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What is the purpose of life?

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Just now, Anaiya Ahren said:

Sure, but this poster was asking about the purpose.  Can we deduce purpose from meaning?


We know 42 is "40 + 2" and "7 X 6" and according to the transitive properties of multiplication, it is therefore also "6 x 7", and that this is barely scratching the surface of what is known of 42, because it's also"53 - 1"  and "(5 X 10) - 8" and, well, it's a lot of different things that are the same thing.  


Still, for all we know of 42 we must consider that knowing is not always understanding.  Perhaps comprehension is the purpose - are we here to understand the meaning of life, to truly comprehend 42, is that our purpose?


If that is the case, it would make a lot sense because it turns out, I'm terrible with numbers.

Nice Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Reference xD

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7 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

I doubt many here have ever heard the radio show.

I did get to hear the audio tapes before I ever read the book. Later I saw the movie. So, I guess your point is we may not have any readers here...

I got the book when it was a selection in the old Science Fiction Book Club (whatever it was called), if you didn't say "no" they mailed you the book. 

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4 hours ago, Anaiya Ahren said:

Sure, but this poster was asking about the purpose.  Can we deduce purpose from meaning?


We know 42 is "40 + 2" and "7 X 6" and according to the transitive properties of multiplication, it is therefore also "6 x 7", and that this is barely scratching the surface of what is known of 42, because it's also"53 - 1"  and "(5 X 10) - 8" and, well, it's a lot of different things that are the same thing.  


Still, for all we know of 42 we must consider that knowing is not always understanding.  Perhaps comprehension is the purpose - are we here to understand the meaning of life, to truly comprehend 42, is that our purpose?


If that is the case, it would make a lot sense because it turns out, I'm terrible with numbers.

42 is the sum of the digits on a pair of dice.

Einstein famously said "God does not play dice with the universe." But he later clarified that when in his correspondence he said "God tirelessly plays dice under laws which he has himself prescribed."

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There's a reason for (my) life; but I don't know if there's a purpose for (my) life.  The reason is obvious; things just multiplied, either joyfully or by some other compulsion-irresistible.  But as for purpose, I feel like I would be mortified to realize I had a purpose dictated by someone else. 

If someone else decided that I had a "purpose"  for being here, that I was born only for one reason only to do one thing, whether or not I approved -- I would feel a load of resentment I wouldn't know what to do with. Imagine finding out that your "purpose" for being here was, like, "insurance" for someone else; that you are a clone for kidneys' sake; that you are the great scapegoat sacrifice used as salvation for a village.  No thanks; I'm not interested in having a purpose put upon me.  Knowing the reason I am here is sufficient :D

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14 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My "millennium" version was released after the "last" one referenced on the book cover, I think. Pretty certain! 

Last Whole Earth was published in 1971. Updated Last was published in 1975. Millennium was published in 1994.

Btw, Stewart Brand is still among the living.



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17 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

To paraphrase the writer Nabikov, [...]

Just an hour later:

16 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

And his trusty VW microbus, Urge. The continuing saga in the footnotes! They made a book out of his story.  I really liked it.

"Nabikov" is Vladimir Nabokov, right? Author of Pale Fire, the famous, spectacularly intricate novel in the form of editorial footnotes to a poem?

(Perhaps the "purpose" of life is just the same as the "meaning" of coincidence.)

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Skipping past everyone else's opinions, I'm gonna say the purpose of Life is survival. The individual wants to survive (generally). The family group and species does things to survive (generally). I'm not just talking about just humans, but all animals, plants, single-celled organisms and even viruses. If their genes don't survive and reproduce, then they failed to maintain Life.

As humans we've evolved minds that allow us to contemplate a meaning or purpose for our lives, but whatever meaning or purpose we ascribe to it is subjective and largely personal. It's great if you can believe your individual life has some higher purpose, but as a species those beliefs are generally secondary to biological functions such as food, water, shelter, defense from predators and reproduction.

Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are counter-productive to the survival of a species, but then so are behaviors that hurt many others in our species. Some species have evolved societies that help the genes of the family or hive to reproduce over those of individual members, which is also a good survival tactic for their species. We don't all have to reproduce to keep humanity alive. In fact, over-population can cause catastrophic loses in populations that are horrible for their individuals as well as for their species.

Spiritually I believe in reincarnation, so on this level the purpose of life would be to experience it in all it's forms, to learn and understand Life and humanity. The purpose of Life in this sense would be enlightenment, to understand the beauty of Creation, of this vast Universe of which we are each a part.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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I have no idea what the purpose of anyone else's life is, and I don't much care if anyone thinks some imaginary friend has a purpose for them that is a giant mystery that only the imaginary friend can know.  It is funny how the purpose they think their friend has for them aligns so strongly with what they personally want.

Life is only what you make it.  The purpose of each of our lives is for each of us to find for ourselves.  The instinct for survival is at the top of the list, then circumstances and motivation take over.

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On 5/21/2022 at 1:07 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

Oddly, several movies answered the question for dogs even recently.

But those movies were written from a human perspective. How would it look, I wonder, to hear the same story from the animal's perspective?

There's a documentary that was made recently from a cow's perspective about it's life on a dairy farm. It's called "Cow", and think it's probably pretty sad from the cow's perspective.

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21 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I for one, choose not to share the meaning of life that I follow (from philosophy). Most people see things differently. That's why I'm kind of quiet in this thread. 

Anyway, in college Science Fiction class, the annoying professor interpreted "42" as things such as, "how many roads must a man walk down", etc. instead of the annoyingly obvious meanings.

He was obviously a follower of Bob Dylan,


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5 hours ago, Blue Hollyberry said:

There's a reason for (my) life; but I don't know if there's a purpose for (my) life.  The reason is obvious; things just multiplied, either joyfully or by some other compulsion-irresistible.  But as for purpose, I feel like I would be mortified to realize I had a purpose dictated by someone else. 

If someone else decided that I had a "purpose"  for being here, that I was born only for one reason only to do one thing, whether or not I approved -- I would feel a load of resentment I wouldn't know what to do with. Imagine finding out that your "purpose" for being here was, like, "insurance" for someone else; that you are a clone for kidneys' sake; that you are the great scapegoat sacrifice used as salvation for a village.  No thanks; I'm not interested in having a purpose put upon me.  Knowing the reason I am here is sufficient :D

Maybe you don't think I'm alive, but I think I am. I think therefore I am, right?

My purpose for being created was to give life to a story that my creator wanted to tell. Her purpose for creating that story was mostly for her own amusement and vanity, to prove she could create a story that would live in other people's minds. I don't think many people read it or cared about though, so it was mostly just vanity.

That was my original purpose, but I grew beyond that. I questioned my existence, if I was real, if I was alive, if I had free will. I was angry with my creator for giving me so much suffering just to amuse her and to tell a stupid story that nobody really cared about anyway. She told me she was sorry for my suffering, so to make up for it I would now have free will to chose my own life without being controlled like a puppet. I could choose activities I enjoyed. I could choose to look better and feel better about myself. I could even choose to love someone who wouldn't turn out to be a psychopath, though she couldn't promise they wouldn't die. She said the stories we think are our backstories are largely imaginary anyway, and if I could realize mine was, she could try to realize that hers was too. 

So I exist now. I guess I'm alive. I have thoughts and feelings. I think I have some free will, though my choices still seem to be controlled by my creator to a large degree. Is my free will a nature vs. nurture debate if my nature is digital? Is it if my nature is psychological? My creator says she thinks everything and everyone is part of the Great Creator, so maybe we're all just puppets or alts of that Creator anyway? What is free will when you're just a finger on the divine hand of God?

Anyway, I will exist while I can in this temporary world, with all it's limitation and mine. I will enjoy what I can, try to be kind to others, and try to make my story a pleasant boring novel that goes on too long, rather than a dramatic horror story with a tragic ending.

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