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The Women Are Marching Today!

Luna Bliss

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2 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Goddamn hippocrits.


You'r the product of failing parents and social environment.
Blaming people that are against abortion now( from "no but"to simple "no" )... is irrelevant. It was your family, not others.

And the life of your mother you describe, is quite the same as a huge part of the people.

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40 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:
2 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Goddamn hippocrits.


You'r the product of failing parents and social environment.
Blaming people that are against abortion now( from "no but"to simple "no" )... is irrelevant. It was your family, not others.

And the life of your mother you describe, is quite the same as a huge part of the people.

There are major hypocrites against abortion, indeed. You may not be one personally, but they are very prevalent.
She describes the anti-abortion activists protesting outside abortion clinics who condemn women entering them seeking abortions until THEY or someone close needs one. That absolutely happens. The hypocrisy is real.
Same as those in governmental positions who have voiced their displeasure for homosexuality and gay marriage -- we catch them later in men's bathrooms with their pants down, enjoying the access the hole cut in the bathroom stall provides.
Major, major hypocrisy with so many of those trying to control other people's choices for political or societal approval as they do the very same behavior they rail against.

To your other point, society plays a major part in affecting how we feel about abortion. Maybe not you or any one individual, but it is the societal pressure that caused her grandmother to discourage her mother from aborting, proclaiming "what will people think!!". Societal pressure is a major factor in influencing people's opinions and behavior.

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2 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I'm the result of an unwanted pregnancy. My mother would have vastly prefered to have an abortion, but my narcissistic gram-gram was pretty much against that because WHAT WOULD PEOPLE THINK!!11

I was born into relative poverty, into a very unhappy partnership, to an alcoholic mother who did not love me.
Today, I have a multitude of mental health issues that do, to big parts, stem from that. It's costing taxpayers MUUUUUCH more money than a simple abortion would have, btw. To this day, if someone would present me with a button that would erase my existance in an instant, I'd goddamn slap that button faster than you could say "hi".
To this day, my mother is deeply unhappy with her life that she views as wasted. I say life, but she's not really living. She's just existing at this point. That's a very hollow shell of a person I'm talking about. Wanna know what my mother does? She gets up, goes to work, gets home, drinks and watches TV/naps, goes to bed. Every day. Every goddamn day.

Actions have consequences, but rarely do the "ooh every life is sacreeeeet!11" people think of the ones who are actually bearing the consequences for their goddamn virtue signaling. If women want an abortion, let them have it.
And don't even get me started about "just put it up for adoption then" - that often ends up a very traumatizing journey for kids, because.. guess what, fosterparents and childrens homes can be abusive, and you'd be surprised how often that is the case.
And again - taxpayers money. And the result of that traumatizing journey? Yeah, mental health issues that ALSO cost the taxpayer money.

So no, denying abortion isn't saving taxpayers money, it's wasting it AND creating miserable existances.
And the best part? The people who demonstrate against abortion in front of Abortion Clinics... what do you think happens if one of them get an unwanted pregnancy, or their daughters? Yeah, according to quite a few clinics, they go and get an abortion. Because "This is different" - they think their situation is oh so different than all the other womens, when in reality, it's the goddamn same.
Goddamn hippocrits.

Thanks for expressing this.

I wish there was something I could do to help.

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3 hours ago, roseelvira said:


Are you saying that these things that can happen even if you aid someone getting the abortion during the ALLOWED TIME to get the abortion? 

 IS There still an allowed time to get the procedure and what is that exact time frame of or has that been changed. Trying to get clarity.

As far as I know there is/has been no penalty for aiding a woman within that first 6 weeks. However, it's kind of a moot point as hardly anyone knows they're pregnant at only 6 weeks when the window closes. So really, it's a ban on abortion, and only used because it appears they couldn't create this screwy law any other way.

There is a temporary block on the noxious Texas law now, via Judge Pitman's decision, so technically you can now get an abortion again past the 6 week period in Texas. However, you can be sued retroactively if the temporary hold or block is disallowed.  Pretty confusing huh?

I found this interesting, explaining answers to some of your questions, starting at the 12 minute mark:


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3 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Actions have consequences, but rarely do the "ooh every life is sacreeeeet!11" people think of the ones who are actually bearing the consequences for their goddamn virtue signaling. If women want an abortion, let them have it.

In addition to the hypocrites and those following tribal politics or religion I think in many cases they just don't know...they have no empathy because they never bothered to investigate what happens to people when forced birth is law.

Horrific things happen to poor people, and to those who are born into unwanted homes.

It's as if all they can see is this fully formed happy baby arriving at a lovely house with a white-picket fence, lovingly adored by two well-adjusted parents.

I've seen the reality though -- babies lying on a cold wooden floor, uncared for.   Hungry kids not knowing where their next meal will come from. And much, much more.

You described it best though.  I might be too sad to even try.

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54 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

. However, it's kind of a moot point as hardly anyone knows they're pregnant at only 6 weeks when the window closes.

If you miss your period and have been sexually active that is a pretty good clue that you are pregnant plus the nausea aversion to certain food and smells  etc . Also, the pregnancy testing at home kits are much more accurate than in prior years.

"And hardly anyone "...Many of my friend, coworkers, relatives my sibs and myself knew after the first missed period. I would agree to a certain percentage may not realize they are with child but the "hardly anyone knows they 're pregnant comment ",,,,, hummmm.....

Some women have the symptoms other not till later it is dependent on each individual woman's body and even with other additional pregnancy's the symptoms and the time the symptom happen can be different.




Edited by roseelvira
spell /grammar check is on vacation again
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Not everyone can just go out and get a pregnancy test kit.  Not everyone can just pull together some cash to get an abortion in a week.  It is a bit entitled to think that people living in poverty can just go buy stuff or raid the petty cash fund.

Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant when she doesn't want to be should be sued and charged with an as yet unthought of crime. We should criminalize men getting women pregnant.  Every sperm is a potential life.  Men shouldn't be spilling that unless they AND their partners want to be parents.


No, I don't actually think we should do that, but it makes as much sense as suing people who assist.

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1 minute ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant when she doesn't want to be should be sued and charged with an as yet unthought of crime.

   Assuming the woman consented to the sexual encounter, she is as responsible as he is to ensure that proper precautions were observed.

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33 minutes ago, roseelvira said:

If you miss your period and have been sexually active that is a pretty good clue that you are pregnant plus the nausea aversion to certain food and smells  etc . Also, the pregnancy testing at home kits are much more accurate than in prior years.

"And hardly anyone "...Many of my friend, coworkers, relatives my sibs and myself knew after the first missed period. I would agree to a certain percentage may not realize they are with child but the "hardly anyone knows they 're pregnant comment ",,,,, hummmm.....

Some women have the symptoms other not till later it is dependent on each individual woman's body and even with other additional pregnancy's the symptoms and the time the symptom happen can be different.




Not everyone is regular in their cycles, either.  I never was before.going on the pill.  Some months it was so light I hardly noticed.  At least 30% of women are in this group, some missing an entire month due to many factors.  Stress, malnutrition, weight loss or gain.  Not everyone is on a strict 28 day cycle.

ETA.  I never had nausea or an aversion to.any foods or smells.  Nothing you'd consider tied to being pregnant.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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8 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Assuming the woman consented to the sexual encounter, she is as responsible as he is to ensure that proper precautions were observed.

You are, of course, correct.  I just wanted to balance the responsibility by pointing out the other extreme.  It takes two, but women hold all the responsibility and consequences for the outcome.

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16 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant when she doesn't want to be should be sued and charged with an as yet unthought of crime. We should criminalize men getting women pregnant.  Every sperm is a potential life.  Men shouldn't be spilling that unless they AND their partners want to be parents.

I agree with that. Sue him! Also women should have a tag that says "If i get sued for not having an abortion within the allowed time limit you are going down with me mothaf @#$!".

That will teach them to pull out or use condoms.

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12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Not everyone is on a strict 28 day cycle.

that is why i posted

"""Some women have the symptoms other not till later it is dependent on each individual woman's body and even with other additional pregnancy's the symptoms and the time the symptom happen can be different."""


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2 minutes ago, roseelvira said:


Cinnamon Mistwood  

Before i posted about the pregnancy testing i checked to see if free testing is available.

You can google free pregnancy testing

 lots of info and places listed to get free testing 

This below was the first thing that was on the list 

If you don't have health insurance or access to a doctor, you may be able to take a pregnancy test at a community health clinic or at your local Planned Parenthood health center.

you can look on line and there are places that offer free pregnancy testing / there are places to get testing for free



I don't live in a city.  I am rural.  There are no community health clinics near me.  There is no planned parenthood clinic either.  It is even a hardship without a car to get to a pharmacy.  If this was an issue for me, I would be screwed.

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1 hour ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I don't live in a city.  I am rural.  There are no community health clinics near me.  There is no planned parenthood clinic either.  It is even a hardship without a car to get to a pharmacy.  If this was an issue for me, I would be screwed.

This is the part I don't understand. People who are pro-life are generally also against providing social services to people who do choose to have a baby in less than ideal or in some instances horrible circumstances. 

My mother had an abortion. His name was John. Yes, he was a he and he even had a name. We siblings probably would have called him Johnny. Our mother likely would have called him Jonathan whenever he was in trouble. He would be in his late 20s right now. Maybe he would be serving in the military like his older brothers and his mother did.

My mother was single and poor raising the four of us alone after a messy divorce. At one point we were on welfare and living in the projects. My mother got on her feet and back to work and started taking classes. She started to date someone and got pregnant and things didn't quite work out the way she probably was expecting or hoping it to. On one hand she had the four of us and a situation that could get us off of welfare and out of the projects. On the other hand she was pregnant and single and from her own experience knew how difficult it would be to have to drop everything she was doing to make our lives better. She made a choice that was hers to make. It wasn't a choice of malice it was a tough choice. Eventually we got out of that situation and were no longer poor and on welfare.

We are doing okay now. My sister is in the process of buying a house outside of the DC area. One of my brothers just sold his 2nd house in the past year and bought a third while about two years from retiring from the Army. My other brother retires a couple more years after. Meanwhile my mother is still parenting after all these years at 65 years old helping my brother raise his three boys while his wife is out of state since she couldn't move with him to where he is stationed due to her having kids of her own from a previous marriage. Myself, I am plugging along in a city that's pretty hard right now to plug along in. I could probably move and be better off but I love the city.

Do I wish I had another brother to pick on? Yes. Does my mother wish she could have raised another child? Of course. She prays for him nearly every night. Do I have resentment or anything toward my mother? No, it was her choice her burden. Do I think she made the right choice? That's not for me or anyone else to judge.


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5 hours ago, Chris Nova said:

Your ancestors were cannibals?


nobody wants to talk it about much anymore, not since the old gods got replaced by the one god who came with the people from overseas. Lots of the one god missionaries amongst the newcomers. Each with their own true path. Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Mormon, Lutheran, Brethren and others

as a people we got right into the one god. Is understandable how that happens. Newcomers turn up in ships with steel and cloth, and the benefits that come from these materials and the technologies that enable and are enabled. The newcomers say these are the gifts of the one god.  Local person looks at a iron pot and a steel blade, leather boots, etc and thinks I could like to have that.  The one god comes as part of the gift package

we (as a people) liked the gifts so much that some of us even made our churches to the glory of the one god. Like Ratana and Ringatu

my personal view is that generally people's relationship with deities is pretty much transactional. What can the deity do for me? How does this deity benefit me?  What are people doing, what benefits are they accruing which I am not, and should I change to their way to get some of what they have.  When another deity seems to provide better gifts then go with that one

which kind of comes back to my point. Where in all of this does the notion of the sanctity of life come in. I think it pretty much depends on who's life and is that life important to me personally, does it complete me, does it make me closer to god, when I believe in the sanctity of human life. And I think also that this comes from the personal relationship that we believe we have with the one god. That the one god cares for us personally

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5 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:


You'r the product of failing parents and social environment.
Blaming people that are against abortion now( from "no but"to simple "no" )... is irrelevant. It was your family, not others.

And the life of your mother you describe, is quite the same as a huge part of the people.

It's an example for what *can* happen if a women doesn't have a choice on abortion.
Personaly, I mainly blame my grandma for my very specific case.

However, I don't get it. What is YOUR solution then, if someone knows they'd be a crappy parent, and neither want nor love the child? How is forcing them to have it helping? Wait, lemme guess - you don't want to help, because it's their problem, right? Then why should you get to decide how they solve it for themselves?
(You means not you personally, but anti-abortion people.)
I'm very okay with people saying they do not ever wanting to abort themselfes, because they beliefe it's wrong - it's their decision after all, and I respect that. I do not respect if that decision gets made for others. And with bans on abortion, that is what is happening. Somebody is making a decision for someone else out of a disgusting sense of moral superiority. Hypocrits.

Also, I'm very sure it's not quite the same with my mother and other people. Most tend to be able to do something else, even if it's just rare occasions. They maybe go and buy themselves something nice Or do something nice for themselves. Or maybe meet up with a friend or colleque or anyone, really. Not saying there are no people like my mother, there sure are. But I don't think it's that many. I certainly hope it's not, because holy crap, that'd be terrible.


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23 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I certainly hope it's not, because holy crap, that'd be terrible.

There are even worse cases than that and plenty of them BUT that's the way it is..

The world has 8 billion people, almost 800 million (1 out of 10) live in EXTREME poverty (below 1.9USD per day) conditions.


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7 hours ago, roseelvira said:

If you miss your period and have been sexually active that is a pretty good clue that you are pregnant plus the nausea aversion to certain food and smells  etc . Also, the pregnancy testing at home kits are much more accurate than in prior years.

"And hardly anyone "...Many of my friend, coworkers, relatives my sibs and myself knew after the first missed period. I would agree to a certain percentage may not realize they are with child but the "hardly anyone knows they 're pregnant comment ",,,,, hummmm.....

Some women have the symptoms other not till later it is dependent on each individual woman's body and even with other additional pregnancy's the symptoms and the time the symptom happen can be different.




Not 6 weeks after your missed period. 6 weeks after your last period. That means you might be 10 days late, which is an entirely normal variation in cycle. It could be earlier than that. Not every person's cycle is 28 days, and there are lots of people with irregular menstrual cycles for reasons both hormonal and external. By the time you find out you are pregnant, it might be too late under this weird end run around bodily autonomy.


Also, consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.

Edited by Blaise Glendevon
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10 hours ago, Blaise Glendevon said:


Also, consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.

It's implied by the nature of the act. You yourself previously pointed out how the various contraceptives were not a failsafe. Sex is a high risk Gacha endeavour where one could wind up with a pregnancy, herpes, VD or aids. Or heavenly bliss!



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19 hours ago, roseelvira said:

"And hardly anyone "...Many of my friend, coworkers, relatives my sibs and myself knew after the first missed period. I would agree to a certain percentage may not realize they are with child but the "hardly anyone knows they 're pregnant comment ",,,,, hummmm.....

Here is a study about the trends in timing of pregnancy awareness among U.S. women, and the average awareness of pregnancy is 5.5 weeks. Half a week simply doesn't give enough time for anyone to make the decision for abortion and arrange the procedure. This is an average so of course their will be outliers (those who know they're pregnant earlier than 5.5 weeks and those who don't know they've pregnant until much later):

Among all pregnancies reported, gestational age at time of pregnancy awareness was 
5.5 weeks (standard error = 0.04) and the prevalence of late pregnancy awareness was 23 % 
(standard error = 1 %). Late pregnancy awareness decreased with maternal age, was more 
prevalent among non-Hispanic black and Hispanic women compared to non-Hispanic white 
women, and for unintended pregnancies versus those that were intended (p< 0.01). Mean time of 
pregnancy awareness did not change linearly over a 23-year time period after adjustment for 
maternal age at the time of conception (p < 0).


Another interesting article listing the reasons why a woman can be pregnant and not know it:

Not common, but worth mentioning just for the shock value -- there are quite a few cases of women delivering babies who had no idea they were pregnant!

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