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Jeff Bezos Space Tourist

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Did anyone else watch Jeff Bezos become a space tourist.  I was honestly quite amazed that anyone would want to pay that much for an experience that lasted 10 minutes.

The world is full of lunatics.  I think we need to accelerate climate change, and have some more pandemics.

And the stupid man had the temerity NOT to use a proper fossil-fuel!

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He should be glad I am not in charge of anything. He'd be in a prison or worse. Propably worse. I'm not a nice person, and I'm *****ing done with the super-rich doing their frivolous ***** on our backs while we work outselves to death in ever worse conditions. 

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No I didn't watch it.
I don't see much difference in however many bazillion nobodies thinking its ok to use jet engined planes
and raping the earth & atmosphere for mostly pitiful reasons and a couple of disgraceful loudmouths trying to
out loudmouth each other and everyone else.
So what extra classes of flight do we have now?
Bezos Bozo class?
Virgin Earth Raper class?

I can see NO reason why I would ever need to fly again thank goodness.
It's enough to make me 🤢🤮

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3 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

He should be glad I am not in charge of anything. He'd be in a prison or worse. Propably worse. I'm not a nice person, and I'm *****ing done with the super-rich doing their frivolous ***** on our backs while we work outselves to death in ever worse conditions. 

So are we just supposed to be poor for our whole lives with the threat of prison or worse from some raging power hungry lunatic if we make too much money? There goes my plans to build a spaceship someday. Thanks, Stalin. 

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I didn't watch it live, but I am impressed with the achievement. It's a proper private-enterprise rocket that doesn't waste tons of resources by letting booster stages tumble destructively back to the ground or water. Branson's enterprise is laudable but not really a rocket and with less potential for working in low-earth orbit.

To put this in context, I think this new rocket development is as epoc-making as the period back in the 1820s when private enterprise began constructing steam-engines to do the work of horses hauling coal around. The world is about to change again, quite rapidly.

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4 minutes ago, Chris Nova said:

So are we just supposed to be poor for our whole lives with the threat of prison or worse from some raging power hungry lunatic if we make too much money? There goes my plans to build a spaceship someday. Thanks, Stalin. 

No. I have no problem with people getting rich due to smart/hard/honest work.
The partner of my grandma is a millionaire. He got that money because he worked hard for it a lot all his life, and made good financial choices. 
What I see tho, is those people usually aren't super-rich. They usually just have a few millions at best.

The super-rich are usually people who get their money by either exploiting their workforce, their customers, or both. I'm against THAT. You may call me bitter, cynic, or just a raging *****,  but I lost faith that anyone over a certain threshhold of money has earned it by being honest and fair. 

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11 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

No. I have no problem with people getting rich due to smart/hard/honest work.
The partner of my grandma is a millionaire. He got that money because he worked hard for it a lot all his life, and made good financial choices. 
What I see tho, is those people usually aren't super-rich. They usually just have a few millions at best.

The super-rich are usually people who get their money by either exploiting their workforce, their customers, or both. I'm against THAT. You may call me bitter, cynic, or just a raging *****,  but I lost faith that anyone over a certain threshhold of money has earned it by being honest and fair. 

Haha, good! Your first comment was probably out of anger and frustration. I get that. Nobody likes a super rich snob. I have rich family too and they are all very nice, loving, caring people. And I understand losing faith the way you have too. I’m almost at that point. I know Bezos started Amazon from his house selling books online but he’s become infatuated with himself. Prideful. Money hungry. The super rich need to practice humility and humbleness. He thanked his workers but yet treats them like trash. He needs to work the floors with them. It’s why I like Elon Musk so much. 

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NASA shoots off a rocket and everyone gets all.giddy about progress for the human race. A private individual does that same thing and everyone is up in arms about extravagance and wasted resources. That right there is what is wrong with the world today.

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18 minutes ago, Chris Nova said:

Haha, good! Your first comment was probably out of anger and frustration. I get that. Nobody likes a super rich snob. I have rich family too and they are all very nice, loving, caring people. And I understand losing faith the way you have too. I’m almost at that point. I know Bezos started Amazon from his house selling books online but he’s become infatuated with himself. Prideful. Money hungry. The super rich need to practice humility and humbleness. He thanked his workers but yet treats them like trash. He needs to work the floors with them. It’s why I like Elon Musk so much. 

Very true! And yeah, a certain anger and frustration does colour my expression about stuff like that many times, heh. Also, even among the super rich, there are people who are not exploitative selfish assholes, of course - but they seem so few and far inbetween that it's kinda hard to keep them in the big picture at times. :/
Also, the evolution you mentioned happens a lot - I think it has something to do with money often being some sort of catalyst of isolation and greed - again, after a pretty high threshold. Preventing them from forming the relationships with the less fortunate, out of, dunno, maybe fear they have to share? There's propably a reason super-rich are mostly friends with super rich. 

Thanking his workers was lip-service to make him look better than he is. Same why many big corps go the old "Oh, we outsourced that part to a contractor, we didn't know they used childlabour!" - b*tch please, you KNEW the prices for those parts was this cheap because it's using exploitation. But that way, they get around the responsibility and get excused. 

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9 minutes ago, Ayeleeon said:

NASA shoots off a rocket and everyone gets all.giddy about progress for the human race. A private individual does that same thing and everyone is up in arms about extravagance and wasted resources. That right there is what is wrong with the world today.

Are you compairing the effort to actively explore space and gain understanding of it and the laws of physics - which benefits most of us, with a joyride for an individual that did nothing but causing some short-lived amusement?

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2 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Very true! And yeah, a certain anger and frustration does colour my expression about stuff like that many times, heh. Also, even among the super rich, there are people who are not exploitative selfish assholes, of course - but they seem so few and far inbetween that it's kinda hard to keep them in the big picture at times. :/
Also, the evolution you mentioned happens a lot - I think it has something to do with money often being some sort of catalyst of isolation and greed - again, after a pretty high threshold. Preventing them from forming the relationships with the less fortunate, out of, dunno, maybe fear they have to share? There's propably a reason super-rich are mostly friends with super rich. 

Thanking his workers was lip-service to make him look better than he is. Same why many big corps go the old "Oh, we outsourced that part to a contractor, we didn't know they used childlabour!" - b*tch please, you KNEW the prices for those parts was this cheap because it's using exploitation. But that way, they get around the responsibility and get excused. 

Money is the root of all evil. It’s that simple. It drives a human to want more and during that process of money growth they forget who they are and where they came from (if they came from nothing). It’s worse if you’re born into it since you grow up in that lifestyle and probably develop a sense of rich pride which branches out into other bad behaviors. This even happens in middle class areas. You don’t have to be filthy rich, just be richer than your neighbor.

I never want to be rich. I don’t need billions to be happy. It would be nice to build my dream house but that’s it haha. Besides, who needs 12 cars??? I just want my Supra 😂 


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2 minutes ago, Chris Nova said:

Money is the root of all evil. It’s that simple. It drives a human to want more and during that process of money growth they forget who they are and where they came from (if they came from nothing). It’s worse if you’re born into it since you grow up in that lifestyle and probably develop a sense of rich pride which branches out into other bad behaviors. This even happens in middle class areas. You don’t have to be filthy rich, just be richer than your neighbor.

I never want to be rich. I don’t need billions to be happy. It would be nice to build my dream house but that’s it haha. Besides, who needs 12 cars??? I just want my Supra 😂 


I agree with that!
I absolutely do not want to be rich, at all. I don't place much value in money, because I see what happens if others do. I just want a comfortable, content life, which I have. I can afford all my basic needs, which is a priviledge not everyone has, and I can afford some wants - sure, gotta safe some money to afford the bigger ones, but I'm okay with that. I don't need to get everything I want right that second. But the reason I do not want to be rich is - I'd be lonely. Or rather, I know I'd suddenly gain a loooot of new friends, who'd all be super buddy-buddy with me and then ask for favours. I'd propably discover I have more family than I already knew. And that'd make me distrustfull and cautious of every new person entering my life, because deep down, I would be unable to shake of the feeling that they're only there because they want something from me. And it'd not be my good humour.

Also, I think the best things in life, those that make you truly, deeply happy, cannot be brought with money. A loving partner in a stable relationship, honest friends, a loving family, and being content with who you are. 

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I think it's a good thing that these billionaires are advancing technology for space travel. In the past billionaires just spent money on super yachts. Taking space travel out of state control and placing it into private business is the next step to move us toward other planets in our solar system and eventually between stars. Stephen Hawking said humanity needs to leave Earth in order to survive. With all the climate change we've seen it's looking like what he said is true. Nasa stopped at manned visits to the moon. Elon Musk wants a manned colony on Mars. We have to push forward and unfortunately government controlled space travel is just too restricted by budgets, politicians and ourselves.

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9 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

Taking space travel out of state control and placing it into private business is the next step to move us toward other planets in our solar system and eventually between stars.

No, I beg to differ, along with the civilized world.


(from https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/introouterspacetreaty.html )

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1 hour ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Are you compairing the effort to actively explore space and gain understanding of it and the laws of physics - which benefits most of us, with a joyride for an individual that did nothing but causing some short-lived amusement?

I am comparing private capital with public spending. Whether this flight opens to door to a new industry or whether it was nothing but short term amusement, the effort created jobs and required scientific research. These things are beneficial to society. To me the fact that we can get these benefits without taxpayers footing the bill is a huge plus.

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There seems to be this general feeling that if rich people develop something, that it will be of no benefit to the common person. But consider railroad trains. Every day millions of people get to work on a commuter train. We all benefit from lower costs of the goods we buy because of the efficiency of rail freight shipping. In India the rail system is packed with people every day providing an essential service to the entire nation. Virtually everyone benefits from the existence of railroads, yet in the early days of railroading it was rich men who developed the industry, and used it to become even richer. They have all since died, but we today live better lives because of their work.

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14 minutes ago, Ayeleeon said:

To me the fact that we can get these benefits without taxpayers footing the bill is a huge plus.

Why are we footing the bill for the military-industrial complex's state-within-a-state predilections for the world, that is, when they don't directly embezzle the money to our spiritual and cultural enemies in great fraudulent acts of subterfuge and bait-and-switch.


The purpose of the "war on terror" was always to fund and promote terror in the world. It was and is a vast criminal enterprise and its perpetrators still go as-yet unindicted and unprosecuted by the International Criminal Court at the Hague. But let's fund then, and then give humanity's birthright of this solar system away to the robber-barons and call it "tax savings." But we'll keep funding genocide, hegemony, and apocalypse until the walls and ceiling fall in upon us. Yup, that's a brilliant plan you've got going there!

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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At the start of the pandemic, according to the news, billionaire Branson was seeking a government bail out for his airline, despite allegedly not paying any tax here for 14 years.

To amass a fortune, staff and/or customers are paying the price. It's a wealth club ego trip, as the planet decays under our feet. But nothing will change.

The industrial revolution certainly revolutionised lives, but was it for the better? Slum housing, long working weeks, child labour, and huge amounts of pollution. Look at the world now with so much consumption of resources, and huge wealth gaps, poverty, and social unrest. How is this better?

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8 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Why are we footing the bill for the military-industrial complex's state-within-a-state predilections for the world,

Indeed, we need to end to war on terror.

While we are at it the war on drugs is a big waste of money as well.

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I couldn't care less what he spends his money on.  Let's not forget..a tax write off but still...

Another cause that got outsize attention from billionaire philanthropists: Climate change. Jeff Bezos topped the list by donating $10 billion to launch the Bezos Earth Fund. Bezos, who last week announced he was stepping down as Amazon CEO to devote more time to philanthropy and other projects, also contributed $100 million to Feeding America, the organization that supplies more than 200 food banks.

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