hand, and the glow of candles lending ambience nearby.

Maybe I just need time.

All I see atm when I look out my window is another dark & dreary day. Personally, I'm not depressed.  I just want some sunshine!

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6 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm trying to 'get with' winter, but I'll admit I'm having trouble with it, and this is a pet peeve.

I remember thinking of winter as cozily sitting in front of my PC designing something, a cup of hot tea in hand, and the glow of candles lending ambience nearby.

Maybe I just need time.

All I see atm when I look out my window is another dark & dreary day. Personally, I'm not depressed.  I just want some sunshine!

I can relate; my current approach is to force myself out of the house and into "prep mode".  Today that involved cleaning off all the leaves, seed pods and debris that had collected on my porch and under the porch furniture.  It was a warmish, pleasant day for me in just tank top and leggings and I got to watch the leaf-sucking machine trundle up and down the street as I swept.  🤗

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve "fuel" for y'all: High of 81F today, 80F tomorrow.


83° where I am, in another couple of hours according to the weather channel, not just that though but we will have sunlight till around 6pm.  I am thinking of mowing my back yard, I keep putting it off.

I think instead I will go for a walk, then lay on the hammock sipping away at some iced soda, while playing games on my phone and perhaps take a nap.  Today will be a lazy day, most of the chores are done already.

We are evil Love, ya know that?  


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