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Fees are too high!(?)

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2 hours ago, Antonioo Giano said:

Giving some attention also to you.. happy?
As I said I can deal with you all. But you know.. I'm not an old one with nothing to do. I've also a life.

My IMs are open, if some of you is able to give an argumentation to what they say they can try to write me IW. I can't spend all my time to give you some attention to make your day bit more interesting. I did already too much charity with this posts feeding too many trolls.

At the end is always the same circle of people answering all the same posts in the forum. My mistake to open a post like this, was predictable that people aren't able to disagree in a civil way, they have to try to "bully" or try to be the smart-funny one to get some attention in a forum where 10 people write.

So you can try to bully people into submitting to your wants? Thanks for the warning!

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58 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Please do elaborate on how a blockchain will in any way improve SL.

I finally read the other thread, and responded point-by-point to the OP. 

If I understand, the original poster is "in the business" (crypto).  That puts things in a whole new perspective!

Anyway, from that other thread: Apparently, "NFT" is used in the context of "Buy land with one-time purchase" (no fees afterwards).

So for this thread, I propose that "Crypto" is somehow in the context of  "fees are too high", and assumedly, applying a blockchain remedy will reduce costs and fees.


*Edit* Wait, is same thread? I got lost. Guess I'm getting old. All I can hope for now, is to also get funny.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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27 minutes ago, Antonioo Giano said:

I'm going to do my things.. you know i've a business to manage.
Just don't fight each other looking for approval! There is enough approval for everyone, and don't forget to like each other posts!

Please don't go! I replied point-by-point to your original post, with seriousness and stuff!

Oh gee, now I feel silly.

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21 hours ago, Antonioo Giano said:

Long term.. who knows. But if I speak about bring companies, money and interest into SL and the answer I get are about "in SL you can sail" we are speaking about two different things and is hard to keep a conversation.

Companies and people don't just avoid SL because of cost. They avoid SL because of its adult nature. They are scared of public opinion. The cost of a region is peanuts for a company.

What i keep missing in your reasoning is that SL offer the possibility to make money and use that to finance projects in SL. You do not have to be an expert builder or marketing guru to make a decent income. Granted, it is getting harder for creators with the vast amount of weekend sales popping up and people expecting everything for under 100L$ but with a decent strategy, you can pay for Sl with SL.

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Blockchain is only good as a decentralised ledger of transactions and transfer of ownership records with some level of certainty that the ledger hasn't been tampered with and with no single entity in control of it.

I understand that the OP is suggesting that the ownership of SL land follow this model.  However, like others here, I cannot see what benefits this would bring.  SL is a centralised service with LL in control which wouldn't change even with a blockchain, it would just change how land is transferred between people for no tangible benefits.

Why?  Remember, you only get the benefits from Blockchain when a service is decentralised, not controlled by any single entity and you need to verify that records haven't been tampered with of course.  The only other perceived benefit possible would be to make the service provider seem up-to-date, cool and trendy when marketing themselves.  The effectiveness of that seems to be passing though now.

The OP also seems to equate that blockchaining land ownership would mean no recurring fees or that somehow the blockchain would make that possible in ways that aren't now.  That is a falacy however as nothing about blockchain ownership would stop LL charging the owner recurring fees.  In addition, if LL wanted to sell land today without recurring fees they could easily.  They have before and could again.  They wouldn't need to create a blockchain for that.

I too would welcome a more detailed explanation of how their scheme would operate and what tangible benefits it would bring.

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3 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I understand that the OP is suggesting that the ownership of SL land follow this model.  However, like others here, I cannot see what benefits this would bring.  SL is a centralised service with LL in control which wouldn't change even with a blockchain, it would just change how land is transferred between people for no tangible benefits.

I suppose, there is some concern / fear that with "real ownership" of land comes issues. Like people stealing stuffs. 

But kind of like how I interpret your statement above, I'd assume - hope desperately - that LL would continue to control "land ownership" in such a way that "who owns the land" is not problematic.  ("Griffers done stole my lan'! They done stole all my lan', darn it!")

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6 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Remember, you only get the benefits from Blockchain when a service is decentralised, not controlled by any single entity

Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know! If SL becomes a "real metaverse" or part of a "larger metaverse", then maybe it will get decentralized.

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Please do elaborate on how a blockchain will in any way improve SL.

How and where will this block chain operate, who will be running the nodes, how will they be compensated, how does this system scale to the needs of the grid as it stands, how does it scale to a grid double or treble the size (do you even know what that might look like).

Please do be specific and technical.

Or just flounce and personally attack me again, in which case I have my emoji ready.


I guess we're just too old to understand.  


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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4 hours ago, Antonioo Giano said:

But people answering this post, again, confirmed that they don't know what they are talking about.

You could have saved yourself a lot of typing by reading...you see, we've been there, done that and you are providing nothing new to the conversation.  And, you're rude.


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1 hour ago, Antonioo Giano said:

If you skip the 5 pages you can't talk about what was written.
I said so many times that I don't have a specific position on the NFT theme but I just accept that if things goes in that direction, because I'm not one of those crying if things changes.
So actually is not even about what I think, I tried to explain so many times but you are all so busy to assume what I'm saying just because is so easy to go everyone against one, just because taken one by one you wouldn't have any argument. Because nobody here gave arguments about what they think, and that it is not how I discuss things. I respect any point of view if they are given in a respectufl way. Here Instead it was just attacking me, stupid emoji and childish posts from old people and disrespectful and judging posts. So at the end the discussion went just like that, because of how people here aren't unable to discuss and exchange opinions.. and basically because nobody reads.. better write random stuff to take the approval of the others.

My what a tangled web you are weaving.

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8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know! If SL becomes a "real metaverse" or part of a "larger metaverse", then maybe it will get decentralized.

I could understand if that is what the OP was advocating and land ownership would be just one part of doing that but this topic isn't about decentralising SL as a whole, just the land.  So I don't think they have thought this through further than you can "NFT anything".

I don't think LL would ever decentralise the service though.  How would they benefit financially?  There has to be some profitable reward in doing so and there most likely would be quite the opposite.

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1 hour ago, Antonioo Giano said:

How can I answer to someone writing random stuff she has no clue about, in a provocating way, putting a dumb laughing face etc.. that is writing here looking for the approval of the other? I don't have to show anything to you or to others and for sure I don't fall into stupid provocation. I invited those with real arguments and interested to IM me, but you all just skip it keeping writing here.. because "hey.. I'm looking for approval, please, look at me, react to my post, show me i'm smart please". So far none of you came to talk about via IMs :)
What I see is just people with a boring life that feels stronger together attacking one person without having an argument but just writing random stuff they read online.
Read the previous posts and you will see my "position" on the theme. You are free to think what you want, anything I can say will not lead anywhere because you aren't able to have a civil conversation. And I'm far way smarter than any of you answering and provocating here to fall into it. Just accept it and move on.

Oh ffs Emily. Just stop with the hysterical histrionics. The only one trying to provoke others in all this is you. Remember? YOU ARE THE SOURCE.

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57 minutes ago, Antonioo Giano said:

I'm going to do my things.. you know i've a business to manage.
Just don't fight each other looking for approval! There is enough approval for everyone, and don't forget to like each other posts!

You can never admit to being in the wrong or just flat out being wrong can you.

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7 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I personally just think they want land ownership without recurring fees.  Wouldn't we all?

That would be nice but how would LL pay for the AWS service? Raise all the other fees? That won't work either. LL needs a new battle plan.

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1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

That would be nice but how would LL pay for the AWS service? Raise all the other fees? That won't work either. LL needs a new battle plan.

Even if LL were so rolling in profits that everyone in the office regularly had money fights, doesn't mean they would want to reduce their profits to provide land without recurring fees either.  Never heard of a corp who was in it to reduce their profits.  So what they make and what their costs are likely to be are largely immaterial.

So, yeah.  They would need a new plan that isn't so land dependent.  Not sure I'm a believer that actually exists without a significant shift of some kind.  The likely unimaginative Premium Plus doesn't seem much different to Premium, just more for more and so that doesn't appear to have any game changers in what has been said.

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Just now, Jackson Redstar said:

IMO, the main issue I see isn't the fees. This is a hobby, and alot of hobbys are way more expensive than SL. The main issue is that one can own a 3000 gaming computer and get 4 FPS in an event with 30+ avatars. That will drive away far more users than land fees

The OP isn't complaining about that though, just the land fees it seems.

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Happy Monday!  A friendly reminder to all participants .... This thread has been lively but has been careening off course for the past few hours.  Please remember to try and stay on topic.  If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life community pages. 

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My 2L$ about this subject.

1. Yes SL is an expensive hobby. So is playing golf, tennis, scuba diving, snooker, painting and many other hobbies. Land fees are not cheap.
One always has to decide if it is still worth to shell out the Shekels.
SL is a take it or leave it deal, just like the fees to use a court at your local tennis club or the cost of renting a snooker table for an hour.

2. Linden Lab is a commercial company. So they are familiar with the idea of profit optimization.
They don't charge the running costs + a bit of profit. They charge what enough consumers are willing to play for the product, so they get most profit out of it and in this case that is far more than costs + a bit of a profit.
This is how all successful companies work.
And that is why they could burn the money to develop Tilia, Sansar and those other one or two games that were dead in the water as well.

3. Linden Lab being a commercial company, they will not let their customers decide which course to sail with their company. They have ways to get the information they need.
So that makes discussing things like land prices here a bit of useless to start with.


4. They ran this show for 19 years successfully already. There must be a few things that they do right.
When I arrived in 2007, the sky was already falling on the XStreetSL forums that I visited back then, because of high land prices
But look around, still new Belli regions added every week.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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52 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

That would be nice but how would LL pay for the AWS service? Raise all the other fees? That won't work either. LL needs a new battle plan.

Idea: Make the cost of the NFT Land high enough to both purchase the land outright, and also cover any current and foreseen future maintenance fees.

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