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Oooh, the volcano!  


It is my duty, to lure noobies from social island to here and feed them to the volcano to appease the gods and ensure a good harvest this coming season.  


Just a little closer.


Just a slight push..  


(No noobs were hurt, this is an alt 😜 usually I use her to keep my boat rezzed when I leave my boat to explore, go swimming, or fishing.  I would not actually push someone in here especially a newbie, we need as many newbies as we can get) 

Edited by Istelathis
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8 hours ago, Istelathis said:

Oooh, the volcano!  


It is my duty, to lure noobies from social island to here and feed them to the volcano to appease the gods and ensure a good harvest this coming season.  


Just a little closer.


Just a slight push..  


(No noobs were hurt, this is an alt 😜 usually I use her to keep my boat rezzed when I leave my boat to explore, go swimming, or fishing.  I would not actually push someone in here especially a newbie, we need as many newbies as we can get) 

Lol, trust me. There are lots who come to SL SPECIFICALLY to to be sent to their doom!!!.  

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The kitchen/dining room of the Zaans house at Waterland.

Love the bouquets from China & Goodies. They remind me so much of old Dutch still lifes. I just saw some of them at the Rijksmuseum (alongside The Night Watch (being publicly restored) and Vermeer's paintings, I was there for the retrospective of his works). Anyway, I spoke to the creator of China & Goodies Marie de Polignac yesterday and she confirmed that she made the bouquets following the example of old Dutch still life, among others. Hooray for the creators of Second Life!


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So my friend @Mitch Charron has been building (with some assistance) a model of the Admiralty area in London, ca. 1914-18, and I finally had the time this evening to visit. It's really beautiful, and quite extensive -- and from what I can see, there is a great deal more to come (including a train station).

This shot doesn't do it justice; it's just a quick snap I took on my way out, and it only shows the entrance to the Admiralty building (and of course glamorous moi). I'll be back to take some proper photos later.

(There is a London bobby just out of frame to the left who was really quite rude to me!)



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after reading a blog from NWN, I've been playing around with my small mainland parcel, mostly flicking on and off light switches with EEP, and projectors 🙃



I've also changed around some wallpaper, made a few touch ups here and there, nothing significant.  I still need to align a lot of the textures as well as resize some, but I'm in no rush at the moment.


A regular sized (perhaps shorter than a typical avatar in SL) avatar for perspective.  I enjoy building smaller doll like houses in SL, I think I wrote more about that earlier in this thread or some other.  


I really need to take her back to the volcano, she is getting a little too comfy here.

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On 2/21/2023 at 3:10 PM, Hysteria Chastity said:

Damn you guys are very creative  

I tried really hard not to, but your name makes me think of one of my favorite songs, not the song just the feeling I suppose.

edit: as an aside, totally off topic, I always thought it was amazing how a huge rock band like they were at the time, the 80's, adapted to the tragedy of their drummer, he was the DRUMMER and he lost an arm. They didn't graciously let him leave his role, THEY KEPT HIM! I don't know, that has always spoken to me about how true friends and true musicians treat each other.

I like to believe they would rather fail (as a group) then leave their friend behind. 

I do not know what ever happened to them all, but I do know they taught me how you treat the people that helped get you where you are. The way you treat everyone, with respect.


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3 hours ago, Charolotte Caxton said:

I tried really hard not to, but your name makes me think of one of my favorite songs, not the song just the feeling I suppose.

edit: as an aside, totally off topic, I always thought it was amazing how a huge rock band like they were at the time, the 80's, adapted to the tragedy of their drummer, he was the DRUMMER and he lost an arm. They didn't graciously let him leave his role, THEY KEPT HIM! I don't know, that has always spoken to me about how true friends and true musicians treat each other.

I like to believe they would rather fail (as a group) then leave their friend behind. 

I do not know what ever happened to them all, but I do know they taught me how you treat the people that helped get you where you are. The way you treat everyone, with respect.


That is really a moving story of true friendship. Warms my heart.

Make me think of classical music especially written for a pianist who lost one arm. Mauric Ravel (the guy from the famous bolero), wrote Piano Concerto for the Left Hand for pianist Paul Wittgenstein who had lost his right arm in the First World War.

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I was unstoppable, so worked on one piece to change Dutch estate from winter to spring. My land was open all the time and I did have visitors, but I'm fine with them having a work-in-progress experience. But apart from some fine-tuning, Dutch estate is now spring-ready! [I planned to had it done begin March, but I am early finfished] Alas, fans of winter and snow, hooray lovers of spring!



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1 hour ago, archangel969 said:

That is really a moving story of true friendship. Warms my heart.

Make me think of classical music especially written for a pianist who lost one arm. Mauric Ravel (the guy from the famous bolero), wrote Piano Concerto for the Left Hand for pianist Paul Wittgenstein who had lost his right arm in the First World War.

I have never heard of that, thank you.

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45 minutes ago, archangel969 said:

I was unstoppable, so worked on one piece to change Dutch estate from winter to spring. My land was open all the time and I did have visitors, but I'm fine with them having a work-in-progress experience. But apart from some fine-tuning, Dutch estate is now spring-ready! [I planned to had it done begin March, but I am early finfished] Alas, fans of winter and snow, hooray lovers of spring!



 Your region is lovely, when I was doing work in progress I put up cute orange cones/signs etc, was cute.

Edited by Charolotte Caxton
edited out the silly nonsense.
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1 hour ago, archangel969 said:

I was unstoppable, so worked on one piece to change Dutch estate from winter to spring. My land was open all the time and I did have visitors, but I'm fine with them having a work-in-progress experience. But apart from some fine-tuning, Dutch estate is now spring-ready! [I planned to had it done begin March, but I am early finfished] Alas, fans of winter and snow, hooray lovers of spring!



 Your region is beautiful.

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1 hour ago, Charolotte Caxton said:

You know of Monet, right? And Renoir etc. Even the tulips is what, Van Gogh? You are a true artist.

Did I post this already? It's all I can think of when I see your windmill, and it is something I want to recreate in SL 🙂


Ow thank you! That feeling is exactly what I want to convey. It has to do with comforting things. I can go on SL and elsewhere to beat all kinds of dragons, but when I am at Dutch estate, I simply want to feel at home.

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17 minutes ago, archangel969 said:

Ow thank you! That feeling is exactly what I want to convey. It has to do with comforting things. I can go on SL and elsewhere to beat all kinds of dragons, but when I am at Dutch estate, I simply want to feel at home.

I named my place Safe Haven, even if it's the end of the world, at least they play nice music. (Crickets, Crows and Waves, oh and seagulls).

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1 minute ago, Charolotte Caxton said:

I named my place Safe Haven, even if it's the end of the world, at least they play nice music. (Crickets, Crows and Waves, oh and seagulls).

I think the feeling/longing to have such a place, whatever it is called, is universal.

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1 minute ago, archangel969 said:

I think the feeling/longing to have such a place, whatever it is called, is universal.

Perhaps it is why we all end up at the reflecting pools. Narnia reference again, but, yes. The pools were a place where you could go and go into other worlds, like we do here, with our photos, glimpses of the same world we share but from completely different perspectives. Which is what art and photography film and music is right? An elaborate attempt to express the ordinary in an extraordinary way, or simply put, trying to show the magic in the everything. At the pools though, the world was ending. As it relates to Second Life? I don't know, I think everything does eventually. 

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On 2/23/2023 at 3:59 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So my friend @Mitch Charron has been building (with some assistance) a model of the Admiralty area in London, ca. 1914-18, and I finally had the time this evening to visit. It's really beautiful, and quite extensive -- and from what I can see, there is a great deal more to come (including a train station).

This shot doesn't do it justice; it's just a quick snap I took on my way out, and it only shows the entrance to the Admiralty building (and of course glamorous moi). I'll be back to take some proper photos later.

(There is a London bobby just out of frame to the left who was really quite rude to me!)



A Bobby? Rude to you? That is simply unacceptable.  Perhaps he should have some "training" in proper etiquette. On our Island...

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42 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

I went dancing with @Cinnamon Mistwoodagain last night. Caitlin came on, after not being on all day, and I TP'd her right to us. Cinn invited her to dance, but it wasn't working right, and Cat had to go back to RL, unfortunately. 

Sandor and Cinny Erotic Dance Look Bubbles flatter2.png

Oh, forgot to mention. We ended up in a nice long conversation afterwards, about Schrodinger's Cat, and the possibility of infinitely branching universes based on every possible outcome of the most minute event.  You had to be there...

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I'm out exploring the destinations today, I've been to all sorts of different places enjoying the scenery.  


This is where I rezzed in one such place, near a sand castle 😍


I then wandered around a haunted forest 😨 


From there I went to the farm, where I met the local librarian and had a nice chat.  This is a region rich with lore, and based on the dawn of the second age for Lord of The Rings.  Unfortunately, my knowledge does not extend very far here, and my RP reflected on that as I was a bit too nervous to RP in such an unfamiliar environment. My own form of RP is usually free flowing, set outside of any established lore. He was incredibly understanding and friendly, which was a relief for me.  So we mostly spoke of the regions and he showed me the library pictured above that he maintains.  It is from here that there are a lot of resources to familiarize yourself with for the time period, and it is extensive.  The Librarian has put a lot of work in it, and it shows.

For anyone with an interest in LOTR this would be an amazing place to visit, for any that just want to explore a lovely landscape it is such a spot spanning on several regions from what I have seen.

It can be found here:


There is also a website:



I have a ton to learn about the second age, and will likely visit that region again in the future.  They also have a gaming system, using Unity Maxim, so in addition to roleplay there are games.  This is one community that really appears to offer a bit of everything.

I took several pictures today, which will probably at some point hang on the walls of my homes.  I also considered creating a flikr account, as I enjoy sharing photos and looking at other people's pictures.  I don't like joining too many sites though, as it gets harder to maintain them all.  Anyway, I think I would fill flikr rather quickly and don't want to pay a monthly membership.  Instead I will take advantage of my feed on my profile.


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