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Stupid Conversations

Tex Monday

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4 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Oh yes we do! At least if you appear in public with an avatar that looks vaguely female.

A male friend of mine with a jolly nice female avatar alt sent me a message one time saying he was just dancing and a random fellow passed him 250L$ just "for looking nice" !!! Bizarre-o-world :D 

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One from a few days ago, I was walking around a seasonal Halloween sim.

Don’t ask why I even engaged in a conversation after the first sentence.. maybe he’s right, I’m stupid 😅


Moron Du Jour (MDJ): mmm how about you sit here and do what I say 

Me: why would I sit when I’m enjoying exploring this place

MDJ: cuz yous like to be control

Me: really, do I? What makes you think that I do in fact like to be controlled?

MDJ: u face, ur skinny

Me: I see, so you can tell if a person is submissive by just looking at their face or their body type? Are there any other cues or characteristics typical of submissive people?

MDJ: uh what no ur a girl

Me: ok so it’s not just my phenotype then? It’s my gender?

MDJ: F*** u your stupid

MDJ: u must be guy

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Them : Hi

Them: How are you?

Me: Pretty good! You?

Them : ......

Them : .......

Me : Um .. can I help you with something ?

Them : <redacted aggressive response>


I must be doing it wrong?

Am I supposed to respond to how I am with some variant of "ready for you big boy" ?

I don't get it.


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1 hour ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

One from a few days ago, I was walking around a seasonal Halloween sim.

Don’t ask why I even engaged in a conversation after the first sentence.. maybe he’s right, I’m stupid 😅


Moron Du Jour (MDJ): mmm how about you sit here and do what I say 

Me: why would I sit when I’m enjoying exploring this place

MDJ: cuz yous like to be control

Me: really, do I? What makes you think that I do in fact like to be controlled?

MDJ: u face, ur skinny

Me: I see, so you can tell if a person is submissive by just looking at their face or their body type? Are there any other cues or characteristics typical of submissive people?

MDJ: uh what no ur a girl

Me: ok so it’s not just my phenotype then? It’s my gender?

MDJ: F*** u your stupid

MDJ: u must be guy


   And no... this is Guy (with no last name)... 😋



   And @Coffee Pancake, it's not you that needs help, so your doing fine. 👍

55 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I resolve from now on to respond to random newbie requests for pixel sex with the following:

"Do you know that if you create an alt, you can go f**k yourself?"

   And you so gotta do it too; Such a great response lol...


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I've was hit on so much at a beach used to go that I came up with a response.

Rude Dude: U want have sex

Me:  you can't afford me


I've had a few avs do this me, which p***** me off to no end


Rude Dude 2:  Hi beautiful, you want to sex with me

Me: no

RD2: Why?

That's when I get mad and begin to use words not printable here.

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   Ok, I really must be from the dark ages because it boggles my mind that anyone... anyone... would come up to someone they don't know in SL (or any other game really) and just ask for sex. Like wtf?!?! I know we are all born with the reptilian side in our brains, but that don't mean we should pull it out and shake it in front of anyone so all can see. That's just... rude to put it mildly. Male or female, we all deserve respect, and even if SL tends to bring out the "Spider-Man Syndrome" in people at times, that doesn't excuse rude, insulting, or brazen acts like that. I mean come on... it's just common sense right? Sadly I guess it's not. Woe to the stupid, because Karma is a... well, you know...


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32 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

   Ok, I really must be from the dark ages because it boggles my mind that anyone... anyone... would come up to someone they don't know in SL (or any other game really) and just ask for sex. Like wtf?!?! I know we are all born with the reptilian side in our brains, but that don't mean we should pull it out and shake it in front of anyone so all can see. That's just... rude to put it mildly. Male or female, we all deserve respect, and even if SL tends to bring out the "Spider-Man Syndrome" in people at times, that doesn't excuse rude, insulting, or brazen acts like that. I mean come on... it's just common sense right? Sadly I guess it's not. Woe to the stupid, because Karma is a... well, you know...


The problem being that that approach has been successful for them in the past.  By the law of averages, if they use that line with every 'female' they encounter, they will eventually get another yes.  It's usually the one and only reason they log in.  IMHO

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20 minutes ago, BjorJlen said:

   Ok, I really must be from the dark ages because it boggles my mind that anyone... anyone... would come up to someone they don't know in SL (or any other game really) and just ask for sex. Like wtf?!?! I know we are all born with the reptilian side in our brains, but that don't mean we should pull it out and shake it in front of anyone so all can see. That's just... rude to put it mildly. Male or female, we all deserve respect, and even if SL tends to bring out the "Spider-Man Syndrome" in people at times, that doesn't excuse rude, insulting, or brazen acts like that. I mean come on... it's just common sense right? Sadly I guess it's not. Woe to the stupid, because Karma is a... well, you know...


To be fair Second Life really does insinuate that is what SL is all about, at least for people that have just joined or recently discovered SL  Sure, the destination guide shows beautiful sims to explore and all that but the reality is when you go to a dance club and see a girl on a leash with the words about her head "I'm owned" and all the BDSM and AFK sex places who really can blame someone?  Then you open up the marketplace and see 8500 items just searching on the work *di$k* I'm surprised that I don't get more conversations like this than I have.  SL has normalized things that should not be normal and rude and insensitive behavior is one of them.

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   That be a shame...
   And @Leahndra, I'm sorry but I am gonna have to say a hard no on that lol. If anyone did such things to me, I would either log off right off the spot, or pull out my watermelon gun (that I had years ago) and shoot them. And while I respect everyone's desire to create alts galore, especially different gender ones, I just can't (or should I say won't) do that. To me it would be like I am lying to others, and I can't in good conscious do that. I am who I am, and in any game I play, that is who I am. Me, myself, and I ya know? But that doesn't mean anyone else should do that or feel bad in any way for wanting to spread their creative wings in that fashion, and fly. Freedom; that's what life and even SL is al about. Just don't disrespect anyone else while doing it is all. So to all who are respectful and creative in a positive and unique way, I tip my hat to you.
   But to others who do the opposite just for kicks, or because they feel "powerful" enough to put down others, be careful because a watermelon may one day be heading your way lol...


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The Grid Idiot: *messages my girl: mmm sexy.*

Her: *forwards convo to me and blocks him*

Me: Can I help you?

The Grid Idiot: who r u?

Me: The guy in her partner box. Can I help you with anything?

The Grid Idiot: what box? i derender mens means shes alone and free



Edited by Chris Nova
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3 hours ago, BjorJlen said:

it boggles my mind that anyone... anyone... would come up to someone they don't know in SL (or any other game really) and just ask for sex. Like wtf?!?

I was told about a guy who actually did this in RL on a major university campus, where he was a student. He got turned down almost all the time, but sometimes the random girl he asked said yes.

Edited by Ayeleeon
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2 hours ago, BjorJlen said:

   That be a shame...
   And @Leahndra, I'm sorry but I am gonna have to say a hard no on that lol. If anyone did such things to me, I would either log off right off the spot, or pull out my watermelon gun (that I had years ago) and shoot them. And while I respect everyone's desire to create alts galore, especially different gender ones, I just can't (or should I say won't) do that. To me it would be like I am lying to others, and I can't in good conscious do that. I am who I am, and in any game I play, that is who I am. Me, myself, and I ya know? But that doesn't mean anyone else should do that or feel bad in any way for wanting to spread their creative wings in that fashion, and fly. Freedom; that's what life and even SL is al about. Just don't disrespect anyone else while doing it is all. So to all who are respectful and creative in a positive and unique way, I tip my hat to you.
   But to others who do the opposite just for kicks, or because they feel "powerful" enough to put down others, be careful because a watermelon may one day be heading your way lol...


I wish you luck. 80% of SL does not have this same reasoning. Once I realized that I have had a much happier SL life.

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12 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Most of the time, I'd do the same, just ignore it since I can tell where it's going to end up.  Some days, though, I'm in a mood so I'll go ahead and engage if for nothing more than entertainment and a few HAHAHAs.

I remember one time a few years ago where a guy just kept asking me things right out of the gate..

Him:What country are you from

I told him

Him: What part of the states are you..

I told him.

What part of the south..

Then I got irritated and asked him, Why are you wanting to come over or something?


Sometimes It just gets old..

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8 hours ago, BjorJlen said:

   Ok, I really must be from the dark ages because it boggles my mind that anyone... anyone... would come up to someone they don't know ...

SL was always like that at least from what i i remember since 2009 even before mesh bodies, Adult regions and all those sh*t.

There are plenty of people who will simply log in , play their game that way and then log out.

(it's not just on SL but also on Facebook and even in real life,, these guys don't like to waste time with chatting etc so they go straight to the point. It does work btw.)

Edited by Nick0678
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23 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Oh yes we do! At least if you appear in public with an avatar that looks vaguely female.

My profile picture has myself with a female in it, I have gotten a few of these random IMs as well. I asume they see me in a group chat, then check the profile picture to see what gender I am, since the name is a bit gender neutral, then sees her, and shoots off the IM without considering the fact he might be talking to the guy in the picture, I recently modified the picture as seen below, hopefully that puts a stop to it.

Though to be honest, it is kinda fun to string him along a while with vauge comments before asking him is he is gay, and if not why did he IM another dude.



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