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Sure Torley Linden is very helpfull with the basic   tutorials, sure some staff on the forums  on Second life is helpfull. those people..who actually play the game.. I applud. I am a VERY angry user.Let me start from the begining.


My account(Elphaba Cathaldus) I've had for over a year now(year in a half.), i've made some alts to help friends out as well.Noone on my list has gotten my information BUT ME.I have not only, been hung up on, rudely disrespected during a phone call with linden labs, BUT called"Impationt." Aren't staff members suppost to ..I dont know.. have COMMON CURTISOSY!? sure I may've been mad, and upset, but while in TEARS mind you , on the phone call, they seemed BORED, and annoyed. they were rude, and spitefull and dident care. whats a staff that actually does not care to play the game to help its members out?!

Oh oh, and this doesn't matter that i've a speech problem. that can be fixed with..oh say the millions of dollars they have stacked away? HELLO THERE ARE PEOPLE TRAINED TO SPEAK WITH PEOPLE THAT HAVE SPEECH PROBLEMS HIGHER ONE!!

My Account, was put on Hold. I wrestle, I roleplay,  Imade a backup account for this issue. I need to stay ACTIVE In the communties im in.. Linden labs.. by hanging up on me,  treating me with disrespect you have gotten one GOOD Reviewest 's opinion and ya wannah know what it is? : HORRIBLE.: Horrible response, horrible people dealing with you main premiumn account members,  you've screwed me over so much I will be cancelling my premiumn member ship(If my grandpa hasent done it allready) And recomending my friends never to get one.


Secondlife is my HOME away from home, i've made friends, so close they consider me FAMILY you guys should feel ashamed. your response timeis AWFULL. it says 24  hours, as if should be freeking 2 months tops.yea thats right, TWO MONTHS.


I go onto this site Called:DeviantArt: THEY HAVE BETTER STAFF THEN LINDEN LABS/EVER/Will. i've heard you guys flat out saying"Oh I dont want to do this" "Its too complicated" My friends and I are dissapointed, remoresed, destraught.


My account dident recive its on hold e-mail till hours AFTER.

my account is STILL on hold.


Linden lab, I am not one to back down from somthing I care about THIS much,You will deal with  me so I can be back in the game.


for the record, people who want premiumn accounts? Dont get em. the service? It stinks. the live chat people DO NOT know or play the game. I asked a very simple question to see if my billing was correct. they got it WRONG. I was on the page where it was deleted, and removed. due to real lifeissues, and linden lab holding my Credit card, we had to cancell that card.


now how  do youg uys feel about interupting a perfectly happy gals life on Second Life?


Iamso angry Im about ready to Fly  to your HQ and MAKE You work. I'd do it if the prices werent so high!

(THats another thing I can rant on later.)



I am so utterly ANGRY I havce so much on my Elphie account.please

for the love of god, lindens read this and please just..un -remove the hold, its MY Account, I can prove it like THAT. why takeso slow of a time when a user whos so inthe game, knows her inventory pretty well, can fixthis asap? Idont get you Linden Lab.. if you dident want to work then why make thegame in the first place? WHY GET THE JOB?...


A Review, By Anise Heie.


ps.s.I am still very upset.thank you for reading this.


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What I just read was more of a rant than a review. I understand you have had some issues and have been/are upset. I had a RL issue yesterday that distressed me but when I was on the phone with three different support people over the course of several hours, I laughed and joked about my situation. What was crying about it going to do for me? Nada. Take a deep breath, order your thoughts, and try again.

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I'm not sure what your situation was, but yesterday, I called LL with an account problem (I'd erroneously cancelled my account, forgotten I'd cancelled it, and couldn't figure out for the life of me why I was locked out. :matte-motes-stress:). The woman who helped me wasn't upbeat by any stretch of the imagination, but she was quite pleasant and helpful.

As a former customer service representative, I can tell you that they often mirror their callers. If you call crying and sharp-tongued, many will be abrupt with you. They likely receive an onslaught of abuse all day long, how would you feel in their place? Everyone has limits. Stay calm, be polite and pleasant, and your CSR will probably return the favor.

That said, I know the it's the CSR's job to be decent and professional or seek out different employment, but we all know the real world doesn't work that way.

Now that I'm a customer rather than a CSR, I try to remember what it was like to have people shriek at me, and regardless of how angry I am, I try to play it cool. After all, it's not that particular person's fault I'm having issues. Shrieking at him/her is no different than walking up to a complete stranger in the grocery store and yelling at him/her because the store is out of your favorite brand of cereal.

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Yes,take a step back and breath deep :D 

I can say over the years I have sunk a lot of time and money into SL and for me it can equate  to  having  a roof over my head or in the streets  when my RL job was lost  for a while :(

I made some calls to support my self with the same effect , I was calm and never came off as upset in any way.I still was a little put off on the quality and non polite tone.But as stated they have to take a lot of abuse in a day.

No one is going to care about my lagging sim

No one is going to care a paypal cash out  is 2 weeks and still not a penny sent.

No one is going to care about my lost objects or builds.

No one is going to care about my tons and tons of market place sends I never got and the maker never replies to my IMs.

Just like my cell phone ,my web server and every thing else in life I invest into, I am  on my own when it comes to getting help.

As soon as I accepted these simple facts I am OK,I never  rely on any part of this working out on time and just treat it as a hobby  and it never bugs me any more :D


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Every now and than it appears rants like this.

Maybe I am just lucky. Starting in January/2007, I’ve never lost a single object in my inventory. Only once I didn’t receive something I bought, and it was from a vendor, not marketplace; contacted the seller and in minutes she sent me a copy.

Never had my account on hold, maybe because I only buy L$ in Lindex; once, my notebook was prevented to login (but my desktop don’t), a call to Live Chat and the issue was resolved in a few hours.

All times I called Live Chat, I had the issue resolved promptly.

With tickets the maximum time was 3 days, when I wanted to buy a miniplot to have a few extra prims in my store. Although I had only one side bordering the miniplot, after talk and explain what was my purpose, LL sold me the miniplot (remember that LL used to only do this if you had 2 or more sides bordering the plot in question.)

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I have to admit, my spelling is not normally that bad..i've just not gotten enough sleep lately, forgive me.that picture was funny.I was so mad this morning I typed this up because of it, I just want my account back badly.

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 I like your reply, I just ...well I spent so much time on it.. so much money so much effort and for what? nothing. absolutely nothing.  it 's what makes me mad the most.not the fact that the company sucks(Still does in my opinion), or the fact that my account was heldwith the only explanation"It was hacked" not evenn by who, it was the effort. I put alot of effort into making my characters shape, everything:/ thats what im upset about.

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First of all, ignore the tiresome, predictable reply posts from the shills.

 They, of course, have never experienced possibly the worst customer service of any large online corporation that has long past into legend - or should that be notoriety.  All is sunny in their garden, and to these enlightened ones, you are not voicing a very fair (and oft heard!) criticism, but are merely 'ranting'......note how they rephrase your post,,,:matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Your post has as every bit as much merit as their never ending 'candy-land-dreamworld-where-all-is-rosey-and-LL-care-deeply-for-you, any-problems-are-your-fault-for-being-a-fool'..... posts.

Shortly before these new forums came into being, a SL blog was posted to the effect 'Linden Lab is gonna start listening now, you better believe it!'......by I forget which Linden.  It met - bar the odd, usual shill worship posts - with exasperated skepticism and bewliderment; and as one postee said ,,,,,,'he'd heard it all before, and was wise enough not to hold his breath'.

There is NO excuse for their CSR's to be anything but polite and helpful.  None.  That is what we pay them for; service.  But do we receive it as we should?   Very doubtful.

Is ole Rodvik listening?   Has there been a dynamic upsurge with SL since he took over?  Will LL fix things that are broke and leave things that work alone?   Competition is now a lot closer to SL than it has ever been; he does not have the luxury of knowing residents can be ignored because there was no where else for them to go, as was certainly the case a couple of years ago.  

Good for you for speaking out strongly.  Praise where praise is due, but the opposite is eqaully vaild, despite what the shills may try and convince you.  

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