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38 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

Um firstly, I am a native English speaker. Where you got the idea I wasn't who knows.

Secondly, in your Russian example you are also incorrect, as that is exactly when ellipses are used in English. Trailing off of thought is counted as an omission in written speech and therefore perfectly acceptable in English as well. The OP however didn't do that either.

Because you said you were based in Austria. So if you are a native English speaker who has been transplanted to a non-English-speaking country, great. Even so, you have it wrong, precisely because correct speech isn't your goal, but harassment of someone you don't like. When that's your goal, it shows.

Trailing off thoughts is not an omission, it's a suggestion. Different. And it's not considered such good speech -- which is why it bothered you, as a speech policeman. But it's common usage on forums where people think as they write, and that's more than fine!

It's amazing that you can't see that the OP trailed off their thoughts. That's exactly what they did.

As for Russian, from their own perspective, they are doing something completely necessary in a culture where sometimes it is best to leave things unsaid as the consequences can be drastic. From the American perspective, and even European, it is overused, confusing, and overly dramatic. It's often used for emphasis and not omission. 

BTW, you didn't go back to the wonderful Roblox? Aren't they waiting for you there in that better world?


Edited by Prokofy Neva
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12 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


He managed to "remmy" the full word and spelling of it at the end of his post:


So, yeah, the previous shortened versions were simply him being lazy or thinking that that sort of talking was cool.


There is some text-speak that have become accepted in written communications, but that doesn't mean we need to intentionally shorten and butcher every long word out there.


Who is "we"?

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1 hour ago, Drayke Newall said:

Um firstly, I am a native English speaker. Where you got the idea I wasn't who knows.

Secondly, in your Russian example you are also incorrect, as that is exactly when ellipses are used in English. Trailing off of thought is counted as an omission in written speech and therefore perfectly acceptable in English as well. The OP however didn't do that either.


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Hiya Sid, and Sam1.

Kudos, Drayke.

In response to Sid's speculation on Page 1: yes, the Grammar Police are still on the job. I am a proud member of that elite force against the darkness, fighting for clarity of communication.

With courage, fortitude, and above all, consistency, we shall prevail and make the Internet a better place for all.

...hoists her thesaurus, dictionary, Complete English Grammar Rules, diplomas and certificates, and staggers off into the sunset, flying her banner proudly. It says, "Floccinaucinihilipilificatrix, First Class"

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Because you said you were based in Austria. So if you are a native English speaker who has been transplanted to a non-English-speaking country, great. Even so, you have it wrong, precisely because correct speech isn't your goal, but harassment of someone you don't like. When that's your goal, it shows.

Trust it to be an American that confuses Austria with AUSTRALIA. Why is it always an American that cant distinguish between the two countries.

3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

It's amazing that you can't see that the OP trailed off their thoughts. That's exactly what they did.

No they didn't trail off their thoughts. The op specifically left out words or replaced punctuation as they have done in every post they have made since their first post in 2014. For example:

"Does anyone remmeber a track about 10 years ago or more filmed in SL. It was called a Different World. The DJ was Mark." much easier to read (and write) than:

"Does anyone remmy a track ... about 10 years ago or more ... filmed in SL ... it was called a Different World .. the DJ was Mark .... "

Has nothing to do with trailing off their thoughts just inserting ellipses for no reason at all making it hard to read. Funny thing is, it would have taken less time to write it correctly than putting in the ellipses.

2 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:


Then why did you bother posting and liking posts if you dont care.

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My typing took a turn for the worst after my stroke, cognitive and physical therapy aside 🙂

If someone can put up with my (sometimes hysterically funny) letter transpositions, I’m prepared to be good with their own grammatical crochets 🙂

How embarrassing can my typos be? I once meant to send a message (shortly after making it back to “full duty status” )at work related to “powdered Duck meal” and managed to substitute an “I” for the “U” in “duck”.

Say that quietly to yourself…”powdered D*ck meal” and try not to cringe or laugh….

I managed that three times in one paragraph. I worry about my subconscious biases now…..

I am absolutely unqualified to be a spelling critic 😉


Edited by Amanda Crisp
Spelling - duh!
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6 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Um firstly, I am a native English speaker. Where you got the idea I wasn't who knows.

Secondly, in your Russian example you are also incorrect, as that is exactly when ellipses are used in English. Trailing off of thought is counted as an omission in written speech and therefore perfectly acceptable in English as well. The OP however didn't do that either.

... sigh ...

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4 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Hiya Sid, and Sam1.

Kudos, Drayke.

In response to Sid's speculation on Page 1: yes, the Grammar Police are still on the job. I am a proud member of that elite force against the darkness, fighting for clarity of communication.

With courage, fortitude, and above all, consistency, we shall prevail and make the Internet a better place for all.

...hoists her thesaurus, dictionary, Complete English Grammar Rules, diplomas and certificates, and staggers off into the sunset, flying her banner proudly. It says, "Floccinaucinihilipilificatrix, First Class"

You apparently have no clue how much more effort it takes to write in a language other than your native tongue.
Nobody is special because he/she knows the spelling and grammar of their own language.

People who take the time to communicate with you in a for them foreign language, should get respect for the effort, how crappy the result may be, and no shame and blame because of the not totally perfect translations.
In fact everybody should get that respect even native speakers. This is an international forum, not an English class.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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3 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Trust it to be an American that confuses Austria with AUSTRALIA. Why is it always an American that cant distinguish between the two countries.

No they didn't trail off their thoughts. The op specifically left out words or replaced punctuation as they have done in every post they have made since their first post in 2014. For example:

"Does anyone remmeber a track about 10 years ago or more filmed in SL. It was called a Different World. The DJ was Mark." much easier to read (and write) than:

"Does anyone remmy a track ... about 10 years ago or more ... filmed in SL ... it was called a Different World .. the DJ was Mark .... "

Has nothing to do with trailing off their thoughts just inserting ellipses for no reason at all making it hard to read. Funny thing is, it would have taken less time to write it correctly than putting in the ellipses.

Then why did you bother posting and liking posts if you dont care.

Yeah, I know the difference between Austria and Australia, big guy. I've been to the former lots of times, but not the latter, and will likely never go, for lots of reasons. I merely thought you were from the former, not the latter, not that it matters. 

I totally get the incessant venom you have toward Americans and your belief that they are ignorant about geography and that's often the case. But it doesn't apply to me, for all sorts of reasons that are easily discoverable. PS you didn't have the facts about the guy in Utah. In any event, given the high percentage of Americans in SL, I wonder if it's a place where you can ever be happy.

I'm still puzzled why it's necessary to hammer the OP on their posting and speech style, it's totally trivial.

And they are trailing off indeed, because indeed, they are trying to remember something. That's exactly what it is. Trailing off.

In any event, none of it matters but I noticed you didn't reply re: Roblox. Oh, well.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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18 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

three dots or ellipses as they are called formally, don't signify omissions or the end of a quote, but something else -- a trailing off of thought

The dots, as a trailing off of thought, is used in English, usually as part of reported speech though.

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39 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

In any event, none of it matters but I noticed you didn't reply re: Roblox. Oh, well.

Why would I reply to that when I dont even know what you mean by it. Your posts just get weirder and weirder. Additionally even in your latest post what the hell are you talking about regarding the guy from Utah. I have never even mentioned such a thing in this thread.

Edited by Drayke Newall
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2 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

You apparently have no clue how much more effort it takes to write in a language other than your native tongue.

The OP is not a non native speaker of English and has written perfectly fine posts outside of the SL forums. If he wants to RP some person that speaks like he wrote, there is a sub forum for that.

Edited by Drayke Newall
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1 hour ago, So Whimsy said:

There is a difference between a non-native english speaker and a person who doesn't even try.

It should be totally not done, to criticize someone in public about their grammar and spelling.
You only signal: "Look at me, I'm better then you, I'm such a miracle, I know the rules", by doing so.  
Well **** that.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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You might feel a bit uncomfortable or offended about my post above, but that is exactly what happens as well, when someone things he/she has to show off their spelling and grammar knowledge at expense of your own post.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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2 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

It should be totally not done, to criticize someone in public about their grammar and spelling.
You only signal: "Look at me, I'm better then you, I'm such a miracle, I know the rules", by doing so.  
Well **** that.

I won't call anyone out, but I do think they're a lazy bumhole in private.

I am not a native english speaker either, but I consider it polite to at least try and be legible.

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8 hours ago, Amanda Crisp said:

My typing took a turn for the worst after my stroke, cognitive and physical therapy aside 🙂

If someone can put up with my (sometimes hysterically funny) letter transpositions, I’m prepared to be good with their own grammatical crochets 🙂

How embarrassing can my typos be? I once meant to send a message (shortly after making it back to “full duty status” )at work related to “powdered Duck meal” and managed to substitute an “I” for the “U” in “duck”.

Say that quietly to yourself…”powdered D*ck meal” and try not to cringe or laugh….

I managed that three times in one paragraph. I worry about my subconscious biases now…..

I am absolutely unqualified to be a spelling critic 😉



My worst typo.

I thought I had typed in "can't spell" but somehow it posted as "c*n't spill" and I didn't notice it until after everyone else saw it.


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23 minutes ago, So Whimsy said:

I won't call anyone out, but I do think they're a lazy bumhole in private.

That's my position too. I learned a long time ago that pointing the finger at someone else's poor grammar (especially in public) doesn't do much more than embarrass her.  However, I see poor grammar as a sign of laziness and sloppy thinking.  I may not say anything, but I find that I am distracted from whatever the person was trying to say because my own mind is trying to get the clutter out of her words.  I don't expect young children, non-native speakers, or people who are older or more infirm than me to speak and write clearly --- my own control of grammar in another language is atrocious --- but I do expect most adults to take pride in what they have to say and not let sloppy grammar get in the way.

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