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Shoes with Huds


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Not sure where to ask this, but I am having a lot of difficulity dealing with these shoes with huds.  I can't seem to get the skin color right and it's not really something I want to spend precious time away from RL  or my limited SL time trying to work these hud things for the shoes. 

I've also noticed a lot of women now just wearing sneakers or boots instead of hud shoes because they are probably having the same problems I am but are afraid to say so.


Anyhow, has anyone written a blog on how to work this time consuming pains in the neck?  lolz


HELP, or I'm sadly going to give up with shoes altogether!  (I have V2, advanced.)  Thanks for any assistance, 'cuz I'm getting ready to give up.  I don't have time to play around with shoe huds!  urgh

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Hello Mayalily. Every brand has its own hud and options. If it is your first pair of shoes with a hud, you need to spend some time to find the suitable colour which matches with your skin's colour. It's a combination, no something standard. You need to play and be sure that at first you read the instructions. It's impossible to adjust perfectly the colour. You can google for "second life shoes with huds" to find several blogs and discussions but i am not sure if you can get help by them.

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Have you tried contacting the merchant with your concerns? Some shoe huds are easier than others, and just about every one that I have seen has instructions on how to color match.

I don't know if V2 has this, but if you go to the advanced menu -> UI - > show color under cursor, you can get the RGB number for the skin that you have. I like to match it to the color that's on the back of my ankle. Then, if your hud allows you to manually input RGB numbers, do so and then tweak the color.

Some HUDS don't have manually input...rather they have you click along a color grid - I really don't like those and I find that the cheaper a shoe is, the more likely they will have this sort of thing.

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Mayalily wrote:

Not sure where to ask this, but I am having a lot of difficulity dealing with these shoes with huds.

I've also noticed a lot of women now just wearing sneakers or boots instead of hud shoes because they are probably having the same problems I am but are afraid to say so.

A -lot- of peple gave up on those things because of lag problems too. If they got a script in every prim, like many resizers do, they'll lag not just the wearer but the entire sim - sometimes to the point of a sim crash. They'll get in everyone's way preventing teleporting, moving, decent-FPS on animations, crash out other scripts, and so on.

For the gain, some people decided being the bane of SL was not a worthwhile price to pay.

Not being caucasian, they were never an option for me to begin with. Though I understand a year or two in some other skin tones started to appear, that's just too little too late and already after the troubles were more well known.


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Hi Monica,


First of all, I didn't see u said "if viewer 2 has this"... yes, viewer 2 has this UI BUT BUT BUT CLICKING ON THAT UI THING MAKES ALL YOUR WHOLE TOOL MENU DISAPPEAR... so anyone reading this with viewer 2, DO NOT CLICK ON THAT UI thing.  Very bad news.


Next, notecard says to change all these lighting settings and the sun and all this crap and there is no way I'm taking the time to do that for toenails.  How ridiculous!!!


Merchants, you may miss out if you don't get rid of these huds!  I'm going sneakers or bare foot like so many other people, or they just wear boots or flats.  Sorry, no more SL purchases for me until shoes become easy to use and more affordable. 


Oh well.  No more cute clothes for me because of this issue.  :(   I'm just gonna do the flats and sneaker thing, too.

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I understand how you feel now Mayalily but really no reason to feel disappointed. We have many categories of shoes, some of them really qualitative, some others no. There are shoes for 50 lindens, for 300 lindens, for 800 lindens, for 1200 lindens. I am sure now, some users here will read what i write and they will wonder. Are there users who spend so many lindens for just 1 pair of heels. The answer is definitely yes. Is it necessary to spend so much? Of course no. On the other side it is necessary next time, before you purchase shoes and generally everything to try a demo. This is my suggestion.

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I like SLink, for me those are the easiest to match to skin tone. Other brands take forever and still do not work or come out green, orange, coal black, anything but whatever they need to be.

That's the only advice I can give other than there used to be instructions on the What Not To Wear SL blog, but, even that, doesn't fully help if the HUD is stupid.

And yes I gave up on most sculpty feet most of the time. No one's really looking at my feet anyway and if they are not great I think why bother. Sometimes I will wear a SLInk shoe. Regular shoes I can put on and go are much more appealing though.

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Why don't merchants make a choice of shoes as either hud or hudless?  Do the merchants know how much money they are losing because of this shoe hud problem, major headache, hassle (major understatements) because I see a lot of female avi's in sneakers, and then if you wear sneakers all you need is jeans, shorts, tank tops, t shirts, and you're done.

Huds for shoes -- it's the worst idea ever invented, and I think women get ripped off worse because we're not like guys who just buy sneakers and a pair of dress shoes.

I'm not paying what it costs for a loaf of bread for a pair of internet dolly shoes... come on.. it's a recession... get real with the prices please or you're not gonna get lots of sales anyways.

Someone said check the 50L price range... I'll do that and see what I can find.

I also read in an old thread through google that these shoes have lots of scripts and cause lots of lag.  Lag is a drag.  So, merchants, please listen.  Make a few with huds for people who want them... 'cuz many don't as I mostly see boots, bare foot or sneakers.


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I have several pair with the RGB for various skins including mine. And they still don't match. Also, one HUD  will differ from the other, Heck the same creator but different shoes have different RGB values. Folks with different monitors and/or viewers will see the skin tone different.

But fiddle with them I will, spending the time is worth it in the end.

But to be honest I have all but stopped buying Hud shoes. There are some great looking heels out there if you look. If you want to drop me a IM in world I'll pass ya some LM's



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Well I can work them but it is time consuming and do not have any magic tricks to offer up.  I now use hud driven shoes only for photos and even then not often. And am not buying them anymore.  The fun has worn off and so not worth messing with for me.

 I am finding some nice heels with no hud at Gos and GField for couple of alternatives.  The stillettos at Lusty are also well made, very basic but do come in a ton of colors

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Shoes are overated both in SL and RL!

I don't care much for sculpted feet or painted nails... let alone the HUD. I say go barefeet, don't wear nothing. A woman who will swoon and fainted if they don't have a pair of shoes to match with their skirt is a woman who has never walked on a soft freshly trimmed lawn or walking about in the house with bare feet.

I might want to just create a new alt with the nick AGirlWithNoShoes and see if I'll get more attention from the men than amana just to prove that NO One really cares what shoes you are wearing.

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It's not  so much the HUDS that annoy me but also the fact the shoes are made "no mod."

I was recently gifted a pair of boots with resize scripts.  My first time dealing with them so I read the instructions.  First thing it tells me is to reset my foot size to "zero."  I'm sorry, but no way in hell that I am going to start changing my Avatar's dimensions so that I can wear your boots.  End of story.   Period.

I will keep wearing the old worn out pair of full perm boots that I re-textured to my liking till hell freezes over before I start changing my Avatar's shape so I can wear your boots.  Or any piece of clothes.   I'll move to Zindra and stay au natural my whole time in SL before I'll change my shape in order to wear your clothes.

And if you list your clothes as "Mod" when what you really mean is it is "no mod but with resize scripts"  I will report you for fraud.  Because "Mod" is a clearly defined term / permission in Second life.



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Hi Perrie,


Yeah I feel your pain there too about thinking it was mod but was only a resizer menu.  I thought, not cool, but got over that.  I thought it was not cool because I bought thinking I could edit to my avatar, not -1 or -2.  Didn't work well.

But this hud thing for shoes is for the birds.  I found some great 1linden clogs on SL Marketplace and they are cute, and then I have pumps too, forgot to add that.  But pumps don't look that good with everything.

Oh well, merchants are gonna lose in the long wrong 'cuz they spend too much time on photoshop instead of on the sims were the bots are either bare foot, or if female doing the boots, pumps, sneakers thing.

The 1 linden clogs I found come in black, red and navy.  Thanks to the person who offered those 'cuz they look cute with Summer dresses or shorts, etc. 

I hope this hud are just a phase of SL and will soon fade away.  What a royal pain. 


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Oh yes, thanks Jacki and others for the offer for LM's and other suggestions.  (I did appreciate it; was just running out of time) I will check out some sims and hopefully find a good price.  Tomorrow I will ask for LM's to check out some of the shoes without huds.  I just had to log off now and couldn't answer all right away...


I will check back with thread this weekend. 

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I appreciated the offer Jacki, but only want like one or two lm's because I'd like a chance to search on marketplace first for promos, etc. because a good price is a relative term and I'm not physic....I don't know how much you think is a good price for shoes compared to what I think is a good price, plus their are taste discrepancies between people and so on, and I shop on marketplace most of the time, rarely inworld because there is more info on marketplace.  Now furniture I feel I need to see rezzed most of the time, but clothes are neither rezzed inworld nor on marketplace.

And give me and others a chance to speak about this because we are the consumers, and you all have no idea what I've been through -- I was shoeless (barefoot avi) for almost my first month on SL.  Not to mention I have jewelry that fits at the collar bone instead of around the neck and looks ridiculous, and I have to contact those creators, and it's a hassle dealing with all of this stuff and learning it.  Not everyone is a computer geek.   Many, like me, I'm sure have limited SL time due to RL, but we want it to be fun and we are spending real money. 

I wanted to share the 1 linden clogs on marketplace with the other residents because it is because of these great values on marketplace that keep me here because the 1 linden items help even out and sort of make-up for the things I spent real money on that do not work, look right, fit, etc.  I guess marketplace sort of helps balance it out, yet still I would like my jewelry I spent real money on too to fit around the neck not at the collar bone area.  And the jewelry was supposed to be mod, but all I get is detach option... so not so sure what's going on there... I'm hoping it can be fixed eventually....


Let people speak, lm's and taste and prices are all relative, and I don't want to be running all over sims.   Don't be so assuming.  Some people like to shop at marketplace. 

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Hi Mayalily. You can take a look at PM Pixel Mode at the marketplace. Her Baby T's is nice pumps. I know that the creator hesitated to male false feet. She was more or less forced to make shoes with false feet and HUDs because it was all the rage. I am not sure if the HUDs will be easier, much about the false feet is because SL uses outdated avatar mesh that males the hands and feet particular ugly-

Another GREAT place for shoes is G Field. Their shoes are affordable and so well made. Their blog: http://gfield-info.blogspot.com/

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Omg Marianne,  I love, love, love that stuff.  It's totally adorable and very affordable.   I will be ordering from there most definately.  Very good prices and the styles and workman or workwomanship looks terrific and it's very much my taste.   A million thanks.  :) 

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I know u were just trying to help, Jacki.


But I thought u and love angel were being a bit assuming in this thread, like voila, problem solved.  So, it's just my opinion about this thread and love angel's attitude, especially, not your attitude.  I thought love angel was a bit rude, frankly.  Sorry, I just tell it like it is.  Some computer people think all computer people are like them, and they presume and assume way too much. 


I'm still buying the sneakers tho.  My hud shoes are going in the trash, sadly.


And, I had been working with shoeless feet for a month and didn't complain once.  I have been working with supposedly mod jewelry (which really is not) for three months and didn't complain once, and that cost a lot of money and it looks awful!!!  and is not mod, only detaches on v2. 


Anyhow, I hope certain advisers can learn a little more graciousness instead of being snide.   It would be appreciated. 

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