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Facebook's "High Res Version of Second Life"

Prokofy Neva

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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Depends where in the world you are .. for plenty, facebook and the internet are one and the same thing.

It's probably more about who you are than where but yes. I don't think it's going to last though. Facebook - or whatever they're going to call it in the future - is already struggling to recruit new generations and I don't see how they are going to turn that around.

Btw, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the elephant in the title yet. "High res version of Second Life"? So far the attempts FB has made to create a metaverse have been distinctively low res compared to SL. What are the chances they get it right this time? We should also keep in mind that Facebook is not an innovative company. They got because they were the first of the many competing social media to release a mobile phone app opening up a new big market but that was entirely Cory Ondrejka's baby and he doesn't work there anymore.

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7 hours ago, Mongrove Goldblatt said:

The Internet was not created by a single big company but by a bunch of people who just did what ever they wanted to.

I have never said that only one company has to create it. Facebook is the first to state that it will not create the Metaverse, it wants to be just another company in the Metaverse.

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4 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Probablemente se trata más de quién eres que de dónde, pero sí. Sin embargo, no creo que vaya a durar. Facebook, o como lo llamen en el futuro, ya está luchando para reclutar nuevas generaciones y no veo cómo van a cambiar eso.

Por cierto, me sorprende que nadie haya mencionado al elefante en el título todavía. ¿"Versión de alta res de Second Life"? Hasta ahora, los intentos que FB ha hecho para crear un metaverso han sido distintivamente de baja res en comparación con SL. ¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que lo hagan bien esta vez? También debemos tener en cuenta que Facebook no es una empresa innovadora. Lo consiguieron porque fueron los primeros de las muchas redes sociales competidoras en lanzar una aplicación para teléfonos móviles que abría un nuevo gran mercado, pero ese era completamente el bebé de Cory Ondrejka y ya no trabaja allí.

I have had the chance to participate in the Horizón closed beta and the similarities when it comes to content creation are very similar to those of Second Life. Facebook itself has stated that they have looked a lot at current virtual worlds and their evolution to create some of the functionality of their virtual world. If you go into Horizon and build content, you will have the same feeling as when we created content using textures, prims and scripts. The creativity of the residents and the ability to make the world they reside in their own is a very powerful part of Horizon.

I'll say it again, even if I get hammered over the head: Horizon reminds me a lot of when Second Life was taking its first steps as a baby of virtual worlds.

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7 hours ago, Mongrove Goldblatt said:

Yeah but Facebook doesn't own the internet. And he's also not the only player here.

Yes, but it is a shark with a lot of money and resources. Not to mention that this shark is wounded and losing a lot of blood, which makes it very dangerous.

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On 10/20/2021 at 6:09 AM, Coffee Pancake said:

Nick Clegg 


And don't worry, the EU aren't going to change any rules based on anything a Brit promises for a long time.

And most Brits gave up believing much Nick Clegg ever says after, in 2010, he took the Liberal Democrats into their ill-advised coalition government with David Cameron's Conservatives, with Clegg as "deputy Prime Minister"  (a meaningless role most, if not all, the time, a bit like "senior VP for blue skies thinking"), which cost his party 49 seats in the 2015 election, leaving them with only 8 remaining MPs and paving the way for Brexit.


Edited by Innula Zenovka
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Once tarnished with the "Yuk" brush, it doesn't matter how big the bully is, how much money they have nor what they change their name to.
Take people with a slight cognitive "difference" and Yukbook can rule their lives to their absolute detriment.
I've witnessed this first hand as have many others I am sure. Instaspam and wtfapp are just the same. 
It's disgraceful some "lucky in life" degenerate can make money from this "risk" to some members of society. 

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2 hours ago, Hydra Acer said:

I have never said that only one company has to create it. Facebook is the first to state that it will not create the Metaverse, it wants to be just another company in the Metaverse.

Don't judge FB by what they say, rather, what they do.

FB have by their actions made it very clear they want to be the only company controlling huge swathes of internet services.

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11 hours ago, Mongrove Goldblatt said:

The Internet was not created by a single big company but by a bunch of people who just did what ever they wanted to.

The foundation that made the Internet possible was created by a small group of entities working together to create universal, non-proprietary protocols.

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Fascinating. If I had a Euro for every time.. Well I would have bought the place - then you would be in trouble.

One thing I am happy about - if the ZuckBorg turns the term 'metaverse' toxic then yay. Was bored with that 20 years ago.

Talked to a an aquaintance still in the biz of data harvesting and they were more than alarmed (one of those below the news orgs you never heard of). 'The attempted infantilism of the...' well I will not state country as I think its global. Nappies from cradle to grave etc. And me an old school red(UK)

And am in other places because I am not so daft to not offer my eager wares to the ahem (1000x do me a lemon) 'bigger audience'. Would like to read more from the poster claiming they were in beta access to whatever the cloneZuck is offering. What scripting and oh my word, no NDA? To laugh a hollow laugh.

So SL goes under? Been a very good run and will be here til the end. Plus why not take it and make an - alternative. Others from here have (no names no packdrill eh).

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I don't see FB's plans as any threat to SL. "The Metaverse" only exists in fiction. We'll always have offshoots and alternatives, regional interests and regulations shaping how we interact digitally. A competitor to SL would have to do what SL does best but even better, and so far I haven't seen that. 

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1 hour ago, Akane Nacht said:

I don't see FB's plans as any threat to SL. "The Metaverse" only exists in fiction. We'll always have offshoots and alternatives, regional interests and regulations shaping how we interact digitally. A competitor to SL would have to do what SL does best but even better, and so far I haven't seen that. 

I think you're missing the scope of FB's goal, the platform advantage and the knock on effect that will have on SL.

We don't exist in a vacuum, this is a delicate balance between creators, business and consumers. A subtle shift in any area of that balance can easily tip us off a cliff.

FB can create a competitor double the size of SL just off the platform exposure they have, it would be a miserable failure by facebook standards.

A lot of SL creators doubled up their business in Sansar when that launched and it didn't impact us as very few users followed them. The creators stayed invested here because SL was still their primary earner.

When FB go live, the moment they open the doors to external content creators, a ton of ours will do the same again, it would be dumb not to. By sheer scale of users, FB will become their primary income overnight, social migration will be slower, but it will happen. We end up left with a much smaller less invested set of creators, fewer events, lower incomes for everyone involved, less money to pay the lab, regions close and the cycle just feeds back into itself. And remember, that's just if FB fail miserably and only manage to make a platform double the population of SL.

We have already seen this with certain long standing RP communities who bailed out of SL as a block. Once a few friends move, the rest follow them and it snowballs, we're left with empty regions their owners are unwilling to drop but can't just keep paying for them forever. The regions eventually close and community hubs are all that remains.

FB & Epic (etc) are unlike any competitor we have ever faced before who had to start from literally nothing. They are the dominant point of call on the internet with established entrenched users and billions to burn. We don't even represent a tiny fraction of their users.

They don't have to be better. They just have to be bigger. The only way we come though this is if SL can be positioned to ride their coat tails and get media coverage that mentions SL in the same breath as this brave new world. Right now, we might as well not even exist for all the coverage we're getting.

The advantage we have is it will take some time for FB to gear up and to make all the mistakes LL have made. Stuff like virtual business meetings, we've learned the hard way that it's a non-starter, yet that's what FB decided to open with.

Sadly I suspect the Lab might try to push that angle yet again and try and get attention by saying "look, we can do meetings too" rather than pushing an alterative social vison and how they plan to extend and push the boundaries of the metaverse concept. They may also try other things like further segregating or purging adult content in the hope that's the stumbling block.

We desperately need tangible growth, and from the stats we get to see, we don't have it and tinkering with the new user experience is not going to do it alone. Expanding the platform, scope and vision is the only way up from here.

Media will always favor the new and the rich. There is nothing new or exciting on the horizon for SL that we know about.

We don't even have a CEO and our original bedazzled visionary has washed his hands of us to go play with the new kids.

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2 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

They don't have to be better. They just have to be bigger.

Actually, they have to be both. If FB by some means made something that does what SL does even better, and somehow also restores my trust in FB as a platform in terms of usefulness, reliability, privacy and security, I'd probably use it too. But those are big "ifs" and so far I see no evidence of them coming true. 

As for an exodus of content creators.. there's never been anything stopping designers in SL selling their creations elsewhere if they have the talent. I'm sure some have. Yet here we are..

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It is also worth noting that the only truly successful/monopoly-level Facebook project is Facebook itself.

The Oculus VR thing fell rather flat compared to Vive and SteamVR.

Whatsapp is relatively popular, but they have a relatively small share of the chat market given all the competitors. They didn't reach anything like a Facebook-level dominance in that market.

Instagram I'm not really aware of statistics of. Anecdotally, I don't know anyone who uses it, but at the very least they also don't have anything like a monopoly in the image upload site category.

Size alone isn't enough to push out all the competitors, as we can see by them having failed several times already. Facebook is primarily just Facebook. And SL has, like I said, certain draws that Facebok is afraid to embrace, so it's entirely unlikely that it'll even compete in the same market.

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7 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

When FB go live, the moment they open the doors to external content creators, a ton of ours will do the same again, it would be dumb not to.

The word is definitely getting out. I was at the store yesterday and saw this on the magazine rack:

Should you delete your Facebook account? It was picked up by Time Magazine  - El Financiero. - Meczyki.Net

(Note that "no" is not an option here). 

If people leave, then they're choosing for themselves what world they want to live in, and it'll be suitable for them. Sometimes, detachment means letting go, and if they want to, let's give them our best wishes. We'll compare notes at the restaurant at the end of the universe and they can tell us all about how it went.

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