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Emotional Abuse and Sim Crashing Abuse


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Hi Everyone

So this is a very long story for me to type but I will try to make it straight to the point:    My Boyfriends old family told him a few things and it leaked out so they went to my old sl family anyways now there 1 family since they think his old family is telling the truth even though they never talked to me about anything.

Come to attack me and my boyfriend on my land had things poping up on our screen somehow.

Then the next day they come over and were crashing the entire land - [21:40] LagMeterVer4e: Stormy Coven restarted on Date: 2021-11-10 at 9:40PM
[21:44] LagMeterVer4e: Stormy Coven restarted on Date: 2021-11-10 at 9:44PM
[21:52] LagMeterVer4e: Stormy Coven restarted on Date: 2021-11-10 at 9:52PM

and at least 3 times prior to this

And they were saying that I have at least 20 guys on my collar, that I'm giving up SL sex to those that will be on my side, that I'm a whore and much more

These people are also running around with Real Life Hells Angels Patches without prior permission from Hells Angels which is against Copyright laws

I have reported them but I also know that they don't do much on reports these days.

Is there anything else that I can do?

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2 minutes ago, PatricaC said:

I'm probably just going delete Second Life or go back to an Avatar that family didn't know about or create a new one

you don't nééd to do that, i'm in SL for more than 16 years, never had to start new for somebody else, always been my own choice.
If it's parcel/region bound ; move
if it's "friends" or "group' bound, leave them.
NEVER ever respond.


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Put them all on your parcel ban list and mute them.  The more attention they see you giving them, the longer they will continue.  File reports when needed with as much information as possible and pictures if you can.  

As far as the patches, LL won't do much unless the actual Hell's Angels file a DMCA.  

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28 minutes ago, PatricaC said:

Hard to Avoid when there coming after me for no reason

You could also set your preferences if on Firestorm.  Not sure about the official viewer.  Hide groups as well.  Again, if they know they are having any effect on you, they win.  Even posting here, if they would notice, they will see they are upsetting you which is obviously their goal.  


  • Show my profile info in Search results: When enabled allows anyone to find you using search.
  • Only friends and groups know I'm online: Allows only people on your friends list to see if you are online. Please note that LSL has a function that will still show your true online status to anyone.
  • Only friends and groups can call or IM me: When enabled allows only friends and groups to be able to IM or call you. As of FS 6.4.12, this is a per-account setting (instead of global).
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48 minutes ago, PatricaC said:

Hard to Avoid when there coming after me for no reason

Linden Labs is not going to help you if you refuse to use the tools given to you to avoid drama like this. This falls under interpersonal relationships that Linden Labs doesn't get involved in.

When someone IM's you, mute them and then close the box. Do not respond. Then add them to your parcel ban list. Rinse and repeat.

As far as sending this to the Hell's Angel's....Do you really think that they care someone is using a picture of their patches in an online game? You could try to contact their corporate office though. ;)

Edited by Sam1 Bellisserian
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1 minute ago, PatricaC said:

Basically there putting people down that are born with it by saying that which my best friend was and I don't look at her any differently then I would look at someone who has 0 issues

That has nothing to do with what I'm saying.

We're all telling you to ignore/mute them and you're not. You're feeding into it and taking them seriously, which is the exact opposite of what you should be doing. This is why they keep harassing you, because they know you're taking everything they say literally and seriously. Just stop. Don't even read their messages. Block, mute, ban, ignore.

That's all we can really do to try and help you. There's not much more anyone else can do.

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@PatricaC As a couple of other people have already suggested, the best thing you can do is ignore those people. They can say hurtful things, but their words won't hurt you unless you let them.  Just pretend that they are not there.  Do not respond to them.  Don't even let them know that you heard what they said. You'll be OK.

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21 hours ago, Nick0678 said:


Lmao but nothing there saying is actually true

13 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Put them all on your parcel ban list and mute them.  The more attention they see you giving them, the longer they will continue.  File reports when needed with as much information as possible and pictures if you can.  

As far as the patches, LL won't do much unless the actual Hell's Angels file a DMCA.  

They are they keep getting back to outside the land somehow, I had to get my landlord to region ban them

Is there someway to forward it to Hells Angels?

11 hours ago, AnnabelleApocalypse said:

Wow, I feel like I have been teleported back to 2008. People still do this stuff?

I know right

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Seems there back at it again they IMed me saying this - 
[20:52] Name hidden : you know dark was with one of my cousins cat she is a true cousin she is a true cousin un like you and i hope you are happy with your self that he is going to loose a lot of friends cause of you know one wants him around them if he is round you and i and happy you are willing to share dark with other woman marry christmas and take care
and then i was asked to block you

He talked to this Cat woman once they never stated they were together at all which is a lie in itself, Dark is with me 24/7 so that's another lie these lies go on for decades I have had nothing to do with them since November

Is there a way to contact LL about this continued harasment from them? I am getting sick of blocking 100 Alts that they have.

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20 minutes ago, PatricaC said:

Seems there back at it again they IMed me saying this - 
[20:52] Name hidden : you know dark was with one of my cousins cat she is a true cousin she is a true cousin un like you and i hope you are happy with your self that he is going to loose a lot of friends cause of you know one wants him around them if he is round you and i and happy you are willing to share dark with other woman marry christmas and take care
and then i was asked to block you

He talked to this Cat woman once they never stated they were together at all which is a lie in itself, Dark is with me 24/7 so that's another lie these lies go on for decades I have had nothing to do with them since November

Is there a way to contact LL about this continued harasment from them? I am getting sick of blocking 100 Alts that they have.

I'm sorry to hear you're being continuously harassed like that. I'm sure it's extremely stressful, and no one deserves to have to deal with all that nonsense when they're just trying to enjoy themselves. :/ 

The biggest thing you can do, like Rowan said previously, is to refrain from giving them any kind of reaction. You and your bf both should 1) absolutely not engage with them, message or reply to their messages, and 2) block/mute/ban them every time, no matter how many alts keep coming. It's tedious and tiresome I know, but they'll keep up the harassment as long as they know they can get one of you to crack.

If you both keep up a solid front and just keep banning, blocking, etc etc every time but otherwise act like they don't exist, then eventually they'll find something better to do. Unfortunately even if LL was able to IP ban them, they could just use VPNs to keep making alts, so it's frustrating I know. I've been there, not in SL but on other sites. People are crazy and the best thing you can do is step back, breathe, agree that both of you won't engage with them, and maybe try to find some humor in the situation. Maybe a way to laugh about it, it could help ease the stress by turning it into something less serious. Best of luck though! :C They sound like a cruddy bunch of people who are way too unhappy in their own lives and want to bring others down to their level of misery.

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1 hour ago, LilNosferatu said:

I'm sorry to hear you're being continuously harassed like that. I'm sure it's extremely stressful, and no one deserves to have to deal with all that nonsense when they're just trying to enjoy themselves. :/ 

The biggest thing you can do, like Rowan said previously, is to refrain from giving them any kind of reaction. You and your bf both should 1) absolutely not engage with them, message or reply to their messages, and 2) block/mute/ban them every time, no matter how many alts keep coming. It's tedious and tiresome I know, but they'll keep up the harassment as long as they know they can get one of you to crack.

If you both keep up a solid front and just keep banning, blocking, etc etc every time but otherwise act like they don't exist, then eventually they'll find something better to do. Unfortunately even if LL was able to IP ban them, they could just use VPNs to keep making alts, so it's frustrating I know. I've been there, not in SL but on other sites. People are crazy and the best thing you can do is step back, breathe, agree that both of you won't engage with them, and maybe try to find some humor in the situation. Maybe a way to laugh about it, it could help ease the stress by turning it into something less serious. Best of luck though! :C They sound like a cruddy bunch of people who are way too unhappy in their own lives and want to bring others down to their level of misery.

Yes espcailly being Christmas Eve you think they would have better things to do with there life's, Apperently not

A month with no contact from them or to them and this happens they need to go find someone else to go bully with there fake ass family that lives back in 2008.

Time for them to join us in 2021 going be 2022 soon ...... Or act like mature Adults which they seem unable to do.

Or they need a life and to leave our's alone.

Edited by PatricaC
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42 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

If you can quote their IMs to you, then you have not followed a key piece of the advice you've been given:


The only way to avoid Drama is to avoid it.

...takes her own advice and walks out of the thread.

Hard to Avoid when there coming after me for no reason

Edited by PatricaC
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9 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

lock your land, report, mute/block and derender ..
some other tools in firestorm


cut out:... in special the second line


I already had it like that 

Apperently I was diagnosed with Down Sydrome by them lmao yet Down Sydrom affects your mobility - which i have 0 issues with

Edited by PatricaC
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17 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

excuse me?..

[20:10] Name hiddem:  (Saved Sat Dec 25 05:47:34 2021)think what you want there are witnesses and i am not kitty i have no time for a down sindrom girl that cause drama were ever she goes

Look at it ^

People with down sydrome - 

  • Spinal problems. Some people with Down syndrome may have a misalignment of the top two vertebrae in the neck (atlantoaxial instability). This condition puts them at risk of serious injury to the spinal cord from overextension of the neck.
  • Obesity. People with Down syndrome have a greater tendency to be obese compared with the general population.
  • Excessive flexibility

i have no issues with any of that

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2 minutes ago, PatricaC said:

[20:10] Name hiddem:  (Saved Sat Dec 25 05:47:34 2021)think what you want there are witnesses and i am not kitty i have no time for a down sindrom girl that cause drama were ever she goes

Look at it ^

How old are all of you people?  No one can spell and you are all acting like you are 15 years old. You all need to grow up.

Edited by Sam1 Bellisserian
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