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1 second Orb timing, is it necessary

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They are allowed because anyone who is not paying the tier fee has no say whatsoever in their ability to access/pass through anyone else's parcel.

They are allowed because those who are responsible enough in their use will set them up so that they only affect the interior of a building (or as close as one can get to such).

As for the response once the timer is done: A properly set system means you're getting these warnings once you are inside of (or very close to) someone's home. How long they decide to give you to leave is their choice as is the response level. I have seen places on Mainland (albeit in the past) whereby simply ejecting someone to a nearby parcel caused more harm than a teleport home - the reasons for this varied but fell down to the ejected individual taking it personally/as a slight and deciding to berate the parcel owner (at a minimum, online or not) or otherwise purposely being there to cause some form of mischief.

So yeah, that supposedly "reasonable request" for enforced behavior? No, not "reasonable" at all.

Are there going to be those who will set a parcel wide scan with no time to react? Yep. Should everyone else have an option set removed/restricted thanks to such types? Nope!

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1 minute ago, Solar Legion said:

They are allowed because anyone who is not paying the tier fee has no say whatsoever in their ability to access/pass through anyone else's parcel.

They are allowed because those who are responsible enough in their use will set them up so that they only affect the interior of a building (or as close as one can get to such).

As for the response once the timer is done: A properly set system means you're getting these warnings once you are inside of (or very close to) someone's home. How long they decide to give you to leave is their choice as is the response level. I have seen places on Mainland (albeit in the past) whereby simply ejecting someone to a nearby parcel caused more harm than a teleport home - the reasons for this varied but fell down to the ejected individual taking it personally/as a slight and deciding to berate the parcel owner (at a minimum, online or not) or otherwise purposely being there to cause some form of mischief.

So yeah, that supposedly "reasonable request" for enforced behavior? No, not "reasonable" at all.

Are there going to be those who will set a parcel wide scan with no time to react? Yep. Should everyone else have an option set removed/restricted thanks to such types? Nope!

In her best sarcastic tone "what about ma explorers rights" Lol Jk. I do totally agree with you on this one. ♥

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19 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

The ONE and only thing this thread is good for is knowing who will be added to the instant ban list so for that, I offer my thanks.

The rest of you have 60 seconds to GET OFF MY LAWN!

Eggs your house and runs away. 

I am sorry I had to. Lol 

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41 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I don't think Explorers are not safe that is the thing, that and I don't think controlling how people set their orbs on ther own private property should be controlled by LL. There is plenty of space to explore, you don't need access to peoples private lands so you feel safe. Lol. What a joke. 

Where is all this orb free air space for fliers?  Nobody wants access to your private land.  But passing over your land for 5 secs when flying and being shot down, losing your plane, losing your location, and being sent home, is clearly deliberate griefing.  You have no problem with this?   The request for a reasonable warning time is for explorers that cannot possibly avoid your parcel when flying at high speed at 300 m.  I take it you are not a flier.  Or, for boaters who find owners that block their public access waterway with invisible 0 sec orbs, causing your boat to veer off into space as you are sent home.  Stop calling an explorer a griefer!

If your property line is next to a public road, you are going to have travelers sometimes hit your precious property line.  Set your damn orb long enough for them to get back safely on the road!

The zero second orb group here are ignoring the realities of normal travel on the SL mainland.  Again, the solution lies with the Lindens, and not tirades about griefers who landed in your  3900m skybox in Antarctica and said How R U, and therefore everyone who travels in SL must be punished.

An alternative would be to just eliminate all travel and exploration on the mainland.  As some Linden said, most people just use teleports these days, so who needs roads.



Edited by Jaylinbridges
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5 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

If there is a door on the house and the door is locked and someone decided to bypass the locked door.

May the odds be ever in your favor..



Lol, that's what area based security is for!! And a sim where the greeter clearly states that violence IS allowed!!!

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I'd like to know what it is "roamers" in this discussion really hope to achieve?  It seems like sometimes they are saying that "they just want people to convince people" to configure their orbs with a longer period before enforcement and at other times it seems like they are "demanding LL to do something".

If it is really the former then they are simply in the wrong place to convince the vast majority of mainland users by complaining on the forums.  Forums don't reach any but a infinitesimally small portion of people and even if the people here all agreed, it would not have much impact on anyone else's SL.

Good luck reaching out to all mainland land owners with zero-second orbs to convince them to change.

If it isn't really about convincing anyone other than LL to do something then they should drop the pretense about wanting to convince people to reconfigure their orbs.  It's just dis-ingeniousness on their part.

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I don't really care that much about this issue but here's my 2 cents:

Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.  If you own a parcel in SL (on the mainland) you get to say what the rules are on that parcel.  People will break rules if they can. You can boot them if you want to.

If you haven't paid any money and you want the freedom to fly by without incurring security demons, well, it sucks to want things you can't have.

I do like to fly over the terrain of SL.  Getting booted or warned and booted is inconvenient but it's not earth shattering.

The other day I was playing in my yard in Bellisseria and somebody came along and was suddenly standing next to me and said Hello.  I started to say hello back when I realized the person was wearing an oversized ***** that dangled outside of their clothing. So instead of talking with the person,  I tp'd away to my skybox and it suddenly occurred to me that I'd never set up security in my Belli home. 

I had to go digging in my inventory to read up on this and I decided I would give the 15 seconds as suggested which is more than enough time to fly through my little parcel. 

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4 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Where is all this orb free air space for fliers?  Nobody wants access to your private land.  But passing over your land for 5 secs when flying and being shot down, losing your plane, losing your location, and being sent home, is clearly deliberate griefing.  You have no problem with this?   The request for a reasonable warning time is for explorers that cannot possibly avoid your parcel when flying at high speed at 300 m.  I take if you are not a flier.  Or, for boaters who find owners that block their public access waterway with invisible 0 sec orbs, causing your boat to veer off into space as you are sent home.  Stop calling an explorer a griefer!

I have no problem with people choosing what they do on their own private land. If it happens to wreck you flying, I am sorry. But not every one has to accomodate your needs. Little tip, if you fly above 4000 meters, you can bypass the orb security. Just a tip from me to you. And we aren't saying you are griefers, I would say if you step in my home. You are a trespasser. If you are flying over, you are not a griefer and if you are boating you are not a griefer. Where in the heck did I say you and any other explorers were griefers? No sometimes you guys are a nuisance, when you come unexpectedly in my house, and you startle the crap out of me. Not to mention this whole debate is moot. As it is basically demanding that owners of private properties bend to your whims. Because what about ma explorers rights. I mean there is tonnes of places you can fly and boat, and I also stated. I usually set my orb to encompass about a meter over my house, by 5 meters around my house. and if you walk within that perimeter you are instantly booted home. End of Story. 

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9 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

The other day I was playing in my yard in Bellisseria and somebody came along and was suddenly standing next to me and said Hello.  I started to say hello back when I realized the person was wearing an oversized ***** that dangled outside of their clothing. So instead of talking with the person,  I tp'd away to my skybox and it suddenly occurred to me that I'd never set up security in my Belli home. 

Interestingly enough, this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen in adult areas. Maybe because the griefers know they aren't actually causing a commotion. They don't get the response they want. My wife and I would just laugh at that, saying they are "compensating" for something.

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Just wondering exactly how many 0 sec orbs are out there.  Although these stats are a few years old and before Belli, it seems the majority of mainland is NOT owned by residents therefore not covered by any security.  Or am I reading this wrong?

  • 57% of Mainland owned directly by Linden Accounts (Contiguous Mainland is 6806 regions including Linden Home regions)
  • 20.7% to 21.4% of Mainland by area is abandoned parcels 
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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just wondering exactly how many 0 sec orbs are out there.  Although these stats are a few years old and before Belli, it seems the majority of mainland is NOT owned by residents therefore not covered by any security.  Or am I reading this wrong?

  • 57% of Mainland owned directly by Linden Accounts (Contiguous Mainland is 6806 regions including Linden Home regions)
  • 20.7% to 21.4% of Mainland by area is abandoned parcels 

Well this really puts the whole self-entitled ranting into perspective in my opinion.

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This is the last I'm saying, on this subject.

I use a CasperSafe orb, that detects people whom enter my parcel. It does have eject features and things, but it's set for a "fair" delay. 

Then is my large and foreboding manor, positioned in the center of said parcel. If you can see my manor, you can see enough. You can even look atop my manor, and see a security box. Since that box sits in the exact center of my parcel (roughly a 120x64 area), you will have a few meters before you breach the box's sensors and are escorted to the exit. This also means that you have roughly a 31 meter height to get to, to fly over without aggravating said orb.

Then, if you're still bold enough to continue towards the manor, the CasperSafe orbs do give a dialogue box of warning, you cannot say that you didn't see the warning to leave because of encroaching upon someone's home. You would have gotten the dialogue box, and you would've seen a large building sitting ahead, with zero "enter here!" signs or anything. You would have then chosen to come ever closer of your own volition. Therefor, since it would have taken you easily several seconds to move forward, and thus, to see the dialogue boxes, and thus, the ample time to realize "Hey... this might be someone's home... Maybe I should leave..." if you then, continue forward, trying to enter the manor, then, you have had ample time to change direction. You could have EASILY changed direction. You chose not to.

Then, there's the box on top of the manor in the center of my parcel, which will ensure that you leave.

All in all, you will have had easily 5-15 seconds before coming within range of the house orb.

So, therefor, reasonable.

Have a nice day.

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a suggestion for orb makers

on the one time I had a skybox on a adult region which I used as a private dressing room space, I made my orb to set the eject time to 0 only when I was present

and because I forget to turn these things off and on manually then I had it check on a timer for my presence

if (owner_present) set_orb(eject_in_0_secs); else set_orb(eject_off)

we can do this in different combinations, like eject_in_15_secs, etc 


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41 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean there is tonnes of places you can fly and boat, and I also stated. I usually set my orb to encompass about a meter over my house, by 5 meters around my house. and if you walk within that perimeter you are instantly booted home. End of Story. 

Well thanks for your intelligent use of a security orb.  The problem is landowners that set the orb for the entire parcel up to and over 4096 meters, and then set warning time to zero seconds.  I own 6 security orbs, and used them all on a private parcel at one time.  But none were set to instant eject and tp home, and they all had restricted ranges to  protect only their area.  They all had different levels of access and timing, and white lists according to the purpose on the region.

Zero second orbs are not allowed on many of the larger baron owned private islands.  They cause way too much drama among their renters.  They have all had minimum times between 10 secs and 30 secs, with one sailing estate requiring a 45 sec minimum warning time.  Why do you think 0 second orbs were banned on these large estates and private islands?

Any owner anywhere can add names to the parcel ban list.  And if you are present when rambo lands in your shower, you can eject him immediately, ban him from ever visiting again, and let the 15 sec orb remove him if you are not home.  There is not a whole lot an unwelcome visitor can do in 15 seconds.  You are giving the old men in SL way too much libido.

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31 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

Interestingly enough, this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen in adult areas. Maybe because the griefers know they aren't actually causing a commotion. They don't get the response they want. My wife and I would just laugh at that, saying they are "compensating" for something.

I live on adult mainland and I've had a couple naked men TP to me on my sky platform so it does happen.  Private islands, not so much.

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33 minutes ago, LunaRavencroft said:

All in all, you will have had easily 5-15 seconds before coming within range of the house orb.

So, therefor, reasonable.

Have a nice day.

So that is all anyone here has been asking for, a 15 second delay before being booted. It is not a long time but hopefully enough for anyone going by to get through your area and be on to a hopefully more accommodating parcel owner. Noone here has asked for the chance to sit with you and chat about the weather. Your setup sounds quite reasonable and it is a good model for these who think they have to have a 0 sec delay for booting any trespassers.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

The ONE and only thing this thread is good for is knowing who will be added to the instant ban list so for that, I offer my thanks.

The rest of you have 60 seconds to GET OFF MY LAWN!

Hoping I top that instant ban list should I ever happen to wander too close. 

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

The problem is there are no shortage of public "explorer" friendly locations in SL, the vast majority of builds and homes are wide open for anyone to come and go as they please, especially when there is no-one home. It's easy to roam privately owned mainland for hours on end and not have a single problem, the whole of Belli is "explorer" friendly to all, and lets not even mention the thousands of public access private regions & estates .


That is absolutely correct. Nestled among all those friendly places are a few unfriendly ones with orbs that will transport people home. not just off the parcel, with very little or no delay, and people have no warning until they are actually in the danger zone that they never would have entered had they known it was there.

Can an orb be made that sends warnings to people who are approaching on a course that will cross the forbidden parcel so they know about the issue before they enter it? If so, the TOS should be changed to make the warning mandatory.

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45 minutes ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

Can an orb be made that sends warnings to people who are approaching on a course that will cross the forbidden parcel so they know about the issue before they enter it? If so, the TOS should be changed to make the warning mandatory.

What good would that do?  It would be sufficiently unenforceable as to make no difference to anyone's travelling experience.  Take a look at mainland if you believe differently and play the game of how many TOS violations can I find.  LL simply don't appear to have the resources to commit to proper sustained TOS enforcement over mainland and haven't in many years.  This is what such action would require.

In addition, some have in fact argued that people have no business spamming others with messages who are not over their land and would like such things to remain confined to their own land.  So there is that.  Many would say it doesn't go far enough.

It is not possible to "fix" this with such simple changes.  The fact that the mainland status quo remains after all these years speaks volumes.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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