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A roleplay for me?


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I bet this has been heard a lot, perhaps from moaners and complainers and people who got ticked off and vented...


But I have a child avatar. An orphan. And I have nowhere to go to roleplay but daycares and a few general meeting spots.


I see a nice, cool looking RP, full of adventure and fun, but when I get there I realize there's sex invovled so a child avvie would of course not be involved...and this is when I'm searching for PG only places.


Is there any place out there that you know of where a child can be allowed to go on an adventure or tread into darker territory (no, not sex or drugs, I mean a place where there's danger and excitement)? If a gaurdian is required I suppose I could manage with my own gaurdian, but I would prefer a place where I wouldn't get banned just for doing something as simple as walking by myself or RPing with others.


I understand LL's worries over children avatars, but I quite honestly feel they are ridiculous because the law against imaginary child pornography does not stretch nearly as far as to say that you can never draw or play a virtual child that walks by themselves or gets into danger with bad guys or happens to have a magic wand or happens to like to roleplay adventures. T.T


Sorry if I sound like a griefer or an annoyance but I'm really looking hard for places to go and am a bit annoyed myself at all the mature dark/adventure sims and lack of PG dark/adventure sims that allow kids.

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