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Textures Won't Stay Rezzed??? Viewer 2


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Hello again,

For at least a month or longer, my textures on clothing won't stay rezzed. 

Now, I have hit rebake, edit shape, hit rebake again, and so forth and then that sometimes finally works, but I'm wondering if this is a bug in the system or perhaps it's because someone who has been griefing on three sims where I live put some kind of virus in my little apartment house?

It takes like 15 to 20 minutes just to get textures to stay rezzed on my avatar's clothing.  Is anyone else experiencing this difficulty, or is this just the way it's going to be... 15 to 20 for a texture rezz on an avatar on v2 (because I don't remember if I had good texture rezz at the beginning or not because their were so many other problems to deal with and I was fixing up my apartment and not really paying attention to my avatar's clothes in the begining because I was decorating my home.

Wazz up with this?  Anyone have any clue, or is this just the way it is?



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Well, some have suggested that but I bought some things that say for viewer 2 and I don't know if they are compatible with other viewers or not?

I'm wondering if this is a virus someone put in my house, cuz that griefer was there and I saw the name, and when I contacted the landlord, he said that person was already banned because of trying to murder everyone.  Thankfully, I was not murdered or attempted murder, but others were, though this particular griefer was at my door and blinded my whole apartment with a bright light and I couldn't see anything on the monitor screen.

I'm wondering if I need to move, but then you still get griefers... and I don't really want to move.

But if someone thinks I have a virus most likely in my house where I dress, let me know, it's most likely that, and I'll have to decide if I need to move or not. 

Or if it does take 15 to 20 minutes to rezz on v2, let me know, cuz I'll just have to deal with it for now. 

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Hello Mayalily. 15-20 mins to rezz is so so long. Normally you don't need more than 2-3 mins to see everything arround. Sounds maybe a problem with your internet connection? If you use wireless, prefer direct cable connection. Also you can try to reset your router / modem or power down for 2-3 mins and try again.

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I have direct cable, no routers at this time, though someday I'd love SL on my TV, someday.

I think I might have a virus in my SL house, though I'm still not completely sure.  My landlord has a ticket in and just talked to him this Friday about this problem for the first time, so I guess I'll wait a few days and see if anything comes out of my landlord who currently has a ticket in at this time.

But, if it doesn't get fixed, we might have to move and he'll have to redo the whole sim over.  I have not tried changing clothes and checking texture rezz on other sims.  I'll do that to see if I can narrow it down to it possibly being a virus in my SL house. 

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I don't think anybody can, or has, put a virus in your house. What Jacki suggested is perfectly fine to do. It should give you no problems extra. Here is a list of viewers you can try: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory

Most likely, though, what LoveAngeL is suggesting is going to help as long as your internet connection is working properly. You could also disable HTTP textures in the viewer. Press Ctrl+Alt+Q to get access to the Develop menu. Then select http textures from that menu to remove the checkmark next to it.

Hope you get your textures to rez soon.

- Luc -

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Hi Luc,

Yes, I think it is in my SL house.  I just went to another sim and my avi's top and textures rezzed and stayed rezzed in about 4 minutes or so.

See what happened (short version) is someone put little white floating dots in my SL house awhile back, and I thought oh no problem, I can deal with that.  Then, the dots one day grew to blinding until all I could see on the monitor screen was a completely white screen, nothing else, and this murderer avi was at my door when those lights blinded me and was trying to get in my house.

Anyhow, I rezz on other sims, so I do think me and my landlord have a problem.  I had been dealing with a lot of other problems, so it takes time to deal with all these probs.  I'm only a couple months old. 

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The way you describe it makes me wonder what is happening is that something in the sim is putting a lot of strain on your graphics card. Probably a bunch of objects, a lot of (big) textures and/or a lot of bling. Your graphics card - depending on how big and strong it is - is going to work really hard to deal with everything it has to, and run out of memory. Is it different if you log in directly to your house? Do textures take a long time to rez then?

The landlord should be able to remove (delete or return) the white dots (or whatever they should be called now :)). Or you should be able to yourself depending on the rights you have been granted on the property. Ask your landlord about this. If there are prims in the area which are not supposed to be there, you or the landlord should be able to remove them.

- Luc -

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Yes, it was VERY DIFFICULT to log into my house.  I'd crash like 7 times before I could even get into my house to start.  However, after a couple of crash reports sent to SL, that got resolved.

However, the little blinging dots are still there and after I just did a rezz test on another sim (which worked), I also thought I'm going to go to my house and try to see if I can hit delete on the little white blinging dots, floating around my house.  I will give that a try next (there are about seven or so little dots that sort of float around like very, very little stars, so it didn't bother me too much until they blinded me completely that day about a week ago.)  The rezz thing bothered me, but I was dealing with so much other stuff and probs, and I just wanna have fun. 

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Enable auto return on your land and anything not yours will go away.

Clear out your cache and textures will work better. V2 has an issue when after some upgrades the textures its cached before don't seem to stay stable with the new version...

(V1 might have that issue too, but as its rather old now, hasn't seen an upgrade that would trigger this since 2009. Unless some of the TPVs do things that cause it as well. I don't know).


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Ok, the long story... lol


I already tried clearing cache about a month or so ago and got (some) items returned to me because I forgot to change tags when putting (some) furniture in my house.  So had to redo a few items; it was no big deal, but little blinking dots did not go away.

Now, I don't exactly have a cache that I see in my tools.  What I have is called "group cache" under advanced because some items are set to group where I rent, perhaps?

Do I have group cache because my landlord told me even though what it says under objects (prims) is not exactly correct.  In otherwords, it says I have 120 prims when I really have 137 and am allowed up to 150, but it still will only say maximum objects allowed on land is 120.  Could this be the problem... a group cache?  And/or do I have another place with just a cache? 

I'm keeping my prims low on purpose because I didn't want lag in my house.  I use my house only for dressing, unpacking boxes, currently trying to make a chim.. things like that.  I just want a very low price house to change especially because I'm afraid of crashing when I'm trying to change and then I'll end up naked and/or kicked off a sim.  So I'd like to keep my house and keep it el cheapo, but el cheapo sounds like it may have a lot of problems.  Could this be true because it creates a group cache?  Yes?  No?


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You have a different cache in your viewer. The one Pussycat talks about is not the group cache. The group cache has nothing to do with prim count either. (Not really sure what it does, but it is not counting prims :D) I have never cleared my group cache...

The cache you want to clear you find in me->Preferences->Setup (if you use viewer 2). Press the Recent button next to the Cache location field. Then relog.

The white dots sounds most likely to be particles. These are emitted from a prim which is most likely set to transparent. Press Ctrl+Alt+T (I think that is correct) to have all objects with transparency be outlined in red. You will see a lot of red outlines, also the white dots I think, and somewhere in there you will see the emitter. If you right the objects you can see what they are called by choosing to edit the object. The name will probably tell you which object is the emitter. That one you can delete by right clicking it and selecting Delete.

- Luc -

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Sorry to confuse you Luc, I had RL calling me and had to run out the door.

What I was trying to say I guess is that the group cache is your auto return.  It returns the items that are set to the group, that's why I got the furniture returned to me that I rezzed when NOT wearing the proper tag resident name for my house, but when cleared group cache, the dots didn't go away.   The way my landlord explained it is:  Even though it says you only get this many prims, some are set to group, so you really get more than what the land reads.  And clearing group cache clears items set to group, such as the items that my land did not recognize because I was not wearing my tag, so it didn't recognize those items as me, the resident.  (I wasn't really talking about prims, per se.) 

Anyhow, I have found my regular cache (yay) and logged off.  Now I have to see if I can get those little narly things myself, or I might just ask my landlord if he has another place I can move too while he tries to fix the probs 'cuz my landlord told me this particular griefer keeps getting new alts and even if banned, all that griefer has to do is go to a friend's or relatives house and start probs in our cute little el cheapo houses all over again.  Anyhow, I hope they find this person or they grow up one day. 

I don't mind moving if it comes down to that 'cuz I'd like to rezz without waiting so looooooooooooooong.


Edit to update:  Clearing cache under preferences did not work.  Control + alt + T made a lot of things red and that's seems to advanced for me and it also said I was asking for special permissions when I hit control + alt + T. 

Anyhow, I think it might be time for a move and let the landlord see if he can get those things out of there. 

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Yeah, I hope he can fix it, too.

What is weird about those particles is that when I pointed my mouse at them to try to delete they multiplied and now there are more and things won't rezz completely in my house now.  This is probably how that griefer does this... he/she points the mouse at the practicles and they grow, multiply and get bigger until someone's whole monitor screen turns white.  This is like a mystery novel or something... lolz.


Anyhow, I was wondering if SL could add a tool that allows people to block any and all items with particles?  Is that possible and/or a possible solution to help get rid of some griefer attacks?

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I can't log into my home... either because the virus grew, my spyware is running right now, or the landlord is in the house checking it out 'cuz I IM'd him just about a half an hour ago.

I will be back online this afternoon and I'll let you know what's going on and if the landlord could fix or not by possibly just turning particles off.  That's cool there is that feature.  It might help or maybe not.

Thanks for hanging in there with me through all this.  bb this afternoon.

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There is a command for turning off particles; I just checked. It's in the Advanced menu, under Rendering Types. It is of no use, actually, if only your landlord turns off particles. You have to do it too since it only works in the viewer. It also means you won't see other particles either, until you turn it on. The Advanced menu you turn on or off by pressing Ctrl+Alt+D. Hop you get this sorted out soon.

- Luc -

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  • 1 month later...

Is it just me or is this 2.7.x viewer not working right? Every time when I switch to SL viewer, most of the textures stay blurry and I have to move the camera really close to the objects in order to see them clearly, even on the latest 2.7.4 viewer that I just downloaded today! While on Phoenix viewer, everything works just fine.

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