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Hey! Forum Lurkers and Silent Friends! Say Hello Here!

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So, we know you're out there. Every once in a while, I'll run into one of you in-world, who'll say something like "I've seen you on the forums, and I just wanted to say hi!"

It's really lovely, actually, partly because it makes me realize that I'm in some sense connected to people I didn't know I was engaging with, and that the community here is really far larger than just the smallish group of people who post.

You're part of this forum too!

So, say hi! You don't need to write much, or even anything! Just wave if that's all you're comfortable with doing!

But we'd love to see you, and acknowledge you as part of our community! Because silent or not, you're one of us!

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4 minutes ago, blissfulbreeze said:

I saw Bowslaw at Fogbound Blues and I wanted to ask for an autograph. However, RL body slammed me and had to log off.

I go to Fogbound pretty infrequently, but yes . . . I've heard from others that they've seen him there, and even said hi.

I am sure that if you DM him here, you could get an actual autographed pic? 😉

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10 minutes ago, blissfulbreeze said:

He should dance for us shirtless at Fog.

Well, this went in a direction I didn't foresee . . . !

So, how about we organize a charity drive. Auction off autographed shirtless pics of your favourite Forum guy? Proceeds to RAINN or RFL or something?

(I'm not really serious. Or . . . am I?)

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, we know you're out there. Every once in a while, I'll run into one of you in-world, who'll say something like "I've seen you on the forums, and I just wanted to say hi!"

This happened frequently to me back in the day, rarely now, and it always left me feeling a bit verklempt. :) I'm an introvert, for one. I was also flattered and didn't quite know what to do with that feeling! It is always very nice and pleasant.

Except once. Someone started talking to me inworld and let me know they had been following me for years. They knew all about my-troll-who-shall-not-be-named, and even things I had forgotten about. I have to say, that was a bit creepy. :)  (Interestingly enough that person and I are now friends so even that worked out.)

Lurkers, come out come out wherever you are. :)


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Hi bye!

See me on Twitter. @prokofy

I haven't been posting in recent weeks because hospital/work/busy/my own blog but I will take this opportunity to point you to an all-time Internet classic reprinted in 2004 by the now-defunct Alphaville Herald, written by the late lamented humdog, known as Montserrat Snakeankle in SL (who died in RL), which describes the way in which forums (boards) are used by corporations to drive traffic, sales and data-scraping, even when drama-filled or heavily moderated, or especially so.

Even if our beloved Linden Lab does NOT scrape our personal data to sell ads -- alone among Silicon Valley entities! -- they still have this data and use it as they wish at least to sell their own products, if nothing else.


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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2 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Hi bye!

See me on Twitter. @prokofy

I haven't been posting in recent weeks because hospital/work/busy/my own blog but I will take this opportunity to point you to an all-time Internet classic reprinted in 2004 by the now-defunct Alphaville Herald, written by the late lamented humdog, known as Montserrat Snakeankle in SL (who died in RL), which describes the way in which forums (boards) are used by corporations to drive traffic, sales and data-scraping, even when drama-filled or heavily moderated, or especially so.


Passing by in silence the hilarity of anyone suggesting that anything produced by the Herald is "an all-time Internet classic," I'm a little stumped as to the relevance of this note here, Prok.

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Passing by in silence the hilarity of anyone suggesting that anything produced by the Herald is "an all-time Internet classic," I'm a little stumped as to the relevance of this note here, Prok.

Well that was an interesting article but parts of it might explain why at least some choose to lurk, not post. I am careful which forums I post on, and don't even have a Facebook account or other social media due to privacy concerns.

I have often wondered  how many lurkers we do have on the forums here and what puts them off engaging. I have seen some pretty unwelcoming treatment of first time posters and I am pretty sure those people won't be coming back. It will be interesting to see if the new rules, and the focus of discussion on SL matters only, make people feel more comfortable to engage with the forums.

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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Hi bye!

See me on Twitter. @prokofy

I haven't been posting in recent weeks because hospital/work/busy/my own blog but I will take this opportunity to point you to an all-time Internet classic reprinted in 2004 by the now-defunct Alphaville Herald.


Well $hit. I guess that explains the DNC texts asking for donations for 6 year supply of training wheels.

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53 minutes ago, Finite said:

Well $hit. I guess that explains the DNC texts asking for donations for 6 year supply of training wheels.

? The Democratic National Committee? Training wheels? Finite, are you bringing RL politics into the SL forums that are only supposed to be about SL? 

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