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New friends for the 'elderly'

Niniane Oh

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I read a post here a few weeks back where someone referred to the Over 50s as 'the elderly'. With the demise of so many of the old formal ballrooms, this 'elderly' resident is seeking to find some fellow old-timers for friendship. Being an Aussie, it's difficult to find suitable venues and events where I can meet like-minded people. What are your suggestions for meeting other old-timers who come from difficult time zones? I love live music, dancing, exploring new (and old) sims and am keen to get involved with SL photography. I'm open to meeting someone special but just having some new friends to spend time with would be great.

Ideas anyone?

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Many, many of us are "Older".  I was surprised nobody replied!

In general, "venues" for dance and music, etc. that have hosts from different time zones, may have events at all times of the day.  So, if it were me looking - I would seek out a "popular" venue that hosts the type of music, dance, etc. which interests you and go there at different times of the day.  Or, join their "group" and you will receive notices when their different timezone events occur.

I wish that I had better advice for you, but I don't meet people often or socialize at venues beyond the same ones all the time.

Good luck, 


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I'm older and don't even take my  age into consideration when going out to socialize.  I choose the place by music style normally.  I also don't discriminate against people younger than me when looking to chit chat.  If it's a good chat, it's a good chat.  I've had some crappy conversations with people my own age and awesome ones with people decades younger.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Many, many of us are "Older".  I was surprised nobody replied!

In general, "venues" for dance and music, etc. that have hosts from different time zones, may have events at all times of the day.  So, if it were me looking - I would seek out a "popular" venue that hosts the type of music, dance, etc. which interests you and go there at different times of the day.  Or, join their "group" and you will receive notices when their different timezone events occur.

I wish that I had better advice for you, but I don't meet people often or socialize at venues beyond the same ones all the time.

Good luck, 


Thanks Love - I have also been a little surprised by the lack of replies. Unfortunately there are very limited numbers and types of events running at my usual time of 2-4am SLT and as I said, many of the ballrooms where I used to spend my time are now closed or empty most of the time. I was away from SL for 9 years and have been quite shocked and a little sad at the changes at many of my old haunts. Anyway, I really appreciate the reply - thanks again!

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9 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'm older and don't even take my  age into consideration when going out to socialize.  I choose the place by music style normally.  I also don't discriminate against people younger than me when looking to chit chat.  If it's a good chat, it's a good chat.  I've had some crappy conversations with people my own age and awesome ones with people decades younger.

Thanks Rowan - I certainly agree that good conversations can be had with residents of all ages and would never decline a chat based on age. I have a number of friends who are significantly younger than I am and I regularly enjoy great conversations with them.

My preferences in music probably see me leaning towards places that tend to cater for an older crowd but as I said above, many of these locations are now closed or empty during what is peak SL time for me. I'm really just hoping for some suggestions from other residents about other locations that might provide alternatives to places such as Frank's, Love and Harmony or Tag's (often busy but not really my scene!) during the 2-4am SLT timeslot.

Thanks again.

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43 minutes ago, blissfulbreeze said:

If you like table games, try going to some sims like TnT Games. Some people ask if they can join a table, if they don't have a playing partner. Most people are nice, of course but there are some rude ones as well, like anywhere.

Which time frame are you on sl the most (in SL time)?

Thanks blissfulbreeze - normally around 2-4am SLT.

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16 hours ago, Niniane Oh said:

Thanks Rowan - I certainly agree that good conversations can be had with residents of all ages and would never decline a chat based on age. I have a number of friends who are significantly younger than I am and I regularly enjoy great conversations with them.

My preferences in music probably see me leaning towards places that tend to cater for an older crowd but as I said above, many of these locations are now closed or empty during what is peak SL time for me. I'm really just hoping for some suggestions from other residents about other locations that might provide alternatives to places such as Frank's, Love and Harmony or Tag's (often busy but not really my scene!) during the 2-4am SLT timeslot.

Thanks again.

I am also “older,” but I agree with other comments here that age is pretty much irrelevant in SL. I agree with you that sometimes the music is an issue. I congratulate myself for being eclectic in music tastes, but sometimes… I just need something more familiar to my soul. So, my solution? I go to popular dance and music venues, turn the volume down in SL and play my own music on the computer. I can still be connected to people and conversations via text. 

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On 10/1/2022 at 7:13 AM, Niniane Oh said:

Ideas anyone?

I am not elderly, I am plain old OLD. I don't seek out other old people to hang with...I go where the music or the activity interests me and most times I get along pretty well with others. It's not uncommon for me to discover that there are other old people around me, but it is uncommon to be treated in a different way because I am older than most. Well,, ok, there might be a LOT of teasing but I can handle that. If it makes me laugh, so be it. So, my advice is to go looking for activities and music that make you smile and then see what happens.


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I'm in the UK so my peak online time in SL is usually noon to 4pm, though I'm occasionally on as early as 2am on my days off work.  Funnily enough, I was on eatly yesterday and I was going through the events listings looking for something to do, and I did come across listings for a couple of Aussie clubs. One of them was called The Outback, the other I can't remember now.

It's funny really; when I first started SL I was working a late shift pattern so my regular time for being online was "Aussie time" and I was a regular at a long-gone Aussie club called Butterflies, so many of my friends in those early days were Aussies and Kiwis. And now it's got me remembering Mabb Dilweg, and it's got me all ssd. 

31 minutes ago, ChrissaStone said:



There's one aspect of any online interaction that makes age an important consideration. When you're in your 50s or older, especially if you're a man, making friends online with people in their late teens and early 20s appears just downright creepy. As a parent, I would have been very uncomfortable if my daughter at 18-20 years old had had internet friends in their 50s or 60s.  How can others, and especially the other person's parents, tell the difference between you being genuinely just friendly, and "grooming" the younger person for less innocent purposes?  For this reason I am very reluctant to make friends online with people who are less than half my age (I'm 56), and the closer they are to 18, the more uncomfortable I get.

So when I meet someone online, it's very important to me that I know at least what generation they belong to. I have many friends who are millenials; even in RL, many of my friends are in their mid/late-30s, but Gen Z is a step too far, IMO. 

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Being in the UK too, time zones can be a pain in the bum, everything seems to happen when i'm in bed :(

Personally though I would rather chat with someone older, no offence but people under 25 are a whole different generation and it shows haha

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On 10/1/2022 at 7:13 AM, Niniane Oh said:

I read a post here a few weeks back where someone referred to the Over 50s as 'the elderly'. With the demise of so many of the old formal ballrooms, this 'elderly' resident is seeking to find some fellow old-timers for friendship. Being an Aussie, it's difficult to find suitable venues and events where I can meet like-minded people. What are your suggestions for meeting other old-timers who come from difficult time zones? I love live music, dancing, exploring new (and old) sims and am keen to get involved with SL photography. I'm open to meeting someone special but just having some new friends to spend time with would be great.

Ideas anyone?

I to, then am elderly... set EST time and I am a bit weird but...  I do not mind meeting new people of like minded interests.  

Edited by LittleSparrow Skydancer
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Age is just a number in here, SL makes you free.

If anything, it's gratifying when someone thinks I'm the same age as them, and theyre 30+ years younger then me. Makes me feel like I'm still one of the cool kids (lol, I was never actually one of them). I've actually had people call me a liar when I told them I'm over 50 IRL. XD

That said, definitely do not fall into the trap of thinking you have to stick to your own age range to find relatable people. When I was little I preferred to hang out with "old" people, because my own age group was kinda... meh. It was the 80s, so yeah. Now over half of my friends are younger than I am, and they don't even know I'm "old".

Enjoy this wonderful freedom built into SL, and take advantage of it. You never know who might decide you're super awesome in SL, when in RL they might have assumed you'd have nothing in common due to the whole age thing. Or that you'd never want to talk to them because they're not in the same age range, or whatever.

TL;DR: just put the derned mask back on and enjoy the party, the masquerade aspect is kinda almost the whole point.

Social barriers like age and ethnicity, etc. are for meatspace. Welcome to freedom.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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A friend of mine told me that in china the over-50s folks have an ancient saying (not kidding, this is an actual ancient Chinese saying), and when I heard it I lol'd. It's even funnier when you consider they've been saying it for over a thousand years.

"The young people are taking over."

Imagine growing up hearing people say that, and then finding yourself saying it.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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I agree totally with Pheeby. Age is just a number, especially in SL.

Some "older guys" insist on telling me their age in the first convo. Guys, I don't care.

Some "younger guys" demand to know my RL age. Guys, it doesn't matter.

Female avis rarely, if ever ask or disclose age. Age isn't the issue, but timezones sure are.

I'm also UK, and my cinderella time is a fairly hard 12noon SLT. Because I have RL responsibilities, so after 8pm is a nono.

Occasionally I can get in world early, but I rarely meet any Australians. Most people I meet are USA/Canada. There are UK groups in world but no real sense of a community as far as I can see.

Most clubs are empty when I'm in world, except Muddys and Fogbound are usually busy, although conversation at either is patchy. Elsewhere there are small groups in some clubs, but overall not much going on. The BDSM clubs are usually busy, and with decent chat but not to everyone's taste!

I spend more time at shopping events these days. 

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On 10/25/2022 at 3:32 AM, PheebyKatz said:

A friend of mine told me that in china the over-50s folks have an ancient saying (not kidding, this is an actual ancient Chinese saying), and when I heard it I lol'd. It's even funnier when you consider they've been saying it for over a thousand years.

"The young people are taking over."

Imagine growing up hearing people say that, and then finding yourself saying it.

I've heard several times that in some countries, the "old people are taking over" (as a percentage of population).  

Japan is one such country, I think.


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On 10/3/2022 at 3:49 AM, Lewis Luminos said:

So when I meet someone online, it's very important to me that I know at least what generation they belong to.

Felt sad reading that, Lewis. But I think I understand your situation. Being a woman, I doubt many would think of me as a predator but I am also, when aware that many around me are a lot younger, quite open about my age. People are more likely to think of me as a deranged grandma or bent auntie than as a possible predator. I guess it's more about where I am and what is going on, the environment and the vibe,  that makes a difference. Still, it's a shame to ever have to worry about these things and I wish you didn't feel you have to do so.


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