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Has anyone else noticed the B[xxxx] accounts?

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Having seen endless people thinking they're being stalked, a common reason given for that is the lack of information in the bot profiles. This is the first time I've seen anyone say they know exactly what the bots are doing. So the solution for those complaints is simple: the information needs to be in the bot profiles with a link to the website, so people can see what information is being gathered. It should go without saying that the website should not include things that identify individual avatars.

Most of the rest of the complaints either come from places that want to stop the visits (I'd suggest making it opt-in for private regions, but give people a way to opt-out at least) or the landing point is a bad choice for that region. That can be solved by having a contact person, so that people can get these things sorted out.

This is advice for bots in general. It'd go a long way if all bots included what they were doing and who to contact with problems.

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1 hour ago, Skyler Pancake said:

So, what you're saying is, Bonnie is only in your region so briefly that you can't even tell?

No.  I am referring to the tool you linked. It shows a map of the whole grid, with pushpins that indicate the bots' locations. If you try to zoom in far enough to read a region name, though, the bot has moved before you can do so.

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10 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

No.  I am referring to the tool you linked. It shows a map of the whole grid, with pushpins that indicate the bots' locations. If you try to zoom in far enough to read a region name, though, the bot has moved before you can do so.

Wait.. Are you trying to stalk BB?

If so, pick one of the pins, click on it, and then zoom in. Map will automatically reposition to keep following.

The map is mostly just for fun though. There's not really much value in seeing where a BB is at considering they don't stick around one place for long and are always on the move.


There's actually a fun new Marketplace sales tracker that was added to the site. Can be a fun way of finding new things to buy. It's provided some rather interesting insights as well.

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7 hours ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

Okay it does show some data and it's kinda creepy o.o why are you doing that?

You're actually stalking all of SL shouldn't that be against the TO's?

How do we know there is not more data you're collecting on people.

All data collected HAS to be publicly available data. There's no way for anyone aside LL to collect data that isn't. So this is information you are putting out on Second Life. It's just data being anonymized and compiled.


4 hours ago, CarlaWetter said:

I can't really think of any sensible reason to drop into our pacel eight times in a single day. And that's parcel, not full region. Whatever you think you do, it's beyond practical reason and in my opinion pretty much abusive.

I would like to point out you can ban BB's from your parcel. That will prevent any of them from showing up. It's pretty easy and if you need someone to walk you through it I definitely can.

One of the things BB does is track region population. This is to help find and share interesting and active locations on the grid. One of the hardest parts of SL is finding out where people are at. Most of SL exists with little activity. The hope of this is to bring more people together in SL and provide a chance for more positive experiences.

Again, BB is there for 5-20 seconds. Basically long enough to pop in, grab the publicly accessible information, and then figure out where to go next.

Edited by Skyler Pancake
Was corrected about how often a BB will visit region. Am not one of the people scripting BB, just a friend in the know.
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16 hours ago, Skyler Pancake said:

I would like to point out you can ban BB's from your parcel. That will prevent any of them from showing up.

It would not prevent them from showing up say, on another parcel, so I prefer to send them away as soon as they arrive. And they are not alone, so with a list of currently 254 known active bots of a list of 430 names total I don't care to track and manually add those pests on rather limted space of parcel ban lists in multiple places. Instead I'll continue to rely on my own little "NoBots" system in the places which don't want to have to do with your not very good looking data collection system.

Let's have a look at that innocent and fun statistic about current and upcoming attachments used. So it's allegedly totally anonymized and all public information.

First, it's not that anonym as you can not collect a list of attachments without collecting the wearers UUID first. So the data collection already begins pretty much non-anonymized and no one said that it's stored in an anonymized form. Which would be hard to tell with a straight face when there's that "birthday board" to display avatars on their rezdays which indeed points to an avatar keyed data pool.

Second, publicly available information may as such be fine to see but a massively aggregated collection of them tends to fall into a different category, especially if the whole ethics behind the collection comes down to "I think it's fun" and "Because I can do it". Where is the reason to trust any of this?

Is it really a sensible attitude to hit up "at least every region in SL once a day" as I seem to remember one of the statements to find 20 or 30 crowded spaces that are not already on Destinations? If there even are that many.

I would strongly recommend the implementation of an opt out mechanism, both for lands and avatars because hitting up random places multiple times a day that aren't even some random shopping event, meeting place or party bunk is just plain inconsiderate.

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19 hours ago, MewMew Snowpaw said:

To be fair, bots have existed for years in SL and no one has ever had an issue with them until now.

To be fair, bots have been added to parcel and estate ban lists as long as they popped up in peoples private homes. So it's a bit of a stretch to conclude that no one ever objected to them.

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4 hours ago, CarlaWetter said:

It would not prevent them from showing up say, on another parcel, so I prefer to send them away as soon as they arrive. And they are not alone, so with a list of currently 254 known active bots of a list of 430 names total I don't care to track and manually add those pests on rather limted space of parcel ban lists in multiple places. Instead I'll continue to rely on my own little "NoBots" system in the places which don't want to have to do with your not very good looking data collection system.

Let's have a look at that innocent and fun statistic about current and upcoming attachments used. So it's allegedly totally anonymized and all public information.

First, it's not that anonym as you can not collect a list of attachments without collecting the wearers UUID first. So the data collection already begins pretty much non-anonymized and no one said that it's stored in an anonymized form. Which would be hard to tell with a straight face when there's that "birthday board" to display avatars on their rezdays which indeed points to an avatar keyed data pool.

Second, publicly available information may as such be fine to see but a massively aggregated collection of them tends to fall into a different category, especially if the whole ethics behind the collection comes down to "I think it's fun" and "Because I can do it". Where is the reason to trust any of this?

Is it really a sensible attitude to hit up "at least every region in SL once a day" as I seem to remember one of the statements to find 20 or 30 crowded spaces that are not already on Destinations? If there even are that many.

I would strongly recommend the implementation of an opt out mechanism, both for lands and avatars because hitting up random places multiple times a day that aren't even some random shopping event, meeting place or party bunk is just plain inconsiderate.

If your issue is with bots showing up on land that you don't even own then having an opt out feature won't resolve any of your issues. An opt out feature would confirm the request is coming from the land owner.

Rez day is on your profile. There's no reason to anonymize that as ANYONE can see it already by simply opening up your profile.

Frankly, all I'm seeing is you annoyed that a random avatar is showing up on land that you don't own once in a while for a few seconds. Which is a pretty minor thing to be so upset about and seems extremely obsessive and controlling. If you really do need that much control over who enters your land consider moving to a private region and using the whitelist feature.


Edited by Skyler Pancake
Edit because Carla doesn't even own the land BB is showing up on.
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9 hours ago, CarlaWetter said:

It would not prevent them from showing up say, on another parcel, so I prefer to send them away as soon as they arrive. And they are not alone, so with a list of currently 254 known active bots of a list of 430 names total I don't care to track and manually add those pests on rather limted space of parcel ban lists in multiple places. Instead I'll continue to rely on my own little "NoBots" system in the places which don't want to have to do with your not very good looking data collection system.

Let's have a look at that innocent and fun statistic about current and upcoming attachments used. So it's allegedly totally anonymized and all public information.

First, it's not that anonym as you can not collect a list of attachments without collecting the wearers UUID first. So the data collection already begins pretty much non-anonymized and no one said that it's stored in an anonymized form. Which would be hard to tell with a straight face when there's that "birthday board" to display avatars on their rezdays which indeed points to an avatar keyed data pool.

Second, publicly available information may as such be fine to see but a massively aggregated collection of them tends to fall into a different category, especially if the whole ethics behind the collection comes down to "I think it's fun" and "Because I can do it". Where is the reason to trust any of this?

Is it really a sensible attitude to hit up "at least every region in SL once a day" as I seem to remember one of the statements to find 20 or 30 crowded spaces that are not already on Destinations? If there even are that many.

I would strongly recommend the implementation of an opt out mechanism, both for lands and avatars because hitting up random places multiple times a day that aren't even some random shopping event, meeting place or party bunk is just plain inconsiderate.

"Nobots"? Do enlighten us?

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14 hours ago, Skyler Pancake said:

If your issue is with bots showing up on land that you don't even own then having an opt out feature won't resolve any of your issues. An opt out feature would confirm the request is coming from the land owner.

As I don't care to track any kind of visits on neighbour parcels or public lands, my point indeed is all about land owners to opt out. So you're only distracting from the issue of multiple unwanted intrusions into peoples places, nonchalantly waved away with "once in a while for a few seconds" wilfully avoiding to face the issue people have with this kind of intrusion.

14 hours ago, Skyler Pancake said:

Rez day is on your profile. There's no reason to anonymize that as ANYONE can see it already by simply opening up your profile.

The bots collect a large amount of data associated with the targets UUID. That one public use of that data is to display the association from UUID, profile pic and rez day points to an unanomymized data storage. 'That's all I am about. Your claim to be able to look up rezdays on profiles is just a distraction from the actual issue that there is some massive data pool we are just told that it's "interesting" or "fun".

If you want to know my rezday, you don't indeed have to send out nearly a dozen bots all over SL day after day, you can as well look it up in my profile. Which would even have some kind of personal touch other than some automated system pushing some profile pic on a wall. What's so humanly great about that? And you don't need to know if I wear Lel teeth either, you're not my dentist.

To make it abundantly clear, I am personally running an accessible place with marina and even a little airfield. I am happy for actual visitors that make use of the facilities. Bots do not add anything positive to the social context of any such places, they are just some intrusive, automated  nuisance. What use is it to know that Lel teeth are what you will meet most often in your fave club? Why do these bots have to pop in up to eight times a day to present us witch such lame researched "fact"?

Already quite a while before the rise of the B-bots I've changed from using some commercial orbs with their limit of just 100 names, one per parcel and wrote a script that just exists to handle a large amount of bot id's to blacklist and kick out from any "same owner" parcel within a region. It does not collect visitor names from neighbour parcels, it does not look at visitors from other places, it does not look anything up on external services because I respect peoples expecation of privacy. All data it collects is that it will store a date and time with the bot it encountered, keeping track of bot activities all over. I've given the system to friends that wanted to get rid of bots on their lands too, so the system now runs in multiple places, some full regions, some private parcels. I'm not giving away lists of bot names and I did not really consider giving away the NoBot system, but this nonchalant attitude here might soon make me reconsider.

Why all the drama now around the Bbots you may ask? Well, they manage to easily show up three times as often as all other known bot hordes together. Which indicates that, whatever bots do, the Bbots have by far the worst attitude and create the most bad rep for bots at large. I've never considered adding Tychos gridsurvey bot to my list, nor have I added Lous bot even if I don't see such a big point in statistics about avatar shapes. The Bbots however have gone so far above and beyond everything we've ever before encountered that I'm not willing to accept them in their current modus operandi at any of my places.

So while you may want to paint me as an obsessive control freak I still maintain that I don't do any more than what all the roaming bot fandom keeps suggesting. Eject&Ban. But the sheer numbers forced me to stay away from parcel and estate ban lists. The same way you can tell me to move into some protected little glass bowl I can tell you to take your overreaching hordes and learn a bit about what it might really mean to be excellent to each other.

Edited by CarlaWetter
some typos found, others left in for you to make fun about
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19 hours ago, CarlaWetter said:

Is it really a sensible attitude to hit up "at least every region in SL once a day" as I seem to remember one of the statements to find 20 or 30 crowded spaces that are not already on Destinations? If there even are that many.


19 hours ago, CarlaWetter said:

I would strongly recommend the implementation of an opt out mechanism, both for lands and avatars because hitting up random places multiple times a day that aren't even some random shopping event, meeting place or party bunk is just plain inconsiderate.

But then, those regions would not be part of the "Land Surveys", whatever the heck they are used for. They are important, I'm sure of it. They must be, or someone wouldn't go to all this trouble. I doubt they are for collecting 'personal information'. Seriously doubt it. Srsly even.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/18/2022 at 8:27 PM, Skyler Pancake said:




This website and its avatar search provides information to the public that is not otherwise public knowledge.  Whether an account is premium, or is premium plus, for example.  That is a violation of privacy.  It is none of anybody's business and it is between the Resident and Linden Lab. 

There is a privacy policy that says Linden Lab may share our information with third parties for various reasons, but hosting a rez day board isn't one of them.  Is there a good reason Bonniebots.com is sharing with the public private financial information associated with Second Life avatars?  How would Bonniebots.com even get that information?  And what information is it tied to that isn't necessarily reflected on the public website?

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