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On 5/4/2022 at 2:34 PM, Persephone Emerald said:

Just move to California. We have a largely liberal-minded population and Democrat controlled legislature. You can find houses of this style in some areas too.

I'd like to, as my daughter and grandson are there, but I'm afraid housing is too expensive for a freelancer without the skills to get one of the high-paying jobs there. Housing is so inexpensive where I live, and in Mexico housing is even cheaper than here, and so that's also one of my considerations for the Mexico choice.

I could get a small apartment in Mexico for what I pay in home insurance alone here on a modest sized house ($250 monthly).

Pet Peeve:  All these climate change weather events in the US driving up the cost of home insurance.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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On 5/4/2022 at 2:42 PM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Ooo that IS pretty!

And yup, I never actually stopped considering. I managed to make it out of the country in 2002 - spent two years in the UK attending college, which is arguably the easiest way to do it. Unfortunately, my financial aid fell through halfway in (eep), soooo I started looking for full-time work before the student visa ran out. That's when I learned the very hard way that companies do not sponsor too easily and the visa process in many places tends to work the same way (company sponsors you, has to convince the gov that they absolutely neeeed you they can't find any local citizen to do what you alone can do, temp visa granted, etc., red tape red tape red tape). That was almost impossible in my original field at the time (graphic design). Came back to the US and decided to wait and try again in the future.

Now that things are essentially um...not great, it's the perfect time to start looking again! I asked a good SL friend in Australia to adopt me yesterday and she said sure come on over, but the visa process there is essentially the same. I believe Panama has a deal with the US for an expedited smoother process, but I need to look into that more.

Oh and yeah, I've absolutely considered Mexico, too. I don't think it's quite as easy either, but it's been a minute since I've checked, LOL.

Well it takes a pretty big piggy bank of around $42,000 to become a temporary and then permanent resident after 4 years in Mexico OR an income of around $2,600 monthly.  Some have managed to reside there as a visitor as they used to allow 6 months as long as you left the country and then entered again to get another visitor visa, but they are getting strict about the time allowed now.

For Mexico, I'm more concerned about selling my house and belongings and getting my cats there as opposed to the red tape.

Pet Peeve: Feeling lazy

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Well it takes a pretty big piggy bank of around $42,000 to become a temporary and then permanent resident after 4 years in Mexico OR an income of around $2,600 monthly.  Some have managed to reside there as a visitor as they used to allow 6 months as long as you left the country and then entered again to get another visitor visa, but they are getting strict about the time allowed now.

For Mexico, I'm more concerned about selling my house and belongings and getting my cats there as opposed to the red tape.

Pet Peeve: Feeling lazy

Mexico is probably one of the harder places to move to that I've seen so far. I have a relative that has dual citizenship with Brazil simply from going there so damn often for Carnival lol (and he's retired from two entirely separate careers, so that's a whole different ballgame when you simply need to drop money into a bank account and reside there long enough vs. trying to join the actual workforce). He hasn't been back there in so long though because the crime in Rio got out of control. Plus Covid.

Btw - I feel like we need a separate thread for this. I'm actually very curious if anyone met someone in SL (friends or more) and managed to move abroad successfully, and what that process was like.

But for now I'll include another peeve, though somewhat unrelated - I cannot focus whatsoever this week. It has been way too hard to get anything productive done!!!! Grrr.

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1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Mexico is probably one of the harder places to move to that I've seen so far. I have a relative that has dual citizenship with Brazil simply from going there so damn often for Carnival lol (and he's retired from two entirely separate careers, so that's a whole different ballgame when you simply need to drop money into a bank account and reside there long enough vs. trying to join the actual workforce). He hasn't been back there in so long though because the crime in Rio got out of control. Plus Covid.

Btw - I feel like we need a separate thread for this. I'm actually very curious if anyone met someone in SL (friends or more) and managed to move abroad successfully, and what that process was like.

But for now I'll include another peeve, though somewhat unrelated - I cannot focus whatsoever this week. It has been way too hard to get anything productive done!!!! Grrr.

Ahhh...joining the actual workforce...yes very different. I read they do not want outsiders taking jobs that should be for Mexicans.

I should start a separate thread as I do know of one SL resident who moved to South America.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Ahhh...joining the actual workforce...yes very different. I read they do not want outsiders taking jobs that should be for Mexicans.

I should start a separate thread as I do know of one SL resident who moved to South America.

Oh most countries basically treat it this way. It's why companies need to sponsor and need very good reasons for doing so over hiring their own citizens.

And yes please! I'd love a separate thread. ❤️

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

People that feel entitled - think that LL owes them anything.

If they have an SLA - I think they "owe" us service meeting the SLA, within reason.  Meaning, if their SLA says "98% uptime", then we are entitled to that. Barring unforeseen events.  But, for instance, if SL was down for a whole week or month? Then LL would "owe" us paying Premium customers for that time we could not use their paid service.  What's that mean, give us all a "free" additional week or month to make up for it? Yes.

Wow! I just had that entire conversation with myself. Must be one of my "good days"!

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4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

If they have an SLA - I think they "owe" us service meeting the SLA, within reason.  Meaning, if their SLA says "98% uptime", then we are entitled to that. Barring unforeseen events.  But, for instance, if SL was down for a whole week or month? Then LL would "owe" us paying Premium customers for that time we could not use their paid service.  What's that mean, give us all a "free" additional week or month to make up for it? Yes.

Wow! I just had that entire conversation with myself. Must be one of my "good days"!

Yeah. Good luck getting reimbursed. 

I remember when the grid was down for a week. LL did not compensate. They left themselves a loophole in their ToS.

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1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: People talking about moving out of the US and leaving those of us who can't afford to move (and are the most vulnerable) behind to fend for ourselves.

That's what you get for (I assume) being born in, living in a country you can't afford!

It's like that comedian who said the starving people should "move out of the desert".

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13 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That's what you get for (I assume) being born in, living in a country you can't afford!

It's like that comedian who said the starving people should "move out of the desert".

Thanks for saying I should never have been born. I wish I hadn't been. There wouldn't have been any FN boarding school for me to be tortured or white people trying to kill me.

That comedian needs to get the puck off my planet.

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3 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:
16 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That's what you get for (I assume) being born in, living in a country you can't afford!

It's like that comedian who said the starving people should "move out of the desert".

Thanks for saying I should never have been born. I wish I hadn't been. There wouldn't have been any FN boarding school for me to be tortured or white people trying to kill me.

That comedian needs to get the puck off my planet.

I'm sorry. Please do not take my joke personally. "Obviously", nobody can help where they are born. I am also sorry you did not detect the sarcasm. *Edit* The comedian was Sam Kinison, who is dead. So he is "off the planet" technically.

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

I'm sorry. Please do not take my joke personally. "Obviously", nobody can help where they are born. I am also sorry you did not detect the sarcasm.

I'm sorry, too. I knew you were being facetious, it just hit me the wrong way. What with the Rethugs threatening my life after the hell they have put me through in the past 60 plus years, it's not really amusing.

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12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

That's what you get for (I assume) being born in, living in a country you can't afford!

This seems to be the case in a lot of places, the world over. I feel for young people who are struggling to afford a place to live. It was tough 30 years ago but it's insane now. 

Peeve: inflation!

15 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I'm actually very curious if anyone met someone in SL (friends or more) and managed to move abroad successfully, and what that process was like.

I moved countries in my youth, from Canada to Singapore. It was easier back then I think, before things like 9/11 and covid happened, and very much cheaper! But if you are really determined, patient, and choose your destination wisely it's still possible. 

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4 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I've been at it for HOURS...and I STILL have over 1000 items to open and sort through in my objects folder!!!  Curse my shopping addiction!!!!

I've thought about mass deletion a few times.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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