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The Erosion Of Civil Rights, Including Its Effects On SL And Other Online Venues

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Civil Rights just took a big hit in the US (women's bodily autonomy), and more rights (for gay and Black people) are on the line. As the rights we took for granted become illegal will we need to be careful of what we say in SL and other online venues? How far could prosecutorial laws reach? And does anyone see this spreading to other countries presently more equalitarian in orientation? And why is this happening? 

In Texas:
Talking about abortion online in Texas? What you say on Facebook or Twitter could hurt you

Personally I think people should begin to be very careful what they say anywhere, as vigilante citizens of some states can earn $10,000 dollars for turning another citizen in for transgressing state laws regarding abortion. I don't even feel comfortable with a list of helpful links for women someone posted on this forum -- hoping they don't live in Texas or that Texas doesn't develop rights to prosecute across state lines.

The GOP platform now clearly states their objective regarding gay people:
Texas GOP Calls Being Gay ‘Abnormal,’ Bans Gay Conservative Group From Convention

Voting Rights
There is the ongoing neutering of the Voting Rights act of 1965, affecting disproportionately the financially poor and People Of Color.

Why is all this happening in the US? I think Chris Hedges has a good take on it:

"....an American fascism, wrapped in the flag and clutching the Christian cross, was organizing to extinguish our anemic democracy. This assault is very far advanced. The connecting tissue among the disparate militia groups, QAnon conspiracy theorists, anti-abortion activists, right-wing patriot organizations, Second Amendment advocates, neo-Confederates and Trump supporters that stormed the Capitol on January 6 is this frightening Christian fascism".

Fascists In Our Midst
Supreme Court rulings, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade, herald the ascendancy of Christian fascism in the United States.


* Just a note -- this is about a distorted type of Christianity within the US that has aligned with political powers and doesn't believe in Democracy or the Rule Of Law, not the loving kind of spirituality/Christianity some people practice.

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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Civil Rights just took a big hit in the US (women's bodily autonomy), and more rights (for gay and Black people) are on the line. As the rights we took for granted become illegal will we need to be careful of what we say in SL and other online venues? How far could prosecutorial laws reach? And does anyone see this spreading to other countries presently more equalitarian in orientation? And why is this happening? 

* Just a note -- this is about a distorted type of Christianity within the US that has aligned with political powers and doesn't believe in Democracy or the Rule Of Law, not the loving kind of spirituality/Christianity some people practice.

I disagree, I think the wedge that challenged bodily autonomy in this case was the cancelling of autonomy where it concerned an emergency use vaccine mandate. When that was pushed through successfully, it was only a small step to extend that to other areas that you might not see as being so agreeable. What Christian sect are you thinking of as it seemed to me most Christian sect were to a greater or lesser degree opposed to this particular vaccine mandates?

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I don't really see what effect this would have on SL. Social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn (where your real name is attached to what you're posting, usually, often accompanied by location info) - yes. What you say inside SL...unlikely. I'm not a fan of broadcasting one's entire personal life (especially the location "check-in" thing) on social media to begin with, though, so don't go by me.

As for the rest of the topic - not touching it.


Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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7 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I disagree, I think the wedge that challenged bodily autonomy in this case was the cancelling of autonomy where it concerned an emergency use vaccine mandate. When that was pushed through successfully, it was only a small step to extend that to other areas that you might not see as being so agreeable. What Christian sect are you thinking of as it seemed to me most Christian sect were to a greater or lesser degree opposed to this particular vaccine mandates?

Which Christian sect?  Perhaps you can read the Chris Hedges article I posted, as he describes it well. I would point you to Evangelical movements within the US too (some who are a part of this noxious movement within the US and some whose pastors would not go along with it).

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2 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I don't really see what effect this would have on SL. Social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn (where your real name is attached to what you're posting, usually, often accompanied by location info) - yes. What you say inside SL...unlikely.

I'm interested in what the laws say at this point. Probably they are quite murky though. From the article I linked to in the OP:

"Federal law provides stronger protections against private citizens accessing other people's data. But those records could be accessed in a civil lawsuit in Texas if a private citizen obtains a court order for access to electronic records, said John Verdi, vice president of policy for the Future of Privacy Forum". 

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If (when) we become a full blown theocracy questions like this won’t need asking.  It will be too late & the repercussions already evident.  

3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

wedge that challenged bodily autonomy in this case was the cancelling of autonomy where it concerned an emergency use vaccine mandate

As far as this goes, no, this has been in the pipelines for years.  & they are blatantly bragging about what’s next- Cornyn yesterday calling for the overturning of brown vs the board of education.  

People ask how the Nazi Vernichtungslager came to be, how they were not stopped before they began.  This is how. 

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19 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

cancelling of autonomy where it concerned an emergency use vaccine mandate. When that was pushed through successfully, it was only a small step to extend that to other areas that you might not see as being so agreeable.

You still had the right NOT to take the vaccine.  Equating a communicable disease with pregnancy?  Really?  Years ago, if someone in your family had measles, the family had to quarantine.  Then, it was mandatory to vaccinate for school.  Not a huge fuss was made about those and other vaccines until recently.

A woman being pregnant does not nor can it, impact YOUR health or anyone else's.

They have been trying to overturn Roe V Wade since it's inception.  


Edited by Rowan Amore
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3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm interested in what the laws say at this point. Probably they are quite murky though. From the article I linked to in the OP:

"Federal law provides stronger protections against private citizens accessing other people's data. But those records could be accessed in a civil lawsuit in Texas if a private citizen obtains a court order for access to electronic records, said John Verdi, vice president of policy for the Future of Privacy Forum". 

I'm not a lawyer (far from it) and have only ever seen it happen in criminal trials, but the seizure of electronic records is *usually* more of a risk for things like Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, cell phone comms and SMS, chat messengers and apps, Discord, blog posts and websites, Google searches, etc. I think it'd be rather difficult to even link someone to Second Life or online games in general, though maybe it's happened before. I do not know.

I'd advise anyone, though, to stop oversharing in general. Especially on Facebook omg just don't.

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Just now, Ceka Cianci said:

Honestly, I don't think this will have an impact on SL retention.

I never really considered retention, but my first impression is that it wouldn't affect user retention.

I'm more concerned about how SL and virtual reality in general develops privacy laws -- can they prevail against a more autocratic governance we are heading toward...

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Pastors in Idaho and Texas call for execution of LGBTQ people 


It’s all over twitter as well… a rabid social media tweeter with a huge following calling for a “rounding up” of anyone who attends pride events.  Her personal Twitter was suspended but an account she has made clear is also hers is still going.  She’s just tiptoeing now with her rhetoric rather than the full blown stampede.  

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

I never really considered retention, but my first impression is that it wouldn't affect user retention.

I'm more concerned about how SL and virtual reality in general develops privacy laws -- can they prevail against a more autocratic governance we are heading toward...

This is why we need to put an age limit on government offices.. So them old dusty geritolers that are out of touch  and their old ways can fade away without a sound.

Instead of younger, we still see old as dirt movin on up or stayin put, harppin back and forth..

More young blood that is more in touch with the times is what we need.

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SL provides a completely unprecedented freedom to be whoever and whatever you want to be. You can be anything - human, anthro furry, demon, goddess, elf, fae, non-anthro critter, robot, borg... In whatever setting you choose. I know there is the whole "it's a game" "it ISN'T a game" thing that gets discussed forever, but there are folks in SL who ARE using it to transcend the limitations they face in the physical world. Whether that's creating avatars for different aspects of one's true persona or whether it's the trans individual who can create an avatar and - for the time they are logged in and inhabiting that avatar - BE the gender they feel themselves to be. Or the disabled individual who isn't mobile IRL but in SL can experience an entire world.

For the forces currently ranging themselves against the entire concept of universal civil rights, that makes SL a threat.

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5 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

SL provides a completely unprecedented freedom to be whoever and whatever you want to be. You can be anything - human, anthro furry, demon, goddess, elf, fae, non-anthro critter, robot, borg... In whatever setting you choose. I know there is the whole "it's a game" "it ISN'T a game" thing that gets discussed forever, but there are folks in SL who ARE using it to transcend the limitations they face in the physical world. Whether that's creating avatars for different aspects of one's true persona or whether it's the trans individual who can create an avatar and - for the time they are logged in and inhabiting that avatar - BE the gender they feel themselves to be. Or the disabled individual who isn't mobile IRL but in SL can experience an entire world.

For the forces currently ranging themselves against the entire concept of universal civil rights, that makes SL a threat.

Good point.

They want a clearly defined, Biblically based, easy to control world.

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2 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Biblically based

What ever happened to the division between church and state?  I'm not a believer in the Bible.  I get tired of groups using that particular book to impose THEIR beliefs onto others using THEIR interpretation.  

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:
5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Biblically based

What ever happened to the division between church and state?  I'm not a believer in the Bible.  I get tired of groups using that particular book to impose THEIR beliefs onto others using THEIR interpretation. 

Yeah I was just reading about that.  Apparently this separation of church and state is not even in the Constitution!  Will have to read more about it.  I suppose it's on the chopping block too then with this Constitution-obsessed court we have now.

And yes, so many interpretations of the Bible. Clearly they believe in their interpretation.

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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

Good point.

They want a clearly defined, Biblically based, easy to control world.

They ain't reading the same Bible I am. Admittedly, I'm an interfaith minister so I get to read it a bit more liberally than anyone who has a parochial church council or a bishop breathing down their neck.

I've attended services in Notre Dame IRL. When the fire happened, I sat with dozens of other SL residents and prayed in the SL version of that cathedral. You can't tell me that's not "real"

I've also attended solstice celebrations at an inworld recreation of stonehenge and found it MORE joyous and welcoming than the horrible sense of loneliness and abandonment that the IRL circle gives with Heritage restricting things so much (I much prefer Avebury IRL - that one's still alive, not pickled in aspic)


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12 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Well, people can get set in their ways, and perhaps people tend to do so as they age (not all though).

But unfortunately, examining those in the Cristofascist movement I see they are often quite young.  So no easy solution here  :(

If they were not allowed to sit on a hill and rant their old ways, those ways would fade away and be overshadowed by the younger louder blood more in chime with the times and current problems.. Instead we let them sit up there on that hill and let their ways fester to where a 50 year old freedom got taken away.

Both sides are going after and attacking our freedoms and rights.. They both are in a power struggle with the people, for control of the people, to knock that contract down between the  governments and the people, in their  favor..

I'm not at all in favor of what they did to the people.. But as always I was brought up to never trust a one of them bastages on either side, because in actuality, they are on the same team with each other against all the people..

Get rid of the too old to be in there and their ways start to sound like someone looking back on the old days..


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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:
18 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Well, people can get set in their ways, and perhaps people tend to do so as they age (not all though).

But unfortunately, examining those in the Cristofascist movement I see they are often quite young.  So no easy solution here  :(

If they were not allowed to sit on a hill and rant their old ways, those ways would fade away and be overshadowed by the younger louder blood more in chime with the times and current problems.. Instead we let them sit up there on that hill and let their ways fester to where a 50 year old freedom got taken away.

Both sides are going after and attacking our freedoms and rights.. They both are in a power struggle with the people, for control of the people, to knock that contract down between the  governments and the people, in their  favor..

I'm not at all in favor of what they did to the people.. But as always I was brought up to never trust a one of them bastages on either side, because in actuality, they are on the same team with each other against all the people..

Get rid of the too old to be in there and their ways start to sound like someone looking back on the old days..

Not sure you should have quoted me there, as I got a message from a moderator saying that post violated something. What, I don't know.

Anyway, I do agree with term limits and perhaps cognitive tests past age 80 or so!

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3 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If they were not allowed to sit on a hill and rant their old ways, those ways would fade away and be overshadowed by the younger louder blood more in chime with the times and current problems.. Instead we let them sit up there on that hill and let their ways fester to where a 50 year old freedom got taken away.

Both sides are going after and attacking our freedoms and rights.. They both are in a power struggle with the people, for control of the people, to knock that contract down between the  governments and the people, in their  favor..

I'm not at all in favor of what they did to the people.. But as always I was brought up to never trust a one of them bastages on either side, because in actuality, they are on the same team with each other against all the people..

Get rid of the too old to be in there and their ways start to sound like someone looking back on the old days..


This isnt a "both sides" issue, a partisan court is favoring a religious doctrine over the will of the people.   If you are going to both_sides this, you have to tell me how is the "other side" materially stripping people of rights in a similar magnitude.

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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

Not sure you should have quoted me there, as I got a message from a moderator saying that post violated something. What, I don't know.

Anyway, I do agree with term limits and perhaps cognitive tests past age 80 or so!

I didn't mean to quote you to save what you said.. I seen it as, it was just us in a civil conversation.. If they delete mine too then so be it I guess.. hehehehe

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9 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

What ever happened to the division between church and state?  I'm not a believer in the Bible.  I get tired of groups using that particular book to impose THEIR beliefs onto others using THEIR interpretation.  

Worry more about those who manipulate the narrative to make what is a molehill into a mountain. Some preacher preaches what is probably a fairly standard sermon to a small congregation which for years was not an issue until some newshound thinks he can use it to make it into national news. Christian membership has been dropping for years and yet to listen to the the News and the OP,  Christians are taking over. If that was the intent, it would have been much more likely 50-75 years ago when it represented a much larger portion of the population

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1 minute ago, StarlanderGoods said:

This isnt a "both sides" issue, a partisan court is favoring a religious doctrine over the will of the people.   If you are going to both_sides this, you have to tell me how is the "other side" materially stripping people of rights in a similar magnitude.

I said going after rights which both sides do constantly. Not this case but over all our rights are under attack from both parties.


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