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"New" player wanting to start this game proper


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To Tl;Dr,

I made this account to play around with friends years ago but that never came to be, I also signed up for premium and forgot about it for around a year and stopped the payments

Recently a close friend urged me to play, I rejoined to find I had 20,000linden and got the account back after talking to support. I am somewhat curious about trying this game out as another social hub past discord but I have noone to really play it with or understand how to even use this game (I remember being utterly confused when I tried it so hence I dropped it).

I'm a Furry (But generally I tend not to be like most furries in that I'm not into the whole "Let's be a degenerate and sexualise everything I do" thing). I'm British, 30yo and I refuse to really hang around people under 18 and ideally looking to be around friends of the same ish age and interests. I'll check this post every few days so please be patient I might not look immediately, also I might ask to add on discord to help me understand/run through this game with me when starting it up.

Other than that, "Hi"

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Hi, and welcome back to SL.

Think about what you're interested in and what kinds of activities you might like, then find and join groups for those things. Not all furries are interested in sex. I'm not a furry, but maybe you can find some furry clubs or groups? Or you might like exploring the grid? Or learning how to build stuff? Or surfing? Or listening to live music?...etc.

Save your lindens for now. If you decide you don't want to stay in SL, you can cash them out for about $76 after fees. 

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23 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Hi, and welcome back to SL.

Think about what you're interested in and what kinds of activities you might like, then find and join groups for those things. Not all furries are interested in sex. I'm not a furry, but maybe you can find some furry clubs or groups? Or you might like exploring the grid? Or learning how to build stuff? Or surfing? Or listening to live music?...etc.

Save your lindens for now. If you decide you don't want to stay in SL, you can cash them out for about $76 after fees. 

Well this is the thing, I know OF secondlife because I think anyone at my age who's been online since 13 will obviously know.. But I just have 0 idea of what makes it so fun, attracting (etc) for people as I've only dealt with this "sort of game" via way of GaiaOnline when I was a teenager. I basically just wanna hang out and make the most of it honestly speaking, I have the Linden in here and it's from so long ago I am not exactly upset about losing it (As pretty sure I subbed over 6 years ago) or spending it on here to get entertainment. 

EDIT;// I will also add I am kinda aware me advertising I have 20k L means someone could try to get me to spend them for their own gain or w/e. Bit too big brain for that to happen (again, IDRC). But it's more I am aware it's a lot of L to have on hand so it means I could get a cool avatar and stuff IG?

Edited by AeriTyaelaria
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If you're a furry, I think body mods would be cheaper than human mesh bodies, so don't worry about them for now.

People like different kinds of activities, so I don't know what you might enjoy. Surfing is fun & easy, so I suggest looking for beaches with surfing. Some people love music clubs, but others (like me) hate them. I just pop on headphones & listen to a music stream. Exploring by driving can be fun, but it's not easy in SL. Boating is easier. Belleseria (the central residential continents) has many places where you can rez a vehicle and go exploring. Older mainland can be a weird & interesting place to explore. You could also teleport to places that look like RL places or fictional ones. Search on words to see what comes up. More green dots on the map can mean more people, though they might also be bots or people up inside skyboxes.

If you go to music clubs or classes, you'll likely want to use some of your money for tips. Watch to see how much other people tip first. $ 100 is only 40 cents, but tipping can add up when it's DJ, host, venue, etc. 

I like collecting good free stuff, but then you'd have to spend time sorting through that stuff and deleting what you don't really want, which is not so much fun.

YouTube has Second Life vlogers who show advice and things to do too.


Edited by Persephone Emerald
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2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

If you're a furry, I think body mods would be cheaper than human mesh bodies, so don't worry about them for now.

People like different kinds of activities, so I don't know what you might enjoy. Surfing is fun & easy, so I suggest looking for beaches with surfing. Some people love music clubs, but others (like me) hate them. I just pop on headphones & listen to a music stream. Exploring by driving can be fun, but it's not easy in SL. Boating is easier. Belleseria (the central residential continents) has many places where you can rez a vehicle and go exploring. Older mainland can be a weird & interesting place to explore. You could also teleport to places that look like RL places or fictional ones. Search on words to see what comes up. More green dots on the map can mean more people, though they might also be bots or people up inside skyboxes.

If you go to music clubs or classes, you'll likely want to use some of your money for tips. Watch to see how much other people tip first. $ 100 is only 40 cents, but tipping can add up when it's DJ, host, venue, etc. 

I like collecting good free stuff, but then you'd have to spend time sorting through that stuff and deleting what you don't really want, which is not so much fun.

YouTube has Second Life vlogers who show advice and things to do too.


Ok so for me when I was on Gaia Online I mostly used it as a primary "hangout" right? I didn't really interact with the games and such, I got my money from just working the marketplace or paying into it. (As obviously you could play games to interact). Anyhow I suppose with this I might use it for RP or like people use VRchat, to have some fun and meet new people, I know I "got back into it" because the friend I *was* close to uses this platform mostly for ERP, RP and hangouts. 

I have watched (to be perfectly honest) only some videos where people troll using SL and while that's what I find entertaining and funny, it's not what I plan to do since I'm not in the habit of using RL money "just to troll people" yknow? I know SL is kind of like where if I wanna do something I could feasibly find a spot to do it. I guess I'm just looking to find people who are happy to guide me through this game's basics and understanding it, whilst knowing my age and what I am looking for from a friend?

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Most people in SL are over 18, but you can't really know without getting to know them. There are activities where people hang out & chat. Clubbing is the most common, but there is  also fishing (sometimes for money) & games.

There's much to getting comfortable using SL. I'm sure you can walk, talk, teleport, and maybe open a box, which are the most basic aspects. The social part of it is more complex, since this involves all the weirdness of dealing with other people. The people here on these forums will help you with more specific questions.

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15 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Most people in SL are over 18, but you can't really know without getting to know them. There are activities where people hang out & chat. Clubbing is the most common, but there is  also fishing (sometimes for money) & games.

There's much to getting comfortable using SL. I'm sure you can walk, talk, teleport, and maybe open a box, which are the most basic aspects. The social part of it is more complex, since this involves all the weirdness of dealing with other people. The people here on these forums will help you with more specific questions.

Well being where I am in discord I can handle weird interactions (usually by laughing it off and finding elsewhere to be). I guess this boils down to finding the right friendship circle for me and people. I am a bit nervous about just jumping in and testing my luck see?

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Just now, AeriTyaelaria said:

Well being where I am in discord I can handle weird interactions (usually by laughing it off and finding elsewhere to be). I guess this boils down to finding the right friendship circle for me and people. I am a bit nervous about just jumping in and testing my luck see?

I think you're going to have to just jump in and meet people inworld. Some people from the forum might show you around SL, but we're just a tiny slice of SL people here. 

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Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

I think you're going to have to just jump in and meet people inworld. Some people from the forum might show you around SL, but we're just a tiny slice of SL people here. 

Yeah that's what I considered.. I guess I just have to go follow the ultimate scientific method on this one.
Many thanks ❤️

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honestly i think its fun that you mention GaiaOnline, because i use SL for just about the same thing (which is predominantly dress-up). hanging out with people is fun of course! id find groups with your interests, that's usually how im able to meet and talk to people outside of sitting at a social place and chatting.

it can be pretty hard to socialize, a lot of people keep to closed group chats or dms but dont lose hope! i would put some of your interests in your bio, honestly i find that works best as despite the fact that i almost never initiate conversations with people if i see a game or anime i like ill end up trying to chat with them anyways...

the learning curve in SL is....really, really steep. since everything is practically user-generated it can be really hard to learn the ropes, but me and my friend wrote a guide once for our own friends so if you have any questions id hopefully be able to answer them! 


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When I try to explain SL to someone, or bring them in-world as a guide, the first thing I say is SL isn't a game it's a virtual world. Games have a narrative, NPCs, and friends who share the adventure's series of programed events that moves the story along. SL is a virtual world where every avatar is a real breathing, feeling person who is writing their own narrative as they go. They enter the world and ask themselves what am I going to do today? There is no winning and losing or defeating a boss level. The point of existence is you and what you choose to do with this Second Life.

Unfortunately the SL interface is complex and has a steep learning curve. it may take a while before muscle memory kicks in, and basic stuff like navigating feels natural. I've yet to discover a quick fix for this. Like learning how to drive, hours behind the wheel is necessary, but once you learn it, a whole world (literally) opens up.

There are people (residents) who log-in just to build. Some residents have virtual jobs. Some residents have talents that they share in-world. Others own businesses that sell virtual assets, and some residents log-in just to socialize. If you are new, I would explore and see what interests you. Join a group and attend group events like dances and introduce yourself. Join in on a discussion. 

As for not hanging out with 18 yr olds, I get it. As a college instructor I guided hundreds of students through SL. I taught basic 3D modeling concepts, basic alpha and seamless texture making etc. Many of those students are still around. Bumping into them on the grid, outside of the classroom can be awkward (especially if they are walking around a nude beach.) I've made the joke that everyone appears 19 and athletic in SL. Real life (RL) names and ages are kind of moot. Unless they publish their age, there's no way of telling how old they are (or what gender they identify with in RL.) And it doesn't really matter. You may find an old soul who is young or an older (more mature?) resident who acts like a teenager. 

After 16 years in SL, I can tell you it is worth it -- for me at least. SL has provided an escape from RL, therapy, friends, artistic challenges, love and loss. It's been rich and fulfilling. I've learned a lot about my RL self and am left grateful for the experience.

Edited by vanettda Lassard
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  • 4 weeks later...

What vanettda Lassard wrote is true (and I added my like too).

I won't call SL exactly a game either (if you have a classic game in mind), but rather a sort of shared lucid-dream. However, I must admit that the definition of game is no longer Super Mario. It has became a lot blurred and games have became something more.

  • Flight Simulator is a game that has no narrative, no programed events that moves the story along and you can play it with other real breathing and feeling people. You enter the world and you ask yourself "where I'm going to fly today?" There is no winning and losing or defeating a boss level. The point of Flight Simulator is you choosing what, where and when to fly. You fly, you enjoy flying. That's it.
  • There are optional mini games inside, though, as there are inside SL.
  • Also a lot of people in SL roleplay, casually or in dedicated regions, sometimes even with a story-teller with a story through events, combat, monsters, zombies, etc.
  • Even Drivers of SL has bot NPCs.
  • Minecraft is used for education as well and educational games do exist (mammals learn by playing, actually).
  • As other people told, there is who uses online games and MMORPGs as hanging out places or as a chat with a game around it. They know they are with other people, that can become friends, sometimes real life friends (or even lovers).

SL, however, is a creative platform where you can do, make and create anything. Fun things and serious things. Dress up your avatar and taking pictures in various places, as many do now, can be creative too. You can also visit virtual museums or you can even go to a guided meditation. Other platforms offer similar things too. However, unlike other platforms, when you fly with your airplane in SL, it's not a single isolated space/room/experience: there are also other people sailing beneath you. Or mermaids. And neko girls and furries (you can express yourself in any possible way). And other people doing their own entirely different business. It feels more like a world. And the plane, the boats, the avatars, the virtual dance clubs and almost everything else has been made by other users like you.

SL slogan used to be "your world, your imagination".

Indeed, it's true the escapism too, which was also mentioned in the old website home page: "Escape to the Internet's largest user-created, 3D virtual world community". And it's also true (aside the aforementioned furry, anime, mermaid avatars, etc) that almost "everyone appears 19 and athletic in SL", like a top model, and maybe with a fabulous villa and a private yacht, or a castle. Because in SL you can dream to be super pretty, still in your 20s; or not disabled; or to be the woman you are, if you are a trans woman (or vice-versa if you are a trans man); or to be among a bunch of people from all over the world, when in real life you live in a small, remote town; and so on. Or even dance in the sky with your airplane as I do sometimes. LOL. Or when there were the lock-downs because of the pandemic, you could still go out in the virtual world with your SL friends, in a beach or the Mt. Everest or in Venice, anywhere. SL can help you feel better in many ways. So, in a way, you can kind of make your dreams "true" and live them in a second life. That's why I say it's a sort of virtual dream that we share it with other people.

You can enjoy SL in so many different ways.

Edited by SueWorthly
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/5/2022 at 7:25 PM, AeriTyaelaria said:

Other than that, "Hi"

heyas, aeri!


something tells me you might enjoy visiting raglan shire.  we're a community of (mostly) non-humans, mainly tinies/titchies/dinkies.  we have weekly events, daily games, and monthly themes.  search for 'raglan shire' in the map, and you'll find our cluster of sims.  there's a welcome center in the shire with info, or join the 'friends of raglan' group for chat, events, asking stuff, etc.  or just wander around checking the place out.  i'm usually in the sandbox (though we call it the silica cubicle, just to avoid confusion from the cats) when i'm online.


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I think this has been said but, the way to think of SL is that is not a "game" per se, but a virtual platform. There are not levels or "goals" to meet, as most games probably have. SL is used as a creative outlet for many. For example, virtual art, photography, building, creating sims and regions, etc. It can also be a business platform for many, or an educational platform, a role playing platform, etc. The social aspect is entirely up to you, and what you would like to do. Some log in and make their avatar look pretty, then snap a photo and do a blog, some log in to earn some virtual currency doing whatever job they have landed in SL to then shop, etc, etc., and some finally just come in to socialize with strangers hoping to make a friend or two. 

I think SL is enjoyable more so if you come in with an open mind and let go of any expectations. I started out doing not much, basically wandering around, then started taking photos because I found so many lovely images taken in world and I wanted to learn. Then, I started learning how to make things. With each phase I learned a lot, and also challenged myself to keep moving forward and learn something new. I think as in any new place you visit, if you are polite and kind to others, you will get the same in return. Striking up conversations with people is always helpful too :)

Good luck and I hope you enjoy!

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