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When is this stupid word filter going to be replaced by common sense?

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

We still have this bloody awful word filter plaguing these forums, when will it be replaced so people can use completely PG words again?

Yes, please feel free to email me and let me know.  Also, some words that seem stupid to be filtered, are words that mean something bad in another language.  Some common English words get caught that way. 

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Lexie Linden wrote:

Ciaran Laval wrote:

We still have this bloody awful word filter plaguing these forums, when will it be replaced so people can use completely PG words again?

Yes, please feel free to email me and let me know.  Also, some words that seem
to be filtered, are words that mean something bad in another language.  Some common English words get caught that way. 

I got something, foe the marketplace guys: TEAPOT. Had to call it Teakettle, cause of the -pot - part.

Forced it moderate, jeez, its for tea not drugs.




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Jaylin Wytchwood wrote:

I got something, foe the marketplace guys: TEAPOT. Had to call it Teakettle, cause of the -pot - part.

Forced it moderate, jeez, its for tea not drugs.


The maturity filter in the MP is definately worse, Wade was posting the other day about how Peacocks are adult content lol

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Jaylin Wytchwood wrote:

I got something, foe the marketplace guys: TEAPOT. Had to call it Teakettle, cause of the -pot - part.

Forced it moderate, jeez, its for tea not drugs.

  • Tea is a drug.
  • "Tea" was an old code word for marijuana (e.g., "Not for all the tea in Mexico").
  • In a pinch, any self-respecting doper could easily make a bong from a teapot.

Trying to list such an obviously subversive item on Marketplace... why, you should be ashamed of yourself!


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"Yes, please feel free to email me and let me know.  Also, some words that seem stupid to be filtered, are words that mean something bad in another language.  Some common English words get caught that way."


In my opinion, the existence of such a list is more embarrassing and offensive than any word it might contain.

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Deltango Vale wrote:


In my opinion, the existence of such a list is more embarrassing and offensive than any word it might contain.


I don`t object to censoring, when I see people on a ***Bleep*** rant where ***Bleep*** is every other word, I really don`t want to see what  they are really saying. Sometimes the mods get to them very quickly, but we all know that there are times the mods aren`t around and I think it would look terrible to have that sort of post hanging around in all its glory for any new visitors to see.

Of course once you start with a censor it is hard to control it when, like Lexie pointed out, with so many languages some innocent words get caught in the crossfire, but I do appreciate the efforts being made to try and keep it "logical" and not be bleeping silly things. It is wayyy better now than it was on day one.

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Sounds to me that when life gives you censored lemons you hop over to one of the "Shakespearean Insult Generator" sites and come up with streams of invective that are more poetic than profane. Sure, tossing out an f-bomb may seem daring and tough but it's pretty much banal and trite when compared with such classics as ""Kiss my codpiece thou belsubbering fen-sucked dewberry" or even the more audacious "Wipe thy ugly face thou dankish full-gorged flap-dragon."

Let's see how the filter handles those gems - you unmuzzled pottle-deep skainsmate!!

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