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Can I get a head and avatar that looks like myself in real life? I've already dreamt of having custom avatars that resemble me accurately.


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You could try to find a head creator who takes custom orders, but I'd guess there aren't many if any, and also that it would be really expensive, and you'd probably have to pay up in advance. Unless maybe you could make a deal with them that they get all rights and may sell the head not just to you but also offer it for sale in their usual line. 
Not sure how to go about finding a creator who does, maybe try posting under "Wanted" in the "Merchants" subforum, or send a notecard to creators and ask if they do custom work, but I'd only do that if I was prepared to spend a good deal of real dollars on it ^^

Hope you can get an avatar at least close to what you imagine, whether custom or not!

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The sheer amount of effort that goes into making a good head and body, I doubt you will find someone who can make one for you at a reasonable price. Obviously, it depends on the functionality you would want. But yeah, highly doubtful you would find someone unless your willing to pay a really steep price (were talking hundreds up to a thousand + RL dollars here).

I would say check out Lelutka EvoX (THE best heads in SL right now IMHO). I just popped into the inworld store to take a look for you and I think this one would be your best bet.....



Pick up some demos at the inworld store and experiment. You might not be able to match yourself exactly, but I think you could get pretty close.

Edited by AnnabelleApocalypse
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There are some tutorials floating around on the net that show how to do it.

Basically, any head somewhat close to your RL head's shape will do. Then use a photo of your self to make the skin. The result is alarmingly realistic.

If you have seen Disney's Haunted House you have seen numerous faces projected onto a standard head. It is surprising how different and realistic the heads look considering how similar the foundation is.

The real skill needed in SL is in making the skin. There used to be people around that offered the service. I haven't seen anyone making those offers lately.

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Thank you so much everyone for the help! By the way expense doesn't matter to me as long as I get my own avatar. Hopefully I'll be able to find a creator for that. But unfortunately I'm not aware of many creators since I'm new. But I'm grateful to you all! Meccha , Anabelle, Ayashe and  Natales may peace be upon you 🕊️

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13 minutes ago, iamahib said:

Also I'm trying to make my avatar more like a softboy. I mean a gay bottom if you guy know what that means haha. Not so masculine. With a short height and long legs. Is that possible?

, you can .

but long leg doesnt mean softboy.

I have long leg in real and I am alpha male 😂

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Well haha I certainly agree. Alpha men can have them too. But I meant short torso long legs hehe.

29 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

, you can .

but long leg doesnt mean softboy.

I have long leg in real and I am alpha male 😂


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2 hours ago, iamahib said:

Well haha I certainly agree. Alpha men can have them too. But I meant short torso long legs hehe.


yes short torso  and long leg . thats me.

I have a long hip bone. if I sit, I look small.

but fortunately i have wide shoulder , it help my look.


Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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8 hours ago, iamahib said:

Also I'm trying to make my avatar more like a softboy. I mean a gay bottom if you guy know what that means haha. Not so masculine. With a short height and long legs. Is that possible?

Couple things to try.

1) The Belleza Jake body is overall far less buff than other options and has a massive closet of clothing available for it - including some unisex and feminine clothing. Try the demo available at the Belleza store. I'd recommend playing around with it and seeing what you can come up with.

2) If you're willing to put in a bit of work to find clothing designed for the addons, you can wear the female Maitreya Lara body with the V-Tech chest addon, or the Lara Flat chest addon. Your neck will require a female head (unless you use a standalone neck fix, but I've not yet tried that myself), OR a fully unisex head that comes with both a male and female neck fit (like Catwa Freya). Lelutka has a female neck-fit non-binary head (River), but you can demo any female head and try male skin demos on it. Demo everything extensively first, naturally. *This is a more advanced solution that requires a lot of patience and trial and error.

I'd personally recommend option 1.

Legacy Male can also make some slender shapes, but it's a more expensive option (Jake is about 1500L if it's still on sale, Legacy is what...5,000L still?). Still might be worth a demo if you want to compare bodies to see which fits you best.

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I agree that Jake will probably be the best body for you, though the Maitreya flat chest options work for some people too. 

LeLutka's River head comes with both a male and female version, ready to fit either a male or female body, but you should look at all their Evo/Evo X heads to find the one that's closest to the face you want. They're fairly easy to adjust if you do small adjustments, but don't try to make huge changes from the way they look in the pictures. Wear the body that comes with the head, then adjust the face and body to the look you want. It takes time, but modifying your own avatar can feel more personal in the end.

I'm wearing the River female head myself, modified to look more like my RL face.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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21 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

2) If you're willing to put in a bit of work to find clothing designed for the addons, you can wear the female Maitreya Lara body with the V-Tech chest addon, or the Lara Flat chest addon. Your neck will require a female head (unless you use a standalone neck fix, but I've not yet tried that myself),

The neck fix/extender trick will work (kinda, but not very well)  to fit a female head onto a male body but it cannot fit a male head onto a female body, because its too wide where it meets the shoulders.  The only options for Maitreya are female or unisex heads (unisex means the pack includes both neck fits).

That said, there are some that can work pretty well with male skins;  I've used Catwa Margeaux, Catwa Freya and Catwa Queen, which one looks the best will vary from one skin to another. Lelutka River has also been mentioned as its unisex but Lake is also worth a try. Also Genus Strong (my non-binary alt still uses that one with a male skin).

Its pretty much crucial, if using a male skin on Maitreya flat chest + female head to note that male and female placement for nipples and eyebrows are different. So you'll need a male skin without eyebrows, and you'll need a tattoo layer blender to cover the male nipples. Then add new nipples & eyebrows (you can get some female ones that are quite thick and bushy - Alaskametro has some nice ones but I use the ones that came with AK's free gift head last year). If you're using V-tech rather than Maitreya flat chest then the nipples won't matter; the V-tech has no mesh nipples so the male skin nipples will work fine.

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Thanks for that extra info! I didn't realize the neck fix wouldn't work with male heads/female bodies. Like you, I used Catwa Freya and Genus Strong (gift version) with my Lara/V-Tech. I feel like quite a few of the female Lelutkas could work, with some fiddling, as well.


1 hour ago, Maitimo said:

Its pretty much crucial, if using a male skin on Maitreya flat chest + female head to note that male and female placement for nipples and eyebrows are different. 

I'm still so surprised this was never updated with a "male placement/female placement" set (or HUD toggle or something). I've all but given up on Lara Flat due to those issues. Unless it's designed to be worn with female skins, but that doesn't seem quite right either (shading issues). Or maybe it was intended for skin designers to fully embrace it and create whole unique skins, but sadly that hasn't happened (yet?).

To be fair, I've mostly abandoned V-Tech at this point, too. I find it a lot easier to just find clothing for Legacy Male that minimizes the arms/legs into a thinner shape. Shopping with addons in mind just became far too tedious for me.

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19 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Thanks for that extra info! I didn't realize the neck fix wouldn't work with male heads/female bodies. Like you, I used Catwa Freya and Genus Strong (gift version) with my Lara/V-Tech. I feel like quite a few of the female Lelutkas could work, with some fiddling, as well.


I'm still so surprised this was never updated with a "male placement/female placement" set (or HUD toggle or something). I've all but given up on Lara Flat due to those issues. Unless it's designed to be worn with female skins, but that doesn't seem quite right either (shading issues). Or maybe it was intended for skin designers to fully embrace it and create whole unique skins, but sadly that hasn't happened (yet?).

To be fair, I've mostly abandoned V-Tech at this point, too. I find it a lot easier to just find clothing for Legacy Male that minimizes the arms/legs into a thinner shape. Shopping with addons in mind just became far too tedious for me.

Lara Petite and Lara Flat really need skins specially made for them (that was part of the inspiration for me making my own). Or at least mods for them. There are a few who do (Pink Fuel and the Skinnery are first to come to mind but theres a handful of lesser known ones too). Toggles (maybe 2 different placements for the mesh HD nips) wouldn't work unless creators started making "unisex" skins with no nipples on them at all. Furry makers already do this for the most part.

VTech is better in the sense that the nipples aren't built into the mesh so it doesnt matter where they are. You can get mesh add-ons for them if you want, but I never did. I liked V-Tech better than the Lara flat anyway; it's a better shape and there's more clothing for it.  I abandoned them all in the end, I decided that I rather like having boobs after all.

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5 hours ago, Maitimo said:

Lara Petite and Lara Flat really need skins specially made for them (that was part of the inspiration for me making my own). Or at least mods for them. There are a few who do (Pink Fuel and the Skinnery are first to come to mind but theres a handful of lesser known ones too). Toggles (maybe 2 different placements for the mesh HD nips) wouldn't work unless creators started making "unisex" skins with no nipples on them at all. Furry makers already do this for the most part.

VTech is better in the sense that the nipples aren't built into the mesh so it doesnt matter where they are. You can get mesh add-ons for them if you want, but I never did. I liked V-Tech better than the Lara flat anyway; it's a better shape and there's more clothing for it.  I abandoned them all in the end, I decided that I rather like having boobs after all.

Fully agree. I generally loved the Alaskametro skins and their V-Tech addon layer, but the skin tones didn't really fit what I was looking for, so I didn't stick with that long. I also tried some mesh add-ons for V-Tech and just wasn't thrilled with that look either. Then again, I did cheap it out on those, so the shape just wasn't right at all. Lol, as much as I love V-Tech and always will, I just got to a point where I couldn't deal with it anymore. That's when I gave in and bought a Legacy (on sale). 

I still hold out hope that someone will come along eventually and fill this void in the market, though. Even just a slender male body would make me super happy. I mean, I'd do it if I had any skill in 3D but...I sadly do not. 😂 

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19 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

I still hold out hope that someone will come along eventually and fill this void in the market, though. Even just a slender male body would make me super happy. I mean, I'd do it if I had any skill in 3D but...I sadly do not. 😂 

It's not just about making a mesh body though. It's making it and hoping that enough creators will make enough clothes for it to be viable.  Otherwise it'll have the same problem as Petite and every other body that isn't Lara/Kupra/Legacy/Jake/Gianni.  I mean, there already is a perfect mesh body for slim guys and that's Slink. I haven't seen anyone make clothing for it in more than 5 years.

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15 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

It's not just about making a mesh body though. It's making it and hoping that enough creators will make enough clothes for it to be viable.  Otherwise it'll have the same problem as Petite and every other body that isn't Lara/Kupra/Legacy/Jake/Gianni.  I mean, there already is a perfect mesh body for slim guys and that's Slink. I haven't seen anyone make clothing for it in more than 5 years.

I actually meant all of it. Body, some basic starter skins, accessories, and clothing. There's no way I'd go through the trouble of making a whole mesh body and not at least give it a head start on a wardrobe or partner up with someone who could. Or, even put it out and then keep supporting it through its own unique clothing brand. But - I don't have the 3D background to even attempt it. Considered learning it, but I studied graphic design in college. 3D modeling is a whole other animal.

I did used to build back in the day (prim jewelry, shoes, and "antique" furniture) and did some light animation and made my own custom AOs with Daz, but that's nothing at all compared to modeling in Blender, Maya, Marvelous Designer, etc. I quit creating in SL for good once sculpties and later mesh took over. I know where to get some classes, but it's a huge time investment and I'm not fully convinced it's worth learning solely for SL purposes. Now, if someone promised me a real job at the end of the ordeal, I'd definitely do it. 😄

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1 hour ago, Maitimo said:

It's not just about making a mesh body though. It's making it and hoping that enough creators will make enough clothes for it to be viable.  Otherwise it'll have the same problem as Petite and every other body that isn't Lara/Kupra/Legacy/Jake/Gianni.  I mean, there already is a perfect mesh body for slim guys and that's Slink. I haven't seen anyone make clothing for it in more than 5 years.

Stories & Co. makes clothes for the V-tech and I think for Lara Petite.

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32 minutes ago, StarlanderGoods said:

There was some guy making custom heads, he has a heads shop, I think he was in one of those Linden spots where they promote some creator, the name of the brand eludes me right now, but maybe it was something like Modo, or Nodo.... or Logo, might have been Logo.

Logo is a head brand.  They're pretty good, but of course they don't as many skins made for them as Catwa, Lelutka, and Genus do. WYLD has some skins for Logo, but they don't have a big selection and only for female avatars.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/28/2022 at 3:46 PM, Kalegthepsionicist said:

yes short torso  and long leg . thats me.

I have a long hip bone. if I sit, I look small.

but fortunately i have wide shoulder , it help my look.


Oh you must be pretty charming then hahaha

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On 3/27/2022 at 4:36 AM, Nalates Urriah said:

There are some tutorials floating around on the net that show how to do it.

Basically, any head somewhat close to your RL head's shape will do. Then use a photo of your self to make the skin. The result is alarmingly realistic.

If you have seen Disney's Haunted House you have seen numerous faces projected onto a standard head. It is surprising how different and realistic the heads look considering how similar the foundation is.

The real skill needed in SL is in making the skin. There used to be people around that offered the service. I haven't seen anyone making those offers lately.

Would you suggest any specific tutorial for that?


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On 3/27/2022 at 4:36 AM, Nalates Urriah said:

There are some tutorials floating around on the net that show how to do it.

Basically, any head somewhat close to your RL head's shape will do. Then use a photo of your self to make the skin. The result is alarmingly realistic.

If you have seen Disney's Haunted House you have seen numerous faces projected onto a standard head. It is surprising how different and realistic the heads look considering how similar the foundation is.

The real skill needed in SL is in making the skin. There used to be people around that offered the service. I have


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