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What scares you?


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8 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Have you ever seen the movie Glitter with Mariah Carey? That scares me the most.

OMG, She did a movie?!  0o

Who would put her in a movie?😵


I hope I don't ever accidentally trip over it  on the intranets and somehow watch it.. hehehe



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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As a kid, the very first Alien movie scared me witless.

It was a Sunday night, Spring 1984. I was 11 going on 12. I had an idea of what Alien was, albeit largely from a Mad Magazine parody. So I reckoned that I could handle it.


Mere parodies very much failed to prepare me for the actual dark film that was! After a terrifying couple hours - did I mention it was a school night? - I simply could not get to sleep. I was well and truly convinced the honest to goddess alien was in the closet, or under the bed.

Ironically, 3 years later, I watched the second Alien movie with my cousin, also on a school night. And I was fine with it.

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   That's because it was a different type of fear @SlammedSam. In the first Alien movie, you didn't know what was around the corner, but in the second, you did know... you just wasn't sure if you kill it before it killed you. :)


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On 11/6/2021 at 9:23 AM, SlammedSam said:

As a kid, the very first Alien movie scared me witless.

It was a Sunday night, Spring 1984. I was 11 going on 12. I had an idea of what Alien was, albeit largely from a Mad Magazine parody. So I reckoned that I could handle it.


Mere parodies very much failed to prepare me for the actual dark film that was! After a terrifying couple hours - did I mention it was a school night? - I simply could not get to sleep. I was well and truly convinced the honest to goddess alien was in the closet, or under the bed.

Ironically, 3 years later, I watched the second Alien movie with my cousin, also on a school night. And I was fine with it.

My parents brought me to that movie when I was even younger. I was curled up in a fetal position with my eyes closed for most of it. I actually like the movie now and watch it every so often.

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I don't think I'm scared but more anxious , because I'm finally getting my first shot this Friday. I've been wanting to get it for awhile now and the mandate is finally making it possible.. Mainly because work is making us get it now, so there won't be any kind of problem when I don't show up if there is any side effects..

The side effects are not what has me anxious.. It's that if there is a scenario out there that I have heard about, I've met someone that has experienced it..

From someone passing away from the virus in their mid 20's and healthy as is gets, to someone passing away from reaction to the shot..

Someone getting the shots and still getting the virus, as well as someone getting the virus and then getting the virus again..

I just want to get my shots and be done with it..

I'm so worn out on hearing the political build up that has made things so much more difficult and actually made things worse..


I remember almost everyone just waiting for a vaccine and worried that there wouldn't be one for a long long time..

Then politics got involved and it became a childish game of, I'm not taking trumps vaccine, I'm not taking Bidens vaccine..

I'm thinking if they would have just kept their big mouths shut, There would probably be a lot more vaccinated right now..

Start telling people they have to do this or that or pinning them into a corner, even a mouse with stand up for itself backup like that.

I kind of lost it at work last night because I was talking about my appointment for my shot.. Then some political drone steps over talking about the constitution..

He brought the street out in me big time.. I'm not gonna repeat what I said because I don't like swearing, But I just wanted that Hive minder to know that nobody is making me do anything..

I've been wanting to get my shot for a long time, but because I have to go out on the floor and cover their asses, I couldn't.


This wasn't supposed to be and rant and I'm sorry.. I wasn't even gonna bring it up, but It just feels good letting it go somewhere..



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I had both shots, and recently a booster Ceka, and I was OK. People I know, some had headache or fatigue a couple of days but nothing more.

I used to be scared of injections but since this kicked off, apart from those three, I had two flu jabs a year apart, and a pneumonia jab. The last one gave me a sore arm for three days.

Now I don't bother any more. The last one I didn't feel a thing!

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On 10/26/2021 at 8:55 AM, Lucia Nightfire said:

I beat my shoes, toes pointing skyward, on the floor and examine the inside before putting each on.

I do this because I've twice found jumping spiders in them.

I shake my jeans and shirts before putting them on ever since I found recluse spiders in a relatives closet inside their clothes...

I examine the inside of an oven mitt before wearing it to get a pizza out of the oven.

I examine the ceiling of my shower before getting in because I've found a cellar spider in there at least half a dozen times over the last decade.

Went over a year without seeing anything, but last week got in the shower without checking and looked up and sure enough, saw a cellar spider crawling overhead. I deflected shower water to it to make it fall and smashed it with my rag.

I once had to get up in the middle of the night and use the bathroom with the hall light the only illumination, looked over after sitting down and saw a wolf spider the size of my palm just a foot away on the wall beside me. It made me stop mid-stream, heh. Definitely woke me up.

I keep fly swatters in every room these days.

This is what the cellar spiders I get look like:


I call those sugar spiders. Our outhouse is full of them. They're slow moving so less likely to bother me than the big arsed huntsman that run across the living room as if they should have a purpose there.  Sugar spiders because when I was younger and working in a bakery there would often be a similar spider with it's fine web in the top of the sugar bin. No matter who shifted it and it's web, it would seem to be back the following day. 

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17 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

I had both shots, and recently a booster Ceka, and I was OK. People I know, some had headache or fatigue a couple of days but nothing more.

I used to be scared of injections but since this kicked off, apart from those three, I had two flu jabs a year apart, and a pneumonia jab. The last one gave me a sore arm for three days.

Now I don't bother any more. The last one I didn't feel a thing!

I'm really not worried about the shot itself.. I just want to get on the other side of already having them because there is so much build up around these shots.. hehehe

I think I more or less just want to turn the noise off.. hehehe


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On 10/26/2021 at 8:55 AM, Lucia Nightfire said:

This is what the cellar spiders I get look like:


My house is full of these. I have a false ceiling in the stairwell and they live mainly in there, but they hunt all over the house. I leave them alone; I'm fortunate to live in a country with no dangerous spiders and I have never been afraid of them, in fact I positively like them. Big spiders, I'll pick up and take them outside, put them in the shed or in a sheltered spot in the garden, but cellar spiders are too delicate to go outside.

Wasps on the other hand, those things can hurt and they do no good to anyone. They're the only critters I will kill on sight. 

I used to be very afraid of heights, until I visited Toronto and went up the CN Tower. There's an area up there with a glass floor and it was just impossible for me to stand on it; it made me feel like I was falling over. So I sat down on it instead, and sat there for 10-15 minutes just looking down at the street below. And that was it - heights have never bothered me since then.

I always said that I wasn't afraid of heights, I wasn't even afraid of falling. I was only afraid of hitting the ground.


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I am not really in to the shot not my thing just allergic to things and cant my choice other people have their choice. I don't agree everything the government tells people Wr have freedom of choice. People telling people should be forced to get a shot is wrong that like asking for new world order.  But when they start forcing schools you see people why they leaving states.

Edited by RiceStevens
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I've had two shots of the astrakillya whatever its called jab and the only side effect i've experienced is i seem to sleep better . My 84 year old mate says the same and he's been on oxygen 12 hours a day for 3 years due to unrelated medical problems .

A 27 year old employee was reluctant, so i explained to him if the law wont allow them to force you then they will just make life so difficult for those who haven't been jabbed most will end up having it anyway .

Peanuts kill some people how weird is that , and the jab is not a cure , there never will be a cure , or else they could cure the common cold . It helps your body recognize the virus early so it fights back before the damage becomes severe .

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12 hours ago, cunomar said:

I've had two shots of the astrakillya whatever its called jab and the only side effect i've experienced is i seem to sleep better . My 84 year old mate says the same and he's been on oxygen 12 hours a day for 3 years due to unrelated medical problems .

A 27 year old employee was reluctant, so i explained to him if the law wont allow them to force you then they will just make life so difficult for those who haven't been jabbed most will end up having it anyway .

Peanuts kill some people how weird is that , and the jab is not a cure , there never will be a cure , or else they could cure the common cold . It helps your body recognize the virus early so it fights back before the damage becomes severe .

What's creepy about a virus is, there is no cure for any virus, because a virus can't be killed because a virus isn't alive..

You can put a virus into remission, but it's always there. When we stress out or eat poorly or let our immunity become too low  or all kinds of things.. They can come back as something else.. like having the chicken pox, then later that virus coming out of remission and we get the shingles.

Once you get a virus, you always have it.

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

What's creepy about a virus is, there is no cure for any virus, because a virus can't be killed because a virus isn't alive..

You can put a virus into remission, but it's always there. When we stress out or eat poorly or let our immunity become too low  or all kinds of things.. They can come back as something else.. like having the chicken pox, then later that virus coming out of remission and we get the shingles.

Once you get a virus, you always have it.

While some viruses never leave, most do...

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Where were all the people who say "I'm against mandates, it ought to be my choice" when their kids were getting mandatory vaccinations? You know, the ones for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, pertussis, polio, tetanus, etc. that you MUST have in order to attend school? Which is also mandatory.


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

What's creepy about a virus is, there is no cure for any virus, because a virus can't be killed because a virus isn't alive..

Don't worry about such stuff, after all the majority of people worldwide still dies from a heart attack or a stroke.

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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Where were all the people who say "I'm against mandates, it ought to be my choice" when their kids were getting mandatory vaccinations? You know, the ones for measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, pertussis, polio, tetanus, etc. that you MUST have in order to attend school? Which is also mandatory.


I guess there is a loophole for the mandate.. Well one isn't a loophole, which is if your doctor feels the shot would somehow be a high risk.. Basically it has to be a medical reason..

The other is, the person has to say it is against their religious beliefs.. Actually they have to fill out a form to have it in writing and hand it back in.

I think work was obligated to hand those forms out though.

Work handed us the the paper work for that as well as the locations to get the shot..also they will be having the shots brought to our work so we don't have to go and get them, which is nice.. We can get them on the way out of work.

They do that with the flu shots every year also.

I just can't wait to get mine.. I get my first one tomorrow, finally..


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