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Best project for earning a small income

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Hi Secondlifers. I recently returned to SL for a little longer each week than I used to around 2015 -16.   before that I was heavily involved in managing alternative gender clubs for owners, (and getting paid)     but clubs seemed to die on their feet after 2010. Most of my friends left, and never seen again. So I left SL for a number of years, returning again recently, but with the same problems of trying to get a boat or a Plane to cross any grids in Blakes Seas. Im very retired now, being 70, but still have imagination and creativity. Although clothes and shapes elude me, they are far to complicated for me to work out what a bento is, how ii differs from my classic avatar. Im finding clothes for classics are getting ever scarce, my shape or skin came from Esode 5 years ago, but what actually is Esode ? Is it a classic ,mesh or one of these names I never heard of like Slink maitreya,etc.

Since I joined in 2007, I have never made a linden, hardly, which was a let down , as when I joined, the slogan for joining was "make money in Second life", full or part time income. But this never materialised. Because I was an  engineer bought up in analogue days, not born into these days of software and things on screens.


However. With my new found freedom, I have about £800  ( 1083$) disposable income. But I have no idea what to do for a real profit in sl.   (real life I ran my own garage premises).

I have noted a bit of a revival of clubs being popular again, with one last night full up. These tend to be Futa, Alternative, Shemale premises, that I know how to run.  Im not sure if the shift in rl gender issues is a possible real time social shift, or a temporary shift due to pandemic real life issues, where maybe folk are not so keen mixing in rl close quarters outside, with the Covid still very much around, although Our UK government would have you think otherwise. But because a club is run for the people, the actual process from making money from such a venture is limited. More like a labour of love, not a labour of income to boost my state pension.

So thats one route, and probably the cheapest, but not going to be actually profitable.:( I notice some adult places are charging 100L to join before you can partake, But that's a swamped market, and very questionable content in some, that Im banned from looking at in the uk, as it comes under the new internet indecency laws, where watching even cartoon characters( having sex with animals) can get you a knock on the door from the police who flag up this stuff from (centres of computer  vigilant  spys that watch for suspicious activity or sites known or unknown). They log your IP and pass it on to authority's.

My prefered route is to start buying up land, to rent out.  Im tempted to keep to Blakes Seas, because its such in demand recently for mooring and House boats. However, the jargon around buying land seems over complicated. It says i need a premium account to own land?? why is that??   I can go the normal way and buy a sim from SL but mainland or Island, they both seem to have many conditions, which in the end, Im not sure I will recoup my investment and make myself an income. Any other people started something that became profitable i would be glad to here from you.

One idea i had was to rent a homestead sim, and make it a 50 Lindens a shot tinto space on a Blue Origin spaceship, New Shepard space launcher. Sending 4 people in space, to the limit of the sl night. passing through a phantom sim wide motion captured earth below, while the passengers experience weightlessness, (which I have no idea if there is in space on a Sim?) Before returning not long after. But will such a thing, although spectacular, actually want to make people part with say 50 Lindens a shot. Even then. who would design the Blue origin under a different name to take four astronauts to the limit, and then auto eject the  lower rocket part, so the pod comes down by itself, and extends parachutes when nearer the ground. I really dont know which avenue to take? help would be great. :)


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My personal thought is that there are very few opportunities these days to make any significant RL money in SL.

I'd suggest that ... only the large-scale land barons, a few of the major clothing brand owners, and maybe a few of the head/body brands are making any significant RL profit here in SL these days.

One or two of the large clubs might clear more than their sim costs them to run, but having spoken to a number of club owners even that's a stretch.

I sell a fair number of one-of-a-kind abstract artworks, but I charge the equivalent of $1.50 for what takes me sometimes a few hours to create, so I know I'm not funding anyone beyond breaking even on my clothing purchases in SL (and obsession with all things Apple Fall, Scarlet Creative and Trompe, and Half Deer). 

I can't offer any advice, except to say I hope you do find a niche idea that takes off for you. Do what makes you passionate and best of luck.

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thanks Katherine, I cant make clothes, but did make jewelry for a while long ago. but these now you can get for a few Lindens, the times i charged 100L and sold plenty have long gone. Freebies really clobbered hard working creators , probably like you as well. i love Art. I wish you well with your works. I think i have always expected SL to be more than its become. thanks for your input. much appreciated!


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I think Katherine is correct. I sold my small land rental business last year because there were just too many vacancies for too long. I think the land rental business has been greatly impacted by the new Linden Homes and the expansion of Bellisseria.

As for clubs, it has always been said that a Second Life club is like a boat...a hole in the water into which you throw money.

Content creation can still be a money maker, IF your product is in demand. For most, the huge number of weekly sales with prices under $L100 has cut their regular sales way down.

Not to mention the higher fees required to buy $L, sell $L, and cash out $L.

You are much better off doing something in RL with your capital.

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@Michaelatv Destiny,

You have to be a Premium member to own land because LL's Rules say so. I don't know why either, but, no doubt, LL had sound commercial reasons for it.

Mainland or private island? I wouldn't dream of spending money buying mainland. It is still a largely unregulated scrap heap with space junk at low level ruining any chance of a decent sky view and no telling what sort of of ghastly rubbish will turn up on the adjacent parcels. Not many people wander the world these days, either, so the chances of a decent "footfall" to come across your spectacular attraction are pretty low. You'd have to advertise extensively to get people there, and that would be true of a private island too.

A private island does, however, give you the full control of what does or doesn't go on there and there are no adjacent regions to spoil things for you. It just turns out to be a rather expensive option, that's all.

As to your chances of even recovering your costs, I would doubt that you would achieve that. There seems to be a strange clientele these days that, for one reason or another, is reluctant to seek out things for themselves. I see, time after time, people arrive at a place, cam around a bit and, particularly if nobody else is there, leave. (It tickles me that an often stated complaint is, "there's never anyone there", when they won't stay there themselves!)

I like the idea of your space ride! That sort of thing deserves better than it gets. I have a sneaky suspicion though that people won't want to pay for the ride.

Edited by Odaks
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Although I sell little things like tiny tattoos and such, and have a nice little income from it to spend freely in SL, I wouldn't bother with making money to have income for RL generated from SL.

I work RL so does my husband we have a really good income so I wouldn't even have time to work that hard on something in SL that I could live off of it especially with all the fees now applied. And really I personally lack any talent lmao 

But when you can make mesh etc you sure can make a little money so you can buy stuff inworld. 

I see SL as fun and creative outlet for myself, if I earn a little to buy my pixel person some new shoes, it's a nice bonus on top ₍₍◞( •௰• )◟₎₎  

So if doing something with a club is worth it to you personally do it, but the clubs are pretty much dead, it's so hard to even find any nicer ones now. But if this makes you happy do it for yourself and have fun 😊 I think the days that people earn a lot with SL are gone. But it's still fun to be creative ☺️


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thanks guys, bit depressing really. I joined on the premise of the adverts ,Come to second life and make money full or part time. This seems to have been a lie. I only ever a few thousand lindens a week in 2009 - 10 when I was a pole dancer, and paid assistant manager of a shemale club. On top of that, at my age I now struggle every day trying to fit clothes, that cant be altered, this is leaving me with bare feet bare parts of my body showing, i never had this problem before mesh came along. so im really struggling with the technology which at my age is understandable having always had a "Normal" body since 2007.  I love second life but the challenges i face now are quite hard to resolve, mainly everytime i wear an item it removes something i have already put on. This creates so much confusion, and I spend hours even trying to get dressed, because unlike the earlier days, nothing seems to fit me any more. Trying to find classic clothes is getting harder. I have a huge library of clothes and some were expensive and for certain sims. But I really dont know where to find a simple  tutorial that seems to tell me what to do. I seen shapes on market street, but Im bewildered why they say, no head no feet or hands, which seems illogical to me. saying baked on , means absolutely nothing to me. except baking a tart or pie. I have tried these alpha layers, but again they may cover pants ,but it removes the one i have for my feet, so im back to square one.

I have no idea how to make mesh, that's for todays digital artists who grew up with the technology, unlike me, who is an artist  in rl but use acrylics and water colour, i would not know where to start on a computer screen. I honestly totally frustrated with clothes. this week bought some new ones, only half fitted. the rest i put in the garbage centre.

I cant really spend this money i have without some profit as its from a credit card increase, it has to be paid back and some profit on top. I have to rethink if its time I gave up second life, because of the technical challenges i found so frustrating as a senior citizen. Obviously I just have my state pension and my disability allowance which is quite high, but uk feeling the huge rise in prices , on almost everything, gave my car up last year because petrol was not affordable. at usa prices we in uk are paying 12-  13$ per gallon. oh well, thanks for the help, but obviously my expectations  have been dashed quite a lot. But i dont want to keep playing insane console games the rest of my life. i have 42,000 items in my inventory since 2007. a lot are  buildings, weapons, vehicles , many jet liners and yachts, but most of my items are to do with clubs and adult furniture that does cost a lot, and wasted money if  not used for the purpose it was intended for. back to the drawing board it would seem, or jack in second life now. :(

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2 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

thanks guys, bit depressing really. I joined on the premise of the adverts ,Come to second life and make money full or part time. This seems to have been a lie. I only ever a few thousand lindens a week in 2009 - 10 when I was a pole dancer, and paid assistant manager of a shemale club. On top of that, at my age I now struggle every day trying to fit clothes, that cant be altered, this is leaving me with bare feet bare parts of my body showing, i never had this problem before mesh came along. so im really struggling with the technology which at my age is understandable having always had a "Normal" body since 2007.  I love second life but the challenges i face now are quite hard to resolve, mainly everytime i wear an item it removes something i have already put on. This creates so much confusion, and I spend hours even trying to get dressed, because unlike the earlier days, nothing seems to fit me any more. Trying to find classic clothes is getting harder. I have a huge library of clothes and some were expensive and for certain sims. But I really dont know where to find a simple  tutorial that seems to tell me what to do. I seen shapes on market street, but Im bewildered why they say, no head no feet or hands, which seems illogical to me. saying baked on , means absolutely nothing to me. except baking a tart or pie. I have tried these alpha layers, but again they may cover pants ,but it removes the one i have for my feet, so im back to square one.

I have no idea how to make mesh, that's for todays digital artists who grew up with the technology, unlike me, who is an artist  in rl but use acrylics and water colour, i would not know where to start on a computer screen. I honestly totally frustrated with clothes. this week bought some new ones, only half fitted. the rest i put in the garbage centre.

I cant really spend this money i have without some profit as its from a credit card increase, it has to be paid back and some profit on top. I have to rethink if its time I gave up second life, because of the technical challenges i found so frustrating as a senior citizen. Obviously I just have my state pension and my disability allowance which is quite high, but uk feeling the huge rise in prices , on almost everything, gave my car up last year because petrol was not affordable. at usa prices we in uk are paying 12-  13$ per gallon. oh well, thanks for the help, but obviously my expectations  have been dashed quite a lot. But i dont want to keep playing insane console games the rest of my life. i have 42,000 items in my inventory since 2007. a lot are  buildings, weapons, vehicles , many jet liners and yachts, but most of my items are to do with clubs and adult furniture that does cost a lot, and wasted money if  not used for the purpose it was intended for. back to the drawing board it would seem, or jack in second life now. :(

You could take a.look at this thread with making an inexpensive mesh avatar.  As far as putting on one thing that takes off another, we usually suggest choosing ADD and not wear.  Many mesh items are attached at the same point on the body.  Wearing replaces what is already there.  ADDING  will add it without removing what is already there.


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33 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

thanks guys, bit depressing really. I joined on the premise of the adverts ,Come to second life and make money full or part time.

Hiya Michaelatv. Unfortunately, this is a rather difficult thing to guarantee. Unless you're skilled with content creation (mesh, scripts, or animation), performance (music, comedy, etc.), or providing adult services, there's not much out there for a steady income. And even some of that stuff isn't always steady. I do interior decorating and landscaping when I want to spend more money than I'm willing to buy, but that requires an initial investment up front to hoard enough interesting furniture, building kits, and decor to entice people to pay you. It also helps to invest in your own home so you can show people what you can do before they trust you with redesigning their spaces. 

On the avatar side, it can be very confusing, yes. I came back to SL after a long, long break when I was still Classic everything - shoes broken due to invisiprims - the works! I'm still working on cleaning up my old prim inventory even now and I've been back what, 2 years now? Had to get a whole new avatar set up and everything, so I feel you there. Upgrading to mesh, should you choose to do so, can be done cheaply, however - especially if you're creating a female avatar. There are plenty of store groups to join for free and events around the grid that allow you to pick up loads of free hair, accessories, and clothes. The only real investment at the moment would be a mesh body (there is at least one free head still available, and others are released on occasion). Staying classic is an option, as well, but you'll probably have to do more digging around the marketplace for clothing.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
I can spell I promise!
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Honestly outside of being a large land baron - the only real profit from Second Life is content creation and it requires significant branding, presence and skillset (or a team to give you that skillset like some creators who buy it in from external teams).   

Honestly you would be better investing money in alternative things far away from Second Life and use any hobby money to simply enjoy yourself in world and treat it as entertainment money,   As you are creative you may be better selling things on Etsy and use the income from that for your SL fun!


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5 hours ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

everytime i wear an item it removes something i have already put on

That one's an easy fix. Use ADD to put things on. When you use Wear, the new item replaces any similar type items you currently have on, or things that are on that attachment point. Using ADD keeps the current items but adds the new one.

Really, you only need to use Wear for the Essential Four, the things that define a minimum avatar. Only one of each type can be worn at any time. They are: System hair (baldy); system eyes; skin; and shape.

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