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Multiple alts - why and what do YOU do with them?

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I have 5 alts created for different reasons

  1. to find out what happened to me when i logged off
  2. can't remember why probably to do things only accounts under a set number of days could do. I do remember the only choice of last name on offer at the time was Foxtrot
  3. I used to get ghosted often and wanted an account with the last name Ghost
  4. to secure a "Resident" last name even though probably no one else to this day would choose my name
  5. i'd been meaning to create a male alt for years for those times when a man is needed, i'd previously been sacrificing an existing alt with library av's as and when needed


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28 minutes ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

to find out what happened to me when i logged off

Thank you, but the curiousity is killing me.

What happened to you?

Why did anything happen to you?

And, this might sound like a dumb question, but when you log off dont you disappear? [closes my eyes and waits for the barrage of responses telling me EVERYONE does this, somehow - suddenly I feel so old.  🙂  ]

p.s. it reminds me of a friend, many years ago, who used to go to sleep in RL with her SL self logged in and asleep in bed. This had become such a ritual that she could not go to sleep any other way.

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I have one alt mostly because I don't feel like using one account for switching male to female so I made my alt for when I feel like dressing up girly. I used to have 12 alts when I was doing Bloodlines to gain my rank up but I have retired those accounts and hidden myself from that network with the garlic necklace. 

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I have an alt army.  I was actually my first alt.  My original av made me when she was one month old. I took over as the main av about ten years ago.  I've only lost one alt.  It was my first male alt and I've lost his password and his email address no longer exists so he's gone for good. 

Why did I make them all?  Well I liked going through the new user experience to see what was different.  And I liked having a clean inventory and freebie hunting to see how good I could make a new av look.  Then I got hooked into Tiny Empires and suddenly all those alts became useful assets in my quest to become a princess. They were my minions.  I made even more of them. I got bored with TE and my minions haven't logged in since.  I used to own mainland and had two premium accounts to pay my tier.  Then Bellisseria kicked off and I had a brand new reason to use my alts - to find the perfect home. I expect to drop back to just me on the premium account when the time runs out for my 2 alt hoppers.  So far I've resisted the urge to go with premium plus but I might change my mind when I see the new 2048 linden home options.

Edited by kali Wylder
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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Speaking of creating alts -- Lil was created exactly 15 years ago today.



The account I use as my main account now. Is actually the first account I created. I forgot the password and stuff for this. So wound creating more accounts and forgot those passwords. Then the one I retired, I used as my main for a bit. Then went back to my OG account. Lol 

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4 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

to find out what happened to me when i logged off


3 hours ago, Space Zehetbauer said:

What happened to you?

Why did anything happen to you?

And, this might sound like a dumb question, but when you log off dont you disappear?

Unless Claire is very special indeed, her avatar does disappear when she logs off. It happens this way to everyone. Why? Because LL hath decreed it shall be so.

Claire just took the trouble of doing something I think many of us have thought about doing...viz., making a second viewpoint to test the theory. Me, I always assumed my avatar did what I saw all the other avatars doing when THEY logged off, but I guess Claire is from Missouri (the "Show Me" State).

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Back in the days when I still was involved in Roleplay communities, and when we didn't have display names yet, it was common practice to create a new account with a matching name depending on the RP you would like to join. I use those alts nowadays for various tests, and for land management / holding purposes. 

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8 hours ago, Space Zehetbauer said:

Thank you, but the curiousity is killing me.

What happened to you?

Why did anything happen to you?

It was within my first month in SL long before I had a place to call home. I was really curious, not knowing what happened I had been hiding in the stairwell of a small mall located next to/part of freebie dungeon on mainland every time I logged out so I didn't get into trouble if my presence stayed around when I didn't. I created the alt and the first place I went to was the mall, l checked the stairwell, no me, from then on I stopped hiding there when I logged out.

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7 hours ago, animats said:

I have one alt, ”animatsalt”, used for testing purposes. It's dressed as the default Boy Next Door.

My third alt (born in 2008) started as ”Boy Next Door” and has not changed aspect/clothing ever since... A good thing that smell is not transmitted via the viewers, or else, its outfit would be stinking a lot nowadays ! 🤣

Edited by Henri Beauchamp
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I am actually a first alt of my first account and the reason Saskia was created was that I forgot the password to my first account and the password to the email I used to create my first account. Besides I didn't have much at that account so this one became my main very quickly. And then the history repeated twice. For some time I had been using my latest account but then something unpleasant happened and I wanted to disappear, so Saskia was back 2 years ago.

Now in total I have 4 accounts and I use only three - this one, one female alt and one male alt, mostly to test poses that I make. Running separate "lives" for them would take too much time.

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I like naming stuff, so a bunch of them got created in the days of free last names. And when I want to try out a new aesthetic I like to make a new avatar to match. One time I made three in a day so my doll av could win a dress on a Midnight Mania board; one ended up as my token boy, one is now my landowning/interior decor alt (who I spend the most time on nowadays, but I'll always think of my original account as my main), and the other one is a goth girl I never really bother with. I probably have about fifteen or sixteen by now, most of whom run around collecting freebies or playing games or stalking lucky chairs. One dress-up dolly was never going to be enough for me.

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I have 4 female avatars and one male. No group, no land, no scripting reasons involved. All free accounts but I spend quite significant money within this world shopping.

The male is styled as a rugged mature man of around 50 years of age. The girls are all styled in their twenties.

The girl numbers increased gradually over several years when I felt the urge to purchase a new head or body. To me having numerous bento heads or bento bodies for the same avatar seemed to make little sense so I created a new avatar for the change/upgrade. Mainly for the head, they all ended up with Maitreya bodies in the end.

Four is enough for me to handle now. From time to time I switch my focus from one to another and stick with her for quite a while until something makes me log into another one and I then end up sticking with her and get her upgraded with improved wardrobe and hairs and skins etc.. The cycle continues as I rotate around them over several weeks or months each at a time. Once in a blue moon I see a must-have item so they all get it.

I don't tend to socialise much in SL but I quite like some of the interactions between avatars such as dancing or having sex. This is where the male steps in. Sometimes he sits with me as a defensive strategy. Other times I create a scenario in my mind and get quite immersed in it with him. My little fantasies. I have subtle needs which I haven't discovered so far in anyone else within SL.

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There's alts, then there's accounts. I have approximately 40 accounts total -many made as one-offs and some of them deactivated.

Originally, I was going to use Han Held as my primary/banking account so I made probably 6 accounts and explored the grid with those. They're all toast at this point lol I started logging in on Han and then got drawn to sl history, misc forums and different groups. Currently? 

1)Han Held (not sure if main)

2)2005 account -for vanity

3)Two variations on Hannah$WHATEVER to move off of Han/for sl-family RP

4)Some slex alts to see if I have better luck in slex sims as someone who isn't Han Held 😜 and to do a NSFW project that isn't tied to Han (less about shame and more about social obligations Han has which distract me from getting anything done!)

[edit]my accounts are all either women, or transwomen

Edited by Han Held
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20 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I got hit on a little by women as a male, but it wasn't as obnoxious as the way some guys hit on female avatars. Mostly it was a difference in how I felt.

Feel free to take this with a grain of salt -but that's the opposite of my experience. I had a male alt for a while 11 years or so ago that I was using for sex stuff and even outside of the sex sims I would encounter women who would be this combination of aggressive and at the same time hurt/offended if I didn't sleep with them. I had no idea how to deal with that and I wound up deactivating that account in part because that dynamic made logging on to him feel like a drag.

I say "take this with a grain of salt" but where I had that avatar hanging out and also my personal lack of coping skills might mean this isn't necessarily a typical experience.

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1 hour ago, colleen Criss said:

I tried to have alts many times. I could never remember their login. So I assume they are gone forever. It's sad to say I'm that blond 😂.

Yeah, I've got a TON of accts that I can't remember the password/emails for which will never log in to the grid again. That's most of mine, in fact.

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2 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

MY alts always wind up arguing against me, too.

You alts are a bunch of contrary little so and so's.


It's true! I have my 2005 acct in most of my SL families and we end up bickering. What is it with alts that makes that so fun? 🤣

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