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18 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Last night I watched some old Bob Ross stuff.
Why not give it a go....


All I still need is a Afro style wig and a shiny white shirt.

The Afro is in the Library with the boom box guy. I'm sure there are some on MP too.

Correction: The best Afro is with the black female avatar. I only imagine one on boombox guy.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

PS. I'm sooooo glad Anubis hasn't hunted you down yet! Let me know if you need a hiding place: there's a space under the floorboards in the gallery I know about . . .

He can try, but I have built an indestructible castle!  I'm working on some catapults, just in the event that he shows up.  Thank you for the offer, in the event that he does breach my walls I will take you up on it 🙃 




It is only 53 Li,  😜 I even hired a guard, Anubis will never get me!


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9 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

He can try, but I have built an indestructible castle!  I'm working on some catapults, just in the event that he shows up.  Thank you for the offer, in the event that he does breach my walls I will take you up on it 🙃 




It is only 53 Li,  😜 I even hired a guard, Anubis will never get me!


Is it a bouncy castle?

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31 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Is it a bouncy castle?

Nope, completely created from reinforced sand.  Now I have a couple of catapults put in place :D  I wonder what other defenses  I should include, I would create a moat but I cant dig a trench around it.



A little village has sprouted, and they built the moat for me.  


Edited by Istelathis
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7 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But I have to say that nothing is nicer than seeing someone actually hang one of your pieces in a place where they are going to be seeing it. It feels like a kind of connection on a very different level.

You are so welcome, I know that feeling, in fact there is still today art hanging in people's homes from a previous incarnation, I am honored to be able to pay that forward to you,

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Pillaging parcels, this is much harder work than what it looks like.  




Steady as she goes, I wish the lion would give me a hand 😜  Bellisseria is a looooooooooooong ways away.

/me stares at lion

*Stop your yapping!! Don't make me turn this chest around! *

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I met up with @Scylla Rhiadra and we hung out by Anubis for a short time.  I wore a disguise so he couldn't recognize me, which worked for a short time.  I wish I had gotten some pictures from the bar, but the ones I took did not come out very well.



She was so kind to give me my favorite painting from her exhibit earlier.  I love it! I just hung it recently, and it makes my pixie home look so much nicer, thank you 🙏😊

While at the bar though, I think Anubis nabbed her!  I mentioned that I thought he knew it was me, and she vanished! 😨I am going to avenge her, I'll have to form a raiding party consisting of my toughest animesh companions and take him down.  For too long, he has denied me my long island iced tea, and now he has taken Scylla! His evil knows no bounds!

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Well, it all BEGAN nicely enough. You and I met at the bar, where YOU were greeted by Mr. Charm, who ignored me at first. But I was looking forward to a nice glass of wine! (I know enough not to ask for a Long Island Tea.)


But then it got . . . weird.

Mr. Charm slipped me a note, telling my my LIFE WAS IN DANGER! And attached to the note, was a hotel room key.


So naturally, both mystified AND terrified, I slipped out as quietly as I could, and went up to the room, and waited there. And as I waited, I heard this strange sound approaching from outside the room . . . like the snuffling of a dog! Or . . . or . . . A JACKAL!

So of course I jumped out of the window of the hotel, my fall broken (fortunately!) by a visiting party of newly-minted "Jamies," who seemed a little confused about the whole thing, and made my escape!

Next time, I come armed, and in disguise.

Or at least bring a purse-load of doggie treats.

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6 hours ago, Leora Greenwood said:

/me waits breathlessly for Chapter 2.....

Chapter 2 of Subatomic Blonde: Death Stalks the Casino

Following my close shave with Anubis, facilitated by the charming but clearly treacherous Mr. Treacherous Charming, I resolved to return to the Social Casino. Clearly something was going down at this place -- and not just residents' Linden balances. I had to go back, if only to ensure that Stella was safe.

But this time, I was going armed.

Quickly changing into something more serviceable (yet still stylish and just a little tight across my breasts), I hurriedly made my way back to the casino, and slipped in unseen, or so I thought, through the side door marked "Moles." Being careful not to disturb the untextured mesh pieces and chew toys scattered throughout the room, I found my way, via the service corridors, to the employees' entrance to the gaming rooms.

I scanned the tables and the bar. No sign of Stella, whom I hoped had found her own way to safety. And no Anubis. Behind the bar instead, a disgruntled looking woman in a large floppy hat, and with a dog tucked into a bag under her arm, served the scant customers. Served them -- Long Island Ice Tea!

Yeah, something was clearly afoot.

Looking down, I spotted something I hadn't noticed before. A tuft of black animal hair.

Anubis was molting!

This was what I'd been looking for. Being careful to remain quiet and unseen, I followed the trail of slightly grizzled flexi fur back to the main staircase of the casino, where I saw that it continued upwards, to the guest's rooms on the second floor. I enabled ALM and turned on shadows to assist in my concealment, and climbed the stairs.

On the floor above, the fur trail led down a corridor lined with guest rooms. Sidling along cautiously, I began to explore the twisting corridors.

Suddenly, I heard a sound. A snuffling! Pressing myself against a wall, I could hear the sound approaching closer. Grasping my rolled up newspaper tightly in my hand, I prepared to spring.


Anubis appeared with unexpected speed from the adjoining corridor. Leaping forward, I swung my newspaper roll down hard on the top of his snout. He grunted, then whined as he staggered backwards, but my respite was short lived. Grasping his staff in both hands, he hurled it at me; raising my hands to fend off the blow, my newspaper was knocked away, rolling far down the corridor. I looked back at Anubis, whose eyes were now glowing bright red.

"Only Premium Plus Residents are permitted on this floor!" he snarled, and sprang at me.

Thinking fast, I stepped back and reached down, grabbing his staff which lay against the wall behind me. Swinging it as hard as I could, I sent it hurling down the corridor.

"FETCH!" I yelled, pointing at the staff, now some 10 meters away.

Anubis looked startled for a moment, and then dropped to all fours, loping hard and fast towards the staff. Seizing the opportunity, I ran for the exit that led to the stairs, and taking them three steps at a time flew into the lobby of the casino and out the door. As I ran, I looked behind me, and saw Anubis silhouetted against the light pouring from the casino's main doors.

That had been close. Again.

I had to stop underestimating Anubis. It was time to get serious about weaponry.

It was time to visit Madpea.


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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I had to stop underestimating Anubis. It was time to get serious about weaponry.

I am to busy right now working on my tan to come help, but if you can lure him down to the beach I can take him out for you.

sunning on a sub


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2 hours ago, BillFletcher said:

but where did you move it? I came back to see it and it was gone

Ahh. Well it was SUPPOSED to go over on the furniture thread but someone had already posted.  Picture up now on my blog.  Link in footer :D.  FINCA cute little table with a waterfront village deco.     

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