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Some People Get Their Way

Prokofy Neva

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  • Moles
4 hours ago, Feorie Frimon said:

Instead of speculating and guessing, let’s just ask.

@Abnor Mole @Patch Linden There is a lot of speculation going on about the old Volenteer HQ that recently came down. We can see that there are changes being made on the mainland, like the connection to Belli etc. 
Is this one of those changes? Specifically, is this land being remade into something else? Or is it being auctioned off?


*hears his name spoken 3 times and appears with a pair of tongs in his hand*

Hey, come on guys. You know even if myself or any Moles knew what the plan was for that land (which we do not) we wouldn't be at liberty to discuss it anyway.

*spins his tongs in a sparkly circle like a sorcerer, steps through the portal (a grill with burgers and hot dogs on it in the background), and poofs*

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9 minutes ago, Abnor Mole said:

*hears his name spoken 3 times and appears with a pair of tongs in his hand*

Hey, come on guys. You know even if myself or any Moles knew what the plan was for that land (which we do not) we wouldn't be at liberty to discuss it anyway.

*spins his tongs in a sparkly circle like a sorcerer, steps through the portal (a grill with burgers and hot dogs on it in the background), and poofs*

Nice tongs! Guess he was at a salad bar. 

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2 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

*hears his name spoken 3 times and appears with a pair of tongs in his hand*

Hey, come on guys. You know even if myself or any Moles knew what the plan was for that land (which we do not) we wouldn't be at liberty to discuss it anyway.

*spins his tongs in a sparkly circle like a sorcerer, steps through the portal (a grill with burgers and hot dogs on it in the background), and poofs*

Enjoy your holiday weekend.  We'll all try to keep the shenanigans to a minimum.  Try...

Mmmmmm Mole-made burgers and dogs. 🍔  🌭  😍 /me runs for the portal, but it swirls closed with a whoosh in an explosion of full bright particles.

*blinks rapidly*

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Mole-burgers with molasses!


Risking my SL for a joke...

There was a mamma mole, a papa mole, and a baby mole. They lived in a hole outside of a farm house out in the country. The papa mole reached his head out of the hole and said, “Mmmmm, I smell hot dogs. ” The mama mole reached her head outside of the hole and said “Mmmmmm, I smell hamburgers."  The baby mole tried to reach his head outside the hole but couldn't because of the two bigger moles. The baby mole said, “The only thing I can smell is molasses. ”

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On one hand, I want nice public spaces, with plenty of roads & waterways for people to travel over (not just for cars & boats, but for flying too). On the other hand, I want LL to sell as much of that abandoned mainland to paying customers as they can. I want SL to be profitable for LL. I want to keep some of the old builds for the sake of history, but I want to see more low LI mesh replacing old prim & sculpt builds too. Ultimately, I want the best-looking, most usable virtual world possible, because I want LL to be able to attract and keep new users. It can't depend on just the nostalgic old-timers to keep SL going.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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  • 4 weeks later...

So, since we got no further information on this issue, and it's been a month, I decided to file a Support ticket, which you can read here.

I'm suggesting that the Lindens put out Ancient Mole's glorious build from SLB19, you know the one? Where they had events? With the garden and elevator in like these ruins?

There's plenty of prims and his build actually wasn't all that primmy really, i.e. not the entire sim.

The Lindens never do anything for the old Mainland any more and this would enable them to undo the harm of having torn down that previous build, which really did no wrong, and put up an up-to-date but still ancient type of build on that site, which is perfect for it.


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  • Lindens

I was able to investigate this concern and found that this was a blunder on my part, it was a mistake that should not have happened.  I was able to confirm that carefully subdivided the southwest corner of Tenera and sent it to auction.  This subdivision of the parcel ultimately caused the volunteer build to be returned.  I have known about the build here in Tenera and should have realized where I was working and I should have been more observant while working in this region. 

This was not part of a plan to repurpose the region, it was simply an unfortunate mistake.  I am going to try and replace and restore the build at this location as time allows in the near future.  I apologize for any misunderstanding.

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5 hours ago, Guy Linden said:

I was able to investigate this concern and found that this was a blunder on my part, it was a mistake that should not have happened.  I was able to confirm that carefully subdivided the southwest corner of Tenera and sent it to auction.  This subdivision of the parcel ultimately caused the volunteer build to be returned.  I have known about the build here in Tenera and should have realized where I was working and I should have been more observant while working in this region. 

This was not part of a plan to repurpose the region, it was simply an unfortunate mistake.  I am going to try and replace and restore the build at this location as time allows in the near future.  I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Thanks, Guy! Glad to hear it.

I should note that it was in response to my Support ticket that Guy started this investigation. I asked why the build was removed, with part of it auctioned, and whether the rest of it could be auctioned, and expressed concern about what "protected" mean.

Guy promptly responded and said he would investigate. I suggested that Ancient Linden's SL19B build be put out there if they didn't like the old one for some reason. Since autoreturn was left off, I put out some other ideas of what builds could be put there, using "The Bearded Guy"'s backdrops. Of course these were returned, understood.

I can see now how this happened, when one piece is taken out of the group, there isn't enough room for all those prims in what remains and they come flying back. The rump part of it remains because it was a parcel in a different group.

I wonder if you could just set the sim back in time. There isn't much else on that sim except the old Linden build.

And if this proves too time-consuming and hard to do, as I noted, Ancient's build would be perfect there, and similar to the original build as a kind of Greco-Roman ruins.

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Cue Abnor in 5-4-3-2-1 to say "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by accident."

And I totally get that this was an accident, and hardly fault Guy for it -- who is the soul of SL -- when I have done the exact same thing on my land. There's no cure for it except for prims to come back.

But there *is* malice involved in people thinking Patch Linden has given them the "glitter" to "repurpose" builds and build their reputation-enhancing games in or around them.

THAT is the root of the problem here. The Lindens aren't require to maintain their old builds, and times are hard, and they may have to auction them off. Understood. They may not be able to provide due notice of this, there are too many things happening on the Mainland.

We accept that the Lindens are a legitimate authority that has business requirements and can make mistakes. What is NOT acceptable is that one group of residents gets to lord it over another, leveraging their access to Lindens/Moles -- or aspirations for same. 

I'm not sure the outcome of this story will be to everyone's satisfaction -- I hope Guy will be able to do what Lindens have done before -- rolled a sim back in time, then take a copy of the build in question, rez it out on another island temporarily to fix it up if need be, then plunk it back down.

What I do hope is that we will eventually hear from the top Lindens what their plan is for their old builds, whether Linden Homes or random patches of trees and grass on the Mainland or even something like the Volunteer HQ. Do they have principles regarding these matters? Is the forest in Rubi of "old growth Linden trees" going to fall under the chopper? What about the Sea of Fables? Is something in sculpty or prims doomed now?  And I realize that this simply isn't a priority. But I think everyone on the Mainland is waiting for the Lindens to show some love to this much-maligned continent.

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I'm guessing there could be plenty of spare Land Impact if the original prim build got a little Convex Hull lovin'. If it's close but not quite enough, there's also all that rail bed that could be convex-hulled. (Not the guides, which need to stay separate objects, but all the other cosmetic stuff.)

If it comes to that, I'd be happy to carve out most of VRC's little 512 in the corner to contribute 128 Land Impact to the Governor's cause. (God knows I already encroach all over, so chopping away some un-primmed area won't make it any worse.) Or, heck, I could donate/abandon it all with just a little work, shifting everything over to VRC's abutting Crumbi corner. It's an option.

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5 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

I'm guessing there could be plenty of spare Land Impact if the original prim build got a little Convex Hull lovin'. If it's close but not quite enough, there's also all that rail bed that could be convex-hulled. (Not the guides, which need to stay separate objects, but all the other cosmetic stuff.)

If it comes to that, I'd be happy to carve out most of VRC's little 512 in the corner to contribute 128 Land Impact to the Governor's cause. (God knows I already encroach all over, so chopping away some un-primmed area won't make it any worse.) Or, heck, I could donate/abandon it all with just a little work, shifting everything over to VRC's abutting Crumbi corner. It's an option.

My recollection is that there were a fair number of prims to spare -- remember, enough for one person to put a treehouse up in the sky. But when  4096 (1406 prims) was removed and auction -- and it was more like 4500 -- that was enough to send it back.

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