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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:
11 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

We all loved Lucie, didn't we?

Sadly, I see internet "clickbait" articles lately highlighting that Lucy's last few shows in the 1970's were cancelled because by then, she wasn't all that funny.

I know, it's frustrating, amounting to a pet peeve, how humans will stop at nothing to try and make someone else bad/wrong. I guess it's the way some attempt to make themselves feel better -- by pointing fingers.

My daughter just went through that with my grandson, where some kids were making fun of another and my grandson was trying to make sense of it.

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7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Pet Peeve: Not understanding why someone would find it so necessary, would go to such effort, to trash someone who thinks deeply.

I imagine that there's more to the story (not that I really want to hear it ...).  After all, I'm sure that Putin thinks deeply at times, but I'd have no qualms about trashing him, personally.

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5 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:
13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Pet Peeve: Not understanding why someone would find it so necessary, would go to such effort, to trash someone who thinks deeply.

I imagine that there's more to the story (not that I really want to hear it ...).  After all, I'm sure that Putin thinks deeply at times, but I'd have no qualms about trashing him, personally.

I'm not sure it's good to blame the victim when they are attacked. Society tends to think that -- they see someone charged as guilty and tend to assume they must be! 

Trial by media -- is a pet peeve of mine, and all too popular these days.

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8 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I imagine that there's more to the story (not that I really want to hear it ...).  After all, I'm sure that Putin thinks deeply at times, but I'd have no qualms about trashing him, personally.

A lot of great, deep thinkers were also just a tad crazy.

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

A lot of great, deep thinkers were also just a tad crazy.

We'd have to define what "deep" means.  Personally, if the thinking is "crazy" I don't consider it "deep".

Pet Peeve: People talk beyond each other, often not bothering to ascertain clear definitions.

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4 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Peeve.  People making obscure references to some drama or other when I haven't a clue what they're talking about.  

It's too bad we can't start a "Drama Thread", it wouldn't be Grandfathered in - unless it was categorized properly as "RolePlay" and not related to "actual" drama.

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11 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

A lot of great, deep thinkers were also just a tad crazy.

Peeve: The fuzzy line between "deep thinking" and "over-thinking".

Peeve: Not knowing if there's a connection between "double-think" and "deep thinking".

Peeve: When someone crosses over from "deep thinking" into "being of two minds" about something, they should get a "group discount" for therapy!

Peeve: Trying to justify anything and everything. "It was just a thought experiment, I was just thinking out loud!" "Yes, but who thinks out loud about THAT?!?"

Peeve: Stinkin' Thinkin'.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: The fuzzy line between "deep thinking" and "over-thinking".

So true, and who should judge this?

Pet Peeve:  I believe it is in the brain of the beholder, as to whether they are deep thinking or over-thinking, but some get all judgey and try and tell the speaker what they're doing, and well that's really like psychoanalyzing the thought processes and motivations of the speaker!

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12 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

It's too bad we can't start a "Drama Thread", it wouldn't be Grandfathered in - unless it was categorized properly as "RolePlay" and not related to "actual" drama.

My advise don't dream of the impossible.
This is what these forums are at the moment. Who knows, it even might become worse.

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That nearly everyone in the US didn't turn into a zombie at 19:40 GMT today.

I was looking forward to a bit of excitement to enliven an otherwise very dull day.

Maybe it did turn everyone's SL accounts into bots though? A girl can hope, right?

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4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That nearly everyone in the US didn't turn into a zombie at 19:40 GMT today.

I was looking forward to a bit of excitement to enliven an otherwise very dull day.

Maybe it did turn everyone's SL accounts into bots though? A girl can hope, right?

I was in awe of how silly people were acting over this, to be honest. 😂 I was hanging out on Twitch at the time it went off (not for me as my phone's battery stays ded - charge my phone? NEVA!), and the streamer's phone went off, chat erupted as theirs all went off, everyone acting silly, streamer starts screaming and writhing, chat starts screaming and spamming dramatic emotes, and hashtags start popping on Twitter, because it was two minutes early. 🤣

Nutty. Everyone's nutty. 


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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That nearly everyone in the US didn't turn into a zombie at 19:40 GMT today.

I was looking forward to a bit of excitement to enliven an otherwise very dull day.

Maybe it did turn everyone's SL accounts into bots though? A girl can hope, right?

Peeve: If everyone turned into a zombie at the same time, we'd all think nothing changed. 

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20 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That nearly everyone in the US didn't turn into a zombie at 19:40 GMT today.

I was looking forward to a bit of excitement to enliven an otherwise very dull day.

Maybe it did turn everyone's SL accounts into bots though? A girl can hope, right?

Sorry to disappoint you!  Although, I'm having a strange craving for...oh, nvm.  

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2 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

What's the zombies at 19.40 thing about? 🧟‍♂️😵

Testing the emergency alert system. Everyone got a phone notification at the same time. Some went off into wild conspiracies about how everyone would turn into zombies. 😂 Been reading too much Stephen King, I guess.

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34 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


That nearly everyone in the US didn't turn into a zombie at 19:40 GMT today.

Didn't that happen years ago already?  😁


/me sees himself out.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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3 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

What's the zombies at 19.40 thing about? 

It was 20:20 GMT, actually.  And it was a nationwide test of the emergency broadcast system. Broadcast radio does that sort of thing once a month or so, but this time they also did it by mobile phone too, and it was supposed to be more or less simultaneous across the U.S.  In fact, though, I heard it on my  phone at 20:20 and then heard it again on National Public Radio less than a minute later, and then heard it again from my regional affiliate of NPR another minute after that.  We have been fully tested.

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