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llGetObjectDetails - OBJECT_REZ_TIME

Uraquitan Matova

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7 hours ago, Uraquitan Matova said:

the goal is trying to knows the rez time for any object.

What sorts of practical things are impossible to make that you would need this feature for? Nothing that immediately needs that information springs to my mind.

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24 minutes ago, Uraquitan Matova said:

Like bullets for example.

if you rez anything yourself, it's not hard to keep track of when you rezzed it, as above. also, bullets, I don't see why you would need to know when they were rezzed either, just script them to die after a set amount of time.

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23 minutes ago, Uraquitan Matova said:

Quistess Alpha, the problem is not about my rezzed object.. is about  rezzed by another owner.. so with this information you can make a lot of rules.. its really important this information for games. To make security.


for games in which multiple creatives make game objects then the game designer typically designs a game protocol. For example

channel number,  object game attributes, game functions

a target object OnCollision for example, asks on the channel for the colliding object's game attributes and functions.  The target on obtaining the info interacts with the object

the same happens in reverse. The collider asks the target for their info on the channel

if either object doesn't recognise the other as a game object then nothing happens



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1 hour ago, Mollymews said:

for games in which multiple creatives make game objects then the game designer typically designs a game protocol. For example

channel number,  object game attributes, game functions

a target object OnCollision for example, asks on the channel for the colliding object's game attributes and functions.  The target on obtaining the info interacts with the object

the same happens in reverse. The collider asks the target for their info on the channel

if either object doesn't recognise the other as a game object then nothing happens



yes but sometimes is necessary allow weapons by others creators... so to knows the rez time can block after a time the damage, for example, like anime combats.. makes a lot of rez objects.. some of them follow all the time you. 

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35 minutes ago, Uraquitan Matova said:

yes but sometimes is necessary allow weapons by others creators... so to knows the rez time can block after a time the damage, for example, like anime combats.. makes a lot of rez objects.. some of them follow all the time you. 

the way game proctocols tend to be designed is that in on_rez the unix time is saved in the object as a game attribute

when the object collides with a target, the target requests a WHOIS of the object.  The response to the WHOIS can include the unix creation time

certainly it would be useful in some circumstances to not have to pass game attributes and function capabilities between  game objects. Is typical tho that game objects do this

a workround for this is to stuff (on_rez) the object's attributes into Object Description.  OnCollision the target reads the collider llGetObjectDesc

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36 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

the way game proctocols tend to be designed is that in on_rez the unix time is saved in the object as a game attribute

when the object collides with a target, the target requests a WHOIS of the object.  The response to the WHOIS can include the unix creation time

certainly it would be useful in some circumstances to not have to pass game attributes and function capabilities between  game objects. Is typical tho that game objects do this

a workround for this is to stuff (on_rez) the object's attributes into Object Description.  OnCollision the target reads the collider llGetObjectDesc

You're right, if Im the creator of the bullet.. but the problem is about bullets made by other creator.. How do the WHOIS to a generic bullet by another creator?

thats Why my question. the goal is to allow all huds, so for security, sounds good to knows this parameter. 

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24 minutes ago, Uraquitan Matova said:

You're right, if Im the creator of the bullet.. but the problem is about bullets made by other creator.. How do the WHOIS to a generic bullet by another creator?

every creator making bullets for the game knows what the game protocols are and they script their bullets accordingly.  When the game target gets struck by a bullet which is not scripted to use the game protocol then the target ignores the bullet. Getting struck by a random object or random avatar has no influence on the game.

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25 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

every creator making bullets for the game knows what the game protocols are and they script their bullets accordingly.  When the game target gets struck by a bullet which is not scripted to use the game protocol then the target ignores the bullet. Getting struck by a random object or random avatar has no influence on the game.

yeah.. it works ... but.... I did a version to allow all bullets to be fair to all hud creators... so Im doing some securities... however, with rez time  would help a lot.

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Your best bet is to file a Jira and hope the SL gods shine on you and LL accepts the feature request.

With that said, the others are right. If you're designing a game that doesn't use any existing protocol, your best bet would be to write your own protocol that includes this as a feature, and prompt creators to add support for your API to their weapons.

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4 hours ago, Mollymews said:

every creator making bullets for the game knows what the game protocols are and they script their bullets accordingly.  When the game target gets struck by a bullet which is not scripted to use the game protocol then the target ignores the bullet. Getting struck by a random object or random avatar has no influence on the game.

This would be ideal but not realistic. In the SLMC (Military Community, using LLCS (Linden Lab Combat System, aka llSetDamage + collision)), different groups form on their own and usually develop their own weapons mostly independent of other groups.

Then these groups raid each others' home sim/base and conform to whatever rules the defending group has for combat. Some don't allow movement enhancers, some don't allow non-player-controlled weapons (turrets, drones, etc.), some don't allow vehicles, some don't allow specific types of grenades, etc.

Since it's mostly just LLCS, there's no real protocol for projectiles besides setting (100 by convention) damage for it. The only exception I know is LBA (Listen-Based Armor) which was developed a few years back specifically in attempt to get away from spamming physical bullets into vehicles (which often had 20-50+ health, meaning that many collisions). The rules are very loose and wild-westy.

I'm not sure what kind of "bullet"/projectile OP is talking about that would be practical to check rez time for, but there's always some whacky new thing in the SLMC that people invent for combat.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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1 hour ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

This would be ideal but not realistic

... The rules are very loose and wild-westy.

this is true. Most open game protocols begin as idealistic. Then after a time it all gets loose and wild-westy as you say

then to counter this somebody else will come along and make a new open game protocol hoping that this time will be different. When it turns out not to be different (because of creative/player behaviours) then it all muddles along til somebody else has another go at it. Again with varying degrees of success/fail

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6 hours ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

Your best bet is to file a Jira and hope the SL gods shine on you and LL accepts the feature request.

With that said, the others are right. If you're designing a game that doesn't use any existing protocol, your best bet would be to write your own protocol that includes this as a feature, and prompt creators to add support for your API to their weapons.

Do you know the link ?

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  • 1 month later...

Wulfie Reanimator I know its a little late, but me and few friends coded a full on combat systems based off AOEs, HOTs, DOTs, Buffs, And DEBUFFS, we were told by the Combat / Roleplay committee. don't even try that here. Odd thing was our system worked in many themes and would pick up where the said item hit you and would base its damage off the body part hit and how far from you they were from you. Also the type of bullet each had it own damage count. But hey so many call sl a game, when we all know its not, but when I gummer codes a system we get told don't try it here.

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