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changing body part across outfit files at once


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I am not exactly a newbie, but I am certainly still learning.  This may not be the proper forum, but I want to change one avatar head for another, but with over 300 set outfits, I fear I need to go through each one to add/subtract the new body parts.  Is there a 'one-step' upload?  Can anyone sending in right direction to find this answer..

thank you, E

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3 answers to this question

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1.Open inventory  and find any outfit that had the head in it.

2. Select the outfit and click the tab to open it.

3.  Find the head that you currently have in that outfit.

4. Right click on the name of the head and select Replace Links from the menu.  That will open a small box  5d55c7166d8c51c1afba7a6d8d4abb39.png

5. In the NEW field, enter the exact name of the item you want to replace the OLD item with, or just copy/paste the name from wherever the new item is in your inventory. (Note that in my example, the system has found my item in 81 links.)

6.  Click Refresh to update the item in all places.

I think this method works in all viewers.  I know it works in the standard SL viewer and Firestorm.


Edited by Rolig Loon
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