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Can't flag listings for prim count?

Paul Hexem

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So, recently I started searching for items and filtering prims.

One problem I found was that a lot of people put 0 prims on objects that are clearly dozens, if not hundreds of prims.

Shouldn't there be a way to flag that as false advertising?

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There is a "Not as advertised" option, but the sub menus don't mention prims. And at least two of the items I saw like this mentioned no prim counts at all, but you could tell at a glance that there were at least a dozen in the picture.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

So, recently I started searching for items and filtering prims.

One problem I found was that a lot of people put 0 prims on objects that are clearly dozens, if not hundreds of prims.

Shouldn't there be a way to flag that as false advertising?


The default when creating a product listing is blank.  Meaning that if the seller doesn't enter the prim count, then nothing is reported and the system defaults it to a zero prim count.

The optimum behavior would be that when a seller doesn't manually enter the prim count that the listing itself shows "Not Supplied" instead of zero.

I have created an internal Jira Ticket for the Dev Team regarding this issue and it will be added to the list of things that need to be addressed.


Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support

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Catwise Yoshikawa wrote:

Then the blank from xstreet was migrated to marketplace with 0, cause I had lot of items with 0 and I didn't write that


I just meant that when you create the listing there is nothing in the field for prim count unless you enter it. :)


Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support

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It's a "computer thing" Catwise. When the computer formats up the listing page for saving, it sees the blank prim count as a zero and stores that in the database. That field is defined as "Numeric", so it has to store some sort of number there .. thus the zero. If it was a "Text" field (like it was in XStreet) then it would save a blank entry as ... blank. However ....

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My old products were migrated over and the prim counts became "0" because in Xstreet I had used the word "various" (text as you indicated Darrius, not a number) in that field (I sell clothing and each piece has a different number of prims - total prim count is rather meaningless since each person wears a different combo of prim pieces). Since the new Marketplace was introduced, I leave that field blank and my listings don't show anything at all for prim count, not even the words "prim count" with a zero or a blank next to it.

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So apparently it's the Migrated listings that show "0" (zero) whereas new listings get away with a blank. I'm guessing they imported as numeric then sometime later changed the field to text.

That means listings you see that should be "various" or some other non-numeric value but are instead showing "0" haven't been attended to fully since the migration. Hmmm .. sounds like good candidates to get swept into the "Stale Item Delisting" being discussed on another thread here.

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

Darrius? please don't do that *laughs* (referring to the quote " sounds like good candidates to get swept into the "Stale Item Delisting" being discussed on another thread here.")  Those older listings are still many of my best sellers!  They aren't "stale" at all!

Awww .. you take away all my fun!! LOL Actually I'd much rather it be listings that haven't been sold or edited in quite some time, so if they are actually selling (and you're not getting AR'd every time for misrepresenting the prim counts LOL) then there'd be no reason to sweep them out. (Other than my innate evil tendencies ... Mwaaahahahahaaaa!!)

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