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Why Did It Take So Long to Accept the Facts About Covid?

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6 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

Indeed there are wise crackers and negative comments on his channel, but nothing substantive I can see. It is a contrast to her comments section, that is full of people praising her.

Do you not find the fact her Youtube video comments are all favourable something a trifle concerning? Dr Wilson posted his video in reply to her video... and yet where is it? where is her response? Why is she censoring the comments on her channel and not engaging in a debate there?

And honestly the second video you posted says nothing additional to the first one, except to point out she has been fact checked by some of the worlds leading experts... which is the article here:


As my video reports Dr Bailey denies the link between HIV and AIDS, something proven not both in the lab but in the real world by all the people living normal lives because of the treatments for HIV.

She is a dangerous crank.

The answer to the topic of the thread really needs to address why people have such an appetite for and give people like her so much attention

People like her because she deals with much more then just covid and started her channel before the pandemic. She is personable, does her research and networks with other professionals for the topics she discusses. Your guy OTOH seems to hunt around and cherry pick 6 month old videos to debunk and then get bent out of shape because she doesn't respond to him specifically. His channel is not about helping people but just being disagreeable with ulterior motives.

For that matter, I did not post the PCR video. That was you cherry picking what you thought was low hanging fruit and to try cancelling her and her research out. Try responding to the video I did post.  

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6 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I can offer an answer to that. It's because people's natures come in all levels. Some are totally sensible, and some have no intrinsic sense at all. Most have varying levels in between those two extremes.

On the low end of that, there are people who's natures can't really think for themselves very well but tend to believe anything that is contrary to standard knowledge. E.g. covid-19 was caused the by mobile phone system 5G, and covid-19 doesn't exist, but it's the government's way of trying to control us, and many many other contrary opinions. Plenty of people are at that low level, and it's those who support anyone who makes statements that are contrary to the standard knowledge.

Or maybe it is that people know that politicians lie, Big Pharma lies and that the bureaucrats behind them both are less than trustworthy and now are looking for the answers they are not getting from official channels. This is what happens when there is a lack of transparency and a history of being shafted by the ones who are supposed to be working in their best interests.

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9 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

we still haven't an answer on where exactly this came from, the wet market line is pretty much BS. And since it probably came from the Wuhan lab the remaining question would be was it accidental or on purpose. And if it was accidental did the Chinese government decide it could use it to their advantage?

Probably just an accident or would think that the country behind an intentional release would have been more prepared for the outcome. Just from what I am hearing it sounds like the NIH was funding the project and so now both China and the USA are trying to cover it up between them. China having that knowledge has something over the USA and is using that to become increasingly belligerent to further its own interests knowing the US can't afford to rock the boat too much.

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9 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

People tried get away from Wuhan because it was right thing to do.. But is it?

By that time people had already spread the virus. It was in Italy and France a week after it was announced officially in China, which means given the 14 day incubation period, people travelled before they even knew about it.

9 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

WHO claimed they have no reason to forbid flights.. Is it right to do?

The WHO should have known better and are responsible for the Pandemic at large. You say people should listen to 'experts', well those 'experts' are the WHO and yet they did nothing to advise governments or the populace to take precautions and specifically re-iterated that it wasn't as bad as people or governments were saying it is. They even chastised Australia and the USA for banning flights from China despite it being the right thing.

9 hours ago, RunawayBunny said:

Instead of individual acting some one hast to take account of bigger picture and give proper guidance based on science instead of giving advice by heart (aka WHO).

Yes and they did brilliantly didn't they. Lets see, they didn't declare it a pandemic early enough. They refused early on to even acknowledge that it was as serious as governments were saying. They specifically refused to acknowledge that in January that people had already died from the virus despite evidence saying otherwise. They specifically even up to march refused to acknowledge that asymptomatic people could pass the virus on despite people in Wuhan showing evidence of this happening.

You asked earlier about the confusion as to whether people should wear masks or not. Do you want to know where that confusion started? The WHO.

"There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly," Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said." 21 Mar 2020. They held this view until late last year.

Fun fact, Australia declared it will be a Pandemic a whole week earlier than WHO and were treating it as a Pandemic almost from day one. Australia declares coronavirus will become a pandemic as it extends China travel ban | Coronavirus | The Guardian

What was the WHO's response to Australia banning flights and declaring it a Pandemic " At this time our advise is it is a public heath emergency and not a Pandemic"

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18 minutes ago, Drayke Newall said:

Fun fact, Australia declared it will be a Pandemic a whole week earlier than WHO and were treating it as a Pandemic almost from day one

I didn't see a date on that article as I cannot see well...so what date was it?  I'd like to compare notes here as I will not forget the date I was told "they may shut the freeways down" for all of Los Angeles and the greater Los Angeles area.  I will never forget how scared I felt when I was told that.  The date was February 9th 2020 California's governor was thinking of closing all the freeways.  It's quite aways away from February 9th to March 19th when lockdown did finally happen and all that air travel kept going on from Feb. 9th thru March 19th.  I've often wondered why the freeway closures were cancelled among other things I had heard.  I guess I will never know that unless our governor speaks about it.  

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19 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I didn't see a date on that article as I cannot see well...so what date was it?  I'd like to compare notes here as I will not forget the date I was told "they may shut the freeways down" for all of Los Angeles and the greater Los Angeles area.  I will never forget how scared I felt when I was told that.  The date was February 9th 2020 California's governor was thinking of closing all the freeways.  It's quite aways away from February 9th to March 19th when lockdown did finally happen and all that air travel kept going on from Feb. 9th thru March 19th.  I've often wondered why the freeway closures were cancelled among other things I had heard.  I guess I will never know that unless our governor speaks about it.  

Who declared it a pandemic on 11 March 2020, Australia declared it will be a pandemic on 26/27 February 2020. Note though that whilst Australia didn't officially say "it is pandemic" they said it was "going to be a pandemic" and hence changed course to allow for that against WHO's advice.

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1 hour ago, Drayke Newall said:

Yes and they did brilliantly didn't they. Lets see, they didn't declare it a pandemic early enough. They refused early on to even acknowledge that it was as serious as governments were saying. They specifically refused to acknowledge that in January that people had already died from the virus despite evidence saying otherwise. They specifically even up to march refused to acknowledge that asymptomatic people could pass the virus on despite people in Wuhan showing evidence of this happening.

This is why they need reforms and more resources.

A organization have to keep track of bigger picture and give "proper" advice and public guidance.

Not everyone have time to do their own research some people does not even have tools do any research.

This is why we need WHO (or any other similar global health monitoring) organization.

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17 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I'm all for the first three, but the head of the WHO should be fired.  Believe it or not, Trump said so too.  This is a time I did agree with Trump.  I even said on this forum we should not send the WHO any money UNTIL this horrible and delayed response by the person in charge of the WHO is dealt with, and I had forgotten about this until now.  I received backlash for saying that well over a year ago by Luna.  lol  She was mad at me for saying that.  I still think the head of the WHO was irresponsible and he needs to be dealt with.  It's true and I'm angry at the guy with that kind of salary he receives and he wants payment from the USA.  I agreed with Trump about no payment at this time.  

It's above my paygrade to determine the competency of WHO, but I do know Trump has been unusually obsessed with China, and so I suspect ulterior motives in his assessments. He does, however, sing in Chinese quite well:


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After initial denials and cover-ups, China successfully contained the COVID-19 outbreak—but not before it had exported many cases to the rest of the world. Today, despite the falsehoods it initially passed on, which played a critical role in delaying global response, it’s trying to leverage its reputed success story into a stronger position on international health bodies.

Most critically, Beijing succeeded from the start in steering the World Health Organization (WHO), which both receives funding from China and is dependent on the regime of the Communist Party on many levels. Its international experts didn’t get access to the country until Director-General Tedros Adhanom visited President Xi Jinping at the end of January. Before then, WHO was uncritically repeating information from the Chinese authorities, ignoring warnings from Taiwanese doctors—unrepresented in WHO, which is a United Nations body—and reluctant to declare a “public health emergency of international concern,” denying after a meeting Jan. 22 that there was any need to do so.

Credits: Foreign Policy

36 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

As far as pandemic status, there is a criteria they follow which may be revised after covid.


Seems as if China had been more truthful and timely with information, WHO could have acted sooner.


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1 hour ago, Sassy Kenin said:

After initial denials and cover-ups, China successfully contained the COVID-19 outbreak—but not before it had exported many cases to the rest of the world. Today, despite the falsehoods it initially passed on, which played a critical role in delaying global response, it’s trying to leverage its reputed success story into a stronger position on international health bodies.

Most critically, Beijing succeeded from the start in steering the World Health Organization (WHO), which both receives funding from China and is dependent on the regime of the Communist Party on many levels. Its international experts didn’t get access to the country until Director-General Tedros Adhanom visited President Xi Jinping at the end of January. Before then, WHO was uncritically repeating information from the Chinese authorities, ignoring warnings from Taiwanese doctors—unrepresented in WHO, which is a United Nations body—and reluctant to declare a “public health emergency of international concern,” denying after a meeting Jan. 22 that there was any need to do so.

Credits: Foreign Policy


Which is why I stated their policy may be revised since the Covid pandemic.

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5 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's above my paygrade to determine the competency of WHO, but I do know Trump has been unusually obsessed with China, and so I suspect ulterior motives in his assessments. He does, however, sing in Chinese quite well:


Knock, knock, Luna.  We are discussing the two articles that just recently came out I think yesterday.  Phil and I got almost the same news yesterday.   Phil's is from the BBC, read and bit back in this thread and you will find it.   It's two different articles but basically the same facts re:  WHO's to blame.  I still say no payment.  Yeah sure, the WHO wants "immediate" payment.  Again, yeah sure.  I hope Biden is strong enough to stand up to this WHO guy.  The Director of the WHO needs to resign.  "Immediate" money, I don't think so.


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On 5/12/2021 at 8:33 AM, Jackson Redstar said:

we still haven't an answer on where exactly this came from, the wet market line is pretty much BS.

I'm not so sure that has been completely debunked.   Blood is very, very dangerous.  Poaching of exotic animals or game is a status symbol in parts of Asia for the wealthy and Asian's mostly only eat fresh meat from what I've heard.  Asian's usually pick out their meat alive.


How long have coronviruses existed for?

Coronaviruses are found in a diverse array of bat and bird species, which are believed to act as natural hosts. Molecular clock dating analyses of coronaviruses suggest that the most recent common ancestor of these viruses existed around 10,000 years ago.

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33 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

W.H.O.'s there?


Yep.  It's also surfacing in some articles that the Director of the Who is a little too cozy with China.  I think he coddled them at the expense of the rest of the world.  It was his watch and his call though.

But we had rumors of all freeways were going to be shut as early as Feb. 9th.  March 19th is when lockdown happened, over five weeks later.  What stalled?  It's sounds like the real truth was silenced by someone, plus there is an original SARS, this is the second one to my understanding.  So the WHO director should have known something.

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2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I'm not so sure that has been completely debunked.   Blood is very, very dangerous.  Poaching of exotic animals or game is a status symbol in parts of Asia for the wealthy and Asian's mostly only eat fresh meat from what I've heard.  Asian's usually pick out their meat alive.

I think you meant to say raw meat here. I hope we all enjoy fresh meat... But I am not sure the raw meat thing applies to Chinese. Since that's more of a Japanese thing and I think Thai (at least when it comes to seafood). Chinese cook their meat. There are some small religious sectors who eat some raw meat as a medical cure but that's not the entire Asian community either. 

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7 minutes ago, Finite said:

I think you meant to say raw meat here. I hope we all enjoy fresh meat... But I am not sure the raw meat thing applies to Chinese. Since that's more of a Japanese thing and I think Thai. Chinese cook their meat. There are some small religious sectors who eat some raw meat as a medical cure but that's not the entire Asian community either. 

No, lol.  You and your words, Finite.  No I meant fresh meat as in they pick it while the animal or even say a turtle swimming in the turtle bin is still alive, that's far fresher than a grocery store but wet markets are an extreme health hazard as blood an excrement can contaminate the other food in those wet markets.   I was responding to Jackson's wet market statement.  If you don't know what a wet market is, you can Goggle it.  And, I'm mostly vegetarian, so this is a tough subject for me and I don't really want to talk about it anymore.  

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8 minutes ago, Finite said:

I think you meant to say raw meat here. I hope we all enjoy fresh meat... But I am not sure the raw meat thing applies to Chinese. Since that's more of a Japanese thing and I think Thai (at least when it comes to seafood). Chinese cook their meat. There are some small religious sectors who eat some raw meat as a medical cure but that's not the entire Asian community either. 

Can't get any fresher than live! 😀

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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Can't get any fresher than live! 😀

Ya but wet markets are found all over the world so I didn't think that was where she was going with it. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

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14 minutes ago, Finite said:

Ya but wet markets are found all over the world so I didn't think that was where she was going with it. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

I don't know what wet markets all over the world has to do with anything in particular to what I said?  I've read about wet markets.  The Wiki below also describes the type of wet markets where animals are slaughtered right there in the market place.  

Link to the Wiki:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_market

If sanitation standards are not maintained, wet markets can spread disease. Those that carry live animals and wildlife are at especially high risk of transmitting zoonoses. Because of the openness, newly introduced animals may come in direct contact with sales clerks, butchers, and customers or to other animals which they would never interact with in the wild. This may allow for some animals to act as intermediate hosts, helping a disease spread to humans.[33]

Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases including COVID-19, H5N1 avian flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and monkeypox have been traced to live wildlife markets where the potential for zoonotic transmission is greatly increased.[33][54][55][34] Wildlife markets in China have been implicated in the 2002 SARS outbreak; it is thought that the market environment provided optimal conditions for the coronaviruses of zoonotic origin that caused both outbreaks to mutate and subsequently spread to humans.[56] The exact origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be confirmed as of February 2021[57] and was originally linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China due to reports that two-thirds of the initial cases had direct exposure to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan.[58][59][60][61] although a 2021 WHO investigation concluded that the Huanan market was unlikely to be the origin due to the existence of earlier cases.[57]

Due to unhygienic sanitation standards and the connection to the spread of zoonoses and pandemics, critics have grouped live animal markets together with factory farming as major health hazards in China and across the world.[62][63][64][65] In March and April 2020, some reports have said that wildlife markets in Asia,[66][67][68] Africa,[69][70][71] and in general all over the world are prone to health risks.[72]

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1 minute ago, FairreLilette said:

I don't know what wet markets all over the world has to do with anything in particular to what I said?  I've read about wet markets.  The Wiki below also describes the type of wet markets where animals are slaughtered right there in the market place.  


probably this line where you had asked me to google a wet market when replying to me.  "I was responding to Jackson's wet market statement.  If you don't know what a wet market is, you can Goggle it." 

Sorry I'm really not in mood for a go right now lol. 

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5 minutes ago, Finite said:

probably this line where you had asked me to google a wet market when replying to me.  "I was responding to Jackson's wet market statement.  If you don't know what a wet market is, you can Goggle it." 

Sorry I'm really not in mood for a go right now lol. 

Oh, ok, well, never mind.  It's not a subject I'd like to discuss but I will just say I don't think the door has completely closed on the extreme health hazards of wet markets and maybe someone else would like to read the above.

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20 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Knock, knock, Luna.  We are discussing the two articles that just recently came out I think yesterday.  Phil and I got almost the same news yesterday.   Phil's is from the BBC, read and bit back in this thread and you will find it.   It's two different articles but basically the same facts re:  WHO's to blame.  I still say no payment.  Yeah sure, the WHO wants "immediate" payment.  Again, yeah sure.  I hope Biden is strong enough to stand up to this WHO guy.  The Director of the WHO needs to resign.  "Immediate" money, I don't think so.


I see nothing in the two articles you referenced claiming that WHO is exclusively to blame, nor do I see the scapegoating you are exhibiting here within the new independent panel referenced by these articles which describe what went wrong and proposing solutions for the future. It's a long read but worth it:

COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic (theindependentpanel.org)

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

I see nothing in the two articles you referenced claiming that WHO is exclusively to blame, nor do I see the scapegoating you are exhibiting here within the new independent panel referenced by these articles which describe what went wrong and proposing solutions for the future. It's a long read but worth it:

COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic (theindependentpanel.org)

The solutions presented in your linked paper suggest nothing that was not already done but just posits it should have been done faster. It is this focus on a vaccine solution where the WHO, CDC, FDA and all the other health governing bodies went off the rails. Probably because Big Pharma and the health industry is corrupt all the way through and looked how to best profit from the pandemic rather than nip it in the bud with a broad spectrum anti-viral agent or treatment. Something of that nature is the only real solution to another potential pandemic because even with these mRNA's there is still a lead time to develop a specific one for a virus and then the logistics of testing, manufacture, distribution for a worldwide roll out vs an on hand anti-viral pill distributed to those who start to display symptoms.

The problem with this Covid 19 virus is not the virus itself but the response over it. 

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