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How Long Have You Had Your Bellisseria Home and Why Do You Love It?

Teresa Firelight

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I want to start what I sincerely hope will be an upbeat thread. It is intended for people who have a home they love and have kept for a "long time" .. .whatever "long time" means in SL.

I will start it off with my story. I had a few premium alts for ages,  but I had never owned a Bellisseria home -- I used the premium alts to pay for a large second store location on Idunn. I decided to close that location at end of October, 2020. I got my first Bellisseria home (a log cabin) on November 2, 2020 -- but did not love it.  I played around with switching homes for about 3 weeks and landed a coastal Victorian on Lower Barrensmouth. It was the most beautiful I had seen at the time, even though it did not check a lot of people's "Dream location" boxes.. it did not have a sunset or sunrise angle, while it had an ocean view, it was very high up from the water, it was set a bit too far inland from the edge of the land, the flowers out front were not as "pretty" as most of the neighbors, etc....   But it was coastal and near a protected ocean and the neighborhood was beautiful, and a rez zone nearby. So I decided to hang on to it.

I have to confess that most of my neighbor's homes seemed "nicer". Even though my house was nice, I longed for a "nicer" home for some time. But it was my main's house and I was afraid that if I gave it up, I might get something "less nice" rather than "nicer." So I hung on to it.

I started updating my landscaping and my interior. A very gifted friend of mine gave me a "wallpaper" mesh and I spent a whole day choosing the right textures, etc. I redid one of the rooms to be an art room. I replaced the kitchen with a LAQ one that I had fallen in love with, found the perfect furniture for the entry, etc. I kept working on the outside landscaping until it felt just right (which took a few months). Over tine, and a lot of playing with it.. it became more and more "perfect" for me.

I have had this house for 7 months now and have come to really like it. I am not saying I would never give it up, but I dont see myself doing so in the immediate future.

What about you? Do you have a Bellisseria home you love? If so, please consider sharing your story here....

seacliff_showoff_003 (2).png

seacliff_showoff_002 (3).png

seacliff_showoff_001 (3).png

Edited by Teresa Firelight
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I had a nearly-perfect Trad for a few months last year - on sand, though it wasn't as close to the sea as I'd have liked. I let it go and in the meantime tried a stilt, a camper and a chalet, but 2 months ago I tried again for a Trad-by-the-Sea and this time I landed a perfect one.  I have houseboats as neighbours, it's close enough to the water that I can launch a boat from my back yard and I can almost see the Fairgrounds from there, if I turn my draw distance up a bit.


I totally love it, and if I end up loving the next theme as well, I will have to make another premium alt because there's no way I'm giving it up now.


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The home I had the longest was a coastal Victorian. It was perfect with sea at the back and a cute little victorian park at the front. It was on a sort of little island with a bridge connecting to other land. I had it for over a year and decided I didn't like that fact that a large part of the garden was sandy 🙄

I was rolling the dice on the land page a few weeks later when the Victorian category showed up and I clicked and got a lovely coastal Victorian with grass. Pure luck but I was pleased as I regretted letting my Vic go almost from the moment I hit the abandon button. This one is a keeper as is my camper.vic5_004.thumb.png.00a354b42941d90d181d0c3bc3157290.png

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I am still totally in love with the Stilts!  I have several alts in Stilts and I keep thinking, "Do I want to give one up to try for another theme again?"  But, nope!  Here is the home of my male alt on Bon Vivant; such a perfect location and sim name for a guy!  This was claimed on December 26, 2020.655576520_BonVivant6-15-21_001.thumb.jpg.b39111baf2c628cb8e2cdb55147d058f.jpg

Edited by Leora Greenwood
Added date claimed
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My First home in Bellisseria is my Houseboat.  I have had it since the day Bellisserria opened (4/15/19).  It was my first try and I was very lucky to get it.  I have other home with my Alts, but have held onto this houseboat and will continue to do so. 

Why I love it -- it's in an awesome location - at the end of a row of houseboats, it's a square lot, has amazing views and LOTS of water around it.


Edited by Sparkly Rainbow
Added reasons I love it :)
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I was rolling for fun during the day. I was rolling almost daily to see what I can land and I rolled this beautiful spot on an island. I landed this on Feb 23rd the day before my Birthday.  what a nice Birthday present to myself from whoever abandoned this beauty.  I love it is on a island, private and nothing is blocking my morning sunrise.  I love the willow trees , flowers and everything about this is just beautiful. Not giving this up anytime too soon!  This was not posted in the forums. 

Neville spot_003.jpg

Neville spot_001.jpg

Edited by Missbehavin Neva
Never post while working - fixed most of my typos etc.
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3 minutes ago, Sparkly Rainbow said:

My First home in Bellisseria is my Houseboat.  I have had it since the day Bellisserria opened (4/15/19).  It was my first try and I was very lucky to get it.  I have other home with my Alts, but have held onto this houseboat and will continue to do so. 


Adorable and a great location!  Love the solar panels too.  The Houseboats are also abiding favorites of mine and very close to my heart.

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Oh, the blue Doyle in the first post reminds me of the one I had in Thatch Lea last summer. That wouldn't have passed muster with anyone looking for the perfect location either, but it was facing the water and that was good enough for me. I'm not sorry I gave it up because I did want to try out the newer themes, but I've never felt as settled since.

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2 hours ago, Sparkle Bunny said:

Oh, the blue Doyle in the first post reminds me of the one I had in Thatch Lea last summer. That wouldn't have passed muster with anyone looking for the perfect location either, but it was facing the water and that was good enough for me. I'm not sorry I gave it up because I did want to try out the newer themes, but I've never felt as settled since.


Yea, funny how that works...  you can be in love with a place for a long time and then suddenly be "done" with it. I do hope you find one that "settles" perfectly for you :)


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I tend to move. A lot. But I have a couple of long term keepers.

This Victorian's location is near perfect. It's set out further than the neighboring houses, last house in the row and has water in the back and on the side where it sticks out further. The front fencing is to die for, a semi-circle of brick like a small fortress out front. 

Right now it's pretty empty; I took up a lot of things the other week and haven't had a chance to redecorate yet. But gosh, I love this location and pretty sure it's a forever house.

Luna Sea at Granby Court


Edited by Elora Lunasea
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I have an alt who is a bot but I got him a premium and had a couple of houseboats which I loved but felt closed in so I rolled and got this seaside Victorian in Crawford. I really love this one too and my partner by pure luck got the house opposite. (Not the greatest pic sorreh !) EDIT I have jelly brain, alt is log and myself is Vic !


Edited by Madonna666
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I've had my stilt since the day after they were released (December time) The first one i got not even a Patch visit couldn't make me like it enough to stick with it, so i rolled the next day and got one i really like. It's not my dream stilt but it's next to a rez zone and definitely a close second. I've had all the home styles bar the mock Tudor chalets some longer than others and feel most at home in a stilt


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You know sometimes you just roll a house that speaks to you. This is mine. I started out in Victorian Caledon way back in the day so still have that special feeling from that time. I had an earlier Victorian for almost a year but had one of those moments and decided to make a move. This is now my home sitting on a sandy point on the coast. I'm still changing up the decor and fussing with the garden even after almost six months. Thank you again to whoever abandoned this lovely place. 


Edited by Eleanor Anderton
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My alts and I (we) have lived in every different type of home in Bellisseria and they were all lovely. I think my favorite was a houseboat on the end of the row with a small adjoining beach and a view of a lighthouse. I loved sitting there and watching other residents sail by.  I think my alt had that place for over a year. Now only one of 'us' has a place - a nice Victorian backing on a park - but I know I will get restless and will probably move on soon and let someone else enjoy it.

Today I took the "hobo locomotive' for a long ride, and it was wonderful passing through different districts and seeing the landscaping. Bellisseria is huge, and I never got the feeling that I was seeing a repeat of a previous area. 

I hope we can all find our 'pefect home.'

Added below photo from 2019 - wish I had taken a better picture. 


Edited by Rufferta
added photo
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17 hours ago, Elyeah said:

I was rolling the dice on the land page a few weeks later when the Victorian category showed up and I clicked and got a lovely coastal Victorian with grass. Pure luck but I was pleased as I regretted letting my Vic go almost from the moment I hit the abandon button. This one is a keeper as is my camper.

I lived there for many months @Elyeah, one of the best homes I've ever had!!

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9,8424 Feet back garden on back (river), and last house on river before river mouth coast. 2 sides water, 2 sides road - not property line to property line, river in back visually becomes part of garden, nice neighbors, cream lot on first try.  A HOME is more than a piece of land with house on it full of furniture!
My SL HOME: ***174101 Evard Riverside, Old Bellisseria*** since MI Jul 24 10:27:23 2019.

Snapshot  Evard_003 j3072x2304.jpg

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Can't say I've kept many homes longer than a month or two but the two favourites are the first boat I caught in Seal Point release, (my first public abandon and also this was my first public abandon photo!), and the home I got just after that boat in Light of Aurelia release which I abandoned on a weekend in August 2019 I think it was and there were a lot of avatars on the parcel. I think it is still with the person who caught it. 



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I do not have a dream house now. I have an okay house. I think back and is embarrassed, how sure I was that I should never move from my first Traditional, that I got on the first day when Bellisseria opened. And my alt got a houseboat, so I was happy.

But things change. I started to see that my FPS dropped like a stone when I turned to the double row of houseboats behind my garden. And I saw that there was so many prettier houseboat spots, not in the middle of a line.

So my alt abandoned the boat and went clicking, and landed a great spot in Humansville. I think I lived there for the longest time in Bellisseria. It was 8 months, I think.

I started to take my premiums off and had to abandon their places. RL happens, have to look at what I'm spending. I remember my regret the minute after I clicked "abandon" in Humansville. I am not even sure if I like Trads so much anymore, but that location was really good.

I am not sure if it is my RL that turns sour or if it is Linden Homes that turns sour. But I think it started when I abandoned Humansville. The latest themes has not exited me, and I hope the new theme will.


Edited by Marianne Little
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