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Beef Enchiladas Recipe


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I've never seen beef enchilada filling, except inside pre-prepared enchiladas. The fun is in the concocting. I never do them the same way twice. My last batch were filled with onion, red bell and chipotle peppers, black beans, and a few M&Ms. The batch before that was filled with corn, cauliflower and olives. One of these days I'll work in some Sour Patch Kids (when I run out of lime juice).

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Is this a real recipe that they sell in SL that you use in RL?

I'm confused.. hehehe

My recipes contain M&Ms and Sour Patch Kids. Of course they're real, Ceka!*


*I sometimes use black jelly beans to thicken/sweeten spaghetti sauce. They contain sugar and anise, both helpful to tame tart tomatoes.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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Added the picture for those that are curious :)


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8 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

How about cooking with spiders? I do that, too.

Spider stew is a standing joke in my brother's house. Our father used to make it - unintentionally no doubt - for he had a "stock pot" always on the top of his stove, into which each day he would add a few more vegetables, some water, chunks of whatever meat he had, and when a huge spider that was living in his kitchen for a few days suddenly went missing, we reckoned that had also made it's way into the pan. Hence spider stew. 


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I think many of us have heard of chocolate being used in spicy/savory recipes. When I have time to pamper a pot of chili, I'll add dark chocolate and/or cocoa powder to raise the umami. I worked out the black jelly bean trick on my own, after observing my BFF (she's Iranian) add grape jelly to a traditional Iranian stew, to add both sweetness (sugar) and body (pectin). On a lark, I dropped a few black jelly beans on a pizza and found they worked very well. I have a massive sweet tooth and get pleasure from freaking people out, so I'm known for putting candy on everything, particularly pizza.

I dislike spaghetti sauces that run under the pasta to flood the plate with pink liquid. When I don't have time to cook down or strain fresh garden tomatoes to remove excess water, I might add mashed potato flakes or potato starch as a thickener. If the tomatoes are too tart, I'll soften the sour with brown sugar or... black jelly beans (they were Mom's favorite, so I always had some around for her).

I also use Guinness Stout in my cooking. If my chili is too thick, I'll add a bit of Guinness and drink the remainder. I'll never know if the Guinness actually improves the chili, or simply makes me believe it does. I don't care. I also use Guinness in stir-fry, reasoning that it's really just soy-sauce without the sodium.

As for spiders, when I was young Dad did most of the cooking. If he found a spider noodling around in the range hood while cooking, he'd sweep it down into the pot or pan with a flourish and make some silly remark like "there's the finishing touch!". It wasn't until I started having friends over for dinner that I realized the joy I could obtain from the introduction of spiders to my spice repertoire, particularly if I have an audience. As Dad pointed out, the FDA allowance for insects in packaged foods is far higher than one spider per meal.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/15/2021 at 8:17 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

I dislike spaghetti sauces that run under the pasta to flood the plate with pink liquid.

Agreed! There is nothing worst!!! People should Never eat those!

Well, I was looking for a place to post as about seeking bloggers for to adv my SL rental business..
but, this was way more interesting (a bit didnt like the squizing a spider part - there are always already DEAD ones everywhere! :P but I am with you! )
And I couldnt escape reading/giving my 2cent with this post.

So, if you allow me sharing my thoughts/recipe, here I go:
I live all alone, way too high, up on the mountains!
That means , I have to bake bread or else, no bread at the table etc etc..

My stomach is big enough ( brags)  and can hold a bowl of pasta (250gr) plus a 120 gr dark cooking chocolate at bed while watching YT for to sleep*
*cant sleep when PC turns off 😮
Alter Ego 16:57 : Shhh... speak only for the recipe
ok..ok.. so,
when I am lazy to cook ( because thats it.. there are NO excuses like i dont have time )
and want to have a fast plate of simple pasta served with fine Italian Cheese like all people want to do...

Then on pure virgin olive oil, I saute a big red onion, 2 red sweet peppers and then I finish it with 2 or 3 really mature grinded tomatoes. ( its summer isnt it ?)
Now I am adding the spices:
Lots of sweet paprika, more lots of tandoori masala, a pinch of hot paprika, the smallest pinch ever of turmeric ( I want it to keep effecting me - so keeping the dose small ;) )

salt, pepper and thats it!
Now I am adding the pasta! ( I use the one that is rice shaped )
Yes! You noticed correct:  No water!  ( yet) We already have a pot full of  liquid came from melted onions, peppers and tomatoes, there where the pasta ( 250gr) was added..
Fire goes slow and I keep steering with a wooden spatula for a while
and then I add a little bit of boiling water, so the pasta will not stuck but keep getting cooked and not actually boiled yet.
Keep steering and;
The last 5 minutes, I am adding as much boiling water it needs ( like 2 cups ) and let it boil without forgeting to steer from time to time.
Like rice - or more than rice - it will absorve any liquid and
The result is..
I eat MORE pasta than I should do! :P

Here is a picture I found on the DARK web from people who do the same like me hehe
Pasta from Ismir

So yeah.. that was my 2 cents.
Thank you for bringing me here!
I wish for all the perople to understand and enjoy the art of cooking!
P.S. Long Live SL! :D

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