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Second Life VR ( oculus rift and other )

Yowa Islay

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Greetings. I would like to highlight this post of mine to the Secondlife TEAM. Secondlife is a platform that is still alive and very used by users who also spend several Euros or Dollars on it. I am a builder, and I build dioramas and scenarios using only prims. For this I live essentially in the Sandbox and especially in those managed by Linden itself which offer a minimum of 22,000 prims for land. This premise to go into what wants to be in effect a real direct request to LindenLab. For a few years now, technology has given us the opportunity to live our experiences in VR through viewers such as Oculus and others. Also a few years ago you at linden developed a VIEWER that supported VR for these secondlife viewers. I actually created a small empire of ancient Egypt at the time with visitable pyramids and temples, as well as a fully detailed and visitable city in VR. The resulting effect was extraordinary. You entered the city in first and third person directly as if you were actually inside your own creation. Shortly thereafter, you of Linden, have deactivated this VIEWER, effectively eliminating the possibility of entering VR in secondlife.
You created SANSAR in VR thinking maybe this would replace Secondlife throughout, but you were wrong.

Personally speaking, having tried SANSAR, it can't even remotely compete with Secondlife. They are two completely different products and I find SANSAR more suitable for teenagers than for people looking for the ability to create both credible environments and ultra realistic avatars in such a product.

In fact, I'm here to ask you to restore the ability to use the viewers for VR and then to enable a new VIRTUAL REALITY VIEWER for Secondlife. Being able to create environments according to one's own imagination and then being able to "virtually" enter them by walking and marveling at being immersed and surrounded by what has been created, is nothing short of fantastic and would put a MISSILE under the legs of secondlife, making it splash at the top of the ranking of this game / experience category.

Do not forget about secondlife, because believe me it was your first product and it is and still remains the BEST. Add the VR and it will be the top of the top.

I await your news. =)



Salve. Mi piacerebbe portare in evidenza questo mio post al TEAM di Secondlife. Secondlife è una piattaforma ancora viva e molto ultilizzata dagli utenti i quali per essa vi spendono anche diversi Euro o Dollari.  Io sono una builder, e costruisco diorami e scenari utilizzando solo prim. Per questo vivo essenzialmente in Sandbox e in special modo in quelle gestite da Linden stessa che offrono per terreno minimo 22.000 prim. Questo premessa per addentrarmi in quella che vuole essere a tutti gli effetti una vera e propria richiesta diretta alla LindenLab. Da ormai qualche anno, la tecnologia ci ha regalato la possibilità di vivere le nostre esperienze in VR tramite i visori come Oculus ed altri. Sempre qualche anno fa voi della linden, avevate sviluppato un VIEWER che supportava la VR per questi visori in secondlife. Io creai in effetti un piccolo impero dell'antico Egitto all'epoca con piramidi visitabili e templi, oltre che una città completamente dettagliata e visitabile in VR. L'effetto che risultava era straordinario. SI entrava in prima e terza persona direttamente nella città così come se si fosse realmentre dentro la propria creazione.  Da li a poco voi della Linden, avete disattivato tale VIEWER eliminando di fatto la possibilità di entrare in VR in secondlife.
Avete creato SANSAR in VR pensando forse che questo avrebbe sostituiro in tutto Secondlife, ma vi siete sbagliati.

Personalemnte parlando avendo provato SANSAR, non può nemmeno lontanamente competere con Secondlife. Sono due prodotti completamente diversi e trovo SANSAR più adatto agli adolescenti che alle persone che cercano in un simile prodotto la possibilitò di creare sia ambienti credibili, che avatar ultra realistici.

Di fatto sono qui a chiedervi di ripristinare la possibilità di utilizzare i visori per la VR e quindi di abilitare un nuovo VIEWER alla REALTA' VIRTUALE per Secondlife. Poter creare ambienti secondo la propria fantasia e poi poterci entrare "virtualmente" dentro camminando e stupendosi di trovarsi immersi e circondati da ciò che si è creato, è a dir poco fantastico e meterebbe un MISSILE sotto le gambe di secondlife, facendolo schizzare ai massimi vertici della classifica di questa categoria di giochi /esperienza.

Non dimenticatevi di secondlife, perché credetemi è stato il vostro primo prodotto ed è e resta ancora il MIGLIORE. Aggiungeteci la VR e sarà il top dei top.

Aspetto vostre notizie. =)










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LL had a vr viewer testing for a bit,  basically to make this work, it would need to stay above 90 fps at all times which is impossible in SL, so it did make people sick, and then they moved on from the project,  the HMD market, while it was hyped lots, is still not very big or worthy to make work with SL,  I know there is a 3rd party that has a viewer or an addon for a viewer that makes it work, but I've not tested it.

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CTRL Studio Viewer, was the only one after the LL that had developed a viewer for secondlife in VR. It worked pretty well. But lately after trying it again I find that it is no longer working properly. But I think the LL should spend a little more time on Secondlife trying to improve the latter to make it compatible with VR. Again, in my humble opinion SANSAR does not stand up to comparison.


CTRL Studio Viewer, era l'unico dopo la LL che aveva sviluppato un viewer per secondlife in VR. Funzionava abbastanza bene. Ma ultimamente dopo averlo riprovato trovo che non stia funzionando più a dovere. Però ritengo che la LL dovrebbe spendere un po' più tempo per Secondlife cercando di migliorare quest'ultimo per renderlo compatibile con la VR. Ripeto, a mio modesto avviso SANSAR non regge il confronto.



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36 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

* looks at Rowan's link.

*looks at his Oculus Rift CV1 toggled up unused in the corner.

*looks at the PC.

*looks at Rowan's  link.


" Nah .. " :|


There's a reason we don't hear too much about this or anyone using it.   VR is for games, on game engines, with optimized content which will never ever be SL.

BTW @Yowa Islay

5 hours ago, Yowa Islay said:

I would like to highlight this post of mine to the Secondlife TEAM

We aren't the TEAM.  Just regular people like you.  They seldom bother reading posts unless they're tagged specifically or a post is reported for some reason.

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

There's a reason we don't hear too much about this or anyone using it.   VR is for games, on game engines, with optimized content which will never ever be SL.

Yeah and that whole Facebook-thing with obligatory account which Facebook will abuse againt Oculus-users. And the fact I don't think hardware has evolved enough yet to make VR hourslasting entertainment. I used it primarily for racinggames not sold via the Oculus Store. Widescreen does fine for now for that too. 

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On 10/16/2021 at 7:57 AM, Yowa Islay said:

In fact, I'm here to ask you to restore the ability to use the viewers for VR and then to enable a new VIRTUAL REALITY VIEWER for Secondlife.

I've met people in SL who are interested in experiencing VR in SL. They were more the immersive types as opposed to those playing dress-up, building, or engaging in games.  The environment can appear unusually beautiful in SL using a headset as one feels such a strong sense of presence, as if you're actually in the nature setting -- graphics really pop out.

I suggest forming a group named something like "VR In SL" and finding/attracting members who are interested in it.  I doubt LL would make improved VR access a priority unless there are large enough numbers wanting it.

It could be fun having VR-optimized regions available to visit, built in less-laggy ways to enable higher FPS.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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I think LL could make a workable VR viewer if they had the willpower to do so. The overhead 3rd-person view, which everyone uses in SL, is relatively slow-moving compared to 1st-person view. FPS (frames per second) could be controlled by setting graphics low by default. If you consider that a VR ready computer already has a good graphics card then SL can deliver a good experience.

The Firestorm VR viewer has pretty much one big problem which is the menu interface. It's clearly not designed for VR. If LL can just recreate the Firestorm VR viewer with a better interface and a default low graphics setting then SL could become a serious VR contender.

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9 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

I think LL could make a workable VR viewer if they had the willpower to do so. The overhead 3rd-person view, which everyone uses in SL, is relatively slow-moving compared to 1st-person view. FPS (frames per second) could be controlled by setting graphics low by default. If you consider that a VR ready computer already has a good graphics card then SL can deliver a good experience.

The Firestorm VR viewer has pretty much one big problem which is the menu interface. It's clearly not designed for VR. If LL can just recreate the Firestorm VR viewer with a better interface and a default low graphics setting then SL could become a serious VR contender.

Agreed. Honestly I’d appreciate being able to use VR just on my land where I get 60+ frames  constantly. If it makes us motion sick, that’s on us not LL. They should add it as a disclaimer and warning. Done. Who cares if we get motion sick. Obviously I’m not planning to enter an RP sim with 20+ ppl and 10fps in VR 😂

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23 minutes ago, SolsticeCarlet said:

Agreed. Honestly I’d appreciate being able to use VR just on my land where I get 60+ frames  constantly. If it makes us motion sick, that’s on us not LL. They should add it as a disclaimer and warning. Done. Who cares if we get motion sick. Obviously I’m not planning to enter an RP sim with 20+ ppl and 10fps in VR 😂

Disagreed. I strongly doubt LL will concur a surgeon's warning will be added in using SL. 

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10 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

Disagreed. I strongly doubt LL will concur a surgeon's warning will be added in using SL. 

Like a surgeons warning for potential seasickness when I took the Calais ferry some years back! Not a pleasant trip and it wasn't like I could just turn it off like one could for the Firestorm VR experience. :)

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3 hours ago, SolsticeCarlet said:

Agreed. Honestly I’d appreciate being able to use VR just on my land where I get 60+ frames  constantly. If it makes us motion sick, that’s on us not LL. They should add it as a disclaimer and warning. Done. Who cares if we get motion sick. Obviously I’m not planning to enter an RP sim with 20+ ppl and 10fps in VR 😂

Yeah, it would just be for choice locations. You might try getting the Firestorm adaptation going that Rowan mentioned above.

I don't see motion sickness being too much of a problem in SL, as we aren't moving much just viewing the scenery... compared to the often fast pace of VR games (moving a lot is what can cause motion sickness).

Maybe LL could just post best practices for those attempting VR in their wiki, like in the following article, although I see it as being less and less a problem as VR headsets move to 6 degrees of freedom:


Edited by Luna Bliss
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22 hours ago, TDD123 said:

Yeah and that whole Facebook-thing with obligatory account which Facebook will abuse againt Oculus-users. And the fact I don't think hardware has evolved enough yet to make VR hourslasting entertainment. I used it primarily for racinggames not sold via the Oculus Store. Widescreen does fine for now for that too. 

Freakbook is the reason I wouldn't touch Oculus with a 20 metre pole!

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