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1 second Orb timing, is it necessary

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21 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

If the water is not navigable, it's not an issue.

Arielle is suggesting that it is, however.

Then to me,.that's LL's issue with making water parcels available.  One looking might assume it's open water when in fact, it is not.  There in lies a problem not with an owner's rights but in LL selling a.product that is not as it appears.

I've seen several parcels.for sale in the Land section.  Water parcels with NO actual land.  And people wonder why when sailing along what you think is OPEN water, you run into ban lines or orbs.  NOT a resident issue but bad marketing practice by LL.

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6 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean it is so much harder to ask the orb owner to politely change their settings properly, that they need to have LL to enforce some rules on us. Lol 

That might happen if enough orb owners act in ways that make them look like stubborn, entitled fussbudgets.

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Just now, Theresa Tennyson said:

That might happen if enough orb owners act in ways that make them look like stubborn, entitled fussbudgets.

I think they are entitled to set it however they want. You have no say in how they set it up. Did you pay for their parcel or their orb? 

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2 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean I usually set my home to a place I have designed and made to look like my home in SL. xD

I just want to point out one thing on the subject of being involuntarily teleported home. How many places have they already been that they will have start over after being sent home? Depending on what someone is doing they may not have a lot of time to start over. Is being sent home like that fair to them? Only if they are deliberately trying access where they know they aren't welcome.

Most places you don't know until you get there and discover the LM is no longer a store/shop, it's now someone's home.


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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Then to me,.that's LL's issue with making water parcels available.  One looking might assume it's open water when in fact, it is not.  There in lies a problem not with an owner's rights but in LL selling a.product that is not as it appears.

I've seen several parcels.for sale in the Land section.  Water parcels with NO actual land.  And people wonder why when sailing along what you think is OPEN water, you run into ban lines or orbs.  NOT a resident issue but bad marketing practice by LL.

One word:  Terraforming.

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9 hours ago, Codex Alpha said:

Not one solid argument has been made as to why 15 seconds or more is not enough to attain their privacy or to secure their belongings, or stop someone sitting on their sofa.

the arguments have been made and they are solid

argument 1).  I am on my pose stand in my changing room in my home trying on skins, bodies and adult parts.  Some rando comes in. I have 3 choices. 1) Don't care and do nothing. 2) Do kinda care and kick them out in 15 seconds. 3) Do care and kick them out immediately. Many people go with option 3) Do care

argument 2). I am with my partner and we are having a snuggle in our bed in our bedroom in our home.  Some rando comes in. We have 3 choices. 1) Don't care and do nothing. 2) Do kinda care and kick them out in 15 seconds. 3) Do care and kick them out immediately. Many people go with option 3) Do care

to say that there is not a solid argument for option 3) suggests that we don't care that the home owner does cares about their privacy in their own home. And that their caring about themselves in their own homes, should be overridden by the system to better serve the interests of the rando

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34 minutes ago, Ardy Lay said:

One word:  Terraforming.

A friend of mine bought one of those water parcels.  The entire region was in water.  You couldn't terraform enough to raise the land above the water.  Anyone sailing through could have run into ban lines or orbs wondering what the heck was going on.

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On the subject of a Landmark no longer going where it once did: If it is an old Landmark that you have not used in some time, it is (or should not be) an issue or impediment to open the Landmark to see if the parcel it points to, still has the same name on it as the Landmark itself.

I've had to do this with several older Landmarks in my time - some just to verify, others because the ability to actually use them has disappeared. That latter can be an early indicator that the location has changed hands or that it simply does not exist anymore, either way ... make sure your Landmarks actually go where they say they do.

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13 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

On the subject of a Landmark no longer going where it once did: If it is an old Landmark that you have not used in some time, it is (or should not be) an issue or impediment to open the Landmark to see if the parcel it points to, still has the same name on it as the Landmark itself.

I've had to do this with several older Landmarks in my time - some just to verify, others because the ability to actually use them has disappeared. That latter can be an early indicator that the location has changed hands or that it simply does not exist anymore, either way ... make sure your Landmarks actually go where they say they do.

I always go to about landmarks now to check to see if that store or place is still there. The amount of times I accidentally tped in, thinking it was a store and it was someones home and they were bumping pixel uglies. Yeah I started to that after a few times of having that happen. Lol 


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Just now, Sammy Huntsman said:

I always go to about landmarks now to check to see if that store or place is still there. The amount of times I accidentally tped in, thinking it was a store and it was someones home and they were bumping pixel uglies. Yeah I started to that after a few times of having that happen. Lol 


Heh, while I've never had that happen I have ended up on Abandoned Land several times in the past.

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1 minute ago, Solar Legion said:

Heh, while I've never had that happen I have ended up on Abandoned Land several times in the past.

It is not fun especially when you get people who freak the absolute crap out on you, and you are sitting there profusely apologizing in IMs and getting the heck out of there as fast as you got in. Lol. 

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2 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Well if you come on my line where I have put my orb settings at, then common sense dictates I gotta get you away. But also if you step too close, that is entirely your fault. Especially since i like to leave up signs telling people if you are too close you go home. 

My neighborhood has no sidewalks. Grass ends at road.

If I put up "no tresspassing" signs and a bunch of say... Wet paint brushes along the edge of my property, am I a jerk or is it all those big trucks with new stripes along their sides?

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9 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

My neighborhood has no sidewalks. Grass ends at road.

If I put up "no tresspassing" signs and a bunch of say... Wet paint brushes along the edge of my property, am I a jerk or is it all those big trucks with new stripes along their sides?

Who is the jerk if when those trucks pass they are scraping the wall and ploughing up the grass verge?

Not sure these kinds of specific scenarios really help the discussion as there are hundreds of different circumstances and the merits of each one may end up with a different jerks at the end.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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10 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Who is the jerk if when those trucks pass they are scraping the wall and ploughing up the grass verge?

Not sure these kinds of specific scenarios really help the discussion as there are hundreds of different circumstances the merits of each one may end up with a different jerks at the end.

It's a thought experiment relevant to one of the most common issues in this thread.

Do we blame drivers struggling with a large truck on a small road, or do we blame me for literally not giving an inch to people just passing by?

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

A friend of mine bought one of those water parcels.  The entire region was in water.  You couldn't terraform enough to raise the land above the water.  Anyone sailing through could have run into ban lines or orbs wondering what the heck was going on.

So sad.  All my land allows +40/-40 meter terraforming.  Doesn't mean it's a free-for-all when I lower the terrain to make a lake.

But that's not at all like what you are describing.  Is there a path through there that is owned by LDPW or Governor Linden?  If not then expectations should be very low.

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4 minutes ago, Paul Hexem said:

It's a thought experiment relevant to one of the most common issues in this thread.

Do we blame drivers struggling with a large truck on a small road, or do we blame me for literally not giving an inch to people just passing by?

It's pulling the discussion into the weeds.  For example:  Why are the trucks travelling on unsuitable roads for trucks where they may get stuck instead of routes with better access?  Is it a public road or a private road - big difference in expectations.  If it is a public road why did the roading authorities not leave enough space for those trucks or put a restricted width sign at the road entrance?

This gets us nowhere really because there is no one right answer only different circumstances with different answers.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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14 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Incidentally, setting a precise area is as easy as clicking a menu button to rez a semi-transparent box, moving and stretching it to enclose the space you want to protect (from extremely tiny to 64x64x64m), clicking another menu button, and then deleting the box. For spaces that are not box-shaped, do the same thing more than once to create the shape you want. It really is very easy. I would agree than not everyone is fully familiar with editing an object's shape, but it's very easy and, with a little practise, anyone can do it.

That sounds exactly like the one we have in our Penthouse bedroom. It works perfectly, and does exactly what we need, And editing the shape is certainly a lot easier than entering point coordinates in a configuration card.

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4 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

So, how are we doing team?  What's the half time score?

Announcer voice:

"Good question GG! Let's recap!"

"The OP kicked off ..."

[Snip 20 minute highlights]

" ... and that brings us to where we are now, a no score draw and the referee appears to be asleep!"

"Back to you GG!"

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28 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Who is the jerk if when those trucks pass they are scraping the wall and ploughing up the grass verge?

I swear it wasn't me!  In my 3 hour trek along Rts 9 & 10 today,  I veered off onto the shoulder numerous times.  There is a small free space between the road and private parcel so if I tore up any grass, it was probably owned by LL.  The walls I bumped into didn't set off any warnings whatsoever.  All in all, it was a fairly uneventful trip.  We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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13 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Hmm..since parcels are never round, wouldn't it make sense for certain llFunction() calls, and thereby "orbs", to only work within the actual boundary given by the (shape of the) parcels?

some of the extended orb systems allow the user to set up multiple exclusion zones. Like separate rooms in a building for example


for the curious, the basic function for knowing when a point is inside a rectangular box goes something like

integer IsInBox(vector pos, vector bpos, vector bsize)
{  // return TRUE when pos is in box. Box at position: bpos, and box is of size: bsize
   bsize *= 0.5; // half the size dimensions for the calculation
     (pos.x >= (bpos.x - bsize.x)) &
     (pos.x <= (bpos.x + bsize.x)) &
     (pos.y >= (bpos.y - bsize.y)) &
     (pos.y <= (bpos.y + bsize.y)) &
     (pos.z >= (bpos.z - bsize.z)) &
     (pos.z <= (bpos.z + bsize.z));


edit add. What Phil said

Edited by Mollymews
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15 minutes ago, Ardy Lay said:

So sad.  All my land allows +40/-40 meter terraforming.  Doesn't mean it's a free-for-all when I lower the terrain to make a lake.

But that's not at all like what you are describing.  Is there a path through there that is owned by LDPW or Governor Linden?  If not then expectations should be very low.

I honestly couldn't tell you where it was situated.  Even so, if a person with a rowboat that lived in the general vicinity was rowing out there, they would or could be in for a surprise.  

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've seen several parcels.for sale in the Land section.  Water parcels with NO actual land.  And people wonder why when sailing along what you think is OPEN water, you run into ban lines or orbs.  NOT a resident issue but bad marketing practice by LL.

i think most sailors, like travelers generally, know to use maps and charts when travelling

i think Linden could help resolve this issue by asking Catznip to make a code submission for their minimap to go in the Linden viewer

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I have a solution for all the explorers who don't want to run into orbs and ban lines. There is literally a HUD out there that will tell you where it is safe and not safe to go. 


Here it is, now invest into that. So you can safely explore non impeded. 

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