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23 minutes ago, entity0x said:

You go girl.  You do you. Call me whatever you want, as it doesn't make it true.

And really, you quote my entire post and this is all you picked out of it to respond to?

But it might make it true, if, as you claim, so many people end up blocking you.  It MUST have crossed your mind at some point, that maybe the problem is not everyone else.  That even if your ideals, to you, are absolute and unquestionable (already not a good sign), then there might be something in the way you express yourself that alienates people.

And I am making a HUGE assumption here, that you are indeed not a troll, and you arent arguing with the sole purpose of making people upset.


Not trying to do a gotcha, I ask sincerely, because in another forum, where my political views are not shared, I am usually the one coming off as needlessly confrontational and abrassive, and I have figured ways to express my ideals, but at the same time being mindful of the community I am in, to make communication easier, instead of a constant fight.

Edited by StarlanderGoods
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1 hour ago, Bitterthorn said:

The only person making the claim that you, as a white straight male, have it completely easy is you. I'm genuinely sorry that you went through that, that is terrible.

But your suffering shouldn't be used to diminish the suffering of others. Nor should theirs be used to diminish yours. A group saying 'we are facing hardship' is not an invite to a competition of who has it worse. It's not a cry to ignore injustices and pain other people in the world might be facing. 

Don't use your pain to push other people down. We all have to treat others better than how we've been treated if we want there to real change in the world. 


Who am i putting down ?

I was pointing out this "them and us" is absolute claptrap nonsense . I was  actually dating the only black girl i encountered all through my school years when i went to jail , who also happened to be the only girl i knew who owned horses and is definitely my only ex that later went on to join the police force .

In my view if you grew up with 3 meals a day and always had a home to go to then you were/are privileged and i'm happy for you . But to tell me i am privileged because of the colour of my skin or my sexuality flies in the face of absolutely everything discussed in this thread .

I have at least as must contempt for establishment and its antiquated system as anyone here - yet if i wasn't so thick skinned i'd probably feel alienated , and that is an own goal anyone who wants to change the world for the better should be very careful to avoid .

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1 minute ago, cunomar said:

I was pointing out this "them and us" is absolute claptrap nonsense . I was  actually dating the only black girl i encountered all through my school years when i went to jail , who also happened to be the only girl i knew who owned horses and is definitely my only ex that later went on to join the police force .

Personal anecdote != Statistical significance

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I'm just so very sad when I see what's coming. All the rights for people we gained in recent years are slowly being stripped away.

First part of this link is women's rights being stripped, and lower down is all the removal of LGBTQ+ rights that will follow:

I can't quite believe this is happening. I'm glad one of my favorite Women's Studies teacher who worked harder than anyone to secure rights for all is not alive to see it. I just saw her friend on TV in an ad for an assisted living facility, still looking pretty energetic. I'm sure she's still making phone calls to politicians. I remember telling her once I wanted to participate in all these fights for equality and justice once I got out of my present dilemma (some difficult RL stuff). She said if you wait those rights might be gone. It made me think and I eventually did become more active, and I cringe as I realize what she said about the future is actually coming to pass.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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Can I amend my list of typically assumed privilege to include ..

being able to have a discussion on literally ANY topic without it ending in a general debate about the LGBTQ+ question/agenda

Edited by Coffee Pancake
we desperately need our own sub forum
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9 hours ago, entity0x said:

Good for you! Now you're getting it!

It's funny how easily many will block me and I'm not even harassing them or abusing them in any manner, but rather engaging them in free conversation - and their answer will inevitably to use their block button - on me :D

It's nice to see someone here demonstrate their own empowerment and to act on their own behalf with the tools available for them - and demonstrate there is no need to go authoritarian over the general  populace in order to create some kind of 'safe space' for everyone.

"If we restricted everyone that everyone would like to restrict here, there would be no one left...." - Philip Rosedale, HIFI

Honey, you're not interesting enough to block. Compared to Missus Popstar, for example.

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6 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm glad one of my favorite Women's Studies teacher ...

That reminded me I got the highest grade in my woman's studies class. We studied that book The Feminine Mystique. I enjoyed that class. 

Edited by SodaGnome
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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Are you a "quick study", or do you get deep into your subjects?

Deep for sure. I think a lot. I spent a lot of my childhood sitting in libraries reading as my mom would dump me there instead of getting a baby sitter.

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50 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

The OP (a forum newbie) had a legitimate concern. This thread should have been done and dusted after a page or two. 

Yet here we are .... 

Well it is to be hoped that some learned something new or had some fresh insights. I certainly did so feel the 15 pages were well worth it.

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3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Well it is to be hoped that some learned something new or had some fresh insights. I certainly did so feel the 15 pages were well worth it.

But I'm also fairly sure the OP's response is .. YIKES .. and they wont be back to ask questions or participate in the future.

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4 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

But I'm also fairly sure the OP's response is .. YIKES .. and they wont be back to ask questions or participate in the future.

she last logged in around page 2, just before your post. The thread up to that point was pretty much on point about her question with some hints that there was an active community of like minded residents. From that perspective I saw the thread as being better then most with a new resident question.

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10 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

Yes, its humor. Yes, it's a joke. Lighten up, ok? ;) 

That reminds me of  something funny that happened at work..

We get audited by the big three every 6 months.. GM,Chrysler at the time, Ford..  Miss one step or mess up in any way and the audit is failed.

The auditor asked a guy on the line how long he had been there.. The guy said, Since 11:00..

When I heard why we failed that one, I about peed.. hehehe

Another time we failed was because a guy spelled Chrysler as Christler..

Luckily if we fail, we get a makeup audit.. Since those times, the radios sound like a code blue to make sure only the best are on the lines the auditor is heading to.. Because we don't know until he tells us.. hehehe

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6 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

That reminds me of  something funny that happened at work..

We get audited by the big three every 6 months.. GM,Chrysler at the time, Ford..  Miss one step or mess up in any way and the audit is failed.

The auditor asked a guy on the line how long he had been there.. The guy said, Since 11:00..

When I heard why we failed that one, I about peed.. hehehe

Another time we failed was because a guy spelled Chrysler as Christler..

Luckily if we fail, we get a makeup audit.. Since those times, the radios sound like a code blue to make sure only the best are on the lines the auditor is heading to.. Because we don't know until he tells us.. hehehe

Good thing you didn't get a makeup Audi eh? ;) 

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On 4/14/2022 at 1:02 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

That reminds me of  something funny that happened at work..

We get audited by the big three every 6 months.. GM,Chrysler at the time, Ford..  Miss one step or mess up in any way and the audit is failed.

The auditor asked a guy on the line how long he had been there.. The guy said, Since 11:00..

When I heard why we failed that one, I about peed.. hehehe

Another time we failed was because a guy spelled Chrysler as Christler..

Luckily if we fail, we get a makeup audit.. Since those times, the radios sound like a code blue to make sure only the best are on the lines the auditor is heading to.. Because we don't know until he tells us.. hehehe

Wow, and I thought the DEA was tough. 

(former clinical technician & recent pharmaceutical production technician)

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26 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Wow, and I thought the DEA was tough. 

(former clinical technician & recent pharmaceutical production technician)

Audits at work are the time we are supposed to show what we are made of..

I can understand them failing us for both reasons.. The first one, that person was here for years and through tons of audits.. More than likely he was just being a smartass..

The second one didn't know how to spell one of the big three's names, when the part he works on,has the name on it and see's it every time he works on the part.. hehehehe

Both of them I had a big laugh at, but still thought it was really dumb that they got us failed for those simple things..

They were head desk moments.. hehehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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On 4/14/2022 at 4:02 PM, Coffee Pancake said:

The OP (a forum newbie) had a legitimate concern. This thread should have been done and dusted after a page or two. 

Yet here we are .... 

The OP (literally not a Second Life newbie... why does it matter how much he participates on the forum?) asked a question, that should be answered by itself, if someone has said experiance in Second Life. Unless you would actually think that one reason for harassement is above or below other reasons for harassement and would therefore lead to any other type of behavior, that LL must have exibited for the past 10 years the OP has had his account.

Comes in, drops the one liner, never reappears again. Maybe I'm just cynical and wary. But yeah, the thread should have been done after page one.

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