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Need help with where to list my items

Lita Christenson

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Okay, someone is gonna have to TELL me where to post my items. They keep taking them off, I keep guessing about a new place that will make the powers that be happy.  I asked a friend that builds the same kind of stuff and she said she puts all hers under "Avatar Accessories". But when reading the guidelines.. you asked us NOT to be so general?  So  i'm at a loss. Here's the things I'm confused on. YOU tell me where to put them.

Horse carts, wagons, carriages etc.  For HORSE AVATAR's.     

Stuff OTHER THAN,   but under the same type thing as the section you do have... of  "Saddle & Bridles"  (((Which, in lieu of the avatar as well as prim horse popularity.. that should be an all encompassing "Horse Tack" section)).   But since there's not.. ...

Where do I put the flowers and beads I make for them to link TO their halters, bridles, manes, etc.  As well as other accessories of this nature like flowers we sell to put in manes or alpha prims to link to their bodys? That sort of thing. 

Again, IF the powers over Market Place read this.. it would be SO much easier if you recognized the popularity and market of horse prims as well as Avatars to give us a centralized place to list.  Horse Accessories would do nicely. :)  Since so many of the horse Avatar things can be used for the prims as well (such as the Amaretto), and vise versa...  there really does need to be  a catorgory for that. You 'kind of' have one for dogs. 


Thank you for any help. Until I hear.. I will be doing as my friend does and list them GENERALLY under Avatar Accessorys since she has never had one of hers pulled off and yet sells the same type  stuff.  Which makes me think back to my first post here that I'm getting picked on or personally attacked since I see others listing as I do and thier stuff isn't being took off. :/  Thus, if I don't soon get it right (cause I'm reallly tired of having to redo and redo) I'll be making whoever it is that's a thorn in my side, watching my items like a hawk!!! Very happy.. by letting them win.. I'll leave Market Place all to them by removing my stuff.  Because this? Is getting ridiculous!!! 



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Why don`t you just submit a marketplace ticket asking what category they want them in?

They don`t want things in the right category just to annoy you, a lot of people use the search filters and if your stuff isn`t in the correct category then people looking in the right place are not going to find it, so you will lose sales.

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First of all those of us on this board have NO power. We are not the "YOU" referrenced in your post :D.

My suggestion would be to look up products as close to your items as you can find (bridles for instance) and see what category they are listed in. It seems like you have tried to do that though and with problems.


I do admit that the categories are very limited these days. I have put things in places that seem a bit off only because I haven't found any place better for them. I have never to my knowledge though had the items removed from listing. So perhaps it isn't so much where you are putting them but something else about your ad?

You might look through your add and make sure there isn't something that could be taken as "adult" when you are not posting in adult (I assume you are not) as that has been a problem in the past.


Good luck.


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